(Don't say that cousin daisy, this is exactly how I like you to write, in detail , and not in short spurts, this is perfect cousin daisy *HUGS*) Luke turned around and said to Bo, "It's not over yet, look behind you cousin" What Bo saw did not please him as he put the petal to the metal, he was being chased still by Enos, Cleatus and Sheriff little, followed by Rosco, bringing up the rear, as usual. Sheriff little was gaining on the boys, and started shooting at them, hitting the tail light and smashing the rear window. Bo and Luke ducked so not to get hit by flying bullets . In the sheriff little's car, he picks up the cb and says; "Bo , luke, you're under arrest, now stop you vehicle before I blow a tires out.." Bo and Luke look at each other, then turn around to see yet another obstacle in the road, spike strips lying across the whole road, right between two trees.... Freeze frame... Narrator "just when you could not have worst luck, looks like Bo better have some slick maneuvers to get out of this Jam"