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"Capt_Redneck", my statement about you not being a "true" 'Dukes' fan is not based on the fact that you like the '05 movie. I'm simply basing it on your comments about how you dislike the original series so much (with the exception of the first 5 epsiodes).

One thing's for sure. There's gonna be different opinions on everything, not just the '05 'Dukes' movie. Just because there's a difference in opinions, it doesn't justify bashing other people for voicing their opinions just because you don't agree with them. Not once have I posted any negative remarks about you. Nor have I posted any obscenities towards you. I think it's fine that you like the '05 movie and I respect your opinion. I don't, however, respect the route you decided to take while stating your opinion. The profane gestures and sarcastic remarks, in my opinion, were totally uncalled for.

Also, "Brian Coltrane", I do want to apologize to you for getting you involved in this.

Take it easy!


Whoa boy ..slow down a bit... First of all I have NEVER said anything about disliking the show after the first five espisodes. Don't confuse my review of the movie to make it that I dislike the rest of the show which is simply not true. Can't figure out at all where you got that from. If you read any of my posts from other threads I have stated "Nothing will ever beat the original" and have NEVER put down any of the show nor will I ever do that to the show.

I have NEVER bashed anyone for their opinion (good or bad) on the movie. I HAVE , however , have gotten tired of the continuous expressing of the same old stuff about not likeng the movie and the boycotts and petitions and so on. That is why I have continued to suppoort the movie the way I do.

Have I once called anyone any obscenities ? NO I HAVEN"T . The 2 words for ya'll was MY ode to Smokey & Th Bandit and I bet most of you didn't get that at all. Shoot , it is one of favorite movies for a lot of us on here.

Yes I am sarcastic about it and won't stop that. That much I will give you.

It seems that if you LIKE the movie you get an earful for NOT being the original show.

Here is something for ya'll to ponder. Maybe the DOH didn't have the kind of following that WB thought they had. It might have been riding as high as it could go with the DVD releases and on CMT and so on, but that might not have helped if the total audience wasn't there....



"Capt_RednecK", I stand corrected. You have never outright stated that you disliked the original series. However, from the way you kept on making comments like, "Thank God the movie wasn't like the series," it sounded as if you really didn't like the original series all that much.

Also, as far as the bashing and obscenities go, you have to admit that the "two words" you kept mentioning that you had for all of us did go hand in hand with the avatar you posted yesterday. What were we all supposed to do? Sit back and take it? I don't think so. Like you, I will voice my opinion where and when I see fit. However, in doing so, I will never resort to using foul language or any kind of profane graphics to try an get my point across. Like I stated yesterday, there's just no place for any that on any 'Dukes' message board. I'm aware that you're a big fan of the '05 'Dukes' movie and I don't have a problem with that. Actually, I don't think anyone does. Just don't get so bent out of shape when others post something opposite of your opinion.

In closing, I honestly feel that the original 'Dukes' series has gotten the last laugh. Warner Bros. was banking on this fresh new Mtv-friendly cast to bring in big bucks and make the franchise even bigger than it already was. So far, it just hasn't happened. The original series is bonafide hit again on CMT with young viewers watching and thinking it's a brand new show. I have 7 and 5 year old cousins who can't wait until 7:00 p.m. rolls around every evening. When the 'Dukes' are on, that's one hour in the day that you can count on them not uttering one word. They're totally into thte show. Also, a Covington vendor told me last weekend that her 'Dukes' die-cast dealer mentioned her just the other day that there shouldn't be much more 'Dukes' merchandise, such as die-cast cars and models, released with '05 cast on the packaging. She said that he stated that images of the original cast will be put on the packaging of future merchandise releases. I guess that we'll just have to wait and see.

Take care everybody!




I don't get"bent out of shape" as you put it. I have never used any sort of foul language on here or any other board. Find ONE post where I insulted anyone. You won't becasue I don't do that . I don't post on all the Dukes boards I belong to, most of the ones you are on too I see ( Jon Holland's , CGLFC, T-Bell's ) and I don't post the same stuff on each board either.

How many stupid threads and posts have been negative about the movie? TOO MANY ....When someone posts about how good the movie or they liked it , they are the ones who get "bombed" about it was nothing like the TV show and so on.. What am I supposed to do sit back and take it? Sound familiar......

And as far as the Mad Magazine avatar, it is over 30 years old and is one of the most collectable Mad Mags around. And it wasn't to get my point across. Same as my "2 words" comment (which is different than the Mad cover and a S&TB reference).

What about my comment "Thank God the movie wasn't like the series" ....So what. The show is what it is and will always be. Who actually knows what could have been if it stayed the way it was in the GA episodes. What might have been...We will never know , but we are left with a good show ..

Like I said, I think WB might have overestimated the fanbase of the DOH.

Next time I am down in Atlanta to visit family, I might take a ride to Covington. Care to buy me a beer ? Better yet I will buy the first round...




Oh yeah ...Got this from another Dukes site Dave's Dukes site ( Dukes online ) .

The Dukes Voting Booth

Vote Totals

Are you going to purchase the new Dukes Movie on DVD?

I Own It 13 I Will Buy It 15 I Won't Buy It 3

Previous Vote Totals

What did you think of the new Dukes Movie?

Vote Totals: I Loved It 3465 I Hated It 900 It Was Ok 754


Awwwww, civility ensues. Dangit, I was waiting for a good knock-down-drag-out.

And, ladies? There is absolutely nothing wrong with "Mr. and Mrs. Smith". There's plenty of enjoyable entertainment for both sexes. Just as long as both sexes like explosions and Angelina Jolie. Hee hee hee (sorry, I had to) 8)


I didn't like the first five episodes. I preferred the changes (Coy, Vance, the miniature era, and those two painfully bad episodes not included--had the Georgia Five "mood" continued, those atrocities may still have all occurred).

The Georgia setting was great, but I much preferred thinking of everyone as much nicer people. I like to think Enos was the oldest virgin because he was older than most of the other characters (but it's hard to think of Rosco as anything but a virgin). Heck, I try not to think about the virginity status of the characters in Hazzard, anyway. Too much like family.

My favorite episodes were the ones where the Dukes and Boss and Rosco joined together to fight the baddies. Or where they have to help each other out, despite being "enemies." If the movie had been more like the series, I'd be the guy saying "Thank God it wasn't like the Georgia Five."

And lastly, many of us are of the age that our parents wouldn't have allowed us to watch the show if it had continued being like the Georgia episodes. There wouldn't be this big fanbase and all these messageboards, because it would have been a corny show for people who were adults during the 80s, who have long since forgotten it.


Dale .....

I like and respect your point of view. That was a great post.

I liked the fact that the GA 5 were a bit more ADULT oriented. Back then , I was 9 in 79, I liked it for the car most likely. As I got a bit older and wiser ( some might not say so) , I liked it for the family atmosphere it portrayed. And still do as it is one of few shows I can watch with my entire family.

It wasn't until I started watching taped episodes after the show went off the air that I really started to enjoy the first 5. That is probably when I wished the show would have been more like that for the rest of the series. Not that it wasn't because there are some really great episodes over the span of 7 years. And I do like some of the Coy & Vance stuff too. The miniatures I can live without...

Now when the movie came out I was glad in was not in the later years of series type. But more in the "rougher" type ( some of the stuff in the movie I could have done with out) . Yeah I LOVE Smokey & The Bandit and that was a lot more colorful for 1978. And YES I was still waiting for a Black T/A to be parked at the Boar's Nest in the movie.

Maybe the movie could have been more successful if was more family oriented. Then again maybe people would have turned off by that because they remember how the show was in the later years.

I have to disagree somewhat on the "big" fanbase of the Dukes. Sure there are a lot of forums and message boards, but alot of those are the same people on each board ( I belong to at least 5 and alot of the people on here the same amount) . Sure you 30, 40, 50 thousand for Dukesfest, but you get that at one football or British soccer game or a U2 concert over and over on a sold out tour. Like I said maybe the fanbase wasn't as great as WB thought it was. That is no way a knock on the Dukes, because they know who their "true" fans really are.




Dale I agree if the Dukes went on in the rougher direction as the Capt. wanted it to.I have a feeling it wouldn't have lasted 7 seasons maybe 2 or 3 and it wouldn't have the fan base it has now which is quite considerable don't let the lack of different screennames fool you on the Dukes sites. 40,000 + fans at a single Dukes event is not a lot? Considering gas being close to 3 bucks a gallon and the cost of lodging and work schedules I'd say that's phenomenal. Dukes probably has the second biggest fan base of any TV show other than Star Trek and I think we are approaching those numbers.We are fortunate to get almost all the surviving cast members to come to these events which you don't get at a Star Trek convention trust me. If not for the fan base it has because they changed the direction of the show there wouldn't have been a movie and we wouldn't have this website or this discussion in my opinion. I'd like to know Gy Waldron and Jerry Rushing's view on the movie without whom none of this would be possible.



See that is the thing. As big as Dukes fan I am and have been and will always be , I don't think the fanbase is as great as you think it is. Sure 40,000 is a great turnout, but when you can get close to 150,000 for ONE NASCAR race and about 250,000 for the Indy 500 that kind of pales in comparison.

It is not the lack of screen names on all the Dukes sites , it is the SAME screen names on them. Most of us are all on the same sites....

You maybe right that it might have lasted a shorter time if they kept more adult. Yes I wished it had stayed in that direction , but please read what I said in response to Dale. "I liked the fact that the GA 5 were a bit more ADULT oriented. Back then , I was 9 in 79, I liked it for the car most likely. As I got a bit older and wiser ( some might not say so) , I liked it for the family atmosphere it portrayed. And still do as it is one of few shows I can watch with my entire family.

It wasn't until I started watching taped episodes after the show went off the air that I really started to enjoy the first 5. That is probably when I wished the show would have been more like that for the rest of the series. Not that it wasn't because there are some really great episodes over the span of 7 years. And I do like some of the Coy & Vance stuff too. The miniatures I can live without...

I am glad in went the way it did to last that long.

By the way Tim, I see you are KISS fan.....Would love to share some stuff with you. Do you collect any KISS stuff?





I gotta chime in on your fan base assumptions. Don't take what you see on the message boards as any indicator. Going off of HNet's own traffic rankings, I can tell you that the fan base is pretty dang big. Much as I'd like to think our Forums are compelling - it's actually a small percentage to the main traffic.

We get emails from people all over the world. This isn't just a group of twenty people on the same five message boards. Trust me on that. We wouldn't have kept upgrading servers over the past 5 years had the fan base been shrinking!

I ain't just whistlin' Dixie. You're my buddy, but you're dead wrong on that assumption. Have a beer. :D



I still say 40k people coming to an event for a 28 year old TV show is quite a statement for the fan base and that's probably a small percentage of the total fans.From what I heard they were ill prepared for that many although they did expect 50k.I unfortunately couldn't afford to go as I'm sure applies to hundreds or thousands more fans who would have gone if the money was there.Comparing those races to a Dukes event really isn't a fair comparison.Those events are highly promoted on national TV where as these events really aren't. I used to think I had one of the few General replicas in the USA now there are hundreds around the world so that speaks a lot too. Rumor has it that all the surviving cast members including Tom Wopat are going to be at this years Dukesfest which is also supposed to be the last one. So I expect even more than 40k this coming year if that holds true.



I am not basing it on just HazzardNet or on the other message boards. I threw out that theory just to get a point across. I guess with all the promotion the DOH has gotten this past year , I expected evertyhing to do better. Just have to remember CMT is NOT available on all cable systems either. It was just added to mine a year and a half ago( and here on Long Island & NY , we have NO country music radio station)

I don't expect Dukesfest to get Indy 500 numbers. But in a way I do wish it isn't as great as everyone thinks it is. It makes it more of 'small town" feel seeing the same people on the boards and at car and memorabilia shows.

Believe me, everything you read on the interenet is the TRUTH.. :wink: .. I will always pick up the entire tab for you and all the great folks here at H-Net..




Well, we can speculate all day about how successful the series would have been had it not turned into a more family friendly show. But we all seem to agree, the move to 8:00 and the family mood kept the show alive as long as it did.

It also seems to be agreed that a family-friendly movie would have been more successful (and if they would advertise the DVDs because of the car, not just the "Unrated" ads).

And that's the thing. We want to see more of the General Lee on screen. Every fan who went to the theaters had goosebumps when they fired up the General Lee at Cooters, and during the big jumps. That's true no matter what you thought of the movie.

The disappointment, I think, is largely because of the small possiblity of there being a sequel. That, and making it like the first five shows made it feel awkward, just like a new TV show trying to establish itself.


My biggest disappointment was actually Boss and Rosco. There was a lot of potential there for some good humor. Even the Georgia episodes had some great dialog between those two ("I married your fat sister," "the only time I get scared is when you get smug," etc.). But the movie left both of those characters very dry. Not only was that disappointing, it was perplexing. Why change that? That's what bothers a lot of us, the unnecessary changes. Unnecessary, in the sense that it had nothing to do with how "adult" the film was. Those two were sillier in later episodes, but funny in ALL of them, but they weren't funny in the movie.

If they felt the need to change Boss and Rosco THAT much, they should have just cast Byron Cherry and Christopher Mayer and called them something else. "Boss Pigg" and "Roger Colemane" or something. (I'm kidding, that would have been a disaster, too).


Well, listen to this I was in Target in my area on Saturday and bought the last season five set they had in. And I was at Southpark Mall on Sunday and went in several different music stores and did you know the one only had one copy of season left. Actually I have heard that the movie was based on the episode called "Farewell, Hazzerd" and that was the saddest episode of the whole season. Did you know there is alot of things alike between this one and the movie first of all. There was a charcater named Pritchard in it and it the show it was Luke who decoying her and in the movie Daisy was talking Billy Pritcherd when the whole thing was going on.

My helpful rule here First watch the movie version and then season five won't be such a disappointed and that Johnny Knoxville and Seann William Scott remind me more of Coy and Vance then of Bo and Luke. But Season Five has it bright points, you get to meet Boss Hogg's daddy in "Big Daddy" you get introduced to the "Mean Green Machine" and Enos and Cletus agruing over who is driving makes up for Bo and Luke not being in eighteen of the episodes after all.


I agree that the unrated one was bad but the movie was good and i might me shot for this after watching season 5 i like Vance and Coy better then Bo and Luke it was sad when they left I wish they could have stady or got a show but that was 25 years ago and you can't change history oh well I always have season 5 :cry:

  • 2 months later...

Well Well capt redneck.you done started an arguement you can't win.....lol! :D

I liked the movie a bit,but not because it was the dukes,because it had nothing in common with the dukes! So what factors here and there. Any other name and it would have been a great movie.

Loook what they did with Starsky and Hutch, that movie was more to the real series then the new dukes. Look at beverly hill billies,that movie was more like the real series!!!!

So why in the hell didn't they do the same with the dukes!! They could have had clean shaven,no foul language and more familly oriented not too mention more family values.

There was no honor or values in this movie. Jessie would never talk that way to Daisy. jessie was suppose to have more value and respect in his little pinky then boss hogg had in his whole body.

So don't tell me they couldn't have kept it at least as close to the series as they can. I didn't mind the action or the plot,but the rest...pffffff!

Again a reminder,watch beverely hill billies,where granny looked something the same,jethro kept his goofy self and ellie may was ellie may,and jed was jed.

It was one heck of a movie,and it was funny and it stayed within the morals of the original, so don't tell me they couldn't have done the same with the new dukes!


All i had to hear was that in the film the Duke boys try drugs. That was enough to make me say,no way.

Those of us who grew up watching the show have a right to feel "slighted" by the film. I started watching when I was 10 and finished at 16. They were truly "Good Ole' Boys you could look up too and emulate.

Leve it to typical Hollywood types to take something worthwhile and tarnish it. For even if I was a teen right now,I still would not have gone and seen this film because,when I went to the movies then,I expected intelligence in dramas and humor that wasn't derived from the playground or High School campus.

Basically,I'm just sick of the way the entertainment world insults the intelligence of young people,especially impressionable ones.

I will "never" see this film. (END)


I hated the movie! As did most of the people I went with to see it. Apparently alot of you liked the cars and stunts, not me *cough*boring*cough*. I wanted to get up and walk out, and if I didn't have friends to talk to I probably would have. You couldn't pay me to sit through that again. Theres no way I could listen to those corny jokes or have to look at Johnny Knoxville...just ew no.


The Movie Scares me.

Yes... that is weird, but what I mean is, I've seen the shorts for it, and it just looks... crude and, well, not right...

You know, like that whole "goin' to church shirtless" thing... don't feel right.

I'm debating whether I'll try to watch it at some point or not, because, all at the same time, I want to see what they've done to the Dukes, and I don't.

If you like it, you like it: oh well.

But if ORIGINAL Cooter says that "it was a miserable movie" just from the script, I'm very prone to trust him.

  • 2 weeks later...
Oh yeah ...Got this from another Dukes site Dave's Dukes site ( Dukes online ) .

The Dukes Voting Booth

Vote Totals

Are you going to purchase the new Dukes Movie on DVD?

I Own It 13 I Will Buy It 15 I Won't Buy It 3

Previous Vote Totals

What did you think of the new Dukes Movie?

Vote Totals: I Loved It 3465 I Hated It 900 It Was Ok 754

FYI, this does not prove anything either for or against the '05 movie. Reason being is that you got these voting totals off a web site. The problem with that is that one person could log onto different computers and vote more than once. In fact, if the web site does not use tracking cookies, the same person could vote more than once on the same computer. Even if the web site does use tracking cookies, one person could still vote more than once on the same computer if they know how to clear off their cookies each time they log off their computer. I am not saying that this is definitely the case, I'm just saying that it could, and in situations like this, often does happen. Therefore, since this is a voting pole on a web site, it does not prove anything one way or the other because there is no way to know how accurate it is or isn't.


All I can say is, the movie will be forgotten eventually,But Roscoe,Boss Hogg and the Dukes will forever be loved and missed so much!!!

Not only for us,But for catherine,John,tom,james and others who have said,

They were part of our lives,they loved us and we loved each other,was the greatest moment of their lives.

I can never get enough of watching the 2 hour special of ,"The life and times of the dukes of hazzard."

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