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haha. Speaking of 'horrendous' I was sitting in Physics the other day and I don't know what my professor was talking about but he kept saying horrendous. (It was a horrendous tornado..just horrednous...) i had to bite my lip so hard from breaking out laughing. It ALWAYS reminds me of Rosco.lol.

yes, the car wrecks are funny. I loved when Enos would run into Roscos bumper with his patrol car.lol :lol:


I know what you mean! The other day my fiance's boss's came over for dinner, well he bumped into the side of the oven and yelled "ohh that smarted" I laughed so hard and everyone else was completly clueless. He thought I was laughing because he had gotten hurt :oops:


When I had my first (and so far only) car crash a while ago, the driver of the car who hit me got out and said 'now look what you've done, you've gone and scuffed my vehicle' and I just cracked up in hysterics.

Wasn't quite as funny as it would have been in an American accent, but still hilarious none the less!

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

There was a guy on the news that got a Dui while driving a riding lawnmower to pick up groceries after he had a few too many. So, if you ever come to Vermillion don't even think about driving the Riding Lawnmower to go the store after a few.

  • 10 months later...
I just wrecked on a four-wheeler a few days ago.

FIRST THING I SAID: "I Scuffed My Vehicle!"


THIRD THING: That sure was a Rosco moment....


I got a Real Rosco moment for everybody here. Me and my brother both work at the same McDonald's and he was loading the tarter sauce he thought it was empty well it wasn't he must've angled it just right well he squeezed the triggered and flew and landed on Rachel's back. You see she was doing the fries at that times.

  • 2 months later...
When i saw the Patrol cars in DoH crash, i thought it was abit shocking, but i am now used to it, and each time they have accidents, i have to lol. :)

No matter how many times I've seen the crash ups and roll overs and what have you, I always cringe a little. More or less because I'm impressed with the stunt people for the wonderfully comical way they smashed up those cars!

Kinda like the pic I have in my signature. I not only cringe when I see that crack up, I laugh my posterior off because of the way the whole car just shatters. ROFLMAO. And then Rosco "Well I hit it, didn't I?!" ROFL. Then he also adds something "I guess they're gonna cancel my insurance now!" BAHAHAHA!

  • 1 month later...

some of the accidents and wrecks they have down there is almost like up here, cept when the general dodges these big ole delivery trucks and stuff the ppl down here dont do that they just plow right into em!! everytime i whatch the dukes of hazzard and they have a wreck i still grind my teeth a lil just to see the damage of it all lol. but whenever roscoe crashes i love that one line," Ohhh that was a herendous crash." lol i love it i love it!!

ya'll take care now.

  • 4 months later...

Hey y'all

I know this might sound a little Cruel, but some of those crashes are downright funny! I really like when Rosco and poor Flash are in "Hot Pursuit!" and Rosco tells Flash to "Buckle up for Safety!"

As fer havin' a Rosco moment. The other day I tripped over a little snow bank and while I was trippin', I caught my self doin' the Rosco "Khee! Oooo!" Luckily no one was around. I just started laughin. I guess you had to be there! I still chuckle when I think about that!

General Grant


Hey General Grant, I smiled when I saw your post about the snowbank because I had a Duke moment today too. Someone pulled out in front of me so I had to hit my brakes. Even though nobody else was in the car I said "Hang on Cuz".


Hey Roger!

That's good! I think you must be more "Duke like" I must be more like ol' Rosco! Trippin' over a snowbank, I still laugh about that! You must really like the Dukes of Hazzard, if you say "Hang on cuz!" Which cousin was it, Bo, Luke, Daisy, or were you thinkin' more along the lines of cousin Uncle Jesse?! I hope you showed that car that pulled out infront of you some manners! You probably sped up and told them to pull it over and then gave them the Rosco! I can just see it!!

Everytime I see someone pull out infront of me or someone else now I will probably think of you sayin' "Hold on Cuz!"

General Grant

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