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Whoa! Brian!!! *reaches around and tries to pry enraged man off the bars, but its like wrestling a grizzly bear* Hes not worth you hurting yourself trying to squeeze through steel bars! *Finally gives a strong tug and pries Brian off of the bars and pulls him all the way back til own back is to the wall* When we get out of here, hes going to remember who we both are! That I can promise you!
*Jumps back when Brian lunges like lightening, narrows my mismtached eyes.*

Im not afraid of either of you! You know where to find me.*Growls.* Im sure MaryAnne will be setting your bail soon enough.

*Clears out, leavin the jail as to not poor more fuel on the fire.*


*quietly watches Brian's angst filled reaction to the announcement of Chet as Temporary Actin' Lord of the Outlaws and watches the exchange of words between Brian and Chet. Once Chet exits the booking room, steps toward the bars, looking at Alex and Brian for a long moment.*

And while you two are in there, you're gonna remember who I am...

Now, bein' as I'm a Coltrane, I ain't never been accused of making smart decisions. *glances at Lizzy Jackson-Davenport* Maybe this one ain't so smart either. Time will tell. But since time is all we got at the moment and I don't intend to have you two in here for long anyway, it's probably time to start discussin' your bail.

Afterall, I figure both of you, Brian especially, will be very motivated to meet bail conditions to be released.

Now, if only I could figure out what your bail is gonna be...

*quietly watches Brian's angst filled reaction to the announcement of Chet as Temporary Actin' Lord of the Outlaws and watches the exchange of words between Brian and Chet. Once Chet exits the booking room, steps toward the bars, looking at Alex and Brian for a long moment.*

And while you two are in there, you're gonna remember who I am...

Now, bein' as I'm a Coltrane, I ain't never been accused of making smart decisions. *glances at Lizzy Jackson-Davenport* Maybe this one ain't so smart either. Time will tell. But since time is all we got at the moment and I don't intend to have you two in here for long anyway, it's probably time to start discussin' your bail.

Afterall, I figure both of you, Brian especially, will be very motivated to meet bail conditions to be released.

Now, if only I could figure out what your bail is gonna be...

*answers this by coming close to the bars again, looking through them sharply* Yer stallin'. If you really wanted me out, you'd let me out. If you really want me in heah, then quit teasin' me about bail that nevah gets set.

*answers this by coming close to the bars again, looking through them sharply* Yer stallin'. If you really wanted me out, you'd let me out. If you really want me in heah, then quit teasin' me about bail that nevah gets set.

*meets the sharp gaze with one equally as intense* Bail, my dear cousin, is a privilege, not a right. As far as I'm concerned, I could just flip a coin. I figure perhaps instead you'd like to earn your way out of jail so if you have anything worth considering, let's put it on the table.

Told you I wasn't wanted around here. Doesn't mean I'm gonna leave though I probably should.

(sidebar: You're fine. I enjoyed the comments. I'm just fightin' with MaryAnne right now. Everybody is welcome to chime in anytime as usual.)

*meets the sharp gaze with one equally as intense* Bail, my dear cousin, is a privilege, not a right. As far as I'm concerned, I could just flip a coin. I figure perhaps instead you'd like to earn your way out of jail so if you have anything worth considering, let's put it on the table.

I'd just as soon break mah way out --- *holds eye contact for a long moment* --- just to prove a point. But that would be the wrong point, wouldn't it.

*answers this by coming close to the bars again, looking through them sharply* Yer stallin'. If you really wanted me out, you'd let me out. If you really want me in heah, then quit teasin' me about bail that nevah gets set.

*Crosses arms over chest nodding in agreement about the stalling, also waiting for MaryAnne to make up her mind*

I'd just as soon break mah way out --- *holds eye contact for a long moment* --- just to prove a point. But that would be the wrong point, wouldn't it.

It would. *doesn't blink* And you know it...

It would. *doesn't blink* And you know it...

*considers this another second* You'd take it personally, I figure. Couldn't blame ya. Awright.... *heaves a breath*

Everybody else has played by the rules, so will I. I'll post bail, and considerin' all what I started, I'll make an offer you can't ree-fuse.

*leans a shoulder against the bars and counts off a few items on fingertips*

One. I'll come up with an article for this place every month. I fail to do so, you can put me back in heah.

Two. I'll write a story from scratch, brand new, about the Dukes. Original characters only, just to prove I can still do it.

Three. I'll finish the story I started two years ago, where you get killed off and become a ghost. For some reason ah'm in the mood to return to that one.

*looks at cousin* This is a mighty handsome bail. *turns head to show best profile* Only fittin', I suppose. That said, I will offer ya items Two and Three completed, as conditions of ree-lease, and item One would be kind of an ongoin' parole thang.

*considers this another second* You'd take it personally, I figure. Couldn't blame ya. Awright.... *heaves a breath*

Everybody else has played by the rules, so will I. I'll post bail, and considerin' all what I started, I'll make an offer you can't ree-fuse.

*leans a shoulder against the bars and counts off a few items on fingertips*

One. I'll come up with an article for this place every month. I fail to do so, you can put me back in heah.

Two. I'll write a story from scratch, brand new, about the Dukes. Original characters only, just to prove I can still do it.

Three. I'll finish the story I started two years ago, where you get killed off and become a ghost. For some reason ah'm in the mood to return to that one.

*looks at cousin* This is a mighty handsome bail. *turns head to show best profile* Only fittin', I suppose. That said, I will offer ya items Two and Three completed, as conditions of ree-lease, and item One would be kind of an ongoin' parole thang.

*listens to the bail and nods then eyes flick to MaryAnne* Im sure thatd be fitting for him but what about me?

*considers this another second* You'd take it personally, I figure. Couldn't blame ya. Awright.... *heaves a breath*

Everybody else has played by the rules, so will I. I'll post bail, and considerin' all what I started, I'll make an offer you can't ree-fuse.

*leans a shoulder against the bars and counts off a few items on fingertips*

One. I'll come up with an article for this place every month. I fail to do so, you can put me back in heah.

Two. I'll write a story from scratch, brand new, about the Dukes. Original characters only, just to prove I can still do it.

Three. I'll finish the story I started two years ago, where you get killed off and become a ghost. For some reason ah'm in the mood to return to that one.

*looks at cousin* This is a mighty handsome bail. *turns head to show best profile* Only fittin', I suppose. That said, I will offer ya items Two and Three completed, as conditions of ree-lease, and item One would be kind of an ongoin' parole thang.

*listens with interest to the bail conditions.* Yer right. That is a mighty handsome bail...

*thinks about it for a moment* Awright. Items two and three, once completed will grant your release. Item One will be a condition of parole. I agree to the terms, cousin. And... *smirks* I can't imagine why you'd be in the mood to get back to a story where I get killed off...

*considers this another second* You'd take it personally, I figure. Couldn't blame ya. Awright.... *heaves a breath*

Everybody else has played by the rules, so will I. I'll post bail, and considerin' all what I started, I'll make an offer you can't ree-fuse.

*leans a shoulder against the bars and counts off a few items on fingertips*

One. I'll come up with an article for this place every month. I fail to do so, you can put me back in heah.

Two. I'll write a story from scratch, brand new, about the Dukes. Original characters only, just to prove I can still do it.

Three. I'll finish the story I started two years ago, where you get killed off and become a ghost. For some reason ah'm in the mood to return to that one.

*looks at cousin* This is a mighty handsome bail. *turns head to show best profile* Only fittin', I suppose. That said, I will offer ya items Two and Three completed, as conditions of ree-lease, and item One would be kind of an ongoin' parole thang.

*listens from the front of the booking desk an elbow propped on top* Holy Smokes Brian that is some more bail your willing to pay, it'd be a small fortune in monetary terms.

*listens to the bail and nods then eyes flick to MaryAnne* Im sure thatd be fitting for him but what about me?
No particular reason..... but you said it best, earlier. Paybacks are hell. *grins*

You'd better give blondie a bail condition too, before he starts...gettin' too used to lookin' at me in heah.

Yes, paybacks are hell. Heh... *nods and looks at Alex* Yes, Alex, what about you? You got anything you'd like to offer for bail?

Yes, paybacks are hell. Heh... *nods and looks at Alex* Yes, Alex, what about you? You got anything you'd like to offer for bail?

*gives a grin walking up to the bars, uncrossing arms* Ohhh Ive got an idea... a more personal offer like dinner, soft music, candlelight....

*gives a grin walking up to the bars, uncrossing arms* Ohhh Ive got an idea... a more personal offer like dinner, soft music, candlelight....

*thinks about this* Well, that would beat the heck out of a plain ol' cash bail.

And I reckon I oughta be nice enough to accept, since I tricked ya into the jail there to begin with.

Awright, Alex. Dinner it is.

*thinks about this* Well, that would beat the heck out of a plain ol' cash bail.

And I reckon I oughta be nice enough to accept, since I tricked ya into the jail there to begin with.

Awright, Alex. Dinner it is.

*grins wider* All right deal! Anyplace or wherever, just name it!

*grins wider* All right deal! Anyplace or wherever, just name it!

Name this. *gives Alex a swat in the head* Jeeze, could you have it any easier?! You masher. You slimeball. You....

Damn, I shoulda just offered a peach pie or somethin' for mah own bail. Sonofa.... *paces to the end of the cell, grumbling*

Name this. *gives Alex a swat in the head* Jeeze, could you have it any easier?! You masher. You slimeball. You....

Damn, I shoulda just offered a peach pie or somethin' for mah own bail. Sonofa.... *paces to the end of the cell, grumbling*

*wince at the swat and rubs the blond head* Oh yeah its been sooo easy offering and volunteering imprisonment to try and get your butt out of here... *grins again at MaryAnne's answer* Slimeball? Masher? Just because I want to take a lady to dinner?

And maybe some coffee? Can't have pie without coffee, wouldn't be right, like goin' to church without ur shirt on!:wink:

*looks to L.J. and the Texan Lady, glad for their offers* Hell yes, I'd take pie, ice cream and coffee right now. I've got a lot of work ahead of me, and I gotta git it done before Chet gets too used to mah title. Thank ya, ladies. *gives them a gentlemanly bow*

*wince at the swat and rubs the blond head* Oh yeah its been sooo easy offering and volunteering imprisonment to try and get your butt out of here... *grins again at MaryAnne's answer* Slimeball? Masher? Just because I want to take a lady to dinner?

*after speaking to the ladies, turns back to Alex and grabs ahold of him by the front of his jacket* Alex, lemme lay it out to ya like this. We're locked up together. You got romance on yer mind. MaryAnne has just accepted a date with you. Your mind is gonna be in the kinda places that it can't afford to roam considerin' our close quarters and it makes me a mite bit uneasy. Do you dig?!

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