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What TV shows do ya'll watch now?

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I realized I never really answered this thread's burning question. LOL

I watch a lot of classic tv shows on DVD (Dukes, Rockford Files, Hogan's Heroes, Starsky and Hutch, ect...) The only current television show I watch nowadays is The Colbert Report and occasionally Jimmy Neutron. Khee!


- Grey's anatomy

- Doctor House

- Ugly Betty

- Japan anime: Full metal alchemist, Inuyasha, Nana (I love it), Cowboy Bebop, Wolf's rain. I'd like to see again Neon Genesis Evangelion.

I'm waiting for the second series of Criminal minds.

  • 6 months later...

Ok, this week is a "transition week": the last one lots of series ended, for example "Criminal minds", "Cold case", "CSI ny and Miami", "DR House".

This one began the 3rd season of "Lost", the 2nd of "Ghost whisperer", "24", "Medium" and today we'll have the 6th of "Smallville"


Foster's home fo imaginary friends


X-men Evolution

Yes Dear

George Lopez

Acording to Jim

Grounded for life

7th heaven

Wife swap


the littelest hobo (( used to show long ago)

101 dalmations the series ( used to show a few years ago)

Lilo and Stitch the series

Saumari X

Walker Texas Ranger


The Wiggles

Postcards from Buster

Clifford the big red dog

Clifford's puppy days.

8 simple rules for dating my teenaged daughter

Little house on the prarrie

My little pony tales

Pound puppies

Any day now

Step by Step

Full House

Growing pains

The Breinstain (sp?) Bears

Sabrina the teenage witch

Hannah Montana


Hey Emy-Rae Duke!

Thank you... you just reminded me of another show that I like. Walker, Texas Ranger. I really like that show, the only annoying thing is that the guy can be blind, disabled, and half dead and then still go on to beat up six people, all by him self! How can one do that?!

Anyway, I'll catch y'all later!

General Grant


I use to watch "Walker, Texas Ranger" every Saturday night at nine - it was a show we hardly missed, if did, we taped and watched it later. :) Walker and Trivette were my favorite on the show - along with the bartender, can't think of his name at the moment, think it's Ace, but could be wrong.

But we also felt the same way about how they'd continue to beat the bad guys over and over before they fell down and were able to be arrested. Cordell and James had some tough competition there to get hit as hard and as continous as they had to in order to get stopped! Anyway - it was a great show and was sad when it had ended.

I use to watch "Walker, Texas Ranger" every Saturday night at nine - it was a show we hardly missed, if did, we taped and watched it later. :) Walker and Trivette were my favorite on the show - along with the bartender, can't think of his name at the moment, think it's Ace, but could be wrong.

But we also felt the same way about how they'd continue to beat the bad guys over and over before they fell down and were able to be arrested. Cordell and James had some tough competition there to get hit as hard and as continous as they had to in order to get stopped! Anyway - it was a great show and was sad when it had ended.

C.D. Parker was the retired Texas Ranger/ Bartender / Bar owner of C.D.'s

One of my all time favorite shows. I loved the "Sons Of Thunder" characters - Trent Malloy and Carlos Sandoval. Glad they had there own series , even for a short time. Loved Trent's convertible Vette.

I like Sydney and Gage. They worked so well together.

I didn't like the last TV movie. Trivette had only a cameo and Sydney wasn't evern in it. I am hoping they make at least one more to wrap up everything.

I'm back



I hear ya, Garrett Duke! I also taped a few episodes if I couldn't watch it! Did they make a Walker movie?! If they did, I never knew about it. News travels slow here, I guess! Does anyone know how many seasons it lasted? I think it is four, but I am not sure.

I really like the chemistry between Walker and Trivette, and how they play off of each other. But, I'd have to say that Trivette is my favorite on there. I sometimes feel like him, tryin' hard, but fallin' short, but havin' fun doin' so!

Catch y'all later!

General Grant


They made one movie. It was called Walker Texas Ranger:Trial By Fire. I never saw it by I know they did a cliffhanger at the end because they were planning on more episodes.

Walker is one of my favorite shows and besides Walker, Trent Malloy and Gage were my favorite characters. I loved the chemistry there was between Sydney and Gage in the last two seasons.


Yes they made one. It was done in 2005. Not as good as the series though. The main characters were basically Walker, Alex and Gage. You only see Trivette briefly and Sydney isn't in the movie at all.

Nice pictures of Trent and Carlos. For Trent and Carlos lovers Season Four with the episode "Sons Of Thunder" will be released Febuary 19, 2008.


Hey y'all!

Movies based on a series are almost never as good as the actual series. Must be because there are no ideas left and the producers just don't do their homework about the series. They always seem to pick up on the wrong things.

Changing gears here, but has anyone seen the latest Dukes movie? I saw it at the store the other day, and judging by the pictures and plot, I don't think I will like it. Anyone seen it, and what did you think?

General Grant


General Grant, if you're asking about "The Beginning", you won't like it. From your past posts, I can tell that you wouldn't enjoy it at all. It's not really Dukes. It's not even close. I've never seen American Pie but I know enough about it to tell that it compares to these "new Dukes" (I cringe every time I say "Dukes" when talking about them because they don't deserve that name.)

  • 3 weeks later...

i watch mostly dukes but other than that....

Dancing with the stars (not now cause it's over) lol


Dirty Jobs(pretty much Discovery Channel)lol

Hallmark channel too (i love Diagnosis Murder)

Music videos on CMT

food network

anything really (i like late night TV)lol

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