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Everything posted by bethie88

  1. Beth shook her head. She was so sleepy. Bo smiled. "Go back to bed, honey. I'll be there in a minute." Beth smiled. "OK." She walked away quietly, back to their room. Daisy followed her out the door. "Well, honey," Daisy said, "How are you likin' married life?" Beth smiled. "I know it's just fine so far, but give me a while to get into it." Daisy smiled. "Bo's a good guy. I know he'll treat you right." Beth nodded. "I know he will, too." She went to bed, as Bo had insisted she do, and waited for him. When he finally came back to bed, he was grinning from ear to ear. "What is it?" Beth asked. "Just Luke. He's mad now, because he embarassed himself... and because Jesse knows he was out partyin', now. Jesse's gonna tack Luke's hide on the wall." Beth smiled. "Poor Luke." Bo put his arm around Beth, and the two of them went back to sleep. ~**~**~**~**~ Early the next morning... Cue Dixie
  2. Cooter reminds me of my dad... doesn't look like him, but he acts like him... with the exception of the fact that my dad wouldn't take the presidents car on a joyride.
  3. Beth shook her head. "Well, whether my son likes it or not, we're takin' his car to investigate." She took the keys to Stormy off of the keyhook, and went outside, followed closely by Daisy, Dixie, and Debbie. All four women jumped into the car, Beth in the driver's seat, with Dixie in the passenger's side, Daisy and Debbie in back. They headed out to the lake, hoping that they wouldn't find their husbands, or children, or future husbands... or anyone else... in the back of a police car. Beth drove like a Duke... that was for sure. She was at the lake in record time. And when she heard the sounds of roaring engines, one she recognised as that of the General Lee, and another she didn't know, she picked up the CB in Bo, Jr's car. "This is Sunshine to everybody on the Hazzardnet... and I hope you know you're all in one h--- of alot of trouble." Bo, Jr. was sitting next to Luke's truck, which had been supplied with a CB, complements of Cooter. He heard his mother's message over the radio, and jumped out to run over where his father was standing. "Daddy, if we don't get this thing over with before Mama gets here, we're all screwed." "Huh?" "Mama just sent out a message on the CB... And if we don't get this race over with quick, she's gonna kill us. All of us." "Oh, Lord," Bo said. "They're racin' to the end of the road and back... did she say when she'd get here?" "No. But she was peed off." Bo shook his head. "We're in more trouble than I can even imagine." Cue Dixie
  4. "It was a slick plan... And it didn't work worth a pitcher of spit."
  5. [to Cooter] "I ain't your Uncle Jesse."
  6. My little nephew, Bryson, is 5. Bo Duke is his hero!
  7. Bo woke up and looked over at Beth, who was looking at him. "Hey, Sunshine," he whispered, kissing her. "Hey," she replied. They couldn't take their eyes off of each other. "Beth..." Bo said. "Yeah?" "I love you. So much." "I love you, too." "So... I been wonderin' this... ain't thought to ask ya just yet... but... when is the baby supposed to be born?" Beth smiled, and snuggled closer to him. "June. Somewhere around the end of June." "Be somethin' if it was born on your birthday." "Yeah, it would." She closed her eyes, her head resting on Bo's shoulder. It was warm against her cheek. And he smelled good. Really good. "Are you scared?" he asked after a few minutes in silence. She spoke without opening her eyes. "More than I've ever been scared in my life... except about having to tell everyone." "I'm sorry, honey. I wish I hadn't..." She pressed her fingers over his lips to hush him. "No. No blamin' yourself. I'm still happy about the baby. And I want you to be happy, too." "I am happy. I just worry about you." "Don't worry about me. Just love me and be here for me." Bo grinned. "That, I can do." He kissed her, and she smiled. "And you do it so well," she said, kissing him back. "Beth," he said, looking at her with love in his eyes. "I'm sorry things worked out the way they did... But I'll never be sorry you're my wife. I'll never be sorry about that." She snuggled even closer to him. "I'll never be sorry either. Never in all my life." He squeezed her shoulders and smiled. "When do we have to be out of here?" "Eleven," she said. "But it's only eight. We've got plenty of time." Bo grinned, and kissed her again. "Plenty of time for what, if I might ask." She just returned his kiss. That was all the answer he needed. Cue Dixie
  8. I must've missed that part, even though I've seen that episode a hundred times. Thanks, y'all!
  9. I agree... The Balladeer was too important to be left out.
  10. When you keep wondering if Jesse was ever married, and if so what happened to his wife....
  11. Dixie picked up Debbie's gift first. It was a heavy box, and she opened it, just a little worried about what she'd find. The box contained and iron skillet and a white lace negligée/robe set. Debbie smiled wickedly. "One for when Luke's naughty, and the other for when he's nice." All the women laughed. Daisy's gift also included some sexy lengerie. This was mixed in with a pretty wooden recipe box, with at least one recipe from each of the girls, the rest of the recipe cards to be filled in when Dixie or Luke found a food they liked. Beth's gift was last. When Dixie opened it, she almost teared up. It was a multi-picture frame with baby pictures of her and Luke, and pictures of them the year they'd fallen in love. And pictures from the reunion when Luke had asked her to be his wife. And a blank spot, "for a wedding picture," Beth said, smiling as Dixie discovered Beth's choice of a red silky undergarment set. "Y'all wanna know somethin'?" Dixie said. "Y'all are bad. Too bad for words. But I love you all." Dixie hugged all the girls. By this time, the younger girls needed to go to bed, so they did. Dixie's work friends left. But Dixie, Debbie, Daisy, and Beth stayed awake into the wee hours of the night. Dixie felt blessed with her friends. ~**~**~**~**~ Meanwhile, at the garage... Cue Dixie
  12. I drive a '92 Cavalier... white with a blue hood and left fender, and a black bumper cover, crappy radio, even worse speakers, no tape deck... But it's my car, and I love it. lol I like Daisy's Roadrunner, and Cooter's Plymouth Fury. And Cale Yarborough's white Charger...
  13. Bo helped Beth into the passenger's side of the General Lee, then walked around to his side. He climbed into the driver's seat, and cranked the car. Before he left the Boar's Nest, Bo hit the Dixie horn, and yelled out the window, "Yeeeehaaaa!" All the guests had to laugh. Bo put the car in gear and pulled forward. He shook his head with that prizewinning grin of his when he heard the beer cans clanking behind them. Beth moved over to the middle seat and layed her head on his shoulder. He put his arm around her. "You OK, Sunshine?" She closed her eyes and smiled. "I'm fine. Just tired." "This was too much," Bo said. "We shoulda just had a quiet wedding... just Uncle Jesse and the cousins, and your mama and your little sister. Where was she anyway...But...What with the baby and all... I'm so stupid." "No, honey. It was perfect. And about my sister... Mama said Daddy wouldn't let her come." Bo looked at her and kissed her quickly. "I love you," he said quietly as they pulled into the parking lot of the Dixie Inn. The two of them were glad they had brought an extra change of clothes, just in case. In Hazzard County, you never know what might come in handy. Bo took their one light bag up to the room, then he walked Beth up. Once they had closed the door, Bo kissed her passionately, and Beth held on to him tightly as he whispered into her ear, "I love you, Mrs. Duke." She kissed his cheek and replied, "I love you, too, Mr. Duke." Bo smiled and put his hand on Beth's stomach, though she wasn't yet showing. "I love you, too, Baby Duke," Bo said with a grin. Beth covered Bo's hand with hers and smiled. Bo stood up, a good 10 inches taller than his bride. "Well, I say we get this little honeymoon started," he said with a wicked grin. Beth just smiled and let him kiss her again. Cue Dixie
  14. It's just this part of the forum... Lemme see, there, Jamanda... I like Big City Wedding, Can You Hear Me Now, and Boar's Nest Fire.
  15. I dreamed last night my cousin had a General Lee. It was crazy. He let me drive it. It was too fun... too bad I had to wake up.
  16. "Cooter... Bo and Beth got their reasons... If Bo or Beth don't tell ya, you'll still find out soon enough." "Luke," Cooter said. "You, me, and Bo's always been close. Why're ya keepin' stuff from me, now?" Luke shook his head. "It ain't that I'm keepin' it from ya. It just ain't mine to tell. It's Bo's and Beth's. And I got a real good feelin' it'll be gettin' told pretty soon." Luke's real good feelin' proved well-founded. It wasn't long before Bo stood up. "Everybody, me and Beth got somethin' to say." He looked at his bride, who was leaning against his side. "Me and Beth know y'all came to this weddin' on real short notice. And we sure appreciate that y'all came. Reckon y'all are wonderin' why we're gettin' married so young, and in such an all-fire hurry. Well, the truth of the matter is... The two of us made a mistake, but it turned out all right..." Bo looked around at the small gathering of friends and family. "Me and Beth are havin' a baby." The whole room went quiet, but most Hazzard County folks loved the couple too much to let it bother them. Cooter turned to Luke and said,....... Cue Dixie
  17. One fic I'm working on involves some Daisy and Enos, but they are older... I don't think there's anything about them at the time of the show...
  18. Cooter had hoped the questions wouldn't turn to him, but they did. So he looked at Bo, Jr. "Son," he said. "I've had many a girl turn my head, but only one that kept it turned. Girl named Kathy... She was... somethin' else." "What happened to her?" Jake asked. "Things just didn't work out. She went to college, and she never came back to Hazzard. I wasn't ready to marry her when we first got out of high school, and she didn't want to wait. She either wanted to get married or go to college. And I didn't want to get married yet, so she took off." Bo, Jr. looked contemplative. So did Jake. Then they turned to Bo. "What about you and mama?" Bo, Jr. asked. Bo smiled. "Me and your mama? Oh, Lord. I knew I loved her when I realized that, no matter how many other people I'd dated, it didn't mean nothin', because she was the one girl who I trusted and cared about more than myself. I was willin' to fight for her... die for her... and I... I don't know... She was just right." Bo, Jr. smiled a little. "What have you two got on your minds?" Luke asked. "Nothin'," Jake supplied. "Nothin' at all." "You nervous, Uncle Luke?" Bo, Jr. asked. "As a longtail cat in a room full of rockin' chairs. But I'll be alright. So don't worry about it. I'm just... just a nervous man, I reckon... But I ain't thinkin' about callin' it off." Cooter grinned. "You'd have me waitin' to tan your hide all over again." Luke shook his head. "And I sure as h--- don't want that." Cooter agreed, "No, you sure don't!" ~**~**~**~**~ Meanwhile, at the Duke farm, the ladies had a big surprise for Miss Dixie Davenport. Cue Dixie
  19. Welcome! This is a great site, and there are alot of nice people, so enjoy yourself! Nice to meet you! ~Beth
  20. Blonde's don't have more fun, but that blonde in particular is too cute for words!
  21. Rosco: You're beautiful, Boss, Just beautiful. Boss: Beautiful? Real nice lookin' maybe. Not beautiful. [boss walks out] Rosco: Ain't that the truth. He's a whole mess of ugly. Rosco-I got my ears on, and my eyes peeled. Boss- And your mouth runneth over. Boss-Jacka--! Rosco- That's Sheriff Jacka--. Boss-That gave me quite a turn. Rosco- Yeah, put a quiver in my liver, too.
  22. I just read that bio... my daddy has a '70 Olds 442.
  23. "I will, Mama. I love Bo... so much... and thank you for giving us this chance." Mrs. Smith hugged her daughter. "Honey... your father... I know he'll come around someday. Just give him time." "Mama... after the way he treated Bo? After he tried to take my baby... And you want me to give him time?" "Honey, as hard as it might be for you to believe that right now, he loves you. He was only trying to protect you. But he just doesn't understand." Beth shook her head. "Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's just have my wedding." Caroline nodded. "OK, honey. That's fine. I love you." "Love you too," she replied. "Mama," she added. "Since you're here, will you give me away?" "Of course I will, baby. I'd say I already did, though." Beth smiled, and kissed her mother's cheek. Caroline couldn't believe how beautiful and grown up Beth looked. Her thick brown hair was curled, compliments of Daisy, and swept back out of her face with two clips, one on either side. Her veil was becoming to her, and had belonged to Bo's mother. She carried three red roses surrounded by baby's breath, extremely appropriate given the circumstances. She was completely in love, and that look was in her eyes. After all the guests were seated, Luke and Dixie walked out arm in arm, followed by Cooter and Daisy. Cooter had cleaned up and shaved for the ceremony, and noone would have recognised him had they not known that he and Bo were such good friends. Especially not in a tux. Then, the organist began playing the bridal march, and Beth and her mother stepped into view. Beth's mother walked her toward Bo, who was beaming. The two of them were so in love. As each step brought her closer, Beth looked at Bo, and noone else existed. Beth's blue eyes met Bo's, and neither of them saw anything or anyone else. Then, she was beside him, finally becoming his wife. Caroline put her daughter's hand in Bo's with a gentle smile, then sat down. Bo and Beth said their vows, then the minister pronounced them man and wife. Then Bo lifted Beth's veil, and they shared a long passionate kiss. At that moment, tears began to stream freely down Beth's cheeks. This was the moment she had dreamed of... the moment all of them had fought so hard for, sacrificed so much for, and she couldn't help the tears streaming down her face. Cue Dixie
  24. I know there is a hazzard Ky, but it has nothing to do with the Dukes!
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