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Let me stir things up a little bit. Please feel free to disagree.

The first reunion movie had a great plot but I refuse to buy the DVD. Here's why..

Daisy, Bo and Luke would have never left Uncle Jesse at the farm alone like they did. I could have probably handled it a little better if all 3 of them would have announced at the end of the movie that they were back in Hazzard to stay but they didn't (correct me if I'm wrong with that statement, I've only seen it once). What makes this especially troubling is how frail Jesse looked when he was left to the farm alone. I'm sure he gave them his blessing to go but that's not the point. The point is that they wouldn't have left him. At least not all 3 of them.

To better make my point, please recall in "Undercover Dukes" from season 6 how Daisy treated the boys when they decided to go back to the NASCAR circuit. She locked herself in her room and wouldn't even say goodbye. She felt they were abandoning Uncle Jesse. Of course Jesse gave them a tearful blessing, as expected....and they ended up only being gone 2 days.

I suppose the writing of that reunion movie should come as no surprise since professional writers who probably aren't fans of the show come up with such insensitive things. That sensitivity could be greatly improved if they would have consulted with a real fan or two.

Thanks for letting me vent folks.


I do agree with you there roger but maybe they figured that it was time to move on. you can't always stay in the same place for the rest of your lives it sometime doesn't sit well. With Bo racing nascar (I think that's what he did) any time he was racing at Atlanta Motor Speedway he may have had the time to stop in and say hi and check up on him. that and they do have neighbors that could check in occasionally. I don't think that the boys and Daisy would have left him all alone if they didn't think he could have handled it.

But yeah you do bring up a few good points.


Hey Rog,

Once again I sense great negativity coming from you, so once again I have to intercept and try and inject some positivity in! lol.

The thing with Undercover Dukes was, Daisy was the most angry that they boys were leaving on Jesse's birthday and the fact that they couldn't give them a good explanation as to why they had siuddenly decided to go again except 'Its just the way it is with Luke and Me'. I would have been pretty mad at that too. Agreed however, she did bring up the fact about spring crops and Jesse not being able to plant them on his own.

However, in the reunion movies things are very different. The boys are now off their probation, free to go whereever they pleased. As they said, Bo arrived at NASCAR by accident when he was trying to find the Grand ol' Oprey. The order in which the reunion introduced the cousins back, I believe, is the order in which they left. It has always been Bo's dream to drive with NASCAR professionally and Jesse would NOT let Bo give up that dream for him. With all the money he was earning now, you can bet he sent lots home because the house has been modified and made bigger and also there would be enough money coming in for Jesse to pay for farm hands to help him. Just from Bo's income alone.

Daisy's gone off to college - she's never been on probation with boys and could have left anytime she wanted to. Fact is she was there all her life because the house needed a female figure to help run it. I'm glad she was finally doing something far more productive than just being a stay home, cook and clean girl. She went on to try and get a degree at University which Jesse would be so proud of. And again, with Bo's income, they could afford it.

Now you can bet Luke wasn't going to go without a fight, he being the one that would take over the role of patriarch when Jesse passed. However, that being said,. Jesse would almost insist Luke go out and so what he would love to before he has to be tied down to the farm himself. Jesse would be ashamed if he begged the kids to stay or made them stay because of his ailing age, and also, if the writers had kept the kids at the farm, all we'd see of the Dukes is them doing the same thing they always had done. We'd moan and gripe about how they never moved on in their lives after their probation, what could have become of them and all that.

At the end of the reunion movie, true they didn't say they were staying at all. Daisy obviously had to go back and finish her degree but we dont know if the boys stayed or not. However, i think they did as at the beginning of the second reunion movie, we dont have them coming back from anywhere. They're already at the farm, speeding around in the General with Luke now as the patriarch of the family. As for the writers, Gy Waldron wrote the script - the original creator of the Dukes! So, actually, it was written by someone who knows Dukes way better than any of us could.

So yeah, that's my two cents worth. I personally love the fact that the boys moved on with their lives away from the farm after near 10 years of being on probation, its what they deserved and what most of us expected. Jesse would never have let them stay on the farm with a future ahead of them once the probation had gone but you can guarentee they'd always come back and look after him if he ever needed it. :) Hope that makes you just a tad more positive even if you dont buy the reunion movies - which would be a shame really because they are far more true to the Dukes than the recently made ones....yuuuck....


Wow Bo, I ran through a whole bunch of emotions while reading your post. The strongest one is anger. I'm so mad at myself for not researching this a little more. I didn't know that Gy Waldron was the writer. Had I known that, I would have never started this thread. I have so much appreciation for him for creating the show that has been such a big part of my entire adult life (I was just out of high school when it first came out). I would never intentionally write anything that would even remotely offend him so I can definitely call this the low point in my Hazzardnet experience. That brings me to my next emotion....embarressment.

I am very impressed with you Bo. You really love the Dukes of Hazzard and are one of the most positive people I know. I won't point out some details of why I disagree with you because, at this point, I just want to put this thread behind me and not stir things up (this Gy Waldron thing is really bothering me).

I do stand behind my original post though. I still feel that way. My respect for Mr. Waldron is much stronger than my dissatisfaction for the reunion show so I will put the weaker of those two things off to the side and simply conclude by focusing on the positive and publicly thank Gy Waldron for creating the greatest show in the history of this planet. Because of his creation and how it has influenced me, I'm a better and much happier person....(even though I still mess up once in awhile and stick my boot in my mouth)


Hey, its alright, we can't all be perfect like me :-P

Nah i'm kidding, I didn't know who wrote it either till I looked on the back of the Reunion DVD's to see. Its a shame you still feel that way about them though, cause in reality its not Jesse that's supposed to look frail - its Denver because of his fight with cancer. So technically Jesse's not supposed to be so ailing - another reason why you shouldn't let it bother you so much. The farm is clearly doing well in the reunion movie, and we all knew the boys couldn't stay in Hazzard county forever, throughout the show we could see they're dreams were far bigger than Hazzard County's walls. In an ideal world, yes they would have stayed there forever and ever, grown old there and died there...but Dukes was the closest thing to reality (save for the flying cars lol) that I have ever seen on television in such a long time and I think the fact the boys followed their dreams and made something of themselves continues in that realistic style of television. I am so proud of the way Gy took those reunion movies when they could have eaisly just been a continuation of the series with nothing much changed - why change what isn't broken right?

But hey, its your opinion and I got no right to try and force mine on you. I'm just stating how I feel and if others agree and helps them to be a little more positive about a negative thing then that's a bonus.


Bo, I wasn't going to respond to your post because, like I said, I want my slip up to go away but you had one line that makes me have to respond (believe it or not, it's not even the one where you said you're perfect...because I agree...well, almost LOL)

Your line "In an ideal world, yes they would have stayed there forever and ever" made me think. To me, Hazzard is an ideal world and I don't want it to change. I'll never accept it any other way. I can't deal with imagining a Hazzard County without Jesse, Boss or Waylon. I can't accept the General Lee stored in a chicken coop (or whatever that was)

I do understand and respect your taste for a more realistic Hazzard County after the series but I just don't agree. I still like you though...LOL.

All this goes back to that old saying: There's 3 things folks shouldn't talk about, religion, politics and Hazzard County after season 7.

In my world, I have a saying too (actually I just came up with it now) There's 3 things in life that are certain , death, taxes and Hazzard never changing.


I think that, if they did a reunion with the 3 guys yet at home, we'd found it strange! For example, it they will marry, how could all 3 remain in the farm? One has to leave home one day!

But, if I don't wrong, Luke remains to Hazzard, even if not in the farm...

  • 1 month later...

I image if they did another dukes movie. It would be about Bo and Gabby getting married and living at the farm. I all ways thought that Luke would build a house on the back 40 and Daisy I'm not real sure. Maybe she finally married Enos or maybe Enos would marry someone else. I don't know, but those are my thoughts on it.

  • 2 years later...

I know this thread is older (like over 2 years!) but I'm new and just want to say, I love the reunion movie. Never liked the Hollywood one. The reunion just had the flavor of the show. And in many parts I rewind and watch 10 times or more. Not to mention the boys aged well! But the first one was a little sad for me with the death of Boss Hogg (Sorrell Booke). Roger, I had some same thoughts as you, that all three of them left the farm and left poor Uncle Jesse. But after awhile, as Jesse said in one episode "Birds gotta fly." I have always remembered that and realized that Jesse gave the cousins their chance to spread their wings and fly. It took me a while to realize that in my own life (I didn't move out until I was 25). So I agree with both Roger and Bo.

I hope I do not sound redundant. I just wanted to put my two cents in! Thanks for starting this thread.


Since the thread got renewed and I just read through it again, I thought I'd give my two cents worth as well.

I will admit I am not a fan of either reunion movie. I do own them both on DVD, yet have yet to watch the DVD (so far, just part of my collection I guess) I can't remember if I have even seen the first one or not. Know I've seen the second one.

I guess if I force myself to sit down and think in reality, Gy did what he had to do to make the reunions successful. After all, most people move away or leave home after a certian age after high school or college or whenever. Would Bo, Luke, and Daisy be happy to live like that forever? Especially since they did have their own dreams. Being a huge NASCAR fan, am glad that they had Bo accomplish his dream. I would love to see him out on the track against Gordon and Johnson ;). (Though I'd have a heck of a time knowing who to root for.) Jesse would want them all to achieve their dreams if it is possible and would be happy for them and wouldn't want to tie them down or have them stay at home when they could be out living their dreams like that. I guess it makes it more real having them move out like that...afterall, people do change once they grow up or older.

Though I don't like to face reality at times. Which is why I have a hard time watching the reunion movies. The reunion movies are great and am glad that they did them. But for me, I'd rather picture Bo, Luke, Daisy, Jesse, Rosco and everyone as they were in the TV show. Not older or different. Just seems wrong to hear them talking on a cell phone or having computers and all that new technology. When I think of Hazzard, I want to see it as it was on the series. And it'd be aweful to think of The General locked in some chicken coop and not being used. Yes people change, things change, but I don't like thinking of our beloved Duke cast changing from how they were in the series.

So I agree Gy did it right by them moving out and doing what they did and perhaps if I ever find the time, I'll sit down and watch the first one to know I've seen it. Knowing that is probably the last true Duke movie or show out there, am glad they did it and it was good for the show. But I still would like to think of Hazzard, The General, and the whole Duke cast to be as it was in the series. . .

There is my two cents. Not that it is worth much. ;)

I know this thread is older (like over 2 years!) but I'm new and just want to say, I love the reunion movie.

Work away, there's plenty of life in these threads, I've been reviving some myself. It's great to have another member posting their opinions. Welcome to HNet.

I have the reunion movies on DVD, and always watch them after working my way through seasons 1-7. To me, they're part of the set, they're part of the story. That doesn't mean that I don't have mixed feelings about them.

I liked the reality, and seeing how their lives progressed, and they included as many of the original cast as possible. Sadly, Denver was looking very ill and a shadow of his former self in the first movie. Rosco without his little fat buddy was also hard to take. I'm sure Laurel and Hardy fans would go to a Stan Laurel film, but it's not the same.

As a comparison, I like watching 'Cheers', and after only 3 seasons, one of the main cast members (Nicholas Colasanto aka. Coach) died in real life. He was obviously ill during season 3, and it visibly affected the rest of the cast and added a depth to the show. I can see this in the Dukes movies, and I can see why some people don't want their 'ideal' Hazzard County to be altered.

As I said, I have mixed feelings, but to me they're the last authentic Dukes, so I won't ignore them.

Is anyone collecting all these 2 cents - we must have over a nickel by now. :)

I have the reunion movies on DVD, and always watch them after working my way through seasons 1-7. To me, they're part of the set, they're part of the story. That doesn't mean that I don't have mixed feelings about them.

Believe me, the mixed feelings hit me everytime I watch it (I only have it on my DVR). In my mind, like everyone else, Boss is still trying to jail the boys or swindle the farm away from Jesse. Jesse is still bailing the boys out of jail. The boys is running from Rosco; Daisy, Cooter and Enos are trying to keep up with them all. They all still race the back roads of Hazzard in my mind! And they always will!

Thanks Hoss for the welcome!

First off welcome to Hnet, waikiki23! I agree with your last post completly. When I watch the show, for some reason a little saying keeps going through my head and it goes like this "Forever Young"

Amen!!! I can never see them grow up. I defy anyone who tells me otherwise! :)

  • 3 months later...

I actually liked the reunion movies. I am glad that Denver Pyle was able to be in the first one. My only gripe with the first movie though was I wish they hadn't just acknowledged Boss had passed away and left his 'empire' to Roscoe. I think they should have had everyone come back to Hazzard because Boss passed away, to pay their respects. Boss might have caused a lot of chaos over the years, but him and the Dukes went way back.

I also think Uncle Jesse deserved more mention in the second movie, after Denver had passed away. He was mentioned briefly for his recipe. He deserved a lot more than that.

  • 1 month later...

To be honest, I didn't care for the Reunion film at all. I didn't think the storyline fit. It seemed a little far fetched that all three cousins left town and when the Reunion occurred, in the beginning they acted like they hadn't seen or talked to one another in years. That's not how it would have went down because the Dukes were too close. I realize that Ben Jones went on to become a US Senator, but in the show crazy Cooter leaving his garage after all his years in Hazzard to become a senator was a bit much as well.

I agree that Luke would have more than likely taken over at the family patriarch because he was always the sensible one and Daisy's character had changed a little too much as well.

To be honest, I didn't care for the Reunion film at all. I didn't think the storyline fit. It seemed a little far fetched that all three cousins left town and when the Reunion occurred, in the beginning they acted like they hadn't seen or talked to one another in years. That's not how it would have went down because the Dukes were too close.

I agree completely. The show had a good plot but you can tell it was written by a professional writer who didn't consult true Dukes fans.

There's no way in the world all three Dukes would have left Uncle Jesse like that. One, or even two, but definitely not all three.

  • 3 weeks later...

I really feel like I have to put my 2 cents in here as well as per the Reunion movie (might be up to a dime here now! LOL). I, too, have mixed feelings about the 1st movie (I watched about 20 minutes of the Hollywood one and turned it off, sorry, I just couldn't handle that one)

On one hand, I can understand about the guys persuing other occupations and I loved it that Luke was a smoke-jumper instead of having anything to do with racing. Daisy on the other hand, I thought for the most part was not well written at all. Whether it was Gy doing the writing or someone else had a hand in it, I feel her character was the one who suffered the most in terms of continuity and personality. To me, she's not the same Daisy that we knew in the series (and I'm not taking anything from Cathy herself, hey you read what they write for you).

I have to admit, I'm one of those huge Enos/Daisy fans and therein is the crux of my problem with the whole movie. At the end of the series, you're left thinking that they might actually get married someday. When we see them again, Daisy's been married to some drifter named L.D. and Enos is in LA (when it was made abundantly clear in the series that he was finished with LA and would rather be in Hazzard). And my first reaction to all of that is - WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED HERE??? (which is what my novella "Beneath a Hazzard Moon" is all about - you can find a link in the fanfic section <---shameless plug) Even though half of the movie is about them getting hitched (not), the chemistry that they had in the 6th and 7th seasons is gone.

Now, what I liked about the movie...I did like Rosco. The part with him talking to the picture of Boss was the highlight of the movie and still makes me tear up. I loved how he snookered Mama Jo in the end. I thought after all Rosco had been through, it was fitting that he'd finally be on the winning end.

Okay, I think that's about all I have to say ;)


Your post had a lot of thought behind it and I appreciated it.

I agree with you about the part where Rosco talking to Boss was emotional (not to mention unbelievable acting) but it is just too sad for me.

That's one of the reasons I didn't like the show.

I'm not sure where that Hazzard County is located but, in the Hazzard County I know, people we love don't die. Even people like Artie Bender and Henry Flatt are alive even though they appear to be dead.

Once Boss thought he had a terminal illness but found out it was just an erroneous medical report.

Once, the whole town of Hazzard thought that Bo and Luke drown after driving in a lake but they were actually fine.

Boss and Jesse almost suffocated in the bank vault but they lived to tell about it.

That's just how things are in the real Hazzard County. The Hazzard County of the reunion shows is not reality in my mind and I will never accept them.

LONG LIVE HAZZARD COUNTY!! (and all it's residents)

... in the Hazzard County I know, people we love don't die.

Must be why Boss had to use the coffins from his coffin company to transport moonshine and used bank notes ;).


ROFL...Good one Hoss.

Well there were people who died on the show but we never saw them....like Silas Hogg.

There were also quite a few widows in Hazzard.

Uncle Jesse lost his wife and the three younger Dukes lost six parents much earlier but all of this tragedy never inflicted much pain on the viewer.

Seeing Rosco cry over Boss's picture did inflict pain...real pain because not only was Boss dead on the show but for real.

After losing Lulu, Swamp Molly, Paul Baxley and the original Duke farm lately, it hurts to see parts of the show end forever but I am comforted in knowing that those loses can't take away the Hazzard County that will endure for generations....thanks to today's youth becoming fans.

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