BeauregardDuke73 Posted February 21, 2010 Posted February 21, 2010 *Having keep silent until now, busying self with monitoring the patients, and watching the increasing crowd of the clinic. goes over to Lukas, letting him know the status of Brian and Garrett, keeping her voice low not to disturb the other conversations*They're both hurt bad, Luke, but stable. Brian has a concussion, several broken ribs, and from what I could tell, some internal bruising. We won't know more until he wake up. *sigh, she ran a hair over her head, pushing the worry to what other injuries may be lurking aside* As for Garrett, he has a clean wound, very well stitched and we're monitoring his blood loss.*Looking up as Luke comes into the room, surprised, and grateful that he's here. I hang back, letting Chance fill him in, and listening myself.*
Lukas_KD Posted February 21, 2010 Posted February 21, 2010 *nodding to Chance, aiming a small smile Bo's way, but more focused on the doctor's description of the patients at the moment... blowing out a breath* Run over by a horse... *slight shake of my head, and a more rueful smile, still fueled on adrenaline but able to relax just a little upon hearing they should be alright... even if broken ribs and internal bruising is nothing to play much with* Only Brian. *wry then* Only Chet. *slight shake of a dark head* Broken ribs, I ain't surprised. Are you sure none of them caused further internal damage, or don't you know yet? *intent as I ask*
DaneyDuke Posted February 21, 2010 Posted February 21, 2010 *Looking up as Luke comes into the room, surprised, and grateful that he's here. I hang back, letting Chance fill him in, and listening myself.**Hearing the calm voices of Luke and Dr. Walker. Comes to stand just inside the doorway of the crowded exam room. The various conversations, a welcome reprieve from own thoughts. Hazel eyes glance thoughtfully at each person. Lastly the unconscious patients who would hopefully be waking up soon.*
pendragon1980 Posted February 21, 2010 Posted February 21, 2010 *nodding to Chance, aiming a small smile Bo's way, but more focused on the doctor's description of the patients at the moment... blowing out a breath* Run over by a horse... *slight shake of my head, and a more rueful smile, still fueled on adrenaline but able to relax just a little upon hearing they should be alright... even if broken ribs and internal bruising is nothing to play much with* Only Brian. *wry then* Only Chet. *slight shake of a dark head* Broken ribs, I ain't surprised. Are you sure none of them caused further internal damage, or don't you know yet? *intent as I ask**continuing Luke's chain of thought* Only Hazzard. *pauses* There's been no symptoms of further internal bleeding, but that could change. Which is why we are monitoring closely. *realizing they could be in for a long night, says to the crowd* The patient rooms upstairs are empty, if anyone wants to stay close.
Cowboy Posted February 21, 2010 Posted February 21, 2010 *The exam room is getting just alittle too crowded for my comfort, looks around for a few moments then stands from the folding chair. Folds it up and leans it against the wall, eases out the door heading back outside. Pauses just outside to look back towards the clinic's main entrance, theres enough people in there now including Doc that should something turn for worse or better I am no longer needed. Creases my brow and lowers my eyes still feeling the heavy guilt and dread heavy in my guts. Grabs my saddle and saddle blanket and appraoches my horse.* I think were movin out. *The horse nickers and raises his head from nibbling grass as I begin saddling.*
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted February 21, 2010 Posted February 21, 2010 *Stands up from where I had been sitting on the clinic stairs after seeing Chet exit. Follows him a bit but still keeps distance.* Chet I know you blame yourself for their state but...well maybe you do have that right. *Scratches the back of my neck* This ain't easy for me to say given who you are but sometimes the good outweighs the bad. Your intentions were honorable and if its any consolation I would have done the same dang thang if I percieved my friend was in that kind of trouble. Who wouldn't if their friend had a gun pointed at them? *Sighs heavily* You saved their lives and that speaks for itself. A lesser man would have just taken off and let Alex take care of everything. You stuck around and I'm sure that means something. I'll let you get to where ever it is you need to go but...I just wanted to say thank you.
Garrett Duke Posted February 21, 2010 Posted February 21, 2010 *Meanwhile inside, Garrett's pale and limp body twitches slightly as he begins to feel the pain richochet violently within him. Eyes still closed, his breathing picks up, and he begins to hear people's voices, sounding far away to him.*
BeauregardDuke73 Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *follows Chet outside, watching him pick up his saddle and blanket* Chet, leaving ain't the answer. *speaking from the porch* What happened, shouldn'ta...but it did - and you leavin' ain't gonna make it any better.
MaryAnne Posted February 22, 2010 Author Posted February 22, 2010 *Meanwhile, inside, with Alex's arm around her shoulders, gaze lingers on Brian and Garrett* Yeah.. *says to Alex's proclamation that both would be okay. Looks around the exam room and senses that perhaps the best thing to do is to let the two rest. Even tho' unconcious, they could probably sense the presense of other people in the room and MaryAnne figured that Doc would clear everyone out at some point, to allow Brian and Garrett some peace and quiet**It was hard to pull away. Especially upon hearing of the injuries Brian had suffered. Internally. Unseen, therefore, unknown in their true severity. Reaches down and touches Brian's hand, giving it a gently grasp. Closes eyes briefly, with a prayer. Then lets go and turns to Garrett to do the same thing**Finally, looks to Alex and gestures with a nod of her head toward the exit*
Cowboy Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 No offense Lizzy Jackson, but your just a pup, your just a green horn. You dont knew either one of those men worth a damn and you certainly dont know me. So dont take this the wrong way... but leave me alone and stay away from me. *Pauses seeing Beau, someone who does know Brian, Garrett and to an extent me as well.* They have all the help they need Beau, Im not needed here Ive made a big enough mess don't you think. Also, dont you think Brian would appreciate not waking up and staring at the face of the man whos still the acting Lord of the Outlaws, and the man who hurt him?
BeauregardDuke73 Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 No offense Lizzy Jackson, but your just a pup, your just a green horn. You dont knew either one of those men worth a damn and you certainly dont know me. So dont take this the wrong way... but leave me alone and stay away from me. *Pauses seeing Beau, someone who does know Brian, Garrett and to an extent me as well.* They have all the help they need Beau, Im not needed here Ive made a big enough mess don't you think. Also, dont you think Brian would appreciate not waking up and staring at the face of the man whos still the acting Lord of the Outlaws, and the man who hurt him?*Watching Chet and listening to him* I won't deny that you've made a mess, Chet. And that no, Brian probably won't want to see you right away. But Duke's don't run when something goes wrong. And this is about as wrong as it gets. You need to stay and do what you can to fix it.
AlexJackson Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *Meanwhile, inside, with Alex's arm around her shoulders, gaze lingers on Brian and Garrett* Yeah.. *says to Alex's proclamation that both would be okay. Looks around the exam room and senses that perhaps the best thing to do is to let the two rest. Even tho' unconcious, they could probably sense the presense of other people in the room and MaryAnne figured that Doc would clear everyone out at some point, to allow Brian and Garrett some peace and quiet**It was hard to pull away. Especially upon hearing of the injuries Brian had suffered. Internally. Unseen, therefore, unknown in their true severity. Reaches down and touches Brian's hand, giving it a gently grasp. Closes eyes briefly, with a prayer. Then lets go and turns to Garrett to do the same thing**Finally, looks to Alex and gestures with a nod of her head toward the exit**watching MaryAnne, also gives a heavy sigh looking down at Brian, seeing his battered face and the scraped forehead...* That horse hit him so all happened so fast... *says softly, then nods at MaryAnnes gesture* Yeah... lets let them rest, lets go out... *walks with MaryAnne outside, needing air...*
Brian Coltrane Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *Meanwhile, inside, with Alex's arm around her shoulders, gaze lingers on Brian and Garrett* Yeah.. *says to Alex's proclamation that both would be okay. Looks around the exam room and senses that perhaps the best thing to do is to let the two rest. Even tho' unconcious, they could probably sense the presense of other people in the room and MaryAnne figured that Doc would clear everyone out at some point, to allow Brian and Garrett some peace and quiet**It was hard to pull away. Especially upon hearing of the injuries Brian had suffered. Internally. Unseen, therefore, unknown in their true severity. Reaches down and touches Brian's hand, giving it a gently grasp. Closes eyes briefly, with a prayer. Then lets go and turns to Garrett to do the same thing**Finally, looks to Alex and gestures with a nod of her head toward the exit**the touch to the hand doesn't bring any outward reaction...the inert Coltrane showing no signs of life, save for the shallow, slow breathing that is almost undectectable. The absolute stillness is a sharp contrast to the spirit of the person lying here....and one can only wonder, what remains of him.*
MaryAnne Posted February 22, 2010 Author Posted February 22, 2010 *watching MaryAnne, also gives a heavy sigh looking down at Brian, seeing his battered face and the scraped forehead...* That horse hit him so all happened so fast... *says softly, then nods at MaryAnnes gesture* Yeah... lets let them rest, lets go out... *walks with MaryAnne outside, needing air...**the touch to the hand doesn't bring any outward reaction...the inert Coltrane showing no signs of life, save for the shallow, slow breathing that is almost undectectable. The absolute stillness is a sharp contrast to the spirit of the person lying here....and one can only wonder, what remains of him.**starts to walk with Alex to the exit, but the unresponsiveness of cousin weighs heavy on the mind and emotions. Makes only as far as the door way before suddenly turning around and rushing back to where Brian lay still*Wake up! *eyes brim with tears* Dammit, Brian, wake up! Please...
Cowboy Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *Furrows my brow and turns back to my horse tightening the cinch on my saddle.* No Beau.... a DUKE would not have hurt someone like this. Not in a million years, not even by accident. *Grabs my horses reins quickly and he jerks his head up alittle startled.*
BeauregardDuke73 Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *Furrows my brow and turns back to my horse tightening the cinch on my saddle.* No Beau.... a DUKE would not have hurt someone like this. Not in a million years, not even by accident. *Grabs my horses reins quickly and he jerks his head up alittle startled.**stalking up to Chet, grabbing him by the arm and holding him there.* Don't you DARE run away. *voice low* You screwed up - big time. But going away will be an even bigger mistake.
AlexJackson Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *starts to walk with Alex to the exit, but the unresponsiveness of cousin weighs heavy on the mind and emotions. Makes only as far as the door way before suddenly turning around and rushing back to where Brian lay still*Wake up! *eyes brim with tears* Dammit, Brian, wake up! Please...*turns as MaryAnne tugs away and goes after her, feeling own chest and throat tighten at her emotion outburst... own emotions are threatening...* Damn it.. *whispers, swallowing hard and touches her back gently, squeezing eyes shut, own fear thats kept hidden starting to bubble to the surface...* I want him to wake up too... *says softly, dark eyes growing bright, leaning over and gently touching blond head to the dark one of MaryAnne* Damn it... *swipes arm over eyes taking a shuddering breath*
Cowboy Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 Ya better let go of me Beau. *Warns firmly, lips pressed, brow furrowed.* It wont be a mistake, I'll be getting out of the way and getting a bomb away from innocent people. I wont let myself hurt anyone else! *Yanks on his hold testing his grip.*
Brian Coltrane Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *starts to walk with Alex to the exit, but the unresponsiveness of cousin weighs heavy on the mind and emotions. Makes only as far as the door way before suddenly turning around and rushing back to where Brian lay still*Wake up! *eyes brim with tears* Dammit, Brian, wake up! Please...*the layers of conciousness are thick with pain...and so it was with good reason that one Coltrane remained safely beneath awareness. Yet the urgency and grief in MaryAnne's voice is audible, as is the emotion from Alex. So long is there is life in this body, however battered, there is will.....**...and with a slogging, determined effort, the mind breaches the surface, awareness bringing searing, sharp pain along with it. Coughs once, expression tightening with pain, left hand weakly reaching up to pull off the oxygen mask. Gasps an unsteady breath without it, eyes flickering open....and as focus returns to vision, sees the worried faces staring back. At the tears in MaryAnne's eyes and the striken look in Alex's face, can only murmur an effort at reassurance* ....hush, can't be all that bad......
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *Looks up at Chet blinking back tears* Fine I'll go. But know this it's people like you in this town that make people like me, the greenhorns and the rookies, feel so unwanted. It's not what I thought this town was like. I was just trying to help you out but it looks like your just a self-absorbed jerk who wants to wallow in self pity. Whatever, I get it. *Walks over to Hazard garage and sits down in a chair out front.*
BeauregardDuke73 Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 Ya better let go of me Beau. *Warns firmly, lips pressed, brow furrowed.* It wont be a mistake, I'll be getting out of the way and getting a bomb away from innocent people. I wont let myself hurt anyone else! *Yanks on his hold testing his grip.**releasing him sharply* Fine. Go on with ya then. *turning away, frustrated with the situation, angry at Chet's running, and worried about Brian and Garrett.*
MaryAnne Posted February 22, 2010 Author Posted February 22, 2010 *the layers of conciousness are thick with pain...and so it was with good reason that one Coltrane remained safely beneath awareness. Yet the urgency and grief in MaryAnne's voice is audible, as is the emotion from Alex. So long is there is life in this body, however battered, there is will.....**...and with a slogging, determined effort, the mind breaches the surface, awareness bringing searing, sharp pain along with it. Coughs once, expression tightening with pain, left hand weakly reaching up to pull off the oxygen mask. Gasps an unsteady breath without it, eyes flickering open....and as focus returns to vision, sees the worried faces staring back. At the tears in MaryAnne's eyes and the striken look in Alex's face, can only murmur an effort at reassurance* ....hush, can't be all that bad......*Although the tears in MaryAnne's eyes remain, there's a smile now. Relief upon seeing cousin stir. And speak* Brian... *reaches and takes hold of his hand bringing it to her cheek* Thank God...
AlexJackson Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *the layers of conciousness are thick with pain...and so it was with good reason that one Coltrane remained safely beneath awareness. Yet the urgency and grief in MaryAnne's voice is audible, as is the emotion from Alex. So long is there is life in this body, however battered, there is will.....**...and with a slogging, determined effort, the mind breaches the surface, awareness bringing searing, sharp pain along with it. Coughs once, expression tightening with pain, left hand weakly reaching up to pull off the oxygen mask. Gasps an unsteady breath without it, eyes flickering open....and as focus returns to vision, sees the worried faces staring back. At the tears in MaryAnne's eyes and the striken look in Alex's face, can only murmur an effort at reassurance* ....hush, can't be all that bad......*eyes flying open at the sound of the voice and sees the open eyes and sighs audibly* Thank God... *gives a watery grin, hugging MaryAnne around the waist, head still against hers, taking another moment to wipe face and looks at Brian* Damn good to see you Brian... *sighs again, feeling chest loosen some...*
Cowboy Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *Mounts my horse and steps him out into the street, takes to the street at a easy jog, moving out into the darkness without another word.*
Brian Coltrane Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *Although the tears in MaryAnne's eyes remain, there's a smile now. Relief upon seeing cousin stir. And speak* Brian... *reaches and takes hold of his hand bringing it to her cheek* Thank God...*feels moisture sting own eyes, at this, and clutches MaryAnne's hand in return* ...Ah'm sorry, cousin.... *ragged drawl full of remorse* ...ah'm sorry. Don't fuss now, ah'm fine...*tries to sit up, but feels pain rake sharply through body. Lays self back down, carefully, and offers a weak smile* ...awright, ah'm not fine, but it hurts too damn much to die.
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