Capt_Redneck Posted August 10, 2005 Posted August 10, 2005 I remember thinking just how damn bad this would be, the cast looked horrible..but you know it worked out, funny but without going into american pie gross out humor, tons of great chases and jumps, junior brown as narrator was great (even heard his song in the background once) and the theme song was in seems a blend of the original moonrunners movie (damn they need that on dvd!) so that's very good, it could have ended up trying to out camp the original series and try to make fun like the brady bunch movies, but this felt like being in hazzard with a new set of dukes for a new age.and the local schools had brought a lot of kids that day so the the place was packed with some seeing CATCF and some seeing dukes, about an even split, everyone seem to have a great time, lots of laughs, cheers and everyone stayed through the credits to listen to the music.I have never seen a theater act like that, most times they are very low key, it's hard to get a chuckle out of people there, but this time everyone was happy, i even joined in, it was amazing really, but i guess the reason is i live in the country and so do those who saw it that day, and we love cars here, the mucsle car show room is part of the theater and the annual car show is always big, so the car movies like this are winners here.and the music was great, I wish more of the songs were on the movie soundtrack, i love southern rock and country so this was great.That surprised me too that the theater I saw it in was so into the movie . Laughing at the jokes and doing the YEEEHAAAAW a couple of times. That was awesome that almost everyone was into it like that. I took my kids to see the movie , I went openeing night with my wife and friends. It was my son's (2 1/2 years old) first movie. When he first saw the General jump in the movie he did a YEEEHAW . That made the movie for me right there, seeing how he enjoyed it (til he fell asleep about 2/3 of the way in) .....I'm gone Darrell Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 11, 2005 Posted August 11, 2005 Ok, ever since I saw those two I knew they WERE NOT Bo and Luke and have been dead set against the movie especially with Ben Jones (Cooter) being so against it!Well, I went, I saw and over all its acceptable -- even funny in places.Things I liked: When it opens (Though totally different town) it could BE HAZZARD. Cows, meadows, ponds all ingredients we know. Still running moonshine -- OK I'll buy it.Being a LUKE person they really build him up to be a 'ladies' man -- BUT nothing is shown -- its left to the imagination -mostly.They have Willie sing Good Ole Boys at the end which is good timing -- Kinda like the Duke Boys were never meaning no harm - (And the studios weren't either by their attempted imitaion of something Great!!Best parts Wille and believe it Jessica Simpson.Stunts were cool.Things I didn't like: Jesse and Enos cursed in places! Any and all references to the drugs (mostly pot) thoughBo talks to the General Lee like its his girlfriend -- little weird there!I still say had the guys been 'cleaner' (Shaved and dressed) I could have like them better but I can see Bo and Luke pulling some of this!ONe last thing -- they never stopped to check on the bad guys -- to see if they were OK!Enough said without giving too much away for those who do intend to see it!OH yeah, I took my 17 YO who liked it, but as with Dukes Fest there were people there from 3 to 65. Still blows me away at the generations of families still enjoying DOH!!!Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 11, 2005 Posted August 11, 2005 Ok, ever since I saw those two I knew they WERE NOT Bo and Luke and have been dead set against the movie especially with Ben Jones (Cooter) being so against it!Well, I went, I saw and over all its acceptable -- even funny in places.Things I liked: When it opens (Though totally different town) it could BE HAZZARD. Cows, meadows, ponds all ingredients we know. Still running moonshine -- OK I'll buy it.Being a LUKE person they really build him up to be a 'ladies' man -- BUT nothing is shown -- its left to the imagination -mostly.They have Willie sing Good Ole Boys at the end which is good timing -- Kinda like the Duke Boys were never meaning no harm - (And the studios weren't either by their attempted imitaion of something Great!!Best parts Wille and believe it Jessica Simpson.Stunts were cool.Things I didn't like: Jesse and Enos cursed in places! Any and all references to the drugs (mostly pot) thoughBo talks to the General Lee like its his girlfriend -- little weird there!I still say had the guys been 'cleaner' (Shaved and dressed) I could have like them better but I can see Bo and Luke pulling some of this!ONe last thing -- they never stopped to check on the bad guys -- to see if they were OK!Enough said without giving too much away for those who do intend to see it!OH yeah, I took my 17 YO who liked it, but as with Dukes Fest there were people there from 3 to 65. Still blows me away at the generations of families still enjoying DOH!!!Dixie Quote
PALADIN Posted August 11, 2005 Posted August 11, 2005 "Capt_Redneck": Sorry..........Don't think so about talking myself into liking it. I have been very openminded about it since the beginning. -------Well Sparky, I`m just going by YOUR statement: " I have been preaching on here for the better part of a year to give this movie a chance. You know something , I did and the movie was better than what I expected. Hearing Waylon's Good Ol Boys in the opening I knew this would be a helluva good ride." .....That doesn`t sound too "openminded" to me, but more predisposed --or "Mind Made Up" if you prefer.Even from "the opening" you KNEW that this was going to be bla-bla-bla... Hey Goober, eh I mean PALADIN..........What is with calling me "Sparky" ?.....Just because you are a newbie on here and didn't like the movie, doesn't mean you do that....Read into it what you want. But you are dead wrong buddy....I will not get into me explaining myself to you in this thread. Go back and read my posts about it for the past year...... 'Captain Redneck"...The name just says it all, I guess....I`ve lived all my life in The South, and most rednecks I have met are MORONS. (Now, "Good Ol` Boys" are smart...but "Rednecks"...? )Well frankly, SPARKY, it`s not so much the movie that I don`t`s you. That`s what makes you "Sparky". --And in case it needs spelling out, I`m NOT your "buddy". I`m not looking for online friends. I`ve also got better things to do than dwell too much upon your rantings . I`ve quoted precisely what you said here, and your comments were heavily biased, despite your posturing yourself as being "open-minded". As for your puerile lil` attempt at putting me down & brushing me off with the "newbie" remark... (underlined, yet! )GROW UP. That sort of elementary school crap is how children and the mentally defficient rank each other. You want "bragging rights" ...because you`ve wasted more time on a message board longer than someone else has??......... That`s pretty SAD, Sparky. If racking up post counts on a message board is how you measure the validity of someone`s opinion, then you need a serious REALITY CHECK. But then, I have already said as much. You don`t even understand your own comments, yet tell me to read them.... YOU READ YOUR POSTS. " I have been preaching on here for the better part of a year to give this movie a chance. You know something , I did and the movie was better than what I expected. Hearing Waylon's Good Ol Boys in the opening I knew this would be a helluva good ride." Personally, I`ve got better things to do than argue online with A Fool over a very foolish movie. I`ll leave you to enjoy your little play world now, where your mighty post count makes you worth more than others, who are but lowly "newbies".... No wonder you loved the movie so....Like yourself, it was a lotta BS. Quote
PALADIN Posted August 11, 2005 Posted August 11, 2005 "Capt_Redneck": Sorry..........Don't think so about talking myself into liking it. I have been very openminded about it since the beginning. -------Well Sparky, I`m just going by YOUR statement: " I have been preaching on here for the better part of a year to give this movie a chance. You know something , I did and the movie was better than what I expected. Hearing Waylon's Good Ol Boys in the opening I knew this would be a helluva good ride." .....That doesn`t sound too "openminded" to me, but more predisposed --or "Mind Made Up" if you prefer.Even from "the opening" you KNEW that this was going to be bla-bla-bla... Hey Goober, eh I mean PALADIN..........What is with calling me "Sparky" ?.....Just because you are a newbie on here and didn't like the movie, doesn't mean you do that....Read into it what you want. But you are dead wrong buddy....I will not get into me explaining myself to you in this thread. Go back and read my posts about it for the past year...... 'Captain Redneck"...The name just says it all, I guess....I`ve lived all my life in The South, and most rednecks I have met are MORONS. (Now, "Good Ol` Boys" are smart...but "Rednecks"...? )Well frankly, SPARKY, it`s not so much the movie that I don`t`s you. That`s what makes you "Sparky". --And in case it needs spelling out, I`m NOT your "buddy". I`m not looking for online friends. I`ve also got better things to do than dwell too much upon your rantings . I`ve quoted precisely what you said here, and your comments were heavily biased, despite your posturing yourself as being "open-minded". As for your puerile lil` attempt at putting me down & brushing me off with the "newbie" remark... (underlined, yet! )GROW UP. That sort of elementary school crap is how children and the mentally defficient rank each other. You want "bragging rights" ...because you`ve wasted more time on a message board longer than someone else has??......... That`s pretty SAD, Sparky. If racking up post counts on a message board is how you measure the validity of someone`s opinion, then you need a serious REALITY CHECK. But then, I have already said as much. You don`t even understand your own comments, yet tell me to read them.... YOU READ YOUR POSTS. " I have been preaching on here for the better part of a year to give this movie a chance. You know something , I did and the movie was better than what I expected. Hearing Waylon's Good Ol Boys in the opening I knew this would be a helluva good ride." Personally, I`ve got better things to do than argue online with A Fool over a very foolish movie. I`ll leave you to enjoy your little play world now, where your mighty post count makes you worth more than others, who are but lowly "newbies".... No wonder you loved the movie so....Like yourself, it was a lotta BS. Quote
Scott Posted August 11, 2005 Posted August 11, 2005 OOOOO WEEEEEEEE...Dem's fightin' words! "GET IT ON, BOYS"(at least the newbie spelled most of his words right. Better'n I'da done. But I do believe the ball's in your court, Darrell. Quote
Scott Posted August 11, 2005 Posted August 11, 2005 OOOOO WEEEEEEEE...Dem's fightin' words! "GET IT ON, BOYS"(at least the newbie spelled most of his words right. Better'n I'da done. But I do believe the ball's in your court, Darrell. Quote
Capt_Redneck Posted August 12, 2005 Posted August 12, 2005 OOOOO WEEEEEEEE...Dem's fightin' words! "GET IT ON, BOYS"(at least the newbie spelled most of his words right. Better'n I'da done. But I do believe the ball's in your court, Darrell.I will take a pass. Not worth it.Besides what good will that do for this board and everyone on here. I will go back to "BS"ing in my "play world" now.... I'm gone Darrell Quote
Capt_Redneck Posted August 12, 2005 Posted August 12, 2005 OOOOO WEEEEEEEE...Dem's fightin' words! "GET IT ON, BOYS"(at least the newbie spelled most of his words right. Better'n I'da done. But I do believe the ball's in your court, Darrell.I will take a pass. Not worth it.Besides what good will that do for this board and everyone on here. I will go back to "BS"ing in my "play world" now.... I'm gone Darrell Quote
Divia Posted August 12, 2005 Posted August 12, 2005 Ok, the only fighting I want to see is men in boxers and in oil.Unless you guys are fat, then no one wants to see it and then you can fight however you like..I just wont watch or take pics. Quote
Divia Posted August 12, 2005 Posted August 12, 2005 Ok, the only fighting I want to see is men in boxers and in oil.Unless you guys are fat, then no one wants to see it and then you can fight however you like..I just wont watch or take pics. Quote
Scott Posted August 12, 2005 Posted August 12, 2005 Now, know if men were in boxers and covered in oil, they could possibly lose their trunks in mid-battle. wanted that. My bad. Darrell, you're more of a man than me. This really reminds me of a poster I saw once..."Arguing with someone on the internet is like the Special Olympics, win or lose, you're still retarded". (Don't hate me cuz I didn't make that up.) Quote
Scott Posted August 12, 2005 Posted August 12, 2005 Now, know if men were in boxers and covered in oil, they could possibly lose their trunks in mid-battle. wanted that. My bad. Darrell, you're more of a man than me. This really reminds me of a poster I saw once..."Arguing with someone on the internet is like the Special Olympics, win or lose, you're still retarded". (Don't hate me cuz I didn't make that up.) Quote
bethie88 Posted August 12, 2005 Posted August 12, 2005 Sorry..........Don't think so about talking myself into liking it. I have been very openminded about it since the beginning. Last thing I got to say about the movie...YEEEEEEHHHHAAAAAAAA -------Well Sparky, I`m just going by YOUR statement: " I have been preaching on here for the better part of a year to give this movie a chance. You know something , I did and the movie was better than what I expected. Hearing Waylon's Good Ol Boys in the opening I knew this would be a helluva good ride.".....That doesn`t sound too "openminded" to me, but more predisposed --or "Mind Made Up" if you prefer.Even from "the opening" you KNEW that this was going to be bla-bla-bla...My last word on the movie ..."YEEEEE---UCK !"Hey Goober, eh I mean PALADIN..........What is with calling me "Sparky" ?.....Just because you are a newbie on here and didn't like the movie, doesn't mean you do that....Read into it what you want. But you are dead wrong buddy....I will not get into me explaining myself to you in this thread. Go back and read my posts about it for the past year......I'm goneDarrellUs younguns just got no respect for you old folks, Darrell.JK! How are you? Long time no talk to! Quote
bethie88 Posted August 12, 2005 Posted August 12, 2005 Sorry..........Don't think so about talking myself into liking it. I have been very openminded about it since the beginning. Last thing I got to say about the movie...YEEEEEEHHHHAAAAAAAA -------Well Sparky, I`m just going by YOUR statement: " I have been preaching on here for the better part of a year to give this movie a chance. You know something , I did and the movie was better than what I expected. Hearing Waylon's Good Ol Boys in the opening I knew this would be a helluva good ride.".....That doesn`t sound too "openminded" to me, but more predisposed --or "Mind Made Up" if you prefer.Even from "the opening" you KNEW that this was going to be bla-bla-bla...My last word on the movie ..."YEEEEE---UCK !"Hey Goober, eh I mean PALADIN..........What is with calling me "Sparky" ?.....Just because you are a newbie on here and didn't like the movie, doesn't mean you do that....Read into it what you want. But you are dead wrong buddy....I will not get into me explaining myself to you in this thread. Go back and read my posts about it for the past year......I'm goneDarrellUs younguns just got no respect for you old folks, Darrell.JK! How are you? Long time no talk to! Quote
Capt_Redneck Posted August 12, 2005 Posted August 12, 2005 Bethie - who are you calling old? ....Oh yeah I forgot I still owe that beer, root beer that is.....Glad to have you back posting regularly again. .. Scott - That was a good quote and it is so very true....Divia - What about boxers and oil? My wife seems to like it, maybe that was too much info?...Just kidding. Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted August 12, 2005 Posted August 12, 2005 Since Darrell ( Cap'n Redneck ) is a gentleman and won't lower himself in reply to Paladin.... I'll do it! Me, I got no such manners. Awright, where do I start...--And in case it needs spelling out, I`m NOT your "buddy". I`m not looking for online friends. Good, 'cause you won't find any HERE! Heh. Seriously though, man, yer in the wrong place. We actually like each other around here. Why rip into anybody on a personal level just 'cause ya don't dig their opinion? GROW UP. That sort of elementary school crap is how children and the mentally defficient rank each other. You want "bragging rights" ...because you`ve wasted more time on a message board longer than someone else has??......... That`s pretty SAD, Sparky. I've wasted more time than anybody on this message board. Yeah, I'm mentally deficient and I have the maturity of a Saturday morning cartoon. (fortunately, it doesn't show.) But it's fun. That's what we're all about here. Kinda goes with that friendship thang, too. Personally, I`ve got better things to do than argue online with A Fool over a very foolish movie. So why the hell did you post that twenty-minute rant?I`ll leave you to enjoy your little play world now, where your mighty post count makes you worth more than others, who are but lowly "newbies"....Actually, Darrell has always been one of the first to welcome new folk to our board. He's friendly. Polite, even. Socially well-adjusted and an all-around good guy. In fact, the vast majority of HazzardNet folk are the nicest buncha lunatics you'd ever be fortunate enuff to meet. No wonder you loved the movie so....Like yourself, it was a lotta BS. Dude. It's a movie. I personally had disappointments with it, but I also let myself enjoy some of it. Doesn't mean I'm more or less of a Dukes fan. Same goes for everybody here. Relax, eh?Brian ---------------------------HazzardNet ModeratorContent Editor Forum Nazi Zookeeper Ringmaster Quote
Eddiemunster Posted August 12, 2005 Posted August 12, 2005 I just got back from the movie. I thought it was pretty good. Of course some parts I thought were kinda far fetched from the show. For example, I don't think I'd ever see the TV show Bo & Luke try to pass for Japanese scientists. I think they could've done mre Shuckin' and Jivin' than that. Other than that kind of stuff, I would go see it again, but the original just can't be beat. Quote
Scott Posted August 12, 2005 Posted August 12, 2005 " THE FORUM NAZI HAS SPOKEN " (slight echo added there for dramatic effect)PALADIN hasn't said much lately. He musta gone back to his other website. Oh well. Just when it was getting good too. Not that I condone arguments or childish antics or anything like that...but just about everyday I argue with some...uhhhhh, person (I'll be nice). I usually win though. Especially if I call for a few more friends to drive up. Get's REAL fun then. Quote
Scott Posted August 13, 2005 Posted August 13, 2005 robrogers1984,I noticed you were in Buffalo...I used to live in Cheektowaga. I didn't think anyone up there got into such a Southern show. Glad to hear it has such a loyal following around the country. Well, according to other posts here, around the world too. Sweet. Quote
Eddiemunster Posted August 13, 2005 Posted August 13, 2005 So, that makes three of us from Buffalo? Small world, huh? Quote
Scott Posted August 13, 2005 Posted August 13, 2005 TOO much of that white, flakey stuff that falls from the sky in winter time. Been down here too long to remember what it's called.I lived up there when I was real young. About all I remember is a little ice skating on a pond and making my first snow man. I do believe it was before the pot days.We lived around the St Joseph Hospital where the nuns would yell at us for playing ball on a plot of land they didn't know they had. Anyway, we moved down to La. when I was in 2nd grade. Quote
Scott Posted August 14, 2005 Posted August 14, 2005 My mom's from there. SHE'S the Polish one in the family. We still call her the "Polka Queen" I'm true-blue born-and-raised Texan Coonass. We just moved alot. Something about the FBI and witness-something-or-other. Uh, that's a joke there... And there ain't nothing wrong with our food. Not unless you don't like spicy food. Just never ask what it is WHILE you're eating it. Either find out before or not at all.Now, I do remember the Sugar Bear in Cheektowaga. Best food and real mini-jukeboxes on the tables! Boy, those are gone now I bet. Quote
Eddiemunster Posted August 14, 2005 Posted August 14, 2005 Q.) How can you tell it's Maple Syrup time in Cheektowaga?A.) All the Pollacks have their buckets hanging on telephone poles!!! So, robrogers1984, were exactly in Buffalo are you? When I was born, I lived in North Buffalo, grew up in the Town of Tonawanda, now residning in Amherst. Quote
MaryAnne Posted August 14, 2005 Posted August 14, 2005 So, that makes three of us from Buffalo? Small world, huh?Four. If ya count Sorrell Booke. Quote
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