B.L. Davenport Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 Well it is Chet you're talkin about...GL Girl are ya sayin Chet'd do something that dumb? He might do some not so smart things sometimes but I don't think he'd do that.
AlexJackson Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 I'm comin' up blank. Mah only hope is that somebody would step up and volunteer to spy for me. *looks around the thinly populated booking room* Aside from that, I'd have to hope that Chet or Garrett would just walk in heah and announce all their insidious plots right to mah face. And then tell me exactly where I can find them when I get out.*sighs also turning to see the gathered people munching on popcorn in the booking room* yeah a volunteer would be good... *turns back to Brian* as for one or both of those two coming in here and just flat out saying what they have in mind... *chuckles* I wouldnt put it past Chet to do just that, you know sometimes hes not the sharpest tool in the shed...
Brian Coltrane Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 *sighs also turning to see the gathered people munching on popcorn in the booking room* yeah a volunteer would be good... *turns back to Brian* as for one or both of those two coming in here and just flat out saying what they have in mind... *chuckles* I wouldnt put it past Chet to do just that, you know sometimes hes not the sharpest tool in the shed...But he's a tool nonetheless. *keeps a straight face* Yeah, expectin' them to stroll in heah with their whole scheme drawn out for us is a bit much. They're far too afraid of me to do somethin' that bold.
AlexJackson Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 But he's a tool nonetheless. *keeps a straight face* Yeah, expectin' them to stroll in heah with their whole scheme drawn out for us is a bit much. They're far too afraid of me to do somethin' that bold.*chuckles at the tool comment and nods* yeah youre right, that would be pretty bold to just walk in and announce. Youre also right about both Chet and Garrett being too scared of you to even get near the courthouse...
Brian Coltrane Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 *chuckles at the tool comment and nods* yeah youre right, that would be pretty bold to just walk in and announce. Youre also right about both Chet and Garrett being too scared of you to even get near the courthouse...Yeah, ah'm fierce n' all that, locked up. *leaning against the bars, and despite all inner ferocity, really thinking about pie *Hmm. I dunno, Alex. Gettin' outta heah legit-like is gonna take me forevah, and by then nobody will even remember who ah am. I promised MaryAnne I'd make good on the bail, but I got such a brilliant idea for a breakout, it's hard to pass it up.
Garrett Duke Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 *Walks down the stairs after hearing what was said, half lit cigarette in mouth* Well Brian after my whole stint in that cell, I'd a thought you'd know me better than that. Apparently not. I ain't afraid of you...perhaps I should be, but I ain't. As for what I am up to...what gave you the idea that I was up to anything to begin with?
Brian Coltrane Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 *Walks down the stairs after hearing what was said, half lit cigarette in mouth* Well Brian after my whole stint in that cell, I'd a thought you'd know me better than that. Apparently not. I ain't afraid of you...perhaps I should be, but I ain't. As for what I am up to...what gave you the idea that I was up to anything to begin with?*hears the voice and turns in surprise* Waaal, Garrett, nobody evah accused Dukes of havin' an overload o' common sense. Maybe you ain't afraid of me, but that's probably 'cause yer mind blocked out some very painful memories of the last time we fought. *reaches through the bars and gives a hard tap to Garrett's chest* And if you're not up to somethin', why the hell not? Don't tell me you and Chet get an oppportunity like this, and you're gonna just stand around with your hands in your pockets. I mean, ain't you got any ree-venge planned? A coup? Throwin' toilet paper up a tree? Anythang?
BeauregardDuke73 Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 Well, you're one of 'em, o' course, but everybody knows that, so it makes ya kinda useless in the spy department. No offense. And the other spies who go waaay back.... two of 'em are hardly speakin' to me, and recent reports have it that a third is on very friendly terms with the enemy. If I trust that last person, I could find mahself set up for disaster. *thinks about the denied pie a moment, which seems to be an example of What's Wrong With The World Today. Then looks at Alex with concern*What if ah'm truly out of friends?*coming in late, surprised to see Brian and Alex in Jail. Hearing these works, then listening for a bit longer, not wanting to interrupt* Ya got a volunteer here, Brian...if the position's available.
DaneyDuke Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 *Walks down the stairs after hearing what was said, half lit cigarette in mouth* Well Brian after my whole stint in that cell, I'd a thought you'd know me better than that. Apparently not. I ain't afraid of you...perhaps I should be, but I ain't. As for what I am up to...what gave you the idea that I was up to anything to begin with?*Having been very quiet, watching the group. Smiles at Garrett's reappearance. Sometimes wishing comes true.*
Garrett Duke Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 *Steps back out of reach of the prisoners and shakes head* First of all, my mind hasn't blocked out nothing from the past. In fact, I have a pretty good memory for things like that. It helps me to better prepare myself for the next encounter. So I say, bring it on.Secondly, Duke or no Duke, no one has ever accused me of not having common sense either. I'm alive today, ain't I? So I at least have enough sense to stay alive and out of too much trouble...at least nothing I can't handle.As for my future plans, trust me, you'd be the last one I'd tell. Sorry to be the one to disappoint ya there. *Takes a step to the stairs and turns around* Just thought I'd give the two jail birds a little visit, see how comfy you are and to see if things has changed since the last time I was here. *hears the voice and turns in surprise* Waaal, Garrett, nobody evah accused Dukes of havin' an overload o' common sense. Maybe you ain't afraid of me, but that's probably 'cause yer mind blocked out some very painful memories of the last time we fought. *reaches through the bars and gives a hard tap to Garrett's chest* And if you're not up to somethin', why the hell not? Don't tell me you and Chet get an oppportunity like this, and you're gonna just stand around with your hands in your pockets. I mean, ain't you got any ree-venge planned? A coup? Throwin' toilet paper up a tree? Anythang?
AlexJackson Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 *hears the voice and turns in surprise* Waaal, Garrett, nobody evah accused Dukes of havin' an overload o' common sense. Maybe you ain't afraid of me, but that's probably 'cause yer mind blocked out some very painful memories of the last time we fought. *reaches through the bars and gives a hard tap to Garrett's chest* And if you're not up to somethin', why the hell not? Don't tell me you and Chet get an oppportunity like this, and you're gonna just stand around with your hands in your pockets. I mean, ain't you got any ree-venge planned? A coup? Throwin' toilet paper up a tree? Anythang?*also turns hearing the voice and crosses arms over chest* Well look whos finally joined us...*glances at Brian and grins* Maybe its that Duke ego that isnt allowing him to remember how badly he lost...And as for a plot, maybe he and Chet together cant come up with anything to do except strut through town Brian... Chet can get a t-shirt printed "I Am the Temporary Acting Lord of the Outlaws...."
Brian Coltrane Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 *Steps back out of reach of the prisoners and shakes head* First of all, my mind hasn't blocked out nothing from the past. In fact, I have a pretty good memory for things like that. It helps me to better prepare myself for the next encounter. So I say, bring it on.Secondly, Duke or no Duke, no one has ever accused me of not having common sense either. I'm alive today, ain't I? So I at least have enough sense to stay alive and out of too much trouble...at least nothing I can't handle.As for my future plans, trust me, you'd be the last one I'd tell. Sorry to be the one to disappoint ya there. *Takes a step to the stairs and turns around* Just thought I'd give the two jail birds a little visit, see how comfy you are and to see if things has changed since the last time I was here.That's it?! And you call yourself a bad guy?! Bah! *smacks the bars with an open hand in disgust* G'wan, before yer late for your Girl Scout meeting.*grumbles* Man, what happened to the enemies I used to have....
AlexJackson Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 That's it?! And you call yourself a bad guy?! Bah! *smacks the bars with an open hand in disgust* G'wan, before yer late for your Girl Scout meeting.*grumbles* Man, what happened to the enemies I used to have....Girl Scout huh? *looks as Garrett heads up the steps shaking his head* well that explains a lot... *hears the question and sighs sitting back down on the bunk* well lets see...I guess if I was to sum it up in one sentence... We got rid of them..
BeauregardDuke73 Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 *standing near the booking desk, watching the men behind bars with a thoughtful gaze*
Brian Coltrane Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 Girl Scout huh? *looks as Garrett heads up the steps shaking his head* well that explains a lot... *hears the question and sighs sitting back down on the bunk* well lets see...I guess if I was to sum it up in one sentence... We got rid of them..*holds on to the bars, frowning* Not only am I short on friends, I ain't got any enemies worth a damn. What is this town comin' to?*notices the quiet Duke who's watching things * You, over there, in the '73 T-shirt. How'd you like to make some easy money?
Garrett Duke Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 *Eyes the two prisoners with emotionless gray eyes* Glad you two are so proud of yourselves. Maybe it is your own egos that are making you underestimate me and who I really am. Because as far as I am concerned, I haven't been defeated or killed and we all know I'm still in town. Y'all can go ahead and think what you want to think of me, at the end, I know who I am and what I am capable of. (AUTHOR'S NOTE: I write these posts in character. Other words, it's my muse doing the talking, not me and don't want to create any hard feelings with anyone. If so, tell me to back off and I will.)
BeauregardDuke73 Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 *holds on to the bars, frowning* Not only am I short on friends, I ain't got any enemies worth a damn. What is this town comin' to?*notices the quiet Duke who's watching things * You, over there, in the '73 T-shirt. How'd you like to make some easy money?*smirking at Brian as he calls to me* I don't need your money, Brian. What can I do for you? *stepping up to the bars*
Brian Coltrane Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 *Eyes the two prisoners with emotionless gray eyes* Glad you two are so proud of yourselves. Maybe it is your own egos that are making you underestimate me and who I really am. Because as far as I am concerned, I haven't been defeated or killed and we all know I'm still in town. Y'all can go ahead and think what you want to think of me, at the end, I know who I am and what I am capable of. (AUTHOR'S NOTE: I write these posts in character. Other words, it's my muse doing the talking, not me and don't want to create any hard feelings with anyone. If so, tell me to back off and I will.)Dude, you were defeated, and in public. Any more defeated and you wouldn't be standin' there. I'll be happy to give you a ree-fresher course when ah'm outta heah.(Author's note: surely you haven't forgotten the RR where Garrett got a busted knee and assorted bruises. Short memory or a selective one?)
Brian Coltrane Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 *smirking at Brian as he calls to me* I don't need your money, Brian. What can I do for you? *stepping up to the bars**waves the kid in the '73 shirt over closer* Listen up. You don't halfta break any laws or nothin'....but you're gonna be mah ace in the hole for gettin' outta heah early. All I need you to do, is hang around awhile....and if I start fightin' with Alex, you just run and git MaryAnne and tell her we're killin' each other. Got it?
AlexJackson Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 Dude, you were defeated, and in public. Any more defeated and you wouldn't be standin' there. I'll be happy to give you a ree-fresher course when ah'm outta heah.(Author's note: surely you haven't forgotten the RR where Garrett got a busted knee and assorted bruises. Short memory or a selective one?)*nods* yes defeated in a public setting, the Toughman Contest... Brian mopped the floor with you Garrett... *looks at him* remember?
BeauregardDuke73 Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 *waves the kid in the '73 shirt over closer* Listen up. You don't halfta break any laws or nothin'....but you're gonna be mah ace in the hole for gettin' outta heah early. All I need you to do, is hang around awhile....and if I start fightin' with Alex, you just run and git MaryAnne and tell her we're killin' each other. Got it?*nodding* Yeah, that I can do.
Garrett Duke Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 As I said, I remember what happened and don't need no refresher course on anything. Just had to come by once i overheard you talking of thinking i was too scared to face you...because I ain't. I proved my point. *Lighting another cigarette, turns and walks up the stairs*(AUTHOR'S NOTE: Perhaps a little of both. I remember the basic details of the fight...sadly.)
Brian Coltrane Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 *nodding* Yeah, that I can do.Khee! Good. You just hang out and relax in the meantime. I really don't wanna pull a jailbreak, so it's kind of a last ree-sort.
DaneyDuke Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 As I said, I remember what happened and don't need no refresher course on anything. Just had to come by once i overheard you talking of thinking i was too scared to face you...because I ain't. I proved my point. *Lighting another cigarette, turns and walks up the stairs*(AUTHOR'S NOTE: Perhaps a little of both. I remember the basic details of the fight...sadly.)Garrett, don't be too hard on Brian. *points to Alex* He can't even get locked up by himself like everyone else. *pause, would be disappointed to find out Garrett lied* Bye, Garrett.
Cowboy Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 *Stands outside the courthouse by the door smoking a cig and waiting for my brother Garrett puffing away at my cig impatiently. Tucked away under a pitch black stetson and cloaked in a warm sheepskin jacket.*C'mon Garrett... anytime now. *Mumbles, whispering to myself.*
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