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Hey y'all...

Just curious, what are is your opinion on Coy and Vance? Please, do not get all upset... I am just curious. One of my relatives ( a fellow Dukes fan) gets all upset when one even mentiones the name Coy or Vance.

What is your opinion?

General Grant


I didn't mind them. No they aren't/weren't Bo and Luke but I remember watching Coy and Vance as a kid and thinking "I wish Bo and Luke were back but at least I can still watch the Dukes". My point is that it was better than not watching Dukes at all.


Hey y'all!

I think your replies were so cool! I was expecting explosions!!!! I feel the same, yes, they aren't Bo and Luke, but they picked up their stuff and went to help Bo and Luke make their dream come true. I think the show would have had a lot better success with Coy and Vance if they were themselves, rather that look-alikes and immitaters.

Anyway, y'all. I thought that was so cool that y'all accepted them too!

General Grant

Hey y'all!

I think your replies were so cool! I was expecting explosions!!!! I feel the same, yes, they aren't Bo and Luke, but they picked up their stuff and went to help Bo and Luke make their dream come true. I think the show would have had a lot better success with Coy and Vance if they were themselves, rather that look-alikes and immitaters.

Anyway, y'all. I thought that was so cool that y'all accepted them too!

General Grant

I weren't bad they was better than the Movie actors were, and Vance was the cute one and by the way at McDonald's I work we got a Vance he's somewhere between 14-16 years old but no Coy yet.

  • 2 weeks later...

This is how I feel about Coy and Vance-cheap imitations! They should have never been look-alikes like Bo and Luke. They should have came in and been two totally different characters. I personally can't stand watching the season with them on it. It's like they kidnapped my real cousins (Bo and Luke) and expect me to believe Coy and Vance are now part of the family. :cry: Does anyone else agree with me?

Laura Duke

This is how I feel about Coy and Vance-cheap imitations! They should have never been look-alikes like Bo and Luke. They should have came in and been two totally different characters. I personally can't stand watching the season with them on it. It's like they kidnapped my real cousins (Bo and Luke) and expect me to believe Coy and Vance are now part of the family. :cry: Does anyone else agree with me?

Laura Duke

Well, I have all seven seasons and I Coy and Vance weren't as good as Bo and Luke but they was better than the two that played Bo and Luke in the first movie.


Well said - nothing could ever replace the original cast. Tom and John will always be the true Bo and Luke just as Denver Pyle will always be the real Uncle Jesse and so on. I personally found the first DOH movie offensive towards the show - it seemed to break down all that it represented.

As for Coy and Vance...I really don't care that much for them, and it isn't the actors fault that I feel that way, but how they were represented by WB. I think they would have been more well liked if they were allowed to be their own character instead of Bo and Luke. They were given different names, but that was it. The actors walked in on a horrible situation there and you got to feel bad for them. I own that season DVD with them on it, but I don't think I have ever sat down and watched them as of yet. Though I do have to admit, they had some pretty original and neat episodes for Coy and Vance. Kinda like they were trying to make amends for the absense of Tom and John.

Well there's my two cents worth on the subject. ;) No one can beat the originals!

Keep it between the ditches

Garrett Duke


I hope y'all can listen to a whole different concept on "the Great Dukes Debate" I think that we should all give Coy and Vance (Byron Cherry and Christopher Mayes) the same respect we give to Bo and Luke ( John and Tom) Afterall, they are kin, and Dukes don't hate Dukes! Also, Coy and Vance picked up their entire lives and went to help the Bo, Luke, Daisy, and Uncle Jesse, so that Bo and Luke could live out their dream. I agree that they were not as good as the originals and that the movie was horrible. But, that is just my opinion.

Bye y'all!

General Grant


Great point General Grant ("after all, they are kin").

I like the way you think. I'm sure no one out there likes Coy and Vance MORE than they like Bo and Luke but I agree, we shouldn't dislike them either. They did the right thing by coming to help Jesse and Daisy on the farm and we should respect them for that. At least the writers sent someone to help on the farm. That's more than I can say for the writers in the reunion movie. The way they began that movie ruined the whole thing for me. Bo, Luke and Daisy would have never left Uncle Jesse by himself like that. I suspect that the writers were just in it for the paycheck and not real fan(s) of the show.


Thank you RogerDuke! I am glad that some one agrees with me! I was just hoping that it wouldn't start a war or anything. I never saw the first Reunion movie. I saw the second reunion and the new Dukes of Hazzard movie. I must say I didn't care much for the second reunion movie, I thought there wasn't much plot, Uncle Jesse wasn't there, I don't recall Boss being there either, and I thought that was horrible what they did to poor Flash! I was appauled by the new movie. That certainly was not the veiw I come away with when I am watching the Dukes episodes. There must be something about the Dukes of Hazzard that us country people (and those who are country at heart) must understand that city folk(and Hollywood producers) can't seem to grasp (not to offend anyone!)

Y'all seem so country on here!

Catch y'all later!

General Grant


Hey again!

I know what ya'll are saying-that we should respect Coy & Vance, but I just don't feel that way. Yes, they were helping Uncle Jesse and Daisy on the farm, but that's it. Even if you watch Catherine Bach around Byron and Christopher, you can just tell that her heart isn't in acting with those two.

Besides, I thought that they weren't really that great of actors, I just didn't feel the warmth of John and Tom. So, I probably won't persuade you on this one. But, I just can't stand watching Coy and Vance!

So, again, there's my two cents on this one. Does anyone feel the same way as I do?

Laura Duke


Yes, there are some very creative episodes during the 5th season with Coy and Vance. I know some of them would be better played by Bo and Luke, but Byron and Christopher did a great job acting. I actually think that the 5th season has the most creative episodes in a single season, compared to the other six.

Anyway, Bye y'all!

General Grant


I personally think that Coy and Vance in the 5th season ruins the show for me! Even though the script is great, I just can't stand watching it because those two are in it. But, for those of you who love Coy and Vance-you have some great shows to watch!

Laura Duke8-)


I thought they were alright. The acting wasn't so good sometimes, John and Tom were better but I enjoyed the episodes with Coy and Vance. The first few shows were weird because I was so used to Bo and Luke but after that it was okay by me.

I did not like the way they were shipped out when Bo and Luke came back; by the first commercial break with barely a line of dialogue. It would have been fun to see all 4 of them have one adventure together.

Ben Jones says it best: Nice guys put in a difficult situation.


I remember when the show was out originally and I lived for Friday night, it didn't really bother me that much when Coy and Vance were on. Sure, I liked Bo and Luke a lot more and I didn't think Coy and Vance were as good of actors but the show meant so much to me (and still does) that I ignored the bad and focused on the good. Coy and Vance were family and if it weren't for them the show would have ended after season 4, which means we would have missed out on almost half of the fun. So, not only did they help Jesse and Daisy through hard times, they helped to keep Dukes around long enough that we had two more seasons after they left. Losing Bo and Luke wasn't the hard part. Losing the series after 7 amazing years was. Thank goodness for the DVDs and the Hazzardnet....and thank goodness for all of you good Hazzard County folks out there who use it. We're all Dukes (and Davenports, Hoggs, Coltranes and Strates) at heart. I'm grateful to anyone who had anything to do with those 7 years, including Christopher Mayer and Byron Cherry. They aren't perfect but they're still Dukes. I'm gone.


Okay, okay! RogerDuke, you're good! I'm starting to soften up on Coy and Vance. That is true-they did keep the show alive while Bo and Luke were gone for almost a whole season. Boy, you all make such good points about Coy and Vance that it's hard for me to even to think of anymore reasons why I just can't stand watching them.

Laura Duke:)


Thanks Laura, it's always nice to get a compliment. I think everybody else can relate to one statement you made that sums up the entire Coy and Vance experience and it's not necessarily the fault of anybody....it's just a truthful, realistic evaluation of the average Dukes fan's feelings. Your statement was "I just didn't feel the warmth of John and Tom."

That's common ground that we all share.


I agree with ya Laura Duke on the statement that RogerDuke quoted, I watched the first episode of it and I didn't like it, but I started watching it more and more and softened up on Coy and Vance but I still wanted Bo and Luke though..


Wow! It seems like a lot happened while I wasn't looking! Laura Duke... I am surprised that you are softening up, you seemed so set in your ways!! Which isn't a bad thing! Reading through these, you sure do have a way with words RogerDuke! When I first posted this thread and asked the question about Coy and Vance, I was not expecting such a tremendous amount of support from the good people of Hazzard Net, nor was I expecting kindness toward Byron and Christopher. After reading several aricles and books on the subject, I figured I was the only Dukes fan who actually felt bad for Byron and Christopher for having to be in that situation and for all of the negative comments thrown around about them. It seemed that not only the writers of the articles and books hated them, but also Dukes fans. But I was truly amazed and overjoyed when I posted the thread and recieved only positive comments, even when it is known that some of the fans of the Dukes don't like Coy and Vance, which I can understand, I have not heard a bad word said about them. It makes me proud to be a Dukes fan, and a member of this site, where even people you don't exactly care for are your friends. If only the rest of the world could apply that, we'd be a whole lot better off!

I would like every one to know that I truly am amazed by y'all being so kind and hospitable.

General Grant


That's a great way of putting things General Grant. Looking at posts like these really makes me realize what a great second family we have here on the Hazzardnet. I'd always fought computers and technology (I'll never own a cell phone) but when someone explained to me, earlier this year, that you could probably find people who also loved The Dukes of Hazzard on this here contraption, I decided to give it a try. Boy, am I sure glad I did. I had a very full happy life before I found Hazzardnet but now, I really feel like my life is even more complete. I feel sorry for people who don't understand why folks like us are so in love with Hazzard County. For me, the Dukes is somewhere between a hobby and a religion. In other words, I model my life around the lifestyle of Hazzard County residents (minus the car jumps) but I don't put them above God. It's awesome to know that there's folks out there who understand. I got a big 'ole smile on my face right now.


Roger, you gave a fine speechify there. Coy and Vance were always irritating to me, but I agree we all owe something to the fact that they kept the show going. Coy, in particular, was likeable with his aw-shucks innocence. Vance was a smug cuss and came across like he was on valium half the time. Yet both of them kept the roads to Hazzard County open so that Bo and Luke could eventually find their way home.

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