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  • 2 weeks later...


Here I am on this delicious night as I watch The Dukes do their thing on the massive marathon that's going on all weekend on CMT.

Last night the reverie began as they put on season 1 of our scrumptious show. It's now 2:18 am Florida Time, and I'm patiently waiting for one of my favorite episodes, "Limo One Is Missing". I have to work by sunrise, so I'm sleeping in my uniform tonight (just to simply roll out of bed and all)... but I'm not leaving without once again seeing Bo's sexy aggression against car thieves in that episode. :

"Throw them guns down on the floor, boys. Come on, DO IT!"

LOL Don't you just love my loyalty to the Dukes? :rofl: Anyway, I can't wait until 4pm when I can come home and kick back and watch the fun some more....8-)


Dang you are loyal! LOL. I love the Dukes, but after "Repo Men" was over ( I think eleven PM central time) I turned the TV off and got ready for bed. And I got to sleep in this morning! Though was disappointed that Limo One was on when I got out of the shower, but by then it was half way over and I was on my way to bed. Should never have turned the TV on, but couldn't resist myself. I love Repo Men, but I think I like Limo One a little better! Was also disappointed that the Dukes weren't on this morning when I got up. Thought they were playing them straight through the weekend I guess. They don't come back on until one this afternoon my time. Don't know if I'll be able to get an ep in or two before church and the race tonight. Hopefully I'll be able to catch another episode or two or three before the weekend is over! It is great to see other Duke fans that love the show as much as I do! Never thought anyone would love the show more than I do...guess you are the exception since I gave up on them...just figured I do have all seven season on DVD plus most episodes on VHS as well so I can watch "High Octane" "Limo One is Missing" and all the other episodes whenever I find the time to watch them! Not that I generally do since it has been a couple of weeks since I last watched an episode on the DVD...

Anyway, hope you have tomorrow off to sleep in and catch up on some of those zzzs you missed last night. HOpe you enjoy your night with teh Dukes tonight! I am just glad to see them back on TV (even if I don't have cable at my place) so that it can attract all the attention it deserves! YEE HAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dang you are loyal! LOL. I love the Dukes, but after "Repo Men" was over ( I think eleven PM central time) I turned the TV off and got ready for bed. And I got to sleep in this morning! Though was disappointed that Limo One was on when I got out of the shower, but by then it was half way over and I was on my way to bed. Should never have turned the TV on, but couldn't resist myself. I love Repo Men, but I think I like Limo One a little better! Was also disappointed that the Dukes weren't on this morning when I got up. Thought they were playing them straight through the weekend I guess. They don't come back on until one this afternoon my time. Don't know if I'll be able to get an ep in or two before church and the race tonight. Hopefully I'll be able to catch another episode or two or three before the weekend is over! It is great to see other Duke fans that love the show as much as I do! Never thought anyone would love the show more than I do...guess you are the exception since I gave up on them...just figured I do have all seven season on DVD plus most episodes on VHS as well so I can watch "High Octane" "Limo One is Missing" and all the other episodes whenever I find the time to watch them! Not that I generally do since it has been a couple of weeks since I last watched an episode on the DVD...

Anyway, hope you have tomorrow off to sleep in and catch up on some of those zzzs you missed last night. HOpe you enjoy your night with teh Dukes tonight! I am just glad to see them back on TV (even if I don't have cable at my place) so that it can attract all the attention it deserves! YEE HAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well as seeing as Limo One is on now, I got to thinking of my post...I can't believe I messed up episodes. One earlier I was talking about was Swamp Molly. Don't know how I could mix those ones up. Sorry about the mistake


How could you forget the Dukes, Lori? LOL. I didn't forget...even if I did get episode mixed up. Ironically, I was able to recite or know what was going to be said beforehand for the first season or so. I say ironically, because it has been a long while since I really watched the episodes. Some things you don't forget.

How could you forget the Dukes, Lori? LOL. I didn't forget...even if I did get episode mixed up. Ironically, I was able to recite or know what was going to be said beforehand for the first season or so. I say ironically, because it has been a long while since I really watched the episodes. Some things you don't forget.

And some things you do apparently if you're me! :D Like dates and times for important shows, haha. I know what you mean though, the Dukes was with me even when I was growing up and it was apart of my everyday life. I can't remember dates and times, but I can remember dialog for an entire show :p Go figure.

And some things you do apparently if you're me! :D Like dates and times for important shows, haha. I know what you mean though, the Dukes was with me even when I was growing up and it was apart of my everyday life. I can't remember dates and times, but I can remember dialog for an entire show :p Go figure.

Don't feel bad, I'm the same way!


Wow did I ever enjoy my birthday this year! Can't say I've enjoyed it too much in the last couple of years, but when you put The Dukes on CMT on my birhday? Well you've got one happy Texas country girls. I even danced and I've never done that for a Tv show before. Lol I'm still on a Dukes high!


It's great to see you back on hnet DaisyxEnos! I haven't seen you for a while!

It is great to see the Dukes back on TV again! What a great show...no matter how many times you watch it, it's still great to see! And still funny. . .

  • 2 weeks later...

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