RogerDuke Posted May 9, 2010 Posted May 9, 2010 *as if things weren't bad enough, my electrical system now malfunctions. I can smell wires burning but don't see any smoke. The CB doesn't work, none of the gauges work. When I turn the key it doesn't even make a clicking sound. I get out of the car, lift the hood and the smell of smoke is strong. I see a little smoke back by the firewall. It looks like an exposed wire has caused a short*
Garrett Duke Posted May 10, 2010 Posted May 10, 2010 *By now annoyed and frustrated by Roger not showing up, quickly climb aboard my motorcycle where I quickly drive away. A few minutes pass by, with thoughts of anger at Roger and acceptance at my good deed, before a sporty car comes into view parked on the side of the road. Getting closer the car vaguely becomes familiar before I pull closer before I realize that it is Roger's car, their get away car that had started to act up when Roger had pulled away last night. Guilt pours through me at getting annoyed with Roger and upset as I had just assumed he didn't want to help out any farther. That I had assumed he had set me up. Shaking my head at myself, I slowly come to a halt in front of his parked car where I find Roger looking under the hood.* Well Roger, guess I shoulda gave you a phone number to call if you needed help. Had been thinking you were setting me up, glad to see you had a reasonable reason as to not show up, though am sorry to see you having trouble. *places hand on Roger's shoulder as look over his shoulder and under his hood before whispering* I already distrubuted the money that you had listed earlier. There's no more need to worry about it. Sorry to act without you like that, I just thought it would be best to do it at night when the law was still tucked away in bed and all. *Steps aside to take a closer look at the car and speaks up* Dang it is a mess. I'd be glad to be of service to your car if you need my help.
RogerDuke Posted May 11, 2010 Posted May 11, 2010 *looks at Garrett in surprise, not believing him*"I know I was grouchy but I really was exhausted. I'm sorry about that. I don't think it's very nice to make jokes just to get back at me...especially since things ain't exactly going good at the moment. In fact, this thing ain't going at all."
Garrett Duke Posted May 11, 2010 Posted May 11, 2010 *Looks at Roger questionably* Jokes about what? About me being able to fix your car or about the money? *Serious look* Look, I am not joking about either one. Bet I could fix your car better than ol' Cooter or Bo could...with my eyes closed. As for the money, unless you want to go ask around to the charities you had listend, which would make us look kinda suspicious, you're going to have to trust me. Or go search my house *Shrugs* I may not be the nicest person you'll meet, but I'm honest to those who I like and can trust. And well, I may not know much about you, but you seem nice enough to me. It's up to you whether you want to believe me or not, but the money is all taken care of and if you give me a chance, I may be able to help you out with your current problems. I think you can trust me on that too since I built my Mustang from the tires and up a few years ago. But it's up to you.
RogerDuke Posted May 12, 2010 Posted May 12, 2010 *smiles trustingly at Garrett*"It's nice to know there's folks around like you that folks like me can depend on.Not just folks like me but folks like all those Hazzard County charities you helped"*gives Garrett a hug*
Garrett Duke Posted May 12, 2010 Posted May 12, 2010 *Gives Roger a small hug back* What can I say? I try to help...*Shrugs as he looks at the problematic car that sits in front of them* As for the charities, it felt good to finally do something good for those who need it the most. Thanks for putting up with me and for your help...without it, I'd be sitting in jail right about now. Sorry I acted without telling you about it. *Goes silent for a moment.* Now about your car...
RogerDuke Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 Well, she just up and died. The smoke smells like it's coming from near the master brake cylinder near the firewall. Stand back and I'll try her. *turns key and engine roars to life sounding like it just came off the showroom*
Garrett Duke Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 *Looks from car to Roger questionably at hearing the strong power behind the engine.* Well Roger, I really don't see what the problem is. Sounds fine to me. I think all this was your own tricky way of getting out of meeting me as planned and out of distributing the money. Dang Roger, if you didn't want any part of this you should have tol' me so. I'd have understood. Well looks like your plan worked, Roger. *gives an ornery wink at Roger* Well am glad to hear your car back in working condition. Thanks for all that you've's been fun. For me at least. *Pats Roger on the back* Perhaps we can meet up at The Boar's Nest sometime...I have a feelin' I owe you a drink or two after all this. *Pats Roger on the back again as take a step closer to motorcycle before turning back around.* Nice car by the way. When it's working, that is. See ya around.
RogerDuke Posted May 14, 2010 Posted May 14, 2010 *says nothing but smiles his biggest dorky smile and gives Garrett a thumbs up.Puts the Stang in gear and drives about five feet then yells*"It's been fun but we're done!! See ya next time Buddy Roe!!" *After Garrett is far away enough to not be hit, lays on accelerator hard and kicks gravel all the way to Chickasaw County*
Garrett Duke Posted May 16, 2010 Posted May 16, 2010 *Watches Roger leave while smoking another cigarette while thinking of the last day's events and all that we have done, of using my mischevious background for a work of charity. Only to bring a small laugh at the thought of what my old friends would have thought of that before being interrupted by the thought of the disappointing look that the Dukes and everyone else in Hazzard would probably have upon me and what I had done. My old friends would have called me a whimp and a coward while Jesse and the rest would say two wrongs wouldn't make a right. I shake my head at both thoughts with a smile on my face as I step out the remaining of my cigarette before I turn my motorcycle the other way to begin to drive back home with the thought of taking a long and undesturbed nap.*
texasdaisy09 Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 What has happened to this poor thread? I miss it.
RogerDuke Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 I'd be careful what you wish for texasdaisy. Drawing attention to this thread is a good way to end up in jail.
GeneralLeeGirl Posted September 30, 2010 Posted September 30, 2010 I'd be careful what you wish for texasdaisy. Drawing attention to this thread is a good way to end up in jail.Meh, she's been plotting to get arrested since this whole thing started! bahahaha
texasdaisy09 Posted October 1, 2010 Posted October 1, 2010 "Me? Arrested?" Looks around innocently. "Nah, I don't think so. I've been behaving....I think."
RogerDuke Posted October 2, 2010 Posted October 2, 2010 Behaving?...that's the worst thing you can do around here. It's always the innocent folks that get thrown in jail....this is Hazzard County after all.
texasdaisy09 Posted October 2, 2010 Posted October 2, 2010 Ya know Roger, you're right. I should think up some kinda mischief just to get noticed....although I think cell repair is gonna have to be done before anyone is gonna be a guess at the Iron Bar Hotel.
Cowboy Posted October 6, 2010 Posted October 6, 2010 Its my fault this thread has died off.... *Rises from the cot in jail cell, frowns darkly.* I reckon its time I admit defeat and plead for a pardon... or a new challenge. It is not in my authors nature to ever admit defeat, but due to...things... going on in her life right now its just not possible for her to bail me out with my set challenge of an entire cast drawing. (Shes gotten too damn rusty and can only draw stick figures!)So I plead here and now to Meadow, MaryAnne and Brian for a reform of my bail or a pardon. Ive seen enough of these walls for awhile... if'n ya dont mind. Please? Pretty Please? Im back... and I'll behave I promise. *Crosses fingers behind my back, smiles widely.*
Garrett Duke Posted October 6, 2010 Posted October 6, 2010 Welcome back Cowboy! It's been a while...I'd say I'd help you draw, but I'm horrible at drawing...even stick people! Hope they will reset your bail to a reasonable price so you can taste freedom once more.
Brian Coltrane Posted October 10, 2010 Posted October 10, 2010 It is not in my authors nature to ever admit defeat, but due to...things... going on in her life right now its just not possible for her to bail me out with my set challenge of an entire cast drawing. (Shes gotten too damn rusty and can only draw stick figures!)So I plead here and now to Meadow, MaryAnne and Brian for a reform of my bail or a pardon. Ive seen enough of these walls for awhile... if'n ya dont mind. Please? Pretty Please? Im back... and I'll behave I promise. *Crosses fingers behind my back, smiles widely.*I dunno if you should get off the hook that easy. B'sides, a stick-figure drawing would be pretty damn funny. Make sure to get my good side.Ain't my decision, tho', because...I haven't held up to my own terms. At all. I've done diddily-squat. Butkis. Nada. I have significant excuses too, but bottom line is, either we both get off the hook, or neither of us do. Or MaryAnne determines a compromise deal.It does sound like Texas Daisy really wants to take your place, too.
Meadowmufn Posted October 10, 2010 Posted October 10, 2010 Ain't my decision, tho', because...I haven't held up to my own terms. At all. I've done diddily-squat. Butkis.What does he have to do with all this?
Brian Coltrane Posted October 10, 2010 Posted October 10, 2010 What does he have to do with all this? It's an expression. Like this.
Meadowmufn Posted October 10, 2010 Posted October 10, 2010 It's an expression. Like this. You mean... bupkis?
Cowboy Posted October 10, 2010 Posted October 10, 2010 Hey! I got an idea.... I know frightening aint it, I been thinkin about this whole bail thing. Since Brian and I both owe bail well why not uh....*Clears throat tugging at my collar.*.. What about Brian and I doing a story together? A joint effort in which we.... well we have to act as "partners" instead of enemies er well unfavorable of the other like we mostly have been through out our lives. Something leads us to have to team up to succeed? *Hits the floor covering my head to avoid expected flying objects due to my suggestion.*
Brian Coltrane Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 Chet, I'd be amazed if we could get through three pages before the whole thing broke down into chaos. We don't have the best track record. Reminds me of the time that MaryAnne shut down the forums for 72 hours because we couldn't play nice. You started it, though. I'm sure some equitable compromise can be reached.
RogerDuke Posted October 14, 2010 Posted October 14, 2010 Hot off the press from CNN....The last of the 33 miners trapped in Chile has just been rescued and freed. In the spirit of celebrating this incredibly inspiring story, I think Chet should be freed.
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