T.J.Duke Posted April 17, 2010 Posted April 17, 2010 *With the pedal to the floor, T.J.'s steady gaining on the bank robbers started turning into steady losing.* Apparently you gotta almost smuck a deer to get a Mustang goin... *He mumbles. All he sees in his headlights anymore is the dust from the escaping crook's car. He leans back in his seat and lets off the gas, watching the RPM's go down on the dash, shifting down when necessary. Finding an approach to an old hay field, he pulls off, shuts the engine down and rolls down the window. A few miles off he can hear the sound of the black Mustang running full-boar for somewhere.* Well, guess I'd best be headin' home and get some sleep. Five-thirty comes early. *Foot on the clutch and a twist of the key gets the old Ford runnin again. He turns it around on the dirt road and heads back for Hazzard.* Wonder if the good ol' Hazzard Police Department still runs nights? *He wonders aloud to himself, shifting gears* Meh. *Turns off the road back to Hazzard and heads down Peach Tree Lane for home* Best get home and get some sleep. I'll come back to town in the mornin.
Garrett Duke Posted April 17, 2010 Posted April 17, 2010 *Gives a small sigh of relief at feeling the engine come to full power and the sleek mustang shoots forward.* Well guess it's better late than never to get to full throttle. *Turns around to look out the back window in time to see the old truck pulling off to a hay field before turning around.* Well our luck just turned for the better, Roger. Not only your car come back to health but whoever was in the truck has gone chicken and turned around. Just as long as he ain't on his way to tell the local law...if that's what you call the two men uniforms with a star on thier chest. *Turns back around* Well let's get your money sorted out and delivered before he does get to the police to write out his report. I'm sure Rosco would love to slap the cuffs on me and Hogg would love to get his fat hands on that htere bag. The sooner it is out of our possession, the better. *With that looks down at the bag of money at my feet, silently glad at the opportunity to deliver Hogg's unearned money to people who needs it the most.*
RogerDuke Posted April 18, 2010 Posted April 18, 2010 *breathing a sigh of relief that the truck is no longer a danger to our operation I relax a little on the accelerator*"Well Garrett, that's one obstacle out of the way, now we gotta hope that this old Ford gits us home okay. I'll just drop you off and then I'm going home and git some shut-eye. I'll see you in the morning to figure out how much is going where. I overheard Boss tell Rosco that there's $100,000 in that bag so it will be interesting to see if there is. You can't believe anything he says even if he was wispering to Rosco. What are we going to do if there's more than that? It does look like a perrty big sack-o-loot.Did that truck or the feller drivin' it look familiar to you at all?"
Garrett Duke Posted April 18, 2010 Posted April 18, 2010 *Silently takes in all that Roger said while eyeing the bag of money at my feet, thinking of how only a fraction would buy me that nice motorcycle in Atlanta beforeo thinking of how much it would help the orphanage.* Well, I guess we'll have to count it and then divide it between your choice of charities that you listed earlier. Then we could deliver them together or split up...depends what you want to do. *Sighs heavily before leaning back in the chair, getting more relaxed.*You that worried about your ride, Roger? I could always take my Mustang to deliver the money. He won't have any problem delivering or escaping from anyone. *Pauses momentarily* As for the guy in the truck, I never saw the truck or him before. Perhaps he's one of Boss' new associates?
RogerDuke Posted April 20, 2010 Posted April 20, 2010 *I yawn as I pull into Garrett's driveway*"I don't mean to be rude or anything but I'm heading home to git some sleep. I was doing pretty good there for awhile but now I feel like I just hit a brick wall. When yer my age, you'll know what its like. As far as the money goes, we're really not in any hurry so you just hang on to it and count it tonight or in the morning and I'll come over and see ya sometime tomorrow. I'm sure it goes without saying to not talk about it on the CB or phone." *puts the car in park and looks at Garrett for a reaction*
Garrett Duke Posted April 20, 2010 Posted April 20, 2010 *Begins to come back with a sarcastic remark before swallowing it back.* Trust me, Roger, I ain't opening my mouth about this to anyone on phone, CB, or anywhere else. *Looks over at Roger* And it's easy for you to say not to worry about it or that there is no hurry to get rid of the money. You ain't the one with the money on ya. The longer we have our hands on the bag, the easier it'll be to catch us with it...meaning serious jail time if it happens to be the law. Whether or not it was Hogg's stolen money. *opens the car door and steps out into the chilly night and grabs the money to and shoves it under coat.* You know where I'll be when you're ready. Though if you aren't here by noon tomorrow, I'll take my bike and deliver it myself...makes me nervous holding onto it for so long especially being followed like that. If that guy went to the law and described you, your car, or what he saw, we may be in big trouble come morning. *Looks up at the old farm house I rent with my half sister and her kids and back to Roger.* You take care. I'll see you in the morning. *Closes the door and begins to walk up the drive way to the front door of the house.*
RogerDuke Posted April 21, 2010 Posted April 21, 2010 *I open the drivers side door of the Mustang ang get out, leaning on the roof*"Hey, I'm sorry....listen, if you'd feel better having me hang onto it, I'll do it. I just thought you'd want to since it was your idea to begin with...."*pauses and looks around alarmingly*"Hang on a second, do you hear that? It's a car.....git behind the bushes!!" *I get in front of the Mustang and lay on the ground as the headlights begin to brighten the area*
Garrett Duke Posted April 21, 2010 Posted April 21, 2010 *Glances back when Roger speaks and shakes my head* Nah man. I'm fine with the money. I'm just saying that the longer we have it the more risk there is. *Glances up with Roger's warning and quickly ducks under the bushes in front of the porch to watch the lights slice through the night's darkness. The car comes into view before driving by and down the road. When it is out of sight, get up* Forget it Roger. It is my idea, my money, my responsibility. You get home, get some rest and I'll see you sometime tomorrow. I'll be here and have it all counted and sorted out. *Glances up as lights come from the other way. Cuss under breathe before giving out another warning of my own.* Looks like he turned around, here comes the car again. You best be gettin' outta here, Roger. Take care. *Dives behind the bushes once more, taking deep breathes to calm myself.*
RogerDuke Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 *emerging from the front of the Mustang the second time, I stand up and reassure Garrett*"That was just Scooter Harkins delivering the Hazzard Gazzette. It looks like he went to the Porter farm and turned around to head back to his next delivery....nothing to worry about....it's just a good thing you don't subscribe 'er he woulda stopped here. Well, I suppose we'll worry about it tomorrow. Should I come over later or would that make your sister ask too many questions? We could meet somewhere if you want. How 'bout still sight number 3?"*yawns*
Garrett Duke Posted April 23, 2010 Posted April 23, 2010 *nods* So far everything's goin' our way. Let's hope it stays like that. *Watches Roger yawn silently for a thoughtful moment.* Well I don't know where still sight number three is...I'm kinda out of the loop with that. Though I'm sure it'll work out well. I'd say we could do it here, but Kristy works with Hogg. Wouldn't want to put her in jeopardy with him if she were to catch on and let it slip. *Pulls hard pack of cigarettes out of pocket to eye them silently and then up at Roger.* I'll have it counted out and sorted out and meet you at the still sight at eleven tomorrow. Though you'll have to tell me where it is or at least give me some sort of a hint. *winks and puts an unlit cigarette in mouth. Keeping it unlit, waiting until Roger leaves to light it* As for you, you best get home and get some rest before you fall asleep on my drive way. Now there, people may find suspisious. *Winks at Roger while climbing up the porch steps.*
RogerDuke Posted April 24, 2010 Posted April 24, 2010 *looks at Garrett in a scolding way*"I thought you told me you were giving up them coffin sticks. Did you not give them up at all or did you, and then start back up again? ......oh well, anyway, you know where still sight number three is....it's just off of Jimson Lane on that old path.....remember a couple years ago, in the fall, you were riding Mis Tizdale's back-up dirt bike and there was a spot where the leaves were covering up a deep puddle. You couldn't tell there was water there because there were so many leaves floating on it and it looked like solid ground. As soon as your front tire hit it, you flipped right over the handlebars." *chuckles*"Anyway, there's a reason I want to meet there. I'll explain it all when you get there with the money. How about making it high noon instead of 11?"
Garrett Duke Posted April 24, 2010 Posted April 24, 2010 *Gives Roger a questionable look* Well Roger you seem to have a better memory than me. Either that or you have a better imagination than I do. I don't seem to remember saying anything about giving up anything. Especially coffin sticks...something I've never heard of before. What is it? *Sarcastic voice with ornery grin* Anyway, noon sounds good. *Turns to door as if done before turning back around to face Roger* You definately got a better imagination than I have. There's no way I'd embarass myself that much by falling over the handle bars due to a little puddle. That's some imagination you've got there *Winks ornery at Roger* Just hope your wild imagination don't keep you up tonight, you'll need to be wide awake come noon time when we meet at still sight number three.
RogerDuke Posted April 25, 2010 Posted April 25, 2010 *Because it was dark I was unable to see the sarcastic look on Garrett's face and being too tired to tell Garrett's voice had a sarcastic tone, I respond with frustration*Listen, I know I'm a little older than you but are you serious about not knowing that cigarettes used to be called coffin sticks? *sounding annoyed now but in reality, simply exhausted*I'm sorry I'm being grumpy, I'm just really tired and I have to get some shut-eye before I pass out....so I'll see ya at noon*sits in Mustang, yawns and drives off hoping the powerful 390 c.i. engine with customized exhaust doesn't wake Garrett's sister and kids*
Garrett Duke Posted April 25, 2010 Posted April 25, 2010 *Nods at Roger's statement before I open my mouth to respond to him only for Roger to close the door to his Mustang before I can say anything. For a long moment, stare at Roger's Mustang in frustration and confusion at his outburst towards me, wondering what I had said that had upset him so much at me. 'Perhaps he don't want to distrubute the money or want any part of this. Perhaps he felt I forced him into helping me out. . .' Shrug my thoughts away. 'If he didn't want to do it or have anything to do with it, he should have said something.' Watches Roger back out of drive way before turning around and walk back into the old farm house I rent with my sister and her kids. Only to walk in and face an upset sister who eyes me with demanding eyes.* About time you get home, Garrett. You know what time it is? Where've you been? Who was that?*Eye Kristy questionably.* Don't know and don't care what time it is and it's no business of your's what I've been doing. I've got my own life as you have your own. As for who that was, a new friend. Thought you'd be proud...you always said I should get out and get friends of my own here in Hazzard. I finally did so and now you're upset. There's no making you happy, is there?*Kristy rolls her eyes at me.* It's one in the morning...that's what I have a problem with. Also find it very questionable and kinda amusing on how you tried hiding behind my dead bushes there when Scooter was delivering paper...what you think he was going to do to you? Throw a paper at you...perhaps it'd have hit you in the head to hit some sense into that thick head of yours. Though it makes me kinda fear you've gone and done something you're trying to hide and will later get in trouble for. *Shakes her head and lets out a deep breath* I don't care, Garrett. Whatever you done, it will be up to you to get your sorry self out of it. I'm not helping you out one way or another this time. *Eyes Kristy questionably. Dang, can't make anyone happy today.* What do you want me to say, Kristy? To apologize? I didn't do anything, but make a new friend. Didn't know I had a curfew now. And since when have I went to you to get me out of trouble? I - You don't...I normally got and find you in trouble to help you out. *Kristy interrupts me, arms folded though her angry look fades away.* Like I said, I don't care what you did this time. It's your life and you'll have to deal with it. On your own. *Raises an eye brow* You're just lucky that you and your new friend's little talk out there didn't wake Jamie or Shay...you'd really be in trouble then. I'm going back to bed for the remaining four hours I have left until my alarm goes off. Don't forget to turn the light off on your way up. *Kristy turns and walks up the wooden stairs that leads up to the rooms. I watch her quietly before she turns and disappears into her room and listen to her door close before turning the light off and make my way up the stairs to my own room.*(Sorry Roger - I hope you don't mind I brought Kristy in here. If so, I can always erase it.)
RogerDuke Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 *I glance over at the farmhouse after putting the Mustang in drive. I try not to hit the gas too hard......but just before Garrett opened the door I notice a light come on. I'm now worried that I might have waken up Garrett's sister and her two kids. I suppose going back and apologizing would only make things worse so I continue on in the darkness wondering why I ever got myself into this mess and hoping it has a happy ending. Despite not knowing who chased us, wondering why the Mustang sputtered, possibly upsetting Garett's sister and being tired and grumpy, I took comfort in knowing we were doing the right thing by trying to correct an injustice. As I pulled in my driveway I realized though, that trying to do the right thing doesn't always produce a happy ending*
GeneralLeeGirl Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 (I'm jumpin' in here guys! I need to bug T.J. some! haha)*Katie pulls the driveway up to the farmhouse that she shares with her big brother T.J. and her parents. She shuts down the engine in her truck before she gets near the house, but keeps the clutch engaged so that the truck will roll up in front of the house silently. She is surprised to see that her brother's truck isn't back yet.* What the heck? That dang fool get lost coming home again? He and Sue Anne only left the Boars Nest a three quarters of an hour or better before I did, he ought to have beat me home by a good half an hour! *She reaches the wrap-around porch just as her brother pulls in the yard and parks his pick-up next to his Kenworth by the shop. He steps out and begins towards the house.* What took ya so long? Get lost again? *He walks by his little sister, not even seeming to notice her, but she carries on anyways.* You know, you should always stick with me. I know the country a lot better than you seem to. You tend to get distracted by something shiny or curvy and loose track of what you're doin'. It's late, you'd better get to bed. You gotta make that trip up to Nashville in the morning. *She follows her brother into the house* What were you doing anyway? You and Sue Anne didn't go-- er.. *T.J. looks down at her while he gets a cup of water from the tap, raising an eyebrow.* Well what were ya doing that took you so dang long! Were you and Sue Anne --
T.J.Duke Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 *Katie was never ever really one to shut-up long enough for T.J. to get a word in edge-wise, so he just let her talk herself into a hole so he could get his turn at talking.* Well me and Sue Anne weren't doin' nothing. At least not as bad as that lap dance you were giving that ugly guy in the bar. *He took another sip from his water to allow Katie enough time to pick her jaw back up off the floor.* Yeah, I saw ya. And i don't wanna see it ever again neither! There's just somethings that a man ain't meant to see his little sister do. *He winked and took off his cap, hanging it on it's hook and began working on his boots.* Nope, I was busy trying to stop some bank robbing firecracker.*Katie had finally got her gears about her again and began taking off her own boots* A bank robbing firecracker? Yeah, I spotted some guy breaking into the bank when I dropped off Sue Anne. They got in, blew something up, ran out, almost hit me with the get-away car, I followed 'em, just about got 'em too, and then they found high gear and were gone. *He set his boots to the side of the door and began unbuttoning his shirt as he headed for his room* I gotta go talk to the law in the morning and report what I saw. You think they'd be at the courthouse by the time I leave for Nashville in the mornin'?What time you leaving? *she asked, following him down the hallway to her own room*I'm hoping to be gone by 5, that'll put me home at a decent time. I doubt it. You'll have to go talk to them when you get home. Kay. *He opens the door to his room and walks in.* I'll probably be gone by the time you get up in the morning. If you got any troubles, give me a shout on the CB or try the shipping yard in Nashville and leave me a message. *He turns to look at his little sister and winks.* Night.
Garrett Duke Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 Meanwhile...I tiredly reach the top of the stairs before coming to a halt in front of Kristy's closed door, thinking of her angry words and the hurt look she had shown me only minutes ago. First I had upset Roger in some way and then Kristy. Shaking my head, I slowly turn away from her door and walk into my own room and tightly close the door behind me before I walk over to my bed and slowly take the heavy thick bag of money out from under my coat to toss it on the bed. After tossing my leather coat onto the cluttered floor, I tiredly sit down on the bed next to the bag, staring down at the bag, half in awe and half in distaste. Awe in the fact that I had walked into the bank and had the nerve to do it on my own with the help of Roger as my get away driver. Distaste at the large costly mistakes I had made in the process. "How could I be so dumb?" I hear myself ask aloud in order to interrupt the thick silence that surrounds me. Years ago in Knoxville, I'd have helped my gang pull off stunts like this and ten times worse without making a mistake. And yet tonight I was thoughtless and careless to put not only my own future in jeopardy, but also Roger's. 'No wonder why he's upset. Probably lucky he didn't run me over with his car. . .'Shaking my head I slowly open the draw string to empty the thick bag of the money onto my bed and for a long moment I stare blankly at it, lost in thought of my own actions. Only to create anger and hatred towards myself to ruin such an awesome opportunity by my own mistakes and stupidity. As of now, we're both free and I've got the money lying on my bed to distribute to Roger's charity places, but for how long will that last? Sooner or later the guy who had given us chase will take what he saw or knows to the law who by then will already will be as mad as all get out when they find their bank broken into. How long will it take them towards me as their numero uno suspect? Or Roger? Sighing heavily, I know I can't allow the law to turn to Roger for this. It wasn't his idea nor his mistakes that had cost us. I deserve to be locked away in jail for the mistakes I had made, not Roger.Staring at the money, lost in thought, I am abruptly hit with an urgent idea to send my looking at the neon numbers of my alarm clock. One thirty in the morning. Sighing heavily I quickly begin to count the money which takes me twenty minutes after recounting them. Grabbing my cell phone, I quickly turn it to the calculater to begin to divide that number by the number of charities that Roger had listed to me the other day before I begin to sort the money into piles. A pile per charity case.Finishing, I steal another glance at my alarm clock that now reads two twenty, I force another deep breath as I hop to my feet and put my coat back on. With coat on, I quickly grab some socks out of my drawer to begin filling the socks with a pile of money each before I grab a Sharpie marker to write the business name and the amount of money on it. Throwing the marker on the floor and shoving the socks into my pocket, I silently walk back out into the dark hall to slip quietly down the stairs and back out into the chilly night. Glancing up and down the street, I silently get onto my motorcycle where I slowly roll it back onto the road without starting it. Onto the street, I start the motorcycle to quickly race down the street. Roger may or may not like my new idea, but if we are not to be caught with the money, it seems only logical to me to distrubute the money now when most of Hazzard is sleeping. Come morning when Hogg and Rosco find the bank broken into and their witness comes forth with what he saw, I will be clean of the money and the people we give the money to can have it slipped away for themselves. A few minutes later, I find myself in front of the quiet and dark orphanage with the playground remains empty of kids. Smiling to myself, I let my bike remain on, while I run up to the front door, opening the screen door, I bend down and shove their sock into the gold slip in the wooden door that was made for newspapers. Silently closing the door, I run to my bike to continue on my way to the next stop. . .(Sorry for the length of the post...)
RogerDuke Posted April 27, 2010 Posted April 27, 2010 *after arriving home I go through my routine of letting the dog, out, going to the bathroom and brushing my teeth. I laid down in bed wondering if I'd done the right thing or not. If it weren't for the mystery man in the pick-up truck I'd have fallen asleep a whole lot quicker but I was upset that somebody else was now involved, especially an innocent Good Samaratin who was just trying to go the right thing. I would have done the same thing if I was that feller in that situation.Finally I comfort myself by, once again, reminding myself that we are doing this for a good cause. Boss has been ripping off orphans for too long now. I remind myself of one of my favorite sayings "Evil flourishes when good men do nothing". I fall asleep looking forward to meeting up with Garrett at noon and hoping to put an end to this adventure*
Garrett Duke Posted April 28, 2010 Posted April 28, 2010 *After finishing distributing the money to the listed charities, I return home where I quietly enter the house and get in the restroom to take a shower and get ready for bed. Once done, I get to my room to find that it is now five in the morning. Sighing heavily in exhaustion, I set my alarm to go off at eleven in order to wake me up in time to get dressed and ready and to meet Roger by noon. Lying down, my thoughts return to the afternoon's events and all that I had done and thinking of all that I should have done differently. As the night's dark sky slowly shifts lighter, I close my eyes and allow sleep to fall over me.*
RogerDuke Posted April 28, 2010 Posted April 28, 2010 *I cough uncontrollably as the tear gas enters my lungs. My eyes water heavily so I close them and try to feel my way around the room to make it to the door. I can't understand why the FBI didn't give me more time to surrender before they shot the tear gas cans in my farmhouse. It only seemed like 3 seconds elapsed before they announced their presence with their megaphone and when the window busted with the cannisters. I didn't even have time to get my shoes on. I stumble my way to the front door, cutting my left foot on the broken glass. Through the tear gas I am finally able to see all the blue and red flashing lights outside. I put my arms up to surrender and instantly hear a barrage of gunshots coming from the dozens of vehicles parked outside.......BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!! The alarm sounds. It's 9:00am. Time to get the chores done, have breakfast and meet Garrett. First I get on my knees and thank Almighty God it was just a dream.
Garrett Duke Posted April 28, 2010 Posted April 28, 2010 *Pulling my motorcycle to a halt in a wild weeded area to keep it hidden, I casually glance at my watch to find that I am five minutes early to meet Roger. I find myself smiling, for once, I am on time for something. Slowly I climb off my bike and carefully walk around before I reach the area of where I am to meet Roger at. Not seeing him. I find a large tree to lean upon where I can stay hidden and out of sight and yet have good view as to see if and when Roger will show up as to meet up with him.*
Sheriff_Rosco_P_Coltrane Posted April 28, 2010 Posted April 28, 2010 I think it's officially safe to said hidden.
RogerDuke Posted May 4, 2010 Posted May 4, 2010 *after finishing the chores, getting something to eat and accomplishing a few more necessary tasks, I hop in the Mustang and head down the road. Half way there, it happens again....only worse. This time the muscle car loses all it's muscle and stalls out completely. First I groan. When it won't start. I then growl and pound the steering wheel*
Garrett Duke Posted May 6, 2010 Posted May 6, 2010 *Glances at watch in frustration before glancing back around the well hidden destination taht Roger has picked out to meet. Standing up, I begin to nervously walk around the area, peering in through the trees in hope of finding some form of life. Finding none, I look back at my watch once more only to find it has been ten minutes later than the last time. Meaning Roger is now fifteen minutes late.* "Come on Roger, where the heck are ya?" *I ask aloud to no one, beginning to wonder if Roger had set me up or perhaps had second thoughts and this is his way of backing out. With those thoughts, more frustration and annoyance courses through me. If he wanted to back out, he should have told me he wanted out and if this is his way of setting me up, I should have known better to trust him.* Five more minutes *I state aloud, the silence is deafening around me.* And I'm outta here. *I shake my head, wondering why I am bothering giving him any more of my time. Afterall he's already twenty minutes late and no one is here. This is my time to leave if by chance he is setting me up...though if he were, the law would already be here by now. Which leaves it to be this is his way of backing out from all of this. Only to create annoyance, anger, and frustration within me for trusting him and allowing him to do this to me. With that, I grab another cigarette and light my second cigarette since arriving at our meeting place and begin to head for my motorcycle two minutes early than my five minutes I had spoken aloud a couple of minutes ago. It's his loss*
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