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I finally got to watch my DVD I got at Dukefest last night and John had said in the beginning that the DVD (Coolier and Co. Hot Pursuit) would be out in stores on September 18th.

It was a home video he had said and through the acting and the quality, you could tell that it was. But I really enjoyed the theme of the movie and the car scenes. He had a lot of awesome cars in the show. There was comedy in the show, a lot of references to the Dukes ;), and it was a family show. Plus it had John Schneider in it! :) His daughter had played his daughter, his wife was his wife, and his mom was his mother in law in the show. It was great seeing them all.

Keep it between the ditches

Garrett Duke


I finally saw the movie in its entirety a week ago, couresty of Jax who supplied me with an autographed DVD. (Thanks Jax!) I give John credit for the idea of doing a family flick, and overall the movie is "cute" for the Dukes references. But it's not good.

The biggest disappointment is the car chase. The "bad guys" in the chase - who failed to install any sense of danger whatsoever - were in an old, 1978 Datsun and they were chasing John's character in his orange Charger. Not exactly a pitched battle. They go trundling through an orange grove at what looks to be 40 miles per hour. When the Charger makes it's inevitable, and predictable jump - it doesn't feel like a "do or die" getaway tactic, it's more like "what the hell, let's go over the ditch."

Towards the end of the flick, there's a helicopter scene. This too, fails to feel like any real danger, even though the baddies have kidnapped the family in it. It kind of weaves around aimlessly, but nobody seems worried about it. Not John's character, not his family. The big drama of the moment, is the daughter who needs her diabeties medicine and is now late for it, due to the inconvenience of being kidnapped. It never feels like anybody is in real trouble though, and this is where the bad acting - yes, bad - can't save the already-weak action and watered down script.

John really tries in this flick, but he's one guy, and he can't carry the film on it's own.

All that said, of course I recommend having a copy of Collier & Co in your collection of All Things Dukes. One can enjoy the movie just in picking out the not-so-subtle Dukes references. Kind of like a "Where's Waldo". There's one hidden in every scene.


I have a copy of the movie myself and yes I will agree with every statement you just made Brian. However if the acting was better and a few things were tweaked, the whole thing might have been alot better. One thing it does give a person the illusion as to the idea of a 'what if' Bo Duke was now grown up and had a kid and a wife. The main character JR Collier is shown to be rather wreckless, irresponsible and a gambler in the dealings of life. Mmmm, reminds us of anyone? Hint, I'll give you three guesses and the first don't count, yes Bo Duke. So yes, it's not the best but fans of Bo and John will adore this movie, no matter how bad it is.


I don't think John had the intention to do a sad film or put in it danger scene: even the reason why the "bad guy" wanted his car back was to have the ashes of his wife's cat, if I didn't understand bad.

So, it's a commedy, and he tried to put it to be funny, as in Hazzard: they had problems, troubles, etc, but always with a smile on their faces.

I don't think John had the intention to do a sad film or put in it danger scene: even the reason why the "bad guy" wanted his car back was to have the ashes of his wife's cat, if I didn't understand bad.

So, it's a commedy, and he tried to put it to be funny, as in Hazzard: they had problems, troubles, etc, but always with a smile on their faces.

I'm not saying there had to be blood and bullets, but in most Dukes eps there was a sense of danger, or at least risk. ( example, "New Deputy in Town" where the baddies handcuffed the boys to the side mirrors of a car, and then put it in neutral and gave it a shove towards a pond.)

There was always some risk to the Dukes, be it losing the farm, or going to jail for a long time, or in getting bumped off by the bad guys for nosing around in their dirty deals.

But John's movie never made you go, "gee, how is he going to get out of this one?"

Hell, I think the average Coy and Vance episode might have been better written than Collier & Company.

I agree with Val that most "Bo Duke" fans would be content to watch John chew gum for 45 minutes and be fascinated. Well, this movie comes close to that experience.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to see that John made an effort to make anything Dukes-related on his own dime. Kudos to him. I'm just staying it could have been, and should have been, a stronger product given his own familiarity with the turf.


I have to say, I agree with everything Brian said, and more...

Yes, this is a good movie to have in your Dukes collection, and I also give John credit for making it...but it is not what I would call a good movie. It doesn't even really feel like a home movie...

It rides the line between professional movie and home movie a little too much, it doesn't really feel like one or the other.

And unfortunately technically it lacks as well...the audio doesn't always match the video...which happens occasionally with even the best shows, but this was pretty off in some places...I would have liked the movie better even just if the audio and video mixed a bit better.

But I do give John credit, he worked hard to get this out there, in the public...the Dukes references are many...and it's fun to watch it just for that. It takes a lot to put so much of yourself out there, and I applaud John for doing it.

As for the sequel, I will likely own that - again, because it is a piece of Dukes of Hazzard.

  • 2 weeks later...
I have to say, I agree with everything Brian said, and more...

Yes, this is a good movie to have in your Dukes collection, and I also give John credit for making it...but it is not what I would call a good movie. It doesn't even really feel like a home movie...

It rides the line between professional movie and home movie a little too much, it doesn't really feel like one or the other.

And unfortunately technically it lacks as well...the audio doesn't always match the video...which happens occasionally with even the best shows, but this was pretty off in some places...I would have liked the movie better even just if the audio and video mixed a bit better.

But I do give John credit, he worked hard to get this out there, in the public...the Dukes references are many...and it's fun to watch it just for that. It takes a lot to put so much of yourself out there, and I applaud John for doing it.

As for the sequel, I will likely own that - again, because it is a piece of Dukes of Hazzard.

Eleven days untils the movie hits Target and Walmart.

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