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Everything posted by bethie88

  1. 201 wins or not, either Earnhardt is better than Gordon. Sorry, Garrett.
  2. Well, I will say this for him... It definately wasn't his technique. He's in for it... In a big time way. Too much runnin' around. :x lol! Beth
  3. I don't care to comment in the open. I'll take care of Bo later. That man is in more trouble than he'll ever know. ~Beth
  4. "Oh, Lord," Beth said softly. "I'm guessin' Debbie ain't upstairs either. Them two have known each other how long, now?" "Um... Less than a week," Dixie said. She shook her head. "How long had I known you before we went to the hayloft, Luke?" "Oh, Lord... A long time!" "How about you and Bo?" Dixie said, winking at Beth. Beth said, defensively, but with a hint of humor, "I don't think that's any of your business, but I was 4 or 5 when I first remember meeting Bo, so you can figure it out." Luke laughed a little. He loved his cousin's wife just as much as he would have loved a sister, had he had one. He put his arm around Beth's shoulder, giving her a gentle squeeze, then turned to Dixie. "So your friend is up in the hayloft with my cousin... and there are kids in the house that are going to be wondering pretty soon where Jeb and Debbie are." Dixie shook her head. "It won't be the first time or the last that somebody used that hayloft for more than hay." Beth smiled. "Can't disagree with that." Dixie shook her head. "Well, I'm a little surprised at Debbie. She's usually not so quick to..." Beth shook her head quickly and cleared her throat as a signal to Dixie to cut it short. Michaela had just walked into the room. Dixie, thankfully, caught the warning just in time. "What, Mama?" Michaela asked, looking at her mother. "Nothing, honey. Um... Is your daddy up yet?" Beth gave her daughter a hug. "Nope. At least, I haven't seen him anywhere." She nodded. "OK. I'll go get him in a little bit." Beth and Dixie started breakfast. The smell of ham and eggs drew Bo out of the bedroom rather quickly, and he came down stairs. Beth couldn't help smiling just a little at him, sitting in his plaid pajama bottoms, a robe, and with his blonde hair completely out of place. She walked over to him and leaned over to offer him a kiss, which he readily accepted. "You better eat quick and get a shower. We've gotta be at the courthouse at 10:00." "Alrighty... I'll get right on that. Love you." "Love you, too," Beth said, as she set out the breakfast dishes. They all gathered together to eat, once Luke had let Debbie and Jeb know that they needed to come back inside. They all ate breakfast rather quickly, gulped down some coffee, and headed out to the cars. Bo, Luke, Beth, Dixie, Bo,Jr. and Jake took the General. Coy, Vance, Daisy, Debbie, and Jeb took Beth's Camaro. Laura and Jessica followed in Jessica's Honda Civic Dixie was carrying the videos, and everyone was glad that they had them. They pulled into the parking lot of the courthouse, and trooped inside like a countrified army. Cue Dixie
  5. Which one? Earnhardt Sr.'s better... 7 championships, too... And Dale Jr. hasn't had time to prove himself... And my only other comment: ~Beth
  6. Not a clue... Good question... I wonder if I'll have any money then... ~Beth
  7. Glad to be of service, Brian. I loved that episode!
  8. Everything checked out, so Luke was declared the official winner. He and Bo were awarded the $500, which was to be split evenly. Bo was excited. Once he payed of Beth's ring, he'd still have $115 in his pocket. But he knew for sure that he'd have to use that for paying doctor bills and hospital bills, and buying stuff for the baby and all. So he figured he was going to be doing alot of saving. And penny pinching. Luke was basking in the glory for the moment, a young lady on either side. Bo knew where his cousin would be that night... just like every other night lately. And he only hoped that Luke would not get himself into the same stupid mess that he was in. Jeb's band was playing at the Boar's Nest again that night, and Luke told Bo that was where he was going. Bo shook his head as his cousin walked off, having chosen a young woman named Angie Martin to be his date for the night. Bo felt sorry for the girl. He had never thought of things the way he thought of them now, but he realized now what his cousin was doing. Using girls who thought he was something else for his own pleasure, then just leaving them behind to move on to the next challenge. Come to think of it, Bo didn't like the way Luke was acting at all. He wondered if a girl would ever come along to settle his cousin down. Cue Dixie
  9. I'm not mad atcha! Don't worry about it... just filling you in for future reference...
  10. Bo and Luke also wore tuxes in Money to Burn... That was a good episode!
  11. Hey... I just wanted to let you know that your only supposed to use other people's characters (Dixie, Beth, Debbie, Jake, Bo,Jr.) with permission from those who created them. It didn't really bother me and Dixie too much, but I'm just letting you know so noone else gets PO'd at you!!! I might pitch something into the story... ~Beth
  12. lol! Poor Garrett! Jr. just drives aggresively... like his daddy... and like a Duke for that matter... ~Beth
  13. That's right, McQuaid... I remember, now! Thanks, Garrett!
  14. Who was the guy... the gangster in Mary Kaye's Baby... I liked... I mean... well, he was one of the cool bad guys!
  15. Well, thanks for the Dr. Pepper, there, Darrell! I appreciate it... Hey, Garrett! You're right! NASCAR, as I've said before, is all about having a favorite! ~Beth
  16. Yeah ok. And Keanu Reeves is the greatest actor of all time, right? Listen, you don't have to be mean about it! I really don't like your sarcasm... I don't know why you want to get on a forum for DoH fans, then insult the show and the actors we all like so much! So... There's my 2 cents. See ya.
  17. Well, Garrett, I'll try talking some sense into him, but you know how Bo can be. Anyway... Later!!!
  18. Yeah. I noticed that, but I guess that I watch those things too close. Probably wouldn't have made a difference to nobody else. Hmm... IDK about the chrome strip on the car. Good question... ~Beth
  19. "That sounds good, Uncle Jesse." Beth was thankful for Uncle Jesse's offer. She was afraid of what would happen if her daddy found out, and there was noone there to protect Bo. She had no idea what he would do. But with Jesse and all of Bo's cousins around, she had a better feeling about everything. Luke moved forward in his seat, resting his elbows on his knees. "Bo... I hope you two are ready for all of this. I know you aren't really ready... but you can make it work. Life is what you make of it... This is up to y'all. And I know y'all are gonna do everything in your power for this baby." Both of them nodded. Beth held tight to Bo's hand. "Listen, honey," he said, leaning close to her. She looked at him. "What?" "I need to help Luke with the General. It's a little warmer tonight, you wanna come out with us?" She nodded. "OK." Jesse smiled as all three of them walked out to the barn, where Luke had carefully cleaned and waxed the General. The three of them worked together, including Beth, to get the car ready for Saturday's big race. Cue Dixie
  20. Well, y'all will all have a beer... I'm underage. lol! But maybe someone'll give me a little sip of their shine. ~Beth
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