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Brian Coltrane

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Posts posted by Brian Coltrane

  1. Let's step back a bit.

    The flag does NOT represent the KKK. Tho' various hate groups have used it. Worth noting that the same hate groups also fly the US flag at their functions and consider themselves the ultimate patriots. ( When in actuality, they're the ultimate idiots.)

    The rebel flag began as the standard of the Army of Nothern Virginia. It was, and is, purely a "battle" flag, when you boil everything down. (The national flag of the Confederate States of America was an unremarkable blue bedsheet. ) Anyhow, other Confederate units began incorporating the battle standard into their own colors, and the Confederate states added it within their own flags. The brightness of the rebel flag and it's simple design made it highly visible on the battlefield; it was for this reason, perhaps, that it became the herald of the Confederate army.

    Movin' back up to modern times...about three years ago, the state of GA removed the rebel colors from their state flag, after being put under political pressure and economic threat by special interest groups. Meanwhile, other southern states continue to have their same state flags -with the bit o' rebel intact - as they did since the 1860's.

    And here we are today, still fightin' over the flag. Does it represent heritage, or hate? Courage, or treason? The fact that it represents battle, and therefore conflict, cannot be denied.

    Southern troops were oft barefoot, under-supplied, and half-starved. This flag was all they had when Union guns were blazing. The rebel flag represented the fighting spirit of the common solider; it was the embodiment of his will to live against overwhelming odds; it was his oath of loyalty to his home state; it was his pledge to protect the soil that sustained his family.

    Given the motives of the average Confederate soldier - namely, to survive and to protect his home - this flag should be remembered.

    To remove all traces of it, is to deny the events of history; more, it only serves to reinforce the distortions of the groups who have wronged it in their use.


  2. If this is the dental plan, I'll pass on the medical benefits. Tho' I use the term "benefit " loosely when it comes to this outfit.

    Guess I'd better shaddap and go look busy. Might be good time to get that Extra Eee-diton of the newsletter put together....

  3. Thank ya, everyone. It ain't often I'm known for logic, but this issue just strikes a chord with me.

    I think WB needs to take a good, long look at all the Dukes merchandise that's been cranked out for the past two decades r'' so. Does that dreaded rebel flag appear on anything? *gasp*

    Yeah, the flag appears on damn near everything. Especially seein' as how it was on the car all these years. Man, bet that flag bein' on so much stuff hurt merchandise sales. NOT!! Take a deep look into the cash register, Warner Bros. How much have you made from this car?

    ERTL went so far as to make the rebel flag part of it's packaging on the 1:18 scale die casts, the 1:24 scale die casts, and the 3-car "hot pursuit set." Oh, and that promo picture on the front of the Dukes DVD...eeek, we can still tell that's a rebel flag Daisy is laying on!! Oh man, nobody will buy it if THIS gets out. Riiiight.

    The same promo shot appears on the Columbia House VHS releases of the Dukes series. ( back cover, upper left.)

    Darned if the rebel flag ain't part of the old Dukes CD cover, too. Goodness, how'd that happen.

    Maybe because ya'll been marketin' the hell out of it for damn near 25 YEARS?!

    And now this flag is a problem? Can't have it in the video game? Can't have it in the movie?

    Taking the flag off the General's roof now, is nothing more than a hollow gesture of political correctness, to a radical wing that is gonna find somethin' to protest no matter what the hell ya do. ( Next thing ya know, a Southern accent is gonna be illegal, and then what? Ah'll be in big trouble, ya'll. )

    Warner Bros, if you deface the General Lee, and strip the car of the very emblem that it's namesake fought for....ya'll are the biggest, most complete bunch of hypocrites that ever walked this earth. Do you want to make a real gesture to whatever groups are offended by the flag on the car?

    Then why don't you donate just a little bit of that merchandising fortune to a charitable cause of the self-same groups? College fund, political hope chest, whatever. THAT would be a gesture!

    Warner Bros, you ain't gonna please anybody with this one. How about you decide in favor of the fans who have consistently forked out big bucks for your products? Why don't you try, just for the sake o' novelty, to do somethin' that would make the fans of the show happy? The hell with everybody else.

    We're the ones buyin' the tickets...the toys...the CD's...the posters. Be honest, the folks who nevah dug the show nevah will. Those offended by the show or anythin' in it, always will be offended.

    Those of us that love the show...always will. Be good to us.


  4. GAH! I'm gettin' the feelin' I should have read the fine print when I signed up for this gig. *checks papers* Hmmm.... what the hell is this about an "indentured servant" clause?

    And dammit MaryAnne, quit swearin' on the boards. Next thing ya know, we'll have people sayin' "@#$&*%!!" and "*&$%#*" and then I'll be here all night sweepin' up behind it because you'll be in Tahiti or somethin' on vacation. *checks papers again* Which, accordin' to this, you've accrued about 7 years in time off, while I've got a mandatory 7 years to put in...interestin' how that coincides.

    One more thing, 'xplain to me how this moderator pension plan works. 50 percent of 50 percent of 50 percent of our membership dues get divided up three ways...hey, we don't HAVE membership dues!

    I'd complain to the management, but somethin' tells me it would only get worse. AAAAHHH!!!

  5. "No, you ain't gonna roll no smoke." Brian gritted the words. "And if you don't move your hand away from that pocket, real easy-like, I'm gonna do more shootin' and less listenin'."

    Brian narrowed his dark eyes and scowled dangerously. "I've got three of your horses already...four, countin' that ansy thoroughbred you ride. I could sell them all right now, for enough money to keep me in women and whiskey for a month. Ah don't need you around to accomplish that. So ah'm beginnin' to wonder if this is gonna be worth mah time."

    With one hand resting on the handle of his gun, Brian kept a steady stare on the captured horse thief.

    (Cue anybody! What else is going on in town? Anybody in the saloon watching this? People up to something outside? Or is everybody waitin' for me to either shoot Chet or string him up? )

  6. Here's some logic that I hope Hollywood thinks about.

    A few months ago, the General Lee was named as the top "car star" of all time. It ranked higher than the Batmobile, higher than anything else that came before or after it.

    Yep, the General Lee is clearly the most popular TV car on the planet. And that's with the flag on the roof. Gee, it can't be offending THAT MANY PEOPLE!!

    Plus, Ertl makes toy models of this car. With the flag. Has for years. They sell a lot of them.

    I think any offense factor of the rebel flag, lies within who is carrying it. Not the flag itself.

    O' course, this is my own simplistic view, and my own personal opinion.

    Ironically, while Hollywood might be overly concerned about any possible offense created by this flag painted on a car....they're crankin' out movies with tons of swearing, sex, drug references, and graphic violence. Anything goes in a movie, so long as you don't have THAT flag on a car. Eeeek. Better unplug that Dixie horn, too. And just for safety's sake, let's relocate Hazzard to New York state. The Dukes of Albany.

    Awright, I'd better shaddap.


  7. It would have been great to see a third made-for-tv Dukes movie with the original cast. I have a feelin' that it won't happen, tho'. I'd loved to be proved wrong, but....I don't think it's in the cards.

    And of all the reasons why, it could be as simple as the fact Denver Pyle ain't around to be a part of it. Perhaps the cast wanted it left that way; the last show included him, and in this sense, the Duke family was together till the end.

    This sentiment could also explain why the original cast, for the most part, is not jumping up and down to be in the new movie. With someone else filling in the roles for Boss and Uncle Jesse, everything changes.

    I'm still hoping the new movie at least has cameos of the original cast. And yeah, I'm gonna go see it. I want to see the faces of the kids in the audience when that orange Charger takes to the air. I want to see if the General Lee can still be the General, even without the confederate flag on the roof, even without the Dixie horn...(I'm sure the horn is politically incorrect and will be the next thing to go.)

    And you know what, when I go see the movie, I'll be wearin' a t-shirt with a big ol' rebel flag on the front and back. Let them @#%* censor THAT.

  8. Lemme open this one up by sayin' that HazzardNet is not affilated with any Dukes club in particular. We're our own group of screwballs who just hang out and have fun. We're not gettin' in the middle of anybody's business, nor are we takin' up the rebel flag for one side or the other.

    That bein' said, in the interest of news and Hazzard history, here's the dirt.

    The North American General Lee Fan Club enjoyed some popularity as well as notoriety with a large number of fans. The club's focus and mission centered around '69 Dodge Chargers...includin' authentic General Lees used in the show, and replica projects. Man, if you wanted to talk car parts for weeks on end, it was the place to be.

    The club rolled merrily along for a couple of years, but then some thunder started up about a host of issues, which in respect to both sides of the cannons, I won't detail here. There were some acheivements by the club in the way of unifyin' fans and throwin' some shindigs. But it also had it's controversy.

    It's been said that a house divided cannot stand. Evidently not, as there was an irrevocable split some time ago between two principal parties of the club...and it now appears that the website and message board of that club is in limbo. Whether it'll magically reappear when the latest round of hoopla dies down, is uncertain.

    Meanwhile, the Confederate General Lee Fan Club is alive and well. It looks to soon be the "International" General Lee Fan Club, and hey, more power to 'em. The club's founders have charity fund raisers for the Special Olympics, and seem to have their heart in the right place. And there, you can still talk car parts for weeks on end, in addition to whatever else. The only caveat bein', that "negative" posts are frowned upon and subject to the Big Zap.

    That subtle censorship is what drove me to put a post here. I'm not judgin' anybody, and every webmaster and club proprietor has to run their shop as they see fit. I just know how it feels when a club or message board you call home is shaken up or lost. And when posts are selectively removed, it compounds the loss of continuity for the displaced fans.

    HazzardNet ain't run by any mechanics, so we're useless when it comes to things like what shade of orange your car should be painted. We can't tell you a darn thing about where to find the right u-joint to replace the one ya busted when you jumped your car over the railroad tracks. ( We can tell you that JC Whitney carries Dixie horns in stock, but that's about it. When it comes to installation, yer on yer own.)

    If any of the rest of ya'll want to talk cars or car parts - g'wan ahead! Start a topic. But we can't serve as the tiebreaker on mechanical issues. Nor could we vouch for the accuracy of any advice given on All Things Charger.

    Awright, back to our usual programmin'. 'Nuff said.


  9. At Chet's nod, Brian dismounted his own horse, the gun in his right hand remaining out in the open. "Awright," Brian said when both men stood eye to eye. "You g'wan in first. You'll recognize that blonde drifter once yer inside. He's workin' with me, so don't try any stunts."

    Brian motioned with the gun, having Chet walk into the saloon first. Once inside, Brian put his weapon away, but kept his long coat brushed back from the holster. He guided Chet to the end of the bar where Alex waited.

    Chet was made to stand between the two men, who now had every outlaw advantage. Brian took a whiskey bottle from the bar and poured himself a shot. He let the captured horse thief sweat a moment in silence while the smooth whiskey was consumed.

    Brian shoved the shotglass away and turned his dark eyes to Chet. "Time for you to spill the beans," he announced. "Tell us who you had lined up to buy those stolen horses. And don't leave nothin' out....'cause you're lookin' at a short future with a long rope."

    (cue anybody)

  10. Rather than thank his luck for this possibility for escape, Brian was agitated. He'd caught the warning glance from Fargo as the two men excited the car. Any escape attempt Brian made, would put the women in danger.

    Equally of risk, was the fact that if Daisy or Daney noticed him in the back of the car, they were liable to call out a greeting and then start asking questions, which could endanger them as well. And so far, Brian's captors didn't have his name, and threfore had no idea who the interfering "hick" really was.

    If the Duke women gave him away, Brian would be out of the fry pan and into the fire. He'd likely be dispatched by the bounty hunters anyway, whether or not they ever knew his identity. The difference was, as long as they didn't know....then Rosco, MaryAnne and Riddick were protected.

    And yet the will to escape, and to live, was pulling at him strongly. Brian wanted nothing more than to open a car door and attack, or run for it....

    ....but there were two Duke women who would pay the price if he did.

    Brian leaned back in the seat and sighed. Coltrane luck had handed him a card he couldn't play.

    (cue anyone)

  11. Capt'n Redneck, if yer sittin' down to a brew with Sway Duke, you'd best avoid servin' him any of them Yankee beers. Which means, ya must omit the followin' brands:



    Old Style

    Old Milwaukee

    Pabst Blue Ribbon


    Samuel Adams

    This by no means is a complete list, but ya get the idea. Lest you o-ffend yer buddy, all due caution is recommened. So read the fine print on the label, and then enjoy a non-confrontational beverage with yer buddy.

    As for me...I drink alone. With nobody else!


  12. Sway Duke, I know how badly you wanted to land the role of Daisy. Your dreams of being a starlet have been brutally crushed by those Hollywood jerks, who led you on....made you empty promises....induced you to compromise yerself. Well, baby....this film would've just held your career back anyway. There's other opportunities out there, so walk away with your pride intact, and remember that Jessica Simpson ain't got half of your talent, even if she does have better legs.

  13. Chet, ol' Swayin' Duke didn't say anythin' unsuitable for our younger friends n' neighbors. He's entitled to his opinion.

    As for me, I've got enough Southern Honor to let Duke o' Sway have a chance to recover himself.

    On an aside, Chet... it's one thing to be from New York, it's another to admit it in mixed company. Man alive, just when ya think ya know somebody....

  14. Yankees?! Where?! When did we get Yankees? Who left the window open and let Yankees in? Ya know, the moderators should be more carefull about filterin' out the northerners.

    The original Dukes series shoulda filtered out the Yankees too. Here ya had Bo Duke played by a dude from New York state, and Luke Duke played by a Wisconsin guy - what the hell where they thinkin'? And then Daisy was played by a chick from North Dakota. Hell, the only actual southern boys in the whole show were Cooter n' Enos. Ben and Sonny, ree-spectively, were at least from the south.

    And you know what's worse...the Dodge Chargers used in the show were built in Detroit! As was every other dang car in the show, save for the AMC patrol cars in the pilot episode, which were built in Kenosha. I ain't sure where that is, but it sounds like more rampant Yankee-ism.

    Sway Duke, you got a helluva lot more to picket! Gotcher hands full now, don't ya?


  15. Somehow, you omitted the Dukes of Hazzard from your list of favorite shows. Or did ya miss the big "01" above the front door when ya walked in?

    That in itself ain't a big deal, but just so there's no misunderstanding, this is a family board. It sounds like you're in touch with your inner freak and that's cool, but we're not lookin' to branch out into personal ads just yet.

    Good luck on your cosmic quest for enlightenment.


  16. Yer really makin' the rounds! It's good to have ya here.

    We have a few other sites listed under our "links" page, but we kinda need to update that. It's a start, tho', and you might wanna check it out.

    As MaryAnne said, a lot of the message boards that were Yahoo Clubs totally went to heck when the change was made to Yahoo Goups. I think the problem was that the user experience went way down, when everyone had to steer around obnoxious ads within the posts.


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