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Am I the only one thats noticed that Tom seems to want little or nothing to do with the DOH? It seems like he's very reluctant to participate in any events such as the dukesfests for example. And when he talks about the show it almost seems he wants everyone to forget he was a part of the show. I understand the Dukes isnt the only thing he wants to be known for, but if it wasn't for this show, he probably wouldn't be where he is today. Am I reading too much into things or have u noticed too?


I've noticed it for a while now and it is sad in a way that he may feel that way about the show that made his name so big. I always thought he would be more appreciaitve about or towards the show. But on the other hand, I kinda think I know where he is coming from. It seems like once an actor or an actress gets big in a show or movie, then that is the kind of movie or shows that they are stuck doing mostly in their career. Maybe Tom just wants to move forward in his career and put the Dukes behind him (though I don't see why. It's such an awesome show!) I don't know if that is why it is, but that would be my guess as to why he doesn't seem to want much with the show. I've noticed it and for a long while had allowed it to bother me...so no, you're not alone in noticing it.


While it's true that this show did make his name big, it doesn't necessarily mean that he wouldn't be where he is today. If you remember correctly, he is also a broadway star so he would've more than likely became famous through broadway AND his music, can't forget his music.

Once you've done something for so long...it gets old after a while and you just want to move on from it. Doesn't necessarily mean you dislike it completely. You also must remember that we lost three members of the cast, Waylon Jennings, Denver Pyle, and Sorrell (sp?) Booke. (And not trying to sound like a smart a** or anything when I ask this next question.) Did you ever happen to think that maybe it's still hard for them to look back and remember?

Not only that but all the rumors, true or not, about them dating Cathy or whatever else the press/fans could come up with are so ridiculous that he probably doesn't want to remember something like that...would you?

Anyways the fact remains that Tom only wants to move on to bigger and better things...it's like getting a promotion at work sort of. He wanted to move up in stardome and do things he loves doing: Acting AND Singing.

But of course, all of this is just my opinion. :)


i understand where y'all are coming from, but still, I've heard him say in interviews the only reason he has anything to do with the Dukes is because of his connection to John. Well what about the fans? If it werent for people like us, he most likely wouldnt be as famous. Not to mention the DOH has paid his bills for all these years. For these reasons, plus what the show stands for and how well loved it is, if I were him I'd be showing a little more respect towards the show and the fans.


It's not that he doesn't care about the fans or think about our feelings, it's because most of the fans that loved him as Luke followed him throughout his broadway and musical careers. Tom's peeve is that the fans only want to know him as "Luke Duke", he wants them to know that he's done and is doing more things more productive than what he did during the airtime of Dukes.

While it's true that the Dukes helped him make his way through stardom, it's like I've been saying, no actor/actress wants to be remembered as just one role...it makes them feel as if they're not doing a good job on anything else and that that one role was the only role they've played well.

I would say if the fans showed more support towards his other works and not just focus on Luke Duke he would probably feel differently about Dukes in general. *shrugs* again, just my opinion.


Well said, Lori.

It's maybe not so much about him disliking Dukes itself, as wanting to be known for more than that - especially since music always was, even before Dukes, and has been since, his biggest love. At heart, I think he's more a musician and singer than an actor, seven years of Hazzard County aside.

In my limited experience (more watching him than directly speaking I admit), he can be very gracious even if you mention Dukes later in a conversation, as long as you don't start the conversation with it and/or focus just on it.

Just my opinion, but I kinda think maybe he does what he does (singing and Broadway) because he loves it, not because, even after the years, he's truly entirely comfortable being "a star". He doesn't eat up attention the way John does; in fact if you hear him speak he'll even speak of himself as part of an ensemble doing a show, not as starring in one. Acting "fannish" with him seems to be the quickest way to turn him off. Being more carefully but casually friendly, I've heard, can open him up more. To be fair, maybe he feels too hemmed in at big Dukes events with all that concentrated focus, even if we do all love to see him there.


Tom seems to me to be such a private and shy person despite what he does for a living. There are so many dukes fans out there that are crazy and I recon he's had some bad experiences with them in the past that he's been made wary.

Also, in a radio interview I heard with him, Tom said - and I know we'll most likely disagree with this whole heartedly - that he didn't think Luke was really that important a character. That Bo was the driver, Bo was the "pretty" one, Bo was the blonde one who got the jokes. He doesn't have any grudges because of that but I'm guessing he just didn't feel that important - plus add in the bad experience he had with the WB during the time of his and John's strike its no wonder he wants to put - not neccisarily the dukes - but television acting behind him. Once you get stuck in a telelvision role its so hard to break away from that.

He is such a talented actor and singer and its a shame he hasn't won an award for his roles yet.


I'm sure that every show as popular as the Dukes was (and still is) has actors with different views of the show. It sure seems like John is a bigger fan of the show than Tom but I don't focus on that too much.

I wish every actor on the Dukes loved it as much as I do but that's just not realistic. They all loved the show but for different reasons in some cases.

The bottom line is that Tom gave us six and a half seasons of acting on the greatest show that ever graced a TV screen and I am eternally thankful to him for that. If he has distanced himself from the show more than some of the other actors, I respect his choice. I don't like his choice but I appreciate him too much to focus on his decision.


I think that most of you guys are right, Tom's real love is music and live theater. Besides, you can't live in the past forever, (even though some people may feel that way) that ain't good for a person either. I mean look at David Hasselhoff (sp?), (no offense to him or any of his fans) He was in Knight Rider and Bay Watch and hasn't really had any big roles since. He's living off of the Knight Rider legacy. And I think that isn't a good choice.

I think that Tom had wanted more. In my opinion, (I don't mean to judge anyone, just my opinion) I think that everybody, especially the younger actors like Tom, John and Cathy, just kind of looked at Dukes as a way to get noticed. And it definitely got him noticed! Tom has even admitted that he didn't really think that Dukes was going to take off like it did.

And to tell you the honest-to-gosh truth. I'd be kinda scared if I had a whole bunch of crazy fans (such as myself! :D) following me around and being a fan of something that I did 30-some years ago, and not really be informed, or care really, about other things that I've done since.

That's my two sense on the matter. ;)


Hi Everyone

I have been a fan of tom's for a very long time. and To coreect some one he has been involved in Dukesfest In 2006 and 2008.He renises the show of what it was. I love everything tom has done from the Dukes, his Movies, Braudway,and his music.Exprelly his Music. Yes The Dukes is a wonderful show but we can't keep putting Tom or any of the actors back there. They have moved on. Tom Loves his fans. I have met him in 2005. and we talked and he is a sweet guy.and I won't alow anyone to tare him down.Just because he is moving on and all his engery isn't with the Dukes of Hazzard. maybe some of you should check out the other thing he had Done. I know you have John.

Well I put my two cents in sorry if I affened anyone. But I 'm just so tired of people on here taring Tom down.

  • 1 month later...
Guest SleepysRose

I agree with you girl. I am a fan of Tom because of his music and him being along with John one of my Musical Mentors. We need to "respect" Tom for who he is Today and what he "Wants to be" today. He will always have the Dukes to his credits but as a musician myself I can see why he would get so burnt out on the Dukes Topic. I don't blame him either. So well said dukesrule2000 I stand behind you on that one. We need to accept ALL of the cast for what THEY want to be today and not what WE want them to be. Because when we do that it will mean alot more to them as far as support goes from a fan in their eyes.

Hi Everyone

I have been a fan of tom's for a very long time. and To coreect some one he has been involved in Dukesfest In 2006 and 2008.He renises the show of what it was. I love everything tom has done from the Dukes, his Movies, Braudway,and his music.Exprelly his Music. Yes The Dukes is a wonderful show but we can't keep putting Tom or any of the actors back there. They have moved on. Tom Loves his fans. I have met him in 2005. and we talked and he is a sweet guy.and I won't alow anyone to tare him down.Just because he is moving on and all his engery isn't with the Dukes of Hazzard. maybe some of you should check out the other thing he had Done. I know you have John.

Well I put my two cents in sorry if I affened anyone. But I 'm just so tired of people on here taring Tom down.

  • 3 months later...

I'm sorry this is off topic, but when I read this thread it reminded me of this recent sketch from the BBC series 'That Mitchell and Webb Look'. It nicely illustrates the problem of being remembered for one thing for the rest of your life. Hope you enjoy it.

  • 4 months later...

I don't think Tom has any kind of problem with the show, he just has moved on to an excellent post Dukes career. He has done a ton of things and as others have stated theater is his first love (and he has had a great career) I mean no disrespect to John at all but his career has been much different than Tom's. John has stayed more toward television and the peak of his acting career was the Dukes. Tom, on the other hand, has won a Tony, etc (and that is not a putdown at all to John who has also had an excellent career) so you could say his peak has been AFTER the Dukes. This may be a poor example, but I would venture to say, just as point of reference, Tom Hanks would cite some of the movies he has done as more "fufilling" than his time on the old tv show Bosom Buddies. Just my two cents.


Sometimes I think it can come across that way but I have always gotten the impression Tom is quite proud of his days on the Dukes but doesn't want his entire career defined by it which I understand. Many actors get typecasted in roles they have. It doesn't mean they aren't proud of it, but after a series is over, they often want to do other things. John may seem more vocal about the Dukes, but part of it (and this is no potshot at John) is because the two have had different careers. You can make the argument that John's career peaked with the Dukes. He has mainly stuck to television and had other great, very successful roles but he is primarily remembered for his time with the Dukes. Tom, on the otherhand, is more of a household name on Broadway. He has won a Tony and been nominated for others and is considered a bigtime performer doing live theater. Musically both recorded some country albums with some success, but John stopped recording and Tom now does music completely different than his country years. There is no right or wrong answer. Great question!


some country albums john has had alot of country hits If i am not mistaken his first single went to number 1 lol. I think Tom is glad to be a part of dukes and I dont think he really wants to distance his self from it because he has alot of respect for the show I think it is more he is so busy with broadway and music and I think i read somewhere he has like 5 kids Thats why he is not at every dukesfest but he has been to a few and he is involved with some of the extras on the dvd's on the games. I dont think people on here want to tear him down either it is easy to get the impression that he dont like the dukes but I dont believe that is the way that Tom is. If Tom didnt care or like the dukes he wouldnt be involved at all. And as for John I think he has been at the peak of his career since he started the dukes I dont think his career has slowed down at all I mean night of the twisters, speed zone I think is the name of the movie, Snow Day- Not that big of part but still, all of the tv shows, music, his kids' acting careers, he has also been on broadway. Everyone has there own opinion and are intitled to them. Have a merry christmas hazzard county.

  • 7 months later...

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