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Everything posted by bethie88

  1. Yeah. I know how that is... My FF.net author alerts come, and I'm like, "shoot, can't read it now..." ~Beth
  2. Thanks so much... Dixie's right about real life, but we do what we can!
  3. He hadn't stopped to see the expression on his young wifes' face, which at this point was a pained one, full of worry. Uncle Jesse, however, hadn't missed it. He knew not to ask Beth about it then, but to let it go until later. Bo was still angry. Beth slipped her hand into his, afraid to let go of him. Afraid of losing him. It was then that Bo remembered that his wife was at his side. "Honey," he said, seeing her face. "You OK?" "I'm fine," Beth said, fighting back the tears. Bo looked at her, knowing she wasn't fine. "Beth, talk to me..." he said. Beth looked at him, shaking her head. "Not now, Bo. Just not now." Bo's blue eyes filled with concern. "Is it the baby?" "No!" Beth snapped, immediately regretting it. Bo was hurt, but something stopped him from saying so. He just put his arm around Beth and whispered, "I love you, darlin'." She knew she shouldn't start something right in front of the courthouse, but she was angry. "Beauregard Duke," she said, turning angry, tear filled blue eyes on him. "You listen here,........................" Cue Dixie
  4. My favorite chase scene/race scene is probably... I can't remember the episode, but where Bo and Luke are yelling at each other back and forth about how ugly a woman the other likes. Favorite Dramatic Bo Scene: Wows... SO many... But Carnival of Thrills when he's leaving the farm. Favorite Comedy Bo Scene: Perhaps when Bo gets the boots that are too small for him.
  5. In "Good Neighbors Duke" they sing "Where, oh, Where are you Tonight?"
  6. lol! If it is you're own thing, do you mind if I take borrow it to make some icons?
  7. I'd just like to know what you're talking about....
  8. I've been in two accidents, and I was at fault both times. I almost gave up, but my daddy wouldn't let me... So, yeah. Good for you! Keep working on that! I can't imagine having to wait to be 18 to drive!
  9. Jesse shook his head. "Luke's in jail... again. For fightin'...again. And I might just have to whip him..." Bo almost added "again," but bit his tongue. Jesse seemed to know what Bo was thinking because he shot daggers at him with his eyes. Beth patted Bo's leg in a silent reminder to respect his Uncle. Jesse said, "Bo, Beth... I'm gonna go see him durin' visitin' hours, and I want y'all to stay here." Bo started to protest, but Jesse stopped him in his tracks. "I don't trust Coy, Vance, and Jeb without you. They sure don't listen to Daisy." Beth closed her eyes as the baby moved around a little. "Listen to him, Bo," she thought, saying nothing. "Please listen." Bo looked at his wife, then at Jesse. "Yessir," he said. ~*~*~*~*~ Meanwhile, in town, word had gotten to the Davenports that Luke Duke was in jail for fighting Tommy Smith.... Cue Dixie
  10. Bo left the kitchen, knowing that Uncle Jesse needed to talk to Luke alone. He walked back onto the porch and sat down beside Beth. "How are you feelin', honey?" he asked. "Fine," she said softly. "Just... tired. A little weak. But I'm OK." Bo looked at her. "That don't sound good. You should go see Doc." "I saw Doc a coupla weeks ago, Bo. It's OK. I'm just tired is all." Bo reached over to clasp her hand in his. "Dang it, Beth. Be careful. Take care of yourself. Do you know how much I love you? How much I need you to be OK? How much I need you to take care of that little young'un? Lord, Beth... I'm just as scared as anybody." Beth looked at him. "I know you're scared, Bo. I'm scared, too. But... there's been lotsa scared mama's and daddies since the beginning of time. I'll bet Eve was scared when she was expectin' Cain." Bo grinned. "Beth, how'd somebody like you manage to get herself into a bind with a hayseed plowboy like me?" Beth smiled, a funny little smile, and said, ".......... Cue Dixie
  11. I think Tony'll get it. I was kinda pullin' for Rusty or Mark, though, in a way. Too bad for Kurt Busch getting suspended.
  12. I agree... the "Chase" is bull crap. Racing was racing back when the big money stayed out of it. Dirt trackin'? That's how racin' should be.
  13. That's a Dodge Charger... I think it was a '69 440, though...
  14. lol! I've been wondering that myself. My gosh, she looks like John. Too bad he doesn't have a look-a-like son around my age.
  15. Kent... Wouldn't that be ironic with John playing Jonathan Kent?
  16. Am I the only one who finds it strange that Jimmie Johnson, in the Lowe's car, has wone every race at Lowe's Motor Speedway in forever. That seems a little funny. The race at Charlotte was aweful from what I saw on TV, when I wasn't asleep. Tony was whipping butt, then his tires blew, Dale Jr. lost his tire. They better fix that freakin' track before someone gets hurt.
  17. Later that day, Bo and Beth went to town for another visit with Doc Applebee. He checked everything out and told them that the baby was just fine, but that Beth was probably working too hard. She rolled her eyes. "How can I be working too hard! Bo won't let me do ANYTHING!" Doc Applebee grinned. "Typical first time father." He patted Bo on the shoulder. "But don't make her sit around all the time either, Bo. She needs her excercise, and so does the baby." Bo shrugged. "Heck, Doc. I'm new at this stuff." "I know," the Doctor said. "We want that baby born healthy. All of us." Beth nodded and promised to try not to work too hard for the baby's sake. They rode home in Daisy's car, after repeated warnings from Jesse that, "It just ain't natural, a pregnant lady climbin' in and out of car winda's... That's what the doors are for." Once in the farmyard, Beth turned to Bo and said, "Honey, what are we going to do?" Bo looked at her in shock. For such a long time, she had been the strong one. And now, her eyes were filling up with tears. "Bo, I'm scared. I don't know what to do... and... I'm scared I'm not doing it right... taking care of the baby and all. And... it hurts having a baby, Bo... and I'm scared." Bo fought tears as he replied, "............... Cue Dixie
  18. "Georgia Rain" by Trisha Yearwood makes me think of all the broken hearts those Duke boys probably left over the years!
  19. Oh yeah! Bo: [drive the General through a barn] That sure was a funny place to put a barn. Luke: You try a fool stunt like that again, and I'll find an even funnier place to put one.
  20. lol! That's pretty much the funniest quote ever. How's about this one... McQuade: I'm surprised at you, Mary Kaye. Bo [in a squeaky-ish voice]: Yeah, me too.
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