James Duke Posted August 1, 2008 Posted August 1, 2008 "Your cousin's right, Luke. And like I said, we'll find Bo. Its too dark to look now, but first thing in the morning, I'll go out looking for him." Jesse promised. Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 1, 2008 Author Posted August 1, 2008 Luke nodded slowly to his uncle and wiped his running nose."I'm comin' with ya Uncle Jesse...my fault he's gone anyways..." Quote
James Duke Posted August 1, 2008 Posted August 1, 2008 "That's fine Luke, you can help. And by lunch time tomorrow, if we haven't found him, we'll get Rosco and everyone else out looking too." Jesse said. Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 1, 2008 Author Posted August 1, 2008 Luke nodded to his wise uncle, walking off towards his and Bo's room. "I..I'm not that hungry Uncle Jesse..I think I'll just go to bed..." Hanging his head lower, Luke walked to his and Bo's room opening up the door to the dark room slowly. He looked across the room to Bo's bed and sighed heavily, walking over to it, sitting down on the matress. Taking Bo's pillow in his hand, Luke curled his tiny fingers around it and laid down, staring at the wall. Daisy sighed sadly watching Luke walk away. "I'm not hungry either Uncle Jesse..."She spoke softly. Quote
James Duke Posted August 1, 2008 Posted August 1, 2008 "That's fine Daisy, I understand." Jesse said with a nod. "You can go onto bed if you want." Quote
James Duke Posted August 1, 2008 Posted August 1, 2008 Whenthe kids were in bed, Jesse went outside to sit on the porch. He sighed sadly and looked out across the yard, hoping to spot Bo come running. When no one came, he shook his head a little. He then looked up towards the Heavens and prayed that they would find Bo alive and safe. Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 1, 2008 Author Posted August 1, 2008 Come morning, Luke was the first of the Dukes to be up and dressed. Parading through the house Luke proceeded to shout.."Get up get up get up!!!"Daisy, being as sleepy as she was, jerked her head up in hops that Bo had finally come home. Throwing off her covers literally leaping out of the bed, throwing on clothes that didn't really match, Daisy flung open her bedroom door and looked at Luke running out to him, almost knocking him over. "Is it Bo?? Is he back??" She asked, questioningly. Luke looked at her and shook his head slowly."No Dais...I just wanted everyone up so's we could go and look for him." Quote
James Duke Posted August 1, 2008 Posted August 1, 2008 Jesse came out of his room shortly after."Alright kids, we'll eat a quick breakfast, then go out searching." He said, getting out a box of cereal. After fixing everyone a bowl, they all ate quickly. In just a couple of minutes, they were ready to look.Grabbing his hat, Jesse led the kids outside. "We'll look in the woods first. Check everywhere he could possibly hide." Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 1, 2008 Author Posted August 1, 2008 Luke and Daisy both nodded to him as their heads shot in the direction down the driveway. "Cooter!!! back off will ya?!!" A familiar female voice shouted as Lori flew down the driveway almost colliding with the towering old man."Howdy Uncle Jesse! We came to help search with ya this morning... we figured...since it was partly our fault to for not watching Bo we should help..." Cooter came down the driveway holding to his greasy hat, knocking Lori over in an attempt to stop. Daisy watched the two and giggled a little shaking her head, in any situation you could always count on a Davenport to lighten the mood even if they wasn't tyring. Quote
James Duke Posted August 1, 2008 Posted August 1, 2008 Jesse smiled at the two and nodded. "Thank ya. Lori, go with Daisy, ok? The boys can search together too." Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 1, 2008 Author Posted August 1, 2008 Picking herself up off the ground with muttered cusses at Cooter, she nodded to Uncle Jesse and smiled at Daisy."C'mon Daisy! Let's get a headstart..."Lori said in a rush taking ahold of Daisy's arm, both girls took off in a mad dash across the back forty.Cooter grumbled dusting off some of the dirt from his shirt."Women..."He muttered under his breath. Quote
James Duke Posted August 1, 2008 Posted August 1, 2008 "You'll grow to love them." Jesse said, patting him on the back. "C'mon, lets get started." He said, heading off in one direction, letting the boys pick another. Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 1, 2008 Author Posted August 1, 2008 Cooter raised a brow at Jesse and followed after Luke having to jog a little to keep up."Grow to love em...heck, you can't love Lori...she's too danged stubborn to let ya..." Quote
James Duke Posted August 1, 2008 Posted August 1, 2008 Luke gave him an odd look. "Your kin, your supposed to love her." Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 1, 2008 Author Posted August 1, 2008 Cooter blinked at him, obviously he hadn't lived with her."Have YOU tried to love her before???" Quote
James Duke Posted August 1, 2008 Posted August 1, 2008 "Yes." Luke said matter-of-factly. "I do love her." Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 1, 2008 Author Posted August 1, 2008 Cooter looked at him like he had lost his blooming mind! "You're crazy too!" He said, shaking his head as they entered into the woods, pulling back branches and briars. Quote
James Duke Posted August 1, 2008 Posted August 1, 2008 "Might be crazy, but I ain't dumb." Luke smirked. Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 1, 2008 Author Posted August 1, 2008 Cooter turned to look at him, letting a branch smack him."Hey, thats my line!" Quote
James Duke Posted August 1, 2008 Posted August 1, 2008 "Hey! Watch it!" Luke said, frowning some. "We can't find Bo if we're killing each other with branches." Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 1, 2008 Author Posted August 1, 2008 Cooter grumbled lightly at Luke, shaking his head, yelling for Bo. Down around the girl's way, nothing at all was happening. Daisy would yell, then Lori. Sighing, Lori was about to turn around when she seen some branches moving. "Bo??" she yelled, slowly creeping over to the bushes. Daisy followed in behind her, hoping and praying it was Bo.Oh...it was Bo alright. When Lori moved a branch a skunk, with a couple babies around her, whirled around, her tail held high. Lori's eyes was popping out of her head when she let out a blood curdling scream."Run Daisy run!!!!" Daisy looked at Lori like she was nuts, but looking down in the branches she saw the skunk charge at them. Daisy herself let out a yell and took off at a fast sprint in behind Lori. Panicked female voices could be heard clearly across the back forty and all through the woods as the two headed out of the woods with the skunk close behind, still on the chase. Cooter snapped his head around in the direction in which the girl's screams was coming from."What has Lori done now..."He questioned more so to himself. Quote
James Duke Posted August 1, 2008 Posted August 1, 2008 "Lets go check it out. They might be in trouble." Luke said, taking off running in the direction the screams came from. Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 1, 2008 Author Posted August 1, 2008 Darting around the corner of the house, looking back only once to see Uncle Jesse's red hunting cap at the tree lines, Lori took hold of Daisy's hand and climbed up the old Oak tre as fast as she could pull Daisy up it, who didn't need much persuasion to climb herself. Almost to the main top, Lori panted and looked down at the skunk throwing branches down at it. "You black and white pussy cat!!! Pick on someone your own size why doncha?!!"Daisy smacked Lori throwing branches herself. "Don't rile it Lori!" Following Luke out of the woods, Cooter stopped, doubling over in laughter. "A skunks got 'em both treed!" Skipper Duke 1 Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 1, 2008 Author Posted August 1, 2008 Lori looked down at the two of them and flung a branch, cracking both of them in top of the head. "You wait Lukas...Cooter...when I get down from here...you're both gonna get it.." she threatened. The skunk looked up at them and sprayed the tree, then, as if it was proud, trotted off right past Cooter, Jesse, and Luke. Daisy looked at Lori who was shooting daggers at Luke and Cooter. She'd help her kill them! Skipper Duke 1 Quote
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