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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/17/2020 in all areas

  1. Spike

    Rumor Control

    I think people of the world have gone insane. Now sword/sabre handles are offensive . Bad enough it's getting to the point where you can't wear a shirt with any logo on it as it might offend someone as one college coach recently found out. I'll be wearing my Garfield shirt today so hopefully nobody gets offended by that lazy cat .
    1 point
  2. Meadowmufn

    John Reminisces

    An interesting little "tour" of one of the areas they used to film and some thoughts from John...
    1 point
  3. Hobie Hartkins

    John Reminisces

    He looks good for 60! It's REALLY hard to believe that a hot babe like Cathy is 66!
    1 point
  4. HossC

    John Reminisces

    Thanks for posting that, MM. For anyone who's interested, I think John's standing about here. The curve on the road as seen in the video is now wider than the one in the 2011 Google image that I linked to (and therefore the one seen in the show). John has started answering fans' questions about Dukes on his YouTube channel, although for some reason he seems to like filming them mainly in portrait mode and just after he's done a workout. So far he's talked about how long each episode took to film, what he thought of the reunion movies (and the 2005/2007 movies), and who drank real beer at the Boar's Nest. Back in November, he also answered what he consider to be the top 10 Dukes of Hazzard questions of all time. I doubt that it contains many surprises for the folks here on HazzardNet.
    1 point
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