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A sport Robin Williams once described as "baseball on valium".

(I'm not sure why but I have a fear of caves)

Sounds like you have 'speluncaphobia'. I was watching a TV show just yesterday that mentioned phobias in passing. Fear of caves didn't come up (thanks Google), but fear of bats did. It's called 'chiroptophobia'. They also included batophobia, which has nothing to do with bats - it's the fear of being near tall buildings.



Well Hoss I don't have your bat phobia that you are talking about, but have a huge phobia of spiders and really dislike bugs. . .as well as snakes (but I can at least watch them on TV or see them in the zoo without getting upset about it. Spiders is a whole different story...)



Thanks Hoss. I also have a fear of tall buildings. I don't mind being on top of them, it's being below them that makes me uncomfortable. It must be similiar to my fear of caves because I just don't like heavy stuff above me. Other than that, I'm fine with heights, spiders, snakes, germs and all those other fears. Oh yes, I do have one other fear....missing two of Hoss's trivia questions in a row.

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