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All I want to say is that I don't expect anything to be the same as the original. My thing is this, if someone is going to pay homage to a show such as The Dukes then that person should at least make an effort on things that are emphasized. I didn't expect it to be at all like the series.


I completely agree with you there. If these producers would pick up where the reunion movies left off I think that a lot more people would be accepting, including the original cast. Honestly, that is the only way I would watch another movie or a new tv show.


I dont know if the rest of america(including the younger generations) want to see 40 year old people slide across the hood of a car. Nor do they want to see a woman grasping at her sexuality which has long since gone. No offense...but the oringinal cast aint as pretty as they used to be.

  Meadowmufn said:
I think one of the actors (Randy Wayne?) was on an ABC series, so perhaps they thought it might be good publicity? I don't know, just a guess. It certainly wasn't "family" material, at least IMO.

He played on the show "Sons & Daughters" which was on ABCFamily and something ironic is that Jonathan Bennett was on Smallville which John Schneider was on and it was on ABCFamily too.


This is just a classic case of something that is treated as a God gets a makeover. Some will accept the changes and watch it as something new, with memories of the old, and some will boycott. I, for one, accept the new change. I DON'T want to see the original cast anymore. They have serviced us well. If the Dukes must be remade, then it must have a new cast. Tom Wopat will even agree with that. He has said so before.


Just wanted everyone to know that as opposed to the 2005 movies as I was, and as bad as it turned out to be in every aspect, I actually enjoyed the toned down version of this movie on ABC Family. However, I'm not sure I'd watch the full version on DVD. There were several instances that jarred me a little, like Lulu and the turkey, well Lulu and everything she did was over the top for me. Nevertheless, I thought it was a fair twist on the old series. It wasn't the same, but it picked up on some of the old elements from the show. It did have a "heart" to it I think. I certainly felt more of a family connection between the characters this time even if they tweaked the storyline a bit on how they came together. It's understandable that they weren't able to do as much with the General this time around. It was a lower budget movie and they had to do what they could with the money they had, and I'm sure we all know how much 69 Dodge Chargers are going for these days and how much it is to maintain them. Plus they're aren't as many around as there were in 1978, when they were only 9 years old. I'm driving a 1997 Ranger, and it's 10 years old. I'm sure in 29 years there won't be as many 1997 Rangers driving around as there are now. Anyway, for what it was, it was a fun movie. Yes, too much sex. AND, I know people like to say, well we live in 2007 and things change, BUT morallity doesn't change or shouldn't change. What's wrong in 1978, is wrong now. Dukes was edgey in it's day. I think it speaks badly of our society today that our level of "edey" has been lowered so far that people don't see that it's wrong. I'm a Christian. I believe in living a life that shows God through me. It's wrong for me to say that I agree with everything that goes on in movies, tv and the media. I don't. That stuff just shouldn't happen, but it's the world I live in. I don't believe in judging people, but I don't have to agree with what they do, and I don't agree with a lot of what I see in society. I hope that people realize that the origianl Dukes had a lot of the same beliefs that alot of people like me have. We believe in God, obeying God, being morally and ethicly responsible, loving people, caring for each other above all else, and doing what is right. That's the "heart" that was in the old Dukes and I hope people never forget that. I'm not perfect and no one is, and in saying that maybe I shouldn't have ejoyed the movie because of all the stuff that shouldn't have been in there, but I did and I have to live with it.


Hi everybody,

I registered awhile back, but have never gotten around to posting.

I run a Batman fan site and have a pretty good relantionship with WHV. I just recevied a copy of DOH: TB Unrated. They wanty me to review it.. which, I'll do, but I suck at reviewing. Anyway, while I still can't let my 8 and 10 year olds watch it, the unrated version is not as bad as the 2005 movie unrated. There was no drug use, the cussin, while still there, and unneeded, wasn't as bad, and the nudity, there are I believe 3 scenes, the Shower scene, the Pond when they find the General, and the end when Luke loses his virginity.

I enjoyed the movie alot better than the 2005 movie, in fact, in my review, I think I say one thing about it, and that's about it being forgettable.

It's hard to look at this movie and not think of the original series. The parents are still alive, The boys didn't grow up in Hazzard, and Dasiy was a nerd. But, looking at it as a fresh start, not comparing it, it was pretty good. It's just like most things, it will never replace the original, and it's not meant to.

  Lukas_KD said:
Reappearance of the CB use, plus an argument for continuing it whatever year they're in.

Like others said, the jokes got a little raunchy for my tastes. But the characters actually weren't bad at all. They even got a few personality quirks of the originals tossed in. "Jesse" gave a pretty good nod to "our" Uncle Jesse this time, honestly... I enjoyed that. And the scenery was very Hazzard-esque. The general feel was very Hazzard-like. Tone it down a rating or so and I'd really like it. As it is, I enjoyed it well enough, except for a couple parts that made me wince.

I think one other thing I enjoyed about it was that it caught some of the "timelessness" of the original series. Like the series, there was enough of the old blended with the new to be able to figure out in what era it was filmed if you tried... but at the same time it didn't date itself into any particular timeframe too much. Just... life. I always liked that about the show.

I was at my Modelers group last night and some the members was talking about the movie and Dave the presidet said that he watched and it reminded him of Bootlegged Dukes movie and didn't know anybody from the show.

If they got rid of the American Pie sex humor, it'd be great. Dunno how blatant innuendo became associated with the franchise. I make it a point NOT to watch stuff with that kinda humor 'cause it's simply retarded.

I agree w/ you in some aspects, HOWEVER there's a time and place for everything, and 'American Pie' humor is not the place for 'The Dukes'.

I personally like American Pie-esque movies as they're funny, but I ain't looking for Bo & Luke to pull up in the General either. That being said, I'll give the next movie a chance, but the producers HAVE to start reading what's in the forums, because without us fans, they ain't got nothin'.


  TimDuke said:
JessieDuke,did I ever put anyone down for liking it? I merely stated knowing the person I referred to the way I think I do he probably thought it was great. No hidden meaning although you assumed there was.I don't appreciate getting called names. As sick and tired as I know a lot of you are of my opinions.I am as sick and tired of the it's 2007 not 1982 reasoning to excuse the way this franchise has gone.A very lame excuse IMO. What a diferrence a message board makes.This one about 90% of everyone liked it. The other one I post on 90% of everyone hated it. I too am curious on how well it did in the ratings.

Yo Tim Suderow...... I know you were referring to me in this post and a previous one about someone with the same rank as Captain D....

When have I have ever said I was PRO 2007 movie? I haven't , but you have failed to grasp that. I have always made wise comments about it being a Direct-To-DVD movie. So move on from that.

As far as you putting down people for liking the 2005 movie , you called people not "true" Dukes fans.

You tried to put yourself on a pedestal about being a Dukes Fanatic and trying to show off that you own a General Lee and you know this person and that person. Yada yada yada. You are nothing special and never will be.

As far as what I thought of the movie. When I have more time...

I'm gone



I think if the movie did well on tv, this will be the beginning of a new tv series. In fact, I think it'll follow along the lines of the Star Trek franchise and will go something like this....

Dukes of Hazzard: The Next Generation (ST: TNG)

Dukes of Hazzard: Deep South, Back 40 (ST: DS9)

Dukes of Hazzard: Traveller (ST: Voyager)

Dukes of Hazzard: The General Lee (ST: Enterprise)

Hehehe... ;)


For those of you who can stand to watch it again:roll:

ABC family will re-air it this friday night at 8 pm eastern.

For those of you who want to see the Dukes Of Hazzard

Reunion:D - CMT will re-air it Friday night at 12 Midnite eastern


Ya know...it might not be bad to see the Ridge Runners and Uncle Jesse back in his youth during the 20s...or was ith 30s??? Anyways, it could be fun to see. That way we could still have Boss and Uncle Jesse but have some new cops, a new boss and maybe some new love interests(daisy/enos)

Still I am hoping it did well so that we can see a new series.

Oh and as for eh American Pie humor. I think Im pretty liberal, but even I agree sometimes it was a bit much. Still it is what it is.

  Divia said:
Ya know...it might not be bad to see the Ridge Runners and Uncle Jesse back in his youth during the 20s...or was ith 30s??? Anyways, it could be fun to see. That way we could still have Boss and Uncle Jesse but have some new cops, a new boss and maybe some new love interests(daisy/enos)

THAT would be awesome. :) I think I'd tune in for that.

Dukes of Hazzard: Ridge Runners!

  Divia said:
Ya know...it might not be bad to see the Ridge Runners and Uncle Jesse back in his youth during the 20s...or was ith 30s??? Anyways, it could be fun to see. That way we could still have Boss and Uncle Jesse but have some new cops, a new boss and maybe some new love interests(daisy/enos)

Still I am hoping it did well so that we can see a new series.

Oh and as for eh American Pie humor. I think Im pretty liberal, but even I agree sometimes it was a bit much. Still it is what it is.

Now that would be awesome, It could even have the other Dukes, like Bo, Luke, and Daisy's parents.

  Meadowmufn said:
I think if the movie did well on tv, this will be the beginning of a new tv series. In fact, I think it'll follow along the lines of the Star Trek franchise and will go something like this....

Dukes of Hazzard: The Next Generation (ST: TNG)

Dukes of Hazzard: Deep South, Back 40 (ST: DS9)

Dukes of Hazzard: Traveller (ST: Voyager)

Dukes of Hazzard: The General Lee (ST: Enterprise)

Hehehe... ;)

sound good idea title of that.. nice.. I like idea that.. :)

  Divia said:
Ya know...it might not be bad to see the Ridge Runners and Uncle Jesse back in his youth during the 20s...or was ith 30s??? Anyways, it could be fun to see. That way we could still have Boss and Uncle Jesse but have some new cops, a new boss and maybe some new love interests(daisy/enos)

Still I am hoping it did well so that we can see a new series.

Oh and as for eh American Pie humor. I think Im pretty liberal, but even I agree sometimes it was a bit much. Still it is what it is.

They did with Dallas it was called Dallas:The Early Years. It showed how the Ewings and Barnes were wildcatters drilling for oil and the start of Ewing Oil and the start of the Ewing/Barnes fued..

After reading your post , I can see that as great idea. Show the Hogg/Duke family friend and relationship from the beginning and what happens. Some stories about the early days of the Ridgerunners and maybe some stories about all the cousins parents and such.....

Divia, Ithink you hit on something big.

I'm gone



Sometimes I can have good ideas ;)

The reason I thought about it was because it was mentioned in the show. We always saw Uncle Jesse's old friends. What were they like in their youth? What was Hazzard like? Boss and Uncle jesse seemed so close..what happened to destory that? Or were they just allies against a greater evil? Plus think of the time period. It would be really cool to see. So much could happen with it! You could have FBI agents coming in(orwhatever they called them then) to crack down on it. County VS county when it come to the illegal running of shine. And lets not forget...there would be some really cool cars :)

Also there would be no debate about the original cast vs new cast because it would all have to be new! But it would be tired to the original series.

I dunno I think it could work...but thats just me ;)


Maybe they could use the orginal cast, or some of them, to narrate? Maybe Bo, Luke and Daisy find a journal from Jesse? Or something along those effects.


Hey y'all. I have it from a good source that this indeed was a pilot movie for a new series to start airing this coming fall.More Chargers heading toward that great junkyard in the sky.

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