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Brian Coltrane

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Posts posted by Brian Coltrane

  1. Howdy there. This ain't anything official, but the rumor mill has it that season 2 will come out in November. If we hear otherwise, we'll letcha know.

    Kinda makes sense, because there was approximately a 4 month span between the first season release of the Starsky & Hutch DVD and the 2nd season, which hit stores in July.

    The first season of Knight Rider is also available on DVD right now, if yer into that. As is the A-Team.

    Welcome to HazzardNet, by the way! Make yerself at home.


  2. Brian allowed Damascus to follow the mustang. The pain was getting to him, and he wished dearly for a whiskey bottle to crawl in.

    He doubted that the lady gambler could be trusted. This was the same woman who had smashed his shotglass with a bullwhip just a few hours before. Maybe she had trailed him out of town in order to help him expire and empty his wallet. Maybe she was leading him into the woods in order to do just that, and then hide his body. Best of all, she would get away with it scott-free, as it would appear that the gunfight in town had been the cause of demise.

    The paranoia darted in and out of Brian's mind like a kitchen rat. There was also the likelihood of a posse taking pursuit. And having a single bullet left, Brian knew he couldn't shoot his way free if trouble came calling. The best he could do, was use it for himself, and ensure he was never taken alive.

    Damascus seemed to be leaning to the side. With a start, Brian realized that he'd been tilting over in the saddle. He shook his head from the shadowed musings and straighted again. He turned his thoughts towards the blonde drifter who had befriended him, and hoped Alex had made good on escape. Brian had done all he could to further it. The rest was up to luck.

    ( cue anybody )

  3. Brian raised an eyebrow at Chance's comment, but he was too weary to offer a smile. "Lady, follow me if you want. But there's at least six men dead back in town, maybe seven. You're lookin' at one of the reasons why."

    Brian leaned over to pluck the reins away once again. He gritted his teeth against the pain, and fought an onset of dizzyness that came with the motion. He straighed up with effort, holding the reins tightly in his right hand, his left arm pressed against his side. "Ah can't stop here, at any rate," he breathed out. "Gotta put a few miles between me and town."

    The words were followed by the touch of boot heels to Damascus's sides. Brian rode on, letting the lady gambler follow or not, as she would.

    (cue anybody )

  4. ( since Chance spoke to me in her last post, I'll answer and then turn the cue to her again)

    Damacsus halted at the pull of the reins. Brian rocked back in the saddle and lifted his dark-eyed gaze to the lady gambler. "No," he answered quietly. "Circumstances bein' what they are....you don't wanna be caught with me."

    Leaning slightly, Brian reached down and plucked the lady's hand from Damascus's reins. His face grimaced with the movement, but he otherwise made no acknowledgement of the injury. Brian nudged Damascus forward again, and the black horse cantered with a rolling gait. It wasn't fast enough to escape a possee; and the way the black-clad rider tucked in his arm against the wound, faster travel didn't seem possible for him.

    Or perhaps the pace was by design. Uncharacteristic of any fleeing outlaw, Brian was staying on the dirt road, making no attempt to hide his trail....

    ( Cue Chance Walker )

  5. With chaos breaking loose around them and hell coming in fast, Brian reacted instantly. The crack of the rifle shot came just a second before the rope snapped. Brian felt the loss of tension in the rope and knew two things: that Chet was on the ground, and that a gunman from on high had provided the service.

    Brian pivoted Damascus towards the direction of the shot, his pistol in hand. He heard a second shot and saw smoke from Alex’s gun, but he was forced to ignore this at the moment.

    Alex’s shot caused new attention from the gunman on the roof, and at the gunman’s movement, Brian’s eyes found him. Sunlight glanced off a rifle barrel as the gun was aimed down at them; Brian lifted his pistol high and took a fast aim. The shot was true, and the gunman on the roof clutched his chest and pitched forward, falling.

    It couldn’t be watched. The thunder of the stampeding horses demanded attention. Brian pivoted Damascus again, who was getting excited with the gunsmoke and noise. Alex was now firing into the stampede of horses, forcing them to cut away, one animal giving a horrible squeal as it fell to a bullet, and the other horses shied away from the blood.

    The masked riders came on, even as the herd veered away.

    Brian did some quick math. 5 riders, and he’d spent one bullet on the man on the roof. Having started with 6 bullets, every shot had to count, but the odds were playable. Alex was about to draw the fire of the riders upon himself, and Brian knew they were outnumbered and outgunned. So he did the only possible thing.

    “HYAAAAAH!!†With a savage yell, Brian kicked Damascus’s flanks and the large beast leapt forward, galloping towards the armed riders. Gunfire was going off in every direction, bullets were screaming past his head, but Brian picked his target and stayed focused on it. The lead rider, seeing the challenge coming, fired hastily in defense.

    Brian fired once, and the man fell from the saddle. The riderless horse careened away, bucking. Brian guided Damascus to the next closet rider. By now, he was farther away from Alex, and the riders were fixing their attention on the threat on horseback. It was 4 to 1.

    The next rider wasted his bullets on wild shots. Brian waited until he was close. BLAM! Three to 1.

    But the next shot wasn’t Brian’s. BLAM! He jerked once in the saddle, managing to stay in it. He fired back, sending a bullet between the rider’s eyes. BLAM! Two to 1….

    The last rider was ignoring Brian and was heading for Alex instead. Brian fired…BLAM! - but the rider was running a zigzag and the shot was a hair too slow. Cursing, Brian urged Damascus to give chase, hoping to cut the rider off before Alex was gunned down.

    Just as Damascus had nearly closed the gap, the remaining rider spun his own horse around and aimed at Brian. The move had been a trap to draw Brian in, who now had to fire his last bullet while in a full gallop. The enemy rider was too close now, and Brian was coming in too fast. He saw the squint of the rider’s eye over the barrel of the .45.


    (cue Alex)

  6. After wincing from the spur-jab, Brian saw Alex mercilessly kicking the stuffing out of Chet. He let it go on for a bit, as a good roughing up was a part of frontier justice anyway, and the rustler had more than asked for it. But there was no sense letting it go on beyond reason.

    "Easy, Alex! He's had enough." Brian rested a hand on the blonde drifter's shoulder. "That ain't no way to get back at a man. Let him breathe and recover himself. His hands are tied and we've both got guns...he ain't gonna get far no matter what."

    This spoken, Brian relased Alex's shoulder and walked around Chet's dust-covered form, which was currently face-down in the dirt. He spoke to the rustler, his drawl holding an edge. "Boy, you've just drawn your last spade from the deck."

    Abruptly, the casual demeanor of the black-clad Coltrane was gone. There were folks that deserved another chance, and there were folks that would never change. And in the court of Brian's own mind, a verdict had been reached.

    He walked past Chet, declining to take a free kick at him. Brian's dark eyes glanced up to Alex. "Watch this hombre', and if he tries to move from that spot...shoot 'em in both legs."

    With that, Brian quickly walked back towards the saloon, and unhitched Damascus from from the post in front. He took the coil of rope from the saddlehorn and measured it in his hands, finding it long enough. He mounted Damascus and guided the horse's direction with his legs, as his hands worked the rope into an expert noose.

    Brian halted his horse beneath a stout tree, not far from Alex and the foolish rustler. He dismounted and tied one end of the rope securely around the saddlehorn. The end with the noose was pitched high over a strong branch, the loop end dropping down far enough to be reached.

    It was crude, but it would be effective. Chet wouldn't get the honor of sitting on a horse. He'd be lynched from the ground up. It was just a matter of sticking Chet's head in the noose, and walking the horse forward a few steps. It would be slow, brutal...but clean. No mess in the street would be made, and the body would be recognizable enough to collect the bounty.

    Brian adjusted the noose, then turned and hollered for Alex. "Bring that @#$&*% sidewindin' @#$%& spit-makin' @#$%&*$ cowchip OVER HEAH!!"

    ( cue Alex. Then we'll see what Chet has to say for himself.)

  7. "Hell no," Brian answered quietly, being sure he wasn't overheard. "The bounty is on the cowboy, heah. Not the horses. We'll sell 'em to a racketeer on the racin' circuit or somethin'."

    The three men walked out of the saloon and down into the street. Their boots stirred up dust as they made the walk towards the jailhouse. Chet was forced to lead the way, guns at his back.

    Brian considered the misery of their captive. The rustler was at the end of the trail, unless some miracle came along. The odds of that were slim. As at outlaw himself, Brian felt some slight sympathy. He walked up next to Chet, and felt compelled to offer a few words of comfort.

    "Don't worry. Rosco knows what he's doin' when it comes to a hangin'. Ah don't think you'll twitch on the rope for longer than...oh, five or six minutes. And ol' Rosco will give you a right proper burial, too. Deep enough so the coyotes can't dig ya up."

    Chet didn't look comforted. Brian made an abrupt decision. "Oh, and that scrawny horse of yers....we ain't takin' him with us. He'll be left at the livery stable. You can have the Sheriff deliver 'em to yer next o' kin, or whoevah you want."

  8. Hearing the guns clattering on top of the bar, along with the implied surrender, Brian glanced at Alex and nodded. They would stand up at the same time, guns drawn, and take the risk. If this was a trick, one of them, at least, stood to be a wealthier man when it was all over.

    Brian waited just a second to address Daney and Min. "Git back," he ordered. "Both of ya." No sense in giving Chet any free victims, if the guns on the bar were nothing more than a ruse. Wouldn't take much to grab one fast and point it into a face....

    This in mind, Brian silently counted to three, cueing Alex as he did so. Brian moved his back away from the bar and stood up fast, his gun in his right hand and pointed directly at Chet. With his left hand, he swept the weapons down the bar towards Alex, getting them away from Chet's reach.

    "Awright," Brian growled, his temper making his trigger-finger twitch. "You've proven two things. We can't take you on the trail with us, because you'd probably cut our throats in the middle of the night. We can't just leave you loose, 'cause you'll threaten innocent folk when the law gets close. Yer also too fond of kidnappin' people."

    Brian kept the gun steady. He'd never wanted to pull a trigger so much in his life. "This saloon is chock-full of witnesses, which is the only thing keepin' me from killin' you heah and now." Grimly, Brian smiled. "But seein' as how ah'm a man of mah word, we'll just take you to the Sheriff. End ree-sult will be the same, ah reckon. First, tho'....I owe you a drink."

    With that, Brian's left hand snaked out to grab a nearby whiskey bottle. He swung it and smashed it over Chet's head, watching in satisfaction as the rogue Duke crumpled to the floor.

    "Keep a bead on him, Alex." Brian climbed over the bar, tucking his gun away and pulling out a handkerchief from his coat. Crouching down to the floor, he took advantage of Chet's groggy condition to secure his hands behind his back. Once the handkerchief had been tied into a solid knot around Chet's wrists, Brian stood up, hauling Chet up with him. "Gift-wrapped and ready for dee-livery."

    Brian guided Chet out from behind the bar, pushing the doomed Duke in front of him. Brian drew his gun and kept it aimed at the rustler's back. They joined up with Alex. "You've been awright," Brian told the blonde drifter. "Take him in and claim the reward. I'll keep 'em covered."

    (cue Alex or Chet, or anyone witnessing this in the saloon)

  9. Man, talk about head injuries.

    I don't have favorite injury episode. But I did enjoy it when Luke turned into a psychotic cuss in "Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Duke", getting mean enough to pound the hash out of his cousin. Of course, he also did that in "Carnival of Thrills" without the benefit of chemical influence.

    We also saw the ungentlemanly side of Luke in "Luke's Love Story" where he proved to be a sexist jerk.

    I suppose if I had to spend every waking hour bailing out the entire family from some ridiculous mess that was mostly Bo's fault, I'd be edgy too. Maybe Luke welcomed those hits on the head.

  10. "We can take it elsewhere," Brian called back. "Like to the Sheriff. You get a day in court, a last meal, and a preacher. Which is a damn sight more than what you'll get from us, in about thirty seconds."

    Brian glanced over at Alex, gesturing for him to wait until Chet's reply....

  11. From the other side of the bar, came a low growl. The black-clad Coltrane was crouched on the floor, recovering from the wallop, his back to the protective wall of the wooden bar.

    "You wasted two perfectly good beers," Brian snarled. "And the reason why ah had brought you heah, insteada right to the Sheriff, was to figure out what to do with yer sorry ass. Ah mighta let you go, boy...yer peanuts anyway. But now....you've made the decision for me."

    A deadly silence lingered while the words sunk in. The click of Brian's gun signaled that this insult would not go unanswered.

  12. I'll admit, I always dug Starsky & Hutch, so when the movie version came out - I had to see it.

    The original series was chock-full of melodrama and violence - and yet it had it's moments of humor. The movie took these traits and exaggerated them beyond the nth degree. It did make me laugh, tho'. I went into it knowin' that it was gonna be silly, and therefore got what I expected.

    The swan dive of the Torino into the ocean was well-crafted. It was set up with this incredible launch from the pier to land on the bad guy's yacht, which would have been specatcular. Instead, Starksy hammers it a bit too hard, and the Torino makes a phenominal launch into the air and careens right over the boat, landing like a brick into the ocean. The bad guys, of course, laugh their ass off, and so did everyone in the theatre I was in. It was funny because the result was unexpected, yet totally plausible.

    The biggest mistake in the flick, was the character traits weren't quite right. In the movie, Hutch was a slacking cop who would just as soon be on the other side with the bad guys. Starsky was neurotic and by-the-book. I suppose in the interest of comedy, the scriptwriter thought that messing with the core personas of these guys would be funny. But to longtime fans, that was the hardest thing to take.

    I tell ya, if they do some kinda lobotomy with Bo and Luke and change their personalities in the Dukes movie, I'll be the first one to have a fit. But if the S&H movie is any indication, the car scenes will be good. I hate to say it, but I'm sure this is going to be the main focus of the movie. An hour and a half of an orange Charger tearing around a field and jumping various obstacles. Critics would be fast to point out that this is more or less true to the original show. The rest of us, howevah, know there was more to it than that.

  13. I haven't heard any advance news on location. Given the lazy choice for the last Dukes TV movie, I'm sure it'll be in the WB's back parking lot.

    On the Jessica topic - it's possible she's not supposed to talk about it. Britney Spears had originally stated that she'd been promised the role - this is going back as far as last summer - and when Jessica let it slip a few months ago that she was auditioning for the role, Britney pitched a fit.

    There are a few instances earlier this year where Jessica made references to the Dukes movie. Somewhere in the movie topics here there's a couple of examples, so you may wanna stroll around the older posts.

  14. Meanwhile, back in the Boar's Nest Saloon....

    Brian listened to Alex's words, then considered Chet's fate. The dejected horse thief seemed to be sinking through the floor, knowing he was beaten and the game was lost.

    "That's a mighty high price for a horse," Brian drawled to Chet. "Even if yer exaggeratin' those numbers, ah figure we can sell the whole set of nags around heah for a ree-spectable sum. But tell me somethin'..."

    At this, Brian's gaze hardened, and his expression flattned until his grin was little more than a thin line. "What's the bounty on yer head? Seems to me, it might more n' make up for any shortfall."

    (cue anyone!)

  15. In the current issue of Mopar Muscle, on newstands now through 09/14, there's a picture on page 8 of a German Shepard sittin' behind the wheel of a General Lee. It's a cute picture - the dog looks like he just pulled the car up and parked it. Anyhow, they got a caption contest goin' on for this photo - no big prize, but the winner gets their name in the magazine, and a small gift of some sort.

    Be fun to enter, just to get the braggin' rights if ya win. One more thing to add to yer resume' !

  16. It's been widely reported that Ashton Kutcher was gonna have a leading role in the upcoming Dukes movie, but I've come across new information that conflicts with this.

    Ashton is currently working on another project for Columbia Pictures. The movie is called "The Dinner Party" and went into production 06/21/04. The movie is slated for release next summer, just about when Dukes was supposed to come out. (the name of Ashton's project was blandly listed as, "Untitled Bernie Mac/Ashton Kutcher Project" , I had to dig around just to get the name of the movie. Sheesh, why is this stuff such a military secret?)

    Anyhoo...as Dukes was supposed to hit production this last spring - then this summer - and now we're gettin' close to autumn - I've gotta wonder just what the heck is goin' on.

    Though rumored to be in "pre-production", the Dukes movie status cannot be confirmed. But seein' as how it took WB forever just to name a director, I'm not too worried. Also, Jessica Simpson is wrappin' up her summer tour this month - it's very possible that everything's been held back a bit until schedules can jive.

    We'll keep the channels open and letcha know what we hear.

  17. RJ, we did get kinda distracted there, didn't we. Sorry 'bout that. We got swept up in the moment.

    You're right about the S&H movie bein' an example of what we DON'T want the Dukes movie to be. The Starsky & Hutch movie was a parody at best, an insult at worst, to the original show. Tho' seeing that Ford Torino do a swan dive into the ocean was worth the price of admission.


  18. If they were real people, it wouldn't be an issue. There's plenty o' folks today who drive around with rebel flag license plates, and have Dixie horns wired to their car. Not to mention the few hundred General Lee replicas that are out there. Give or take any other make n' model of car painted with the flag. The nifty thing about the First Amendment and freedom of speech - which you have enjoyed rather liberally here - is that self-expression is still permitted, even if it does offend a few folks. Hollywood, tho', has it's own agenda.

    I think the whole Dukes thang is strong enough to survive whatever the General Lee is painted, and whatever the movie does to it. It survived the Coy and Vance era. It survived the distain of critics everywhere. It survived TNN cutting the reruns to ribbons to make room for numerous commercials. More, it survived bad plots like "Strange Visitor to Hazzard" which would have killed an ordinary show.

    I don't expect you to believe me, though. So let me add, in closing, the most compelling remarks I can offer regarding your concerns.


    Yers truly,


  19. There is no race, no culture, no creed, that can look back upon their history and claim their hands are clean.

    It's not history that harms your heritage, Sway. It's your own attitude. If you think you've got the market cornered on bein' ridiculed, wronged, ripped off, or mocked, or treated differently....you're in for some awakenin' yet.

    What started out as some friendly jibes back and forth has turned into somethin' ugly. I think everyone here made an effort to hear ya out and give you a chance to proudly recite your ancestry, so that we could dig it. All I've heard tho', is a lot of bitterness and hate, for events that occurred long before you were born. And I'd have to say, the incidents you've recited about yer own experience with other folk in the country are unfortunate..but hardly unique. Everyone gets teased for somethin'. If you're scarred for life because someone picked on your accent, then you're fragile as all hell.

    You've indicated you're movin' on, and that's just as well. I'm not deletin' your posts, tho', because there is such a thing as freedom of speech.

    You have, however, lost an opportunity to make at least one friend.

    Yer loss.


  20. If history was written by the winnin' side, how the hell would I know the truth? How would you? Unless that's a time-travel device in your pocket. Speakin' for myself personally, I wasn't around in the 1860's or durin' the reconsitution era. But no one has ever accused my knowledge of the period of bein' shallow...or biased.

    No one on HazzardNet is yer enemy. And if you feel otherwise, I'm sorry. Of all the things Dukes of Hazzard was about....it was NOT about a division of people. Bo and Luke didn't stroll around hatin' Yankees.

    We don't, either.


  21. RebellWolf,

    Yeah, yer the only one. The rest of us just kinda hang around and try to look busy. Except for MaryAnne, who hangs around to make sure everybody else is lookin' busy.

    Perhaps Three Dog Night said it best in their ol' 70's hit ( You're old enough to remember this )

    Oooonnnne is the lonliest numbah that you'll evah doooooo.....

    Or in our case....01.

    Obviously, you're a bigger fan than any of us are, and due honors should be accorded.

    *smattering of scattered applause*

    There ya go! :wink:


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