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I know there is currently an up-roar in the sports world about the Confederate Flag and how it stands for hate and horrible times in the South. Why would they choose that to put on The General? Or what did it mean to them?

Thank you,



It didn't stand for hatred. It stood for freedom and pride. Its meaning has been rather twisted by time, but most especially by being adopted in much more recent times by various anti-social-type groups. Originally, it had nothing to do with what many people now make it to be. Even, honestly, as recently as when the Dukes started on TV.


Have you noticed though no one cares the car was called The General Lee which everyone knows stood for Robert E. Lee, who was a major part of the confed army? No, its all about the flag. The reason they had it was because they have heritage from there. The balladeer actually said in carnival of thrills that Duke ain't fought Duke since the war between the states. Their family was a part of that war, and so it makes sense to want to have the flag on the car alongside the name of what they would consider to be one of the greatest general's of all time. It was all about their family pride, if they had come from somewhere else and showing their pride for their family with the stars and stripes no one would give two hoots.

Its all just a ridiculous battle of political correctness gone stupid. If someone wants to fly the confed flag than thats up to them, if someone wants to put it on their car its up to them. I personally am sick and tired of these groups making such a big deal out of it. Its someone's heritage, its what they grew up with, flipping well leave it alone. How would they like it if someone somewhere came along and said you cant fly the stars and stripes or to us in England you can't fly the union jack or st george's cross because we find it offensive. Bet you there'd be a bigger uproar then huh?


I'm agree with you.

There were another old tv serie, don't know the original title, in italian it was "Alla conquista del West": it spoke about the war from north and south in the US, maybe to keep the part of one of the 2, but don't seem that anyone critisised it!

You know what's ironic? The car has the flag and the name, and yet in the first episode Waylon said the Dukes fought AGAINST the Confederacy.

He did? Are you sure? Where did he say that; I never remember hearing that. In the whole series, far as I know, they actually had Confederate history!


No he never said that! Some of the Dukes fought against the confederacy as proved by the carnival of thrills quote: Duke ain't fought Duke since the war between the states, but he never said that in the first episode. I dont think that that was ever mentioned in the first epsiode :-S


At timestamp 00:18:40 in the first episode: "The Duke family’d been in the whisky business 50 years before the Declaration of Independence. They fought everybody from the British to the Confederacy to the US Government to stay in it, until last year when Bo and Luke got caught on a whisky run. So Jesse swallowed a lifetime of pride and signed a treaty with the US Government to stop making whisky if Bo and Luke could get probation. Y’see, he loved them boys better than life itself. But, sometimes, they really made him wonder why."


Ah yeah I see your point and I take back what I said, BUT I do point out that with my quote Duke fought Duke, so not every Duke was a confederate and not every Duke was a whatever the other side was (lmao). Bo and Luke's origins probably come from the confederate side of the family since they live in the south,. I mean the Dukes have relatives in England for pete's sake lol. So yeah, I see he said it, but then again the Dukes arn't limited to just Bo, Luke, Daisy and Jesse remember, you got many many generations before that.

I also say it because, the Duke Farm has also been in their family for generations, therefore its likely that Bo and Luke have the confed history. :-)


judging by what was said by waylon on that quote it seemed they had to fight everyone in a sense, just like fighting the law in hazzard. i don't recall my history too well but i would think the confederacy would try to regulate it. as for the issue of the flag. a flag means different things to different people. to some even the con flag was a symbol of rebellion even. it just depends on who you talk to. its just ignorant that all the facts aren't presented and people don't have open minds, but then if anything was perfect we wouldn't be having this discussion right now ;)


That quote seemes to me more like a description of how the family had snuck around every governmental body over the centuries in order to keep making shine. It was a comment about the moonshine business, not the War.


well, this flag for southern generation from General Lee civil war long ago and they just put on dodge charger for shown honor from civil war between north and south fight honor flag.. and also dukes family is settle on southern first hazzard in wild west where first jesse dukes settle here and also that flag only for honor long ago of General Lee that how dukes get idea put on match the car.. so perfect for history of hazzard county honor and also as you see that on episode "Happy birthday General Lee" that first history car as well.. thanks :)

  • 4 months later...

im from the caribbean and i really don't see anything wrong with the flag. to me its just a flag. just because the KKK use it as their flag dosen't make it racist. I mean what if the south won the war the confederate flag would have been the American lag.

look at this here in Trinidad almost half the people are hindus when they have weddings the usesomething that looks something like a swastika but its rotaed 90 degrees on their wedding invatations.

Im black by the way too


I have three shirts with the rebel flag on it, including my dukes shirt. Well theres this girl at school who everytime i wear one of those shirts she looks at me like i should be shot!! theres A shirt, that says if your offended by this, you need a history lesson!! well im sorry, but thats really getting on my nerves her looking at me like that, Im proud to be a rebel and I WILL fly the rebel flag til I die!!

  • 3 weeks later...

I guess that whether it's offensive or not's a matter of opinion. I m'self have quite a few rebel flag shirts, and I've had my ex-principal compliment me on one of them, while meanwhile this new dipstick (at lack of ability to use a more fitting term) that replaced him wrote me up for a week for wearing a Lynyrd Skynyrd shirt with the band's name sporting a confederate pattern, and he threatend me when I wore a Dukes shirt in honor of Tom Wopat's birthday. It gets to the point where people are so afraid of offending one group of people they end up attacking another, doncha think?

I guess that whether it's offensive or not's a matter of opinion. I m'self have quite a few rebel flag shirts, and I've had my ex-principal compliment me on one of them, while meanwhile this new dipstick (at lack of ability to use a more fitting term) that replaced him wrote me up for a week for wearing a Lynyrd Skynyrd shirt with the band's name sporting a confederate pattern, and he threatend me when I wore a Dukes shirt in honor of Tom Wopat's birthday. It gets to the point where people are so afraid of offending one group of people they end up attacking another, doncha think?

I think that despicable, I remember back in 1989 I was in my creative writing English class and somebody hit a dixie horn well Mr. Monaco lost half his class to see what kind of car had that horn.

I guess that whether it's offensive or not's a matter of opinion. I m'self have quite a few rebel flag shirts, and I've had my ex-principal compliment me on one of them, while meanwhile this new dipstick (at lack of ability to use a more fitting term) that replaced him wrote me up for a week for wearing a Lynyrd Skynyrd shirt with the band's name sporting a confederate pattern, and he threatend me when I wore a Dukes shirt in honor of Tom Wopat's birthday. It gets to the point where people are so afraid of offending one group of people they end up attacking another, doncha think?

yes i do whole heartdley agree with you, i wear my shirts everyday and I dont care to show off my rebel pride!! Ohh ym lord if I would have gotten written up fer wearing a lynryd skynryd shirt I would cuss a blue streak!!! And if they ever threaten me with my dukes shirt I WILL beat the living daylights out of them, I think its really dumb to have such a controversial argument over a flag!!


I could careless what people think. When you walk in my house there's a conferderate flag. I'm as country as you can get. The way i see it. It took 2 flags to make this great country. If it wasn't for the south leaving the union. Then we wouldn't be the nation we are.

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