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Everything posted by bethie88

  1. Rosco, of course, wasn't satisfied. "Why don'tcha take that there tire and all out of the trunk, Duke boy?" he asked. Luke knew better than to argue, so he went to work, knowing that at this point, there was no point in trying to change Rosco's mind. "But when you don't find nothin, you're puttin' this back like it was." Rosco was convinced he would, so he didn't worry too much just yet. Luke crossed his arms as the sheriff looked into the trunk.... ~Cue Dixie~
  2. Luke turned to look at Rosco. "Now, do you mind tellin' me just exactly why you pulled me over?" Rosco laughed his irritating laugh, and replied, "............ ~ ~ ~ Jeb was trying to keep his cool, knowing that Bo, in the situation they were in, was more likely than usual to get hotheaded. "Now, don't worry, Bo... Uncle Jesse got through, and we ain't got nothin to hide in this car." Bo glanced at Jeb as if in shock. Surely his cousin wouldn't be so stupid as to think them out of harms way. ~Cue Dixie~
  3. Dixie didn't have an answer for what he said, so she kept quiet for the time being. Luke took notice of her sudden silence, but said nothing, not quite sure what to say. ~**~**~**~ Bo was mentally ticking off the miles to the county line. He found himself being torn between nervousness at doing things differently, and being thankful that Luke wasn't here to get caught leaving the county. He definitely hated not having the General's power behind him. Granted, the moonrunners were always fast, but the General was like an old friend. He, Luke, and the machine were a team. It didn't work well to separate them. Jeb managed to keep composed for the time, much to Bo's relief. And the county line was getting closer. ~Cue Dixie~
  4. On the shine run, Bo was gettin' mighty antsy. He tried to pretend it was just another run, and nothing was different, but it was, and that was just all there was to it. Jeb knew, not as much as Bo did, but he did know, that this felt different. He wasn't sure why. But he knew that everyone was just a bit more on edge. And that made him nervous, too. ~**~**~**~ Beth, in the meanwhile, was busying herself, trying not to think about her husband out in who knew where, trying not to get himself arrested. Daisy tried to help by distracting her, but it didn't do much good. ~Cue Dixie~
  5. Luke didn't speak immediately, and was relieved when Cooter, wanting to get the work done and get to a "hot" date, shrugged and turned back to the fender. ~**~ Meanwhile, Bo was feeling a little nervous. It wasn't that he thought for one minute that Jesse wasn't 100% capable at a moonshine run... It was just like doing anything different. He and Jeb and Luke had aways done things together, and the runs were no exception. They had a system worked out, and though Jesse knew how to make moonruns better than any of them, most likely, it just didn't feel right at all. Not to mention that he was trying harder than anything to convince himself not to worry about Beth, which only made it harder. Clearing his throat nervously, he shifted in his seat. He'd sure be glad when it was over and he was safe in his bed again. ~Cue Dixie~
  6. Jesse looked at his nephew. Sometimes Luke was so blamed stubborn. But then again, so was Jesse, and any other Duke that was worth his or her salt. "OK, then," Jesse said. "You go, but be extra careful. More than you've ever been before." Luke nodded. "Yes'sir Uncle Jesse... You know I will." ~**~**~**~ Beth, in the meantime was trying to hold it together, thinking about Luke's words. Brave as a soldier's wife, she stood up, squared her shoulders back, and walked over to Bo, who was dressed and ready. "You be careful, Bo Duke," she said, kissing him on the cheek. "And don't think about me, or anything else. Just get that run made, and be safe." Bo nodded. How on earth could he not think about her? She was his everything. But she was right. He needed to concentrate on nothing but the run. "I'll do all I can," he promised, wrapping his arms around her and kissing the top of her head. "I love you, Sunshine," he whispered. "I love you, too," she said, giving him a squeeze. "Now, go... Luke and Jeb are waitin' for ya." Bo nodded, then..................... ~Cue Dixie~
  7. Well, I'm not old old. I'm 20. lol.

  8. Yeah... Now I feel like an old woman. lol.

  9. Lol. I used to climb in and out of my dad's old mazda truck... it was kind of entertaining, because I was probably 6-8 years old. lol.

  10. I grew up watching the reruns on TNN... I used to climb in and out of my parents car windows, and roll my shorts up like Daisy... My mom didn't like that much. lol. But my dad loves the show. lol.

  11. It's not my favorite... I prefer old country, but I like some bluegrass.

  12. Most of the reason for my love of music, and the way I get fired up about new vs. old country is my family... I have a huge musical family... And for the most part, they all love old country and bluegrass.

  13. "Start a Band" is a great song. Those two make a fun team...

  14. Can't say I like much new country. Brad Paisley's probably my favorite of the new ones, though. Old country's my favorite. I'm a purist, and most new country just doesn't sound country to me.

  15. I listen to pretty much everything. I'm not too big on R&B, Rap, or Metal, but I love classic rock, some new rock, southern rock, and country...

  16. Yeah... I reckon I am. I was always into music more than sports, anyway. I loved playing sports, but music's my heart and soul.

  17. My parents don't really like cheerleading, so I was spared. lol

  18. Softball is one of my favorite things ever.

  19. Yeah. That's a plus. I used to play soccer and softball.

  20. Lol. That's true. I couldn't be a cheerleader... Ain't coordinated enough. lol.

  21. Yeah... At my high school, the rule was your shorts had to be long enough that the longest finger of your hand couldn't touch the bottom of them if you were standing up straight. lol.

  22. I didn't think so, lol. Daisy doesn't look like one, so why would you look like one if you were dressed like her?

  23. Well, I'm in college studying to be a teacher, so it's kind of important to present a "put together" look. lol. But I do love my country girl look at home. :)

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