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Everything posted by bethie88

  1. Rosco: Remember, Flash, if I don't catch them Duke boys, Boss Hogg's gonna kill me. And dead men can NOT buy doggie num-nums.
  2. "Beth, what's it like... I mean, knowing Bo's the right one and all?" Beth heaved a sigh of relief, glad Dixie didn't ask what it was like...being... with a man. She shook her head. "Honey, I wish I could explain it. It's like, even when everything seems to be going wrong, I still know that Bo and me are together, and we're meant to be together. It's just... I don't know..." Dixie sighed. "What is it, honey?" Daisy asked. "Nothin'. Just thinkin'." "About what?" Daisy asked. "I don't know... different stuff." Beth shook her head. "Honey, that's about the weakest cover-up I've ever heard. Now spill." Dixie smiled. "Maybe another night. Nothing's wrong... just kinda thinkin'." Beth smiled. "I know how that can be sometimes." Daisy looked at her future cousin-in-law. "Honey, we better get you in bed, or you'll have dark circles under your eyes for the wedding." Beth smiled weakly. "I guess you're right." The girls all crawled into their sleeping bags, none of them using the bed. The next day was going to be busy. ~**~**~**~**~ The next morning, the house was full of activity, and it was driving Bo half crazy that Daisy and Dixie refused to let him see Beth until she was walking down the aisle. "It's bad luck!" Daisy insisted. "Now shoo!" Bo shook his head. Sometimes, he really thought women were all crazy. CUE DIXIE
  3. Oh, Mary Anne... I'm touched by your beautiful song! John John John! What a beautiful man!
  4. I loved Denver whether or not he could shuffle! John's hands are sexxy... but I'm just weird!
  5. ...when you call your mechanic Cooter, no matter what his name might be. When I was little, I had to stop watching Dukes for awhile, because I rolled my shorts up to look like Daisy, and my mom got mad. My daddy, who is a mechanic, used to let me and my little sister climb in and out of the windows of his little Mazda pickup, and he'd pretend to be Cooter for our benefit. Good ol' daddy!
  6. Beth and Bo couldn't believe Uncle Jesse's gift of $1,000. Beth had always known a life where money was never an issue, but having given up her former lifestyle, Beth was quickly coming to realize how hard money was to come by. And she loved Uncle Jesse all the more for the sacrificial love he had for his whole family, including her. Beth had become especially close to Dixie, Cooter's little sister. They had been friends when they were very young, but since Dixie's mother had taken her away, they hadn't seen each other much. The two girls shared a love for cars, and for the Duke family. Bo, Luke, Jesse, Jeb, and even Coy and Vance had pretty well spent most of their time hard at work on the addition to the house. That Friday, Dixie was planning to stay at the Dukes for the night. She helped Beth and Daisy finish up the wedding plans for the next day, and also helped them keep the hardworking men supplied with water. Both Dixie and Daisy helped Beth finish the dress. It looked absolutely beautiful, and Beth was just glad that she'd learned to use a sewing machine. Beth made the dress white with a light blue trim. The sleeves were fitted to the elbow, then became bell sleeves. She made the collar high and lacy, and added a short train. The dress fit Beth well. She wasn't really showing yet, so it was fine. Dixie and Daisy each purchased inexpensive navy blue dresses to wear as bridesmaids. After Bo and Luke had tried on more tuxes than they thought possible in that period of time, Beth put them in navy blue, as well, which brought out their blue eyes. Later that night, as Dixie, Daisy, and Beth were sitting in Daisy's room, when everyone else was asleep, the conversation quickly turned to... CUE DIXIE
  7. But both of the boys were glad that Enos was going to let their "water" slide. Jake couldn't believe how smoothly a conversation like that one had gone. The men all gathered around in a circle. Bo, Jr. and Jake were enjoying their "water" very much, and before long, everyone was loosened up. Well, everyone except Enos with his Mason jar of buttermilk. And Enos was still pretty uptight about BJ and Daisy. Luke was the first to start a story. "Bo, you remember when we found out Enos had gone lawman on us." "Oh, boys," Enos protested. "Do you have to tell that one?" "Yes, we do," Bo insisted with a grin. "Besides, Enos it ain't that bad." "Oh, shucks, boys..." Enos said. "Now, Enos," Luke said, "We've told on ourselves plenty. It's your turn to get told on, now." Enos shook his head. "Oh... alright..." So Luke began telling the story. "Enos's daddy, years ago, ran moonshine with our daddies, and Uncle Jesse, and J.D. Hogg. Enos even made a few runs with me and Bo, and Jeb sometimes." Luke grinned. "But Enos is an honest fella. And as good a friend as you'll ever have. Especially when he's on your side. But that's where things start to get a little confusing." He looked at Bo to signal for him to pick up. Which he readily did. "Yeah, so one day we were sittin' in the kitchen and there was a knock on the door. Daisy opened the door, and there was Enos on the front porch in a Deputy's uniform. Daisy nearly fainted. Then Uncle Jesse walked in." Enos's look was pleading with the boys to stop the story there. But tellin' them two to stop tellin' a story is like tellin' the sun to stop shinin'. It's a pure waste of time. And you really don't want either one to stop anyway. So Luke continued, "Come on, Enos. It ain't bad! Uncle Jesse said, 'Enos Strate, your daddy would turn over in his grave if he knew about this. But... It'll be good knowin' we'll always have a good honest lawman around.'" Enos relaxed. "Now I reckon it's somebody else's turn to tell one," Bo said. The next person to speak up was..... Cue Dixie
  8. Now, Chet... You were drinkin' Jack Daniels when there was some of Jesse's finest to be had.
  9. lol. Yeah, I was occupied by Bo, but I knew where I was.
  10. I think if it weren't for Daisy's influence, the boys would not have turned out as good as they did!
  11. That was a great story about Dale and all. That's cool that you met him and all. He was such a great human being, and a great driver. I love Jr., but he will never be his dad. I think people expect him to be Dale, Sr., and he never will be. So we just need to love him for who he is. ~Beth
  12. Luke's a hottie, too, dear. Don't get me wrong!
  13. Two days later, the Smith's had unloaded the U-Hauls and moved back into their house. Mr. Smith had told his wife angrily to get anything of Beth's out of the house. He didn't want her things. "Give 'em to her or give 'em away. I don't want anything around here to remind me of her." So Beth's mother packed up boxes of her things and loaded them into the back of Beth's car. She drove over to the Dukes', and went to the door. She knocked softly, and the door was opened by Bo, who smiled kindly. "Hey, Miss Smith," he said softly. "Hey, Bo. Is Beth here?" "Yes ma'am. She's right in there with Daisy." Mrs. Smith walked into the livingroom. Beth immediatetly rose to her feet and walked over. "Mama!" "Hey, honey," she said, hugging her daughter. "How are you?" "I'm fine, Mama. I... I miss you." "I miss you, too. But I brought you some things... Your daddy told me to get them... to give them to you or get rid of them, so I figured you might need them." Beth shook her head. "I don't want anything from him. Just give it away." "But Beth... I helped to pay for and make alot of those things, so technically, they're from me, too. And you worked hard to pay half the cost of your car. So it's at least half yours fair and square. And... Beth, please. It's the least I can do." "Mama, that piece of paper that says I can marry the man I love was the most wonderful, most important thing you've ever given me. You don't have to do this." "But I want to. Consider it my 'housewarming' gift." "Mama, at least... just let me give you some money or something. Please." "Honey..." she began. Bo walked over. "Please Miss Smith... just let us give ya somethin'. We ain't got much, but we do have alot of pride. So..." "Bo," Caroline said kindly, but firmly. "These are Beth's things, she doesn't need to pay me for them. Just take them. You aren't the only ones with pride." She smiled at Beth, who was currently wearing a pair of Daisy's jeans, which fit just a little too tight, with one of Bo's yellow button downs buttoned all the way up, with the sleeves rolled up two or three times just to try to get them to her wrists. "Please, honey. Just take them." Beth looked at Bo. He thought for a minute, then nodded at her. "Go ahead." She took the clothes from her mother with a smile, then took her keys. "Thank you, Mama," she whispered into her mother's ear. ~**~**~**~**~ The next morning... Cue Dixie
  14. You share a Birthday with my nephew, Feb. 19. Happy BD late!
  15. I know it was in Luke's Love Story, and he was talking about Amy, but I don't know the rest...
  16. Isn't Rainbow the gay rights symbol?
  17. Jesse was ready for a fight, now. His family was being threatened, and he wasn't about to just stand by and watch. "Get Luke," he said. "And COME ON!" Bo and Luke were all but tripping over themselves as they rushed down the stairs. Bo had the General cranked before Luke ever got in. "Come on, d---it!" Bo yelled at his cousin. Jesse was in the pickup right behind them as Bo kicked up dust out of the driveway. "Now, you wanna explain to me just what the h---'s goin' on?" Luke asked. Bo upshifted, then replied without looking at Luke. "Beth's daddy's got 2 U-Hauls at their house. He's pullin' out." Luke now understood the reason for his cousin's alarm. Bo was pushing the General for all he was worth, tearing up the dirt road as he went. He had to get to Beth. And he had to get to her before it was too late. "Come on!" Bo whispered. He was in the Smiths' driveway before he could think about it. He parked the General and was out of the car in record time. Luke follwed him, and Jesse was right behind. Bo rushed up to the house to be met by Andrew Smith's angry glare. "So it's you again, huh?" Bo nodded. "You're darn straight it's me. I'm not gonna let you do this." "And how do you plan to stop me?" Bo glared at the older man defiantly. "Beth and me love each other. And even if you did take her away, we'd find a way to be together. That baby's ours, and you got no right to take it away." "How do you expect to be able to take care of Beth and the baby? Don't you see that what I'm doing is best for her and the baby? And it's best for you too. You two are young. This way, you'll be able to grow up a little bit. Beth can go to college and marry a man of her... standing. And the baby will have a good family to take car of it. And you'll be able to find a girl better... suited... to your lifestyle." Mr. Smith said this all so smugly that Bo, Luke, and even Jesse wanted to knock him a good one. Bo remained defiant. "So it's more important to you that Beth's husband has money than that he loves her? And for your information, I... we can give that baby a good home. So what if we ain't as rich as you or Boss Hogg? We've got love." "Love doesn't send children to college or put food on the table," Andrew snapped. Bo spoke, but this time his voice was tender. "You'd be surprised what love does, Mr. Smith." Both Jesse and Luke were standing behind Bo, but neither had spoken. "Mr. Smith..." Bo said softly. "I've asked Beth to marry me." Caroline Smith had walked out onto the porch with Beth, who was holding a piece of paper. "And I've given her my permission," she said, her voice strong. Beth ran off the porch into Bo's open arms, careful not to hit the broken one. He looked at the paper in her hand, which had been hastily typed and signed by her mother with the two movers as witnesses. Andrew was so angry he could barely speak. "Beth... get your things and get out of my house... out of my sight. You're not my daughter anymore." Cue Dixie
  18. lol. Poor Garrett. We are givin' your driver too much crap. He is a good driver, but I don't like him... Sorry. I don't mind admitting that he is good. So's Greg Biffle, but I HATE him. And Dixie, IDK if Jimmie and Junior are related, but I'll never pull for Jimmie, either. Now a DOH crew, that would make me very happy. 8) ~Beth
  19. Awesome song, there, Darrell! How about this one? FREEBIRD (allen collins - ronnie vanzant) If i leave here tomorrow Would you still remember me? For i must be travelling on, now, 'cause there's too many places i've got to see. But, if i stayed here with you, girl, Things just couldn't be the same. 'cause i'm as free as a bird now, And this bird you can not change. Lord knows, i can't change. Bye, bye, its been a sweet love. Though this feeling i can't change. But please don't take it badly, 'cause lord knows i'm to blame. But, if i stayed here with you girl, Things just couldn't be the same. Cause i'm as free as a bird now, And this bird you'll never change. And this bird you can not change. Lord knows, i can't change. Lord help me, i can't change.
  20. I can't stand Greg Biffle! He annoys me as much as Gordo.
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