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I spotted another small blooper when I was skipping through 'Mrs. Daisy Hogg' the other day. When Rosco's patrol car has its first impact, it loses its front end (fenders, hood, grille etc.), but the shot of the occupants immediately afterwards shows the fender still in place.




1 hour ago, HossC said:

I spotted another small blooper when I was skipping through 'Mrs. Daisy Hogg' the other day. When Rosco's patrol car has its first impact, it loses its front end (fenders, hood, grille etc.), but the shot of the occupants immediately afterwards shows the fender still in place.




I just watched this episode a few days ago and didn't notice that.  I love how the front end just fell off so easily.  It's like it wasn't bolted on.  The General Lee also never gets dented or scratched no matter how much it smashes into other cars. lol

  • 4 weeks later...

Hey, I don't know if I'm putting this in the right place or not but,  about my comment on the term " Ridge Runners" and how they were calling it " Ridge Raiders", you have to remember, the ridges! When you fly down the road driving fast, you're running the ridges....the ridges being the narrow roads. If it was actually " Ridge Raiders".....how would you " Raid" a ridge ( narrow road) ?? No, Ridge Runners has got to be the correct term. This is another big blooper by the writers, seeing that they even titled one of the episodes, " Ridge Raiders"!!

Posted (edited)

I've wondered that too Hobie.

Hmmm, this makes me wonder if there was any kind of copyright on the term "Ridge Runner" at the time. Maybe they couldn't use it.

My fantasy NASCAR team in Garrett's league is called "Jesse Duke's Ridge Runners"

Edited by RogerDuke
On ‎3‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 2:35 PM, HossC said:



I always assumed that the word "ridge" referred to the hills and mountains where they carried out their clandestine activities.

You may have a point there, come to think of it! :) It doesn't negate the point I made however!


Alright, I'm going to put my two cents in here (if no one minds of course)...

If i remember correctly, the show mentioned the Ridge Raiders were a bandit group of Ridge Runners who would give h*** to people like Boss Hogg - wealthy, crooked politicians. Raiders referred to the Raids they did. It was a cross between Ridge Runner and Raiders, with Raiders being used in a term akin to Robin Hood. It wasn't quite explained too well just a little... well, it was more touched on without any real explaining, so you had to infer it from a lot of the incidents that occurred during the episodes.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...
Posted (edited)

I haven't read through this entire thread yet, so I don't know if this has already been mentioned, but in the Carnival of Thrills episode, the white stunt car that Bo does a practice jump in changes its make/model twice in a span of several seconds. It starts out as a 1970s 4-door Chrysler B-body (1972 Plymouth Satellite). It's the same body style that was used for most of the cop cars on the show. That body style originally belonged to Dodge Coronet and Plymouth Satellite, and then in the mid-1970s those names were dropped, and the same body style was rebadged to Dodge Monaco and Plymouth Fury (both of which were formerly C-bodies). Most of the cop cars on the show of that body style were late 1970s Monacos and Furys, because those were being sold through various California police auctions at the time:


Then it magically transformed into a 1970s 4-door Chrysler C-body (1972 Plymouth Fury), which is a strange choice for a jump car, because they are so big and heavy compared to B-bodies, and B-bodies aren't exactly small and light themselves. They were considered intermediate-size cars in their day (C-bodies were considered full-size cars), but they were almost exactly the same size as a 1990s/2000s Ford Crown Victoria, which was (and still is) considered a full-size car. It's even stranger when you consider that most of the cop cars on the show, as well as the General Lee itself, were Chrysler B-bodies, and they already had so much experience jumping those, so why attempt it with a C-body?


And then, upon landing, it transformed yet again, this time to a 1970s 4-door Ford Torino, maybe because jumping that massive C-barge didn't turn out so well:


In all other cases of cars transforming into a different make/model that I know of, it was due to them reusing old jump or crash footage (such as Chrysler B-body cop cars transforming into AMC Matador cop cars when jumping the creek or crashing into a tree), but in this case, none of that was reused footage. For unknown reasons, they decided they needed three different makes/models of cars painted up to look similar, for that one jump scene.

Edited by MaximRecoil
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, HossC said:


The changing car in 'Carnival of Thrills' was covered back on page 3 on this thread.

Thanks. I just read your post that you linked to and here are some minor corrections:


Bo climbs into a 1972 Plymouth Fury, puts on his seatbelt and moves off.

It was the Plymouth Satellite that was parked beside him when he was talking to the woman about it, and that he climbed into and took off in. When he stopped the car to put on his seatbelt, it was the Torino (it's a closeup shot through the side window but you can tell it's a Torino by the distinctive shape of the side mirror).


Finally Bo returns in the 1972 Plymouth Fury he started with.

He returns to the Satellite that he started with. The order is like this:

1. Satellite

2. Torino

3. Fury

4. Torino

5. Satellite

Edited by MaximRecoil
  • 1 year later...
On 12/7/2010 at 6:41 PM, TheGeneral01 said:

For the life of me I can't remember which episode it is... But I think it's in the second season...

Apparently this is a common occurrence, because as we all know, the General's doors were not really welded shut. But in this one episode, Bo and Luke are jumping into the General... Bo makes it in first, and then the camera is on Luke, running around to the other side of the car to get in. The camera then cuts into the General, and you can see that Luke does not get into the car through the windows. If he did, you would have seen him coming into the car at an angle. But it doesn't appear that was at all, it's almost as if he just slid into the car through the door like a ghost.

But the best part is... There were no sound effects edited out of the scene, so you can hear the car door shut after he gets in :)

I really wish I could remember which episode this was!

Season 2 Days of Shine Roses when he picks up the detour sign

On 5/15/2013 at 10:18 AM, Roth Potter said:

I've spotted a few errors while watching Dukes.

There is a camera in plain sight during a jump for the episode "Diamonds in the Rough".


During the eipsode "Big Daddy" the GENERAL LEE lettering is misspelled as GENRERAL LEE


While watching the the ending of "The Legacy" I noticed that miss Lucinda is saying 'Goodbye Cathy' Instead of Daisy. when you turn on the subtitles it says darling but it sure ain't that if you listen closely.

NOTE: to hear it properly put your hands over the subtitles and listen closely, otherwise you hear Darling weirdly enough.


Also Waylon called Wilbur Fudge Emery.

  • 5 months later...

'Treasure of Hazzard' was on earlier, and there's a scene near the end where Daisy and Boss are fighting over the box with the payroll in it. As the others run over, I'm not convinced that that's Denver on the right. It's odd because he's in the other scenes at the end (the inset picture is taken about 30 seconds later). What do y'all think?


His  hair looks more gray than white. Maybe it's the same double who was caught in the shot below from 'Mason Dixon's Girls'.



I've seen that inaccurate hair a few times times in vehicles but never noticed in a scene where the stunt double was standing in a group like that. I can't understand why they wouldn't have been more careful. Of course they didn't anticipate things like screen grabs or even hitting the pause button on a VHS or DVD but still....they should have realized it would be noticeable in real time. It wouldn't have cost them that much to acquire a white wig and beard. 

  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/7/2021 at 2:42 PM, HossC said:

'Treasure of Hazzard' was on earlier, and there's a scene near the end where Daisy and Boss are fighting over the box with the payroll in it. As the others run over, I'm not convinced that that's Denver on the right. It's odd because he's in the other scenes at the end (the inset picture is taken about 30 seconds later). What do y'all think?


His  hair looks more gray than white. Maybe it's the same double who was caught in the shot below from 'Mason Dixon's Girls'.


Might have been a re-shoot that Denver Pyle wasn't available for so they had a stand in for him and hoped people like eagle eye HossC wouldn't notice.

  • 3 weeks later...

In Season 2  Ghost of General Lee, I noticed Boss Hogg's safe in the Boars Nest office disappears and reappears during the scene when Phil and Ernie steal it while Daisy is tied up. It's there, then gone. After it shows them loading it into their stolen pickup truck, it is back again. Then when Luke busts in when him and Bo arrive, after Phil and Ernie leave, and asks her "You alright?" And she says "I am now." The safe is back again.


I caught a blooper/mistake in Season 7 Cale Yarborough Comes to Hazzard. When Rosco makes the jump into the grain silo, the light bar/siren flies off his car. But when we cut to him sitting in the car in the silo, when he says "Alright Bo & Luke Duke! You've really done it this time!" The light bar/siren is magically back on the car as it slides down into his view on the windshield.

18 hours ago, Skipper Duke said:

I caught a blooper/mistake in Season 7 Cale Yarborough Comes to Hazzard. When Rosco makes the jump into the grain silo, the light bar/siren flies off his car. But when we cut to him sitting in the car in the silo, when he says "Alright Bo & Luke Duke! You've really done it this time!" The light bar/siren is magically back on the car as it slides down into his view on the windshield.

That scene is actually from 'No More Mr. Nice Guy'.

  • 5 weeks later...

Not really a blooper, but an oddity. When Bo and Luke borrow Cooter's pickup near the end of 'People's Choice', Cooter says, "Do me a favor. Put a couple of dollars' worth of gas in there." Coooter was just leaving his garage where the town's gas pumps are located, so if it was low on gas, why didn't he put some in the tank?

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