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Everything posted by bethie88

  1. lol! General Lee definately should have been #1... Followed by the Mystery Machine. lol. What about the Munsters coffin-car? lol! I don't even know exactly what the batmobile looked like.
  2. John was such a hottie. Still is. But it's Duke, not Dukes. But anyways... That's cool! I love Daisy cuz she's so smart, even though they think she's dumb.
  3. Dale, Jr.'s an awesome driver. He really is, and he deserves alot of credit for what he's done! But there are alot of drivers out there who probably deserve credit I'll never give them.
  4. Daisy smiled as she climbed out of the car to let BJ have the driver's seat. "Take care of him, now," she said. "Bo and Luke love him. He's family." BJ smiled, then called for Bear, who joined him in the General's front seat. He leaned out the window to kiss Daisy on the lips, then pulled out of the driveway. She walked back into the house, where Beth and Dixie were trying to get all the wedding decorations together so that they could decorate the church while the guys were gone. ~**~**~**~**~ Bo arrived back at the Boar's Nest a while later with the load he'd picked up. Thankfully, he hadn't been stopped, and Beth's Camaro had not been impounded. He took the boxes of shine into the garage. "I couldn't take all of it. I hope that there'll be a few more bachelor parties before it's all said and done." "I got a good feelin' there will be," Luke said with a grin. "You know Jeb and Debbie..." "Yeah, I know," Bo said, grinning from ear to ear. "And... Oh, he--!" Luke exclaimed. "Oh, h--- what?" "Speakin' of cousins and marriage and... Oh, Lord." "Oh Lord what?" "Do you realized we've got BJ McKay, Enos Strate, and Daisy all together at once? That's like throwin' two lovesick hound dogs at the pertiest she-pup around." "Well, don't that just throw your hat in the creek," Bo said. "Oh, man. Poor Enos!" "Yep. Poor Enos is right. We just better go make sure Enos don't do anything stupid. We gotta go back to the house anyway before we get this thing together. We'll call BJ on the CB and tell him we're headed back, so just to wait for us at the farm." The boys headed out to Beth's Camaro and hightailed it back to the Duke farm. Cue Dixie
  5. Tonight at 8, they are showing "Inside Fame: The Dukes of Hazzard" followed by a DOH marathon. It's all gonna happen 2 more times, too! What a wonderful wkend!
  6. "Do you know what that woman's gonna do to me if I tell her I'm not comin' home tonight?" Luke laughed at Bo. "Cousin, you know that woman's got you wrapped around her little finger?" "Does not!" Bo protested. "It just ain't comfortable sleepin' on the couch or the floor." Luke laughed again. "I don't know. Y'all do have a pretty comfortable couch. But it probably is more comfortable in your own bed with your wife." Bo shook his head. "Besides... I hate my own cookin, and Beth won't let me have hers when she's mad at me." "Just make it up to her." "You don't know what you're saying," Bo said. "Hot da--!" he exclaimed, a second later. "I just realized something. Enos is gonna be there, right?" "Yeah. So?" "Bo, Jr. and Jake? We promised 'em they could drink, too. Bo, Jr.'s 18 and Jake's 20." Luke looked at Bo. "You don't think..." Bo shook his head. "I sure hope not, but this IS Enos we're talkin' about." Luke laughed. "Maybe he'll go easy on us. Bein' as how he ain't got jurisdiction here now. I don't think he'd call us in." Bo shook his head again. "He may have moved to California, but he's still the same ol' Enos." Luke grinned. Bo grabbed the CB and keyed the mic. "Black Sheep, you got your ears on?" Jake was just walking out of Ruebottoms, and heard the radio through his open car windows. "This is Black Sheep, go ahead." Bo grinned. "Black Sheep, can you be at Cooter's garage pretty quick?" "Less than 2 minutes. I'm on my way." "What's your twenty?" Bo asked. "I'm at Ruebottoms. I'll be there in no time." "You'll be there before we are. We haven't been away from the farm but just a few minutes." Jake arrived at the garage before the others. LB was there, and let Jake in. "Hey, Jake!" LB said. "Cooter and the boys ain't back yet, but you can come on in." ~**~**~**~**~**~ Back at the Duke farm, Enos had just arrived. Dixie, Beth, and Daisy's ears all perked up at the sound of a car they didn't recognise. All three of them rushed out onto the porch. "Well, hey everybody!" Enos said. "I wasn't expecting a welcome like this." Daisy squealed as she ran off the porch to Enos. She hugged him tight, saying, "How are ya, honey?" "I'm just fine, Miss Daisy. And you?" "Just fine." Daisy was so happy to see Enos. She pecked him on the cheek and he turned bright red. As they started to walk inside, the sound of an eighteen-wheeler's horn startled them. Cue Dixie
  7. My opinion differs yet again! Dale, Jr. is the MAN! not to mention he's hot
  8. Which didn't come. Bo figured Beth could have driven her Camaro, under the circumstances, since her father probably didn't want her riding with Daisy. But Jesse wasn't quite as optimistic as Bo. "Come on, boys," Jesse said. "We're going to check on that girl." Bo and Luke walked out with Jesse to the pickup. They drove straight to the Boar's Nest. Bo was the first out of the car, figuring that if Jesse was worried, he better be worried too. Now, he didn't just have Beth to be worried about anymore. There was also his child, she was carrying his child. And he couldn't stand the thoughts of either of them being hurt. He ran up to the door and into the barroom quickly. He heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Beth wiping down a table. "Honey," he said, walking over to her. "Sunshine, are you OK?" "Bo," she said, running over to him, letting him hold her. "Oh, Bo, honey, I'm so sorry." By this time, she was crying. "No. No, honey. Don't be sorry." "Bo, Daddy said that he was gonna leave Hazzard, and take me and Mama with him. And he said he was gonna take our baby away. He said he was gonna give our baby up for adoption. He can't do that... Can he, Bo?" "Not as long as I'm alive. I'll fight him over you and the baby. Hot d---. He can make fun of me, put me down, hate me, whatever. But I'll be da--ed if I let him take you and my baby away." Beth was crying pretty hard when Jesse and Luke made it inside. Jesse walked over to them. "What's wrong, sweetie pie?" Jesse said in that fatherly way of his. "Uncle Jesse, Daddy wants to take my baby away." Beth burst into another fit of sobs. "Well, now..." Jesse said. "We just won't let that happen." "But, Uncle Jesse," she said. "How?" "Now, you just listen here, young lady," Jesse said, smiling a little. "That baby there is a Duke. And carrying him makes you a Duke, too. And as the oldest living member of the Duke family, I consider it my responsibilty to protect both of you. All of us do. And we're going to do whatever we have to do." He hugged her. "Now you just dry them tears." "What should I do, Uncle Jesse?" she asked. "Well, for one thing," Bo said, pulling a box out of his pocket, and opening to reveal the ring he'd bought, "You should marry me." "Oh, Bo," she gasped. As he slipped the ring on her finger, she whispered. "I will, Bo. I will." He leaned close and kissed her. "Bo," she said quietly. "Yeah?" "I don't know this for sure... but I've got a feelin' that my mama would sign for me to marry you." Bo grinned, "Have I ever told you how much I love your mama?" Beth grinned back, "Not near as much as I do." Bo smiled at her. "Well, what do we need to do?" Beth giggled a little. "Talk to the preacher, get a dress, a tux, and rings. And get married. Quick." Bo looked a little bewildered, but said, "OK. I love you, Sunshine." "I love you, too." Bo, Luke, and Jesse all sat down for a beer, since they were already at the Boar's Nest. Beth got back to work, but all the while, she was picturing the wedding in her head. Bo, however, was just ready to get the whole thing over with. Cue Dixie
  9. If I had money, I'll tell ya what I'd do, Go to the Dodge dealer, Buy a General Lee or 2.
  10. Without that drafting partner at Daytona, nobody's worth a crap. lol.
  11. Gotta agree with you about that, Garrett! With racin', there's never a dull moment.
  12. "the garage. You think you can have her cleaned out by tonight?" Cooter grinned, "I sure can!" He laughed really hard. "So... what do you mean by 'bachelor party'?" "I mean," Bo said, "As much of a bachelor party as we can get away with, including the fact that Bo, Jr. and Jake will be present, and that Beth's still gonna tan my hide for that night we spent in jail, even though it wasn't my fault." "Lord help ya, Bo," Cooter said, with a grin. "But anyhow... I'll get on the CB and find out where everybody else is." "Lord," Luke said, "I wish we'd brought the General Lee." "We all do," Bo said, shaking his head. "But... when you moved Dixie's car, who was she blocking?" "Lemme see... Beth's Camaro, I think." "Yeeehaaa!" Bo yelled. "At least we're gonna be able to get a V8 when we get back." Luke agreed. Knowing them, they were going to need it. "Let's go, Cooter." They all climbed into the wrecker, and Cooter looked over at Bo. "If you wanna go ahead and try the CB, go for it." Bo grinned. He keyed the mic and said, "This here's Lost Sheep Two. Anybody got their ears on out on the Hazzardnet?" "Bo?" a voice came back. "Bo, is that you?" "Well... ah... yeah, but who's this?" "This here is California Boy," the voice said. "Enos?" Luke said, looking at his cousin. "Enos?" Bo repeated into the mic. "Yes, Enos," he replied. "I'm back in Hazzard for the wedding." "Hot da--!" Luke exclaimed. "Ain't it great," Enos said. "Lost Sheep One, you out there, too?" Bo passed the mic to Luke, who answered, "Yessir, California Boy. I'm right here. Crazy C's on here with us, too." "Congratulations on your engagement, Lost Sheep One. Maybe Dixie'll keep you in line." "What?" Luke said with a laugh. "I think I'll have to keep HER in line." Enos laughed. Bo took the mic back. "Enos, we're havin' Luke a bachelor party tonight at the garage. You come over to the house, and we'll all go together." Enos smiled. "Now you boys wouldn't be plannin' on anything illegal, wouldja?" "Nah," Bo replied. "Not too illegal anyway." "I'll be there," Enos said. "I'm headin' over to y'all's place right now." "We are too," Bo replied. "See ya in a little bit." Cooter and the boys arrived at the house a few minutes later. Dixie came outside to see what Cooter was doing there. She hadn't even seen the wrecker, but like most of the girls, she could recognise a vehicle by the sound of the engine. When she saw Bo and Luke climbing out of the wrecker, she immediately asked, "Where's my car?" "At the garage," Luke said. "I can't believe you were still driving that thing. It's completely dangerous. Do you realize that that thing needs a lower control arm? It's all but falling apart!" "I know, honey," Dixie said. "I'm going to get it fixed." "When? After it falls apart on ya in the middle of the interstate and somebody runs into your rear end?" "Luke, just calm down. We'll deal with that later. But right now, I want you and Bo to get back to work on that bachelor party." By this time, Beth had joined Dixie on the porch. "Honey," Bo said. "Yeah?" "Can we take your car back to the garage to finish gettin' everything together?" "Sure," she said, going inside to take her keys off the hook. She tossed them to a very much happier Bo, who pulled the car out of the spot where it was parked. Luke shook his head. "I still wish the General wasn't blocked in." "Yeah, you and me both," Bo replied. "I don't feel real comfortable with all of us together driving anything BUT the General. No other car can do what the General can." "True," Luke agreed. "Well," Beth said, "You two just don't try to push her too far." "We won't, honey," Bo said. "We'll treat her with all the love and care the General gets." Beth shook her head. "That's what I was afraid of." Bo laughed, and the boys drove off. Without mentioning that Daisy's old friend was on his way over. Cue Dixie
  13. I don't think we'll make it that long. Nothing's sacred anymore.
  14. I don't even want to talk about the race. And Garrett Duke, keep your mouth shut. JK. But anyway... I really wish they'd race at the Rock next week... Why is NEXTEL changing everything. Kinda like the Duke's movie... nobody knows how to stick with a winner anymore.
  15. Luke shook his head. Any other time, he would have confronted Bo about his attitude, but this particular day, he bit his tongue. "Alright, Bo. Whatever you say." They gathered around on the porch, with a bunch of kitchen chairs out on the porch. Beth's mother and father were on the swing, while Jesse, Luke, Bo, Beth, Daisy and Jeb sat in the chairs. Coy and Vance sat on the porch side by side, wishing they could go out and run around in the pasture. They got really bored really quickly. Beth and Bo were holding on tightly to one another's hands. Beth kept looking at her dad, and knowing that he felt that he was much better than the Dukes bothered her. He was one of the richest men in the county, second only to JD Hogg. But despite this, Beth was just as country as they come, having been raised in Hazzard, where very few grew up really caring all that much about money. She had grown up with the Dukes and the Davenports, and honestly, noone who met her anywhere would have known that she was the daughter of such a rich man. She dressed and behaved like her friends. And her father didn't like it. However, noone could long resist Jesse Duke's kindness, and the old man had gradually grown on Beth's family. But one thing still stood. Andrew Smith didn't particularly like Bo Duke, and he liked it even less that Bo was dating his daughter. "Daddy," Beth said, becoming choked up. "Mama." Both of her parents looked up at her, her mother saying, "Yes, sweetie?" Beth looked helplessly at Bo, who tightened his grip on her hand. "Bo and me..." she began. "Bo and I," her mother corrected, shaking her head. "Bo and I," she began again. "We... well... I mean..." Bo couldn't stand seeing Beth like this, searching for words. Something inside of him seemed to snap. He squeezed Beth's hand again and took matters into his own hands. "Mr. Smith," he said, carefully. "Yes, Bo," the man said, glaring at him. "Mr. Smith, me and... I mean, Beth and I are having a baby." Bo tried to say the words really fast, hoping that maybe it would be like ripping off a bandaid. The faster, the less painful. Beth's parents' eyes were boring holes through Bo. Finally, Andrew spoke. "Bo Duke," he said, evenly. "Yessir?" Bo replied. "Come here." Bo stood quietly and walked over to the older man. "Yessir?" Andrew stood up, facing Bo, although he was a good five inches shorter than the younger man. He looked at Bo with contempt in the blue eyes he'd given to his daughter. Then he angrily slapped Bo hard in the face. As Bo looked at Andrew, he saw the hurt and sadness in his eyes, mixed with anger. And Bo couldn't blame him for it. So he didn't fight back, but took it, like a whipped hound pup. "Daddy," Beth said, trying to stop what was happening, and what she was afraid would come next. Her father didn't answer. "Caroline," he said to his wife. "I want you and Beth to go home. I need to talk with Bo." Beth wanted to argue, but she didn't. She and her mother went home in Beth's Camaro. Andrew took Bo off to talk. "Bo Duke," he said. "You listen, and you listen good. At this particular moment, I hate you with everything I'm worth. And the way I feel right now, I might always hate you. As for my daughter and my grandbaby... You have one h--- of a responsibility to them. And either you take care of them, or I'll never let you see them again. Either one of them. I'm going to leave it up to you. Now... I don't know if I'll ever forgive you for this, boy. But maybe, if you prove yourself to be a man... maybe some day, I'll see you as one." Bo could say nothing for a long time. When his voice finally came, he said, "Mr. Smith." "Yes?" "Can... I want... I want to ask your permission to... to marry Beth." "Bo... I honestly... You just take care of her. I won't tell you what you can and can't do, because obviously, that doesn't work anyway. What you and Beth do now is your business. But if you ever hurt her again, I will make sure you pay." Andrew turned from Bo and walked away. He climbed into his Cadillac and drove away, without another word. Cue Dixie
  16. Oh Lord.... Guess you don't like my picks then...... No... no problem. I'm more of a Jr./ DEI/ RCR fan than Joe Gibbs, but Tony is one heck of a race car driver, so don't think I don't respect him. Good luck to all of the drivers today, and I hope they are all safe! ~Beth
  17. I'd actually like to see Michael Waltrip in the top three, too, so I guess my top three doesn't even include Tony. But anyways... ~Beth
  18. Maybe if it pulled a switch up... 1. Jr. 2. Harvick 3. Stewart
  19. The boys got scared when all the wedding plans busted open full force. Dixe, Debbie, Beth, and Daisy, not to mention the younger girls, were all half crazy making plans and adding touches here and there. Luke was just ready to get the wedding over with so they could finally be married. So Dixie could be his, and he could be hers alone. Nothing and noone before would matter anymore. But for the moment, everything about planning the wedding, and trying on tuxes and suits, and being told to do this and do that... It was driving him up the wall. Bo could only laugh at his cousin when he asked, "Was it like this when you and Beth got married?" "Well... to a point... Only me and Beth were in one h--- of a hurry." Luke smiled a little bit. "Yeah. I reckon so." "You know," Bo said, a little sadly, "I wish Uncle Jesse was here to see this whole thing. He'd never believe it." Luke smile just a little. "I know what you mean. Lord knows I miss Jesse. He always knew what to do. No matter what." "Yep. But you know somethin', Luke... Out of all of us cousins, I'd have to say you are the most like him. You've got the good sense and wisdom most of us never got... And you also got his sense of honor and... and you don't jump first, think later... But anyway. You are alot like him, Luke. Be proud of that." Luke gave his cousin a hug. "Bo, you're a good man. A real good man. I hope you know that." "Thanks, Luke." The two of them went inside, where the women had yet another suit for them to try on. Cue Dixie
  20. Bo smiled at her just a little. "So, we have to tell your folks tomorrow." Beth smiled wanly. "Yep. I don't want to. Lord knows, this is gonna be the hardest thing I've ever done." "Me, too," Bo agreed, putting his good arm around her gently. "But I love you. And I'm going to take care of you and our baby. No matter what." Beth let him hold her for a little while. They finally went inside to join everybody else. Everyone, except Beth and Daisy, who were driving, joined in sipping beers. Jeb's band was always good, but they were really "on" that particular night. As they played "Crazy," which was sung by one Jeb's drummer's girlfriend, Bo took Beth in his arms... or arm... and they danced. "Beth," he said softly, "I DO love you." "I love you, too," she replied, as he moved in to kiss her. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ The next morning was Sunday. Which found several hungover young Dukes sitting down on a pew with Uncle Jesse right in the middle. Even though he had quite the headache, Bo couldn't help grinning a little when Beth walked out into the choir loft. She smiled back at him, although her stomach was tied in knots knowing that she was getting closer and closer to having to tell her family what she and Bo had done. Luke was entirely too tired to listen to the preacher. Angie had played right into his hand the night before, and he'd been out way too late. By the time the sermon was over, Luke had drifted off more than a few times, each time rewarded by Uncle Jesse's elbow in his ribs. After church, Bo and Luke walked out to the General Lee. Luke slid across the hood, loosening his tie as he went. He was wearing a sport coat and tie with his blue plaid shirt, and he couldn't wait to get out of it. Bo had already taken off his coat and tie and tossed them in the back seat. Bo drove home, rather slowly, trying to kill time... Before Beth's daddy killed HIM. "Hot d---, Luke," Bo said, shaking his head. "I done messed up so bad I can't get out of it." Bo turned into the driveway. "Well, I'll have to say amen to that, as much as I hate to," Luke replied, seeing Beth's daddy's Cadillac in their driveway, parked next to Jesse's pickup. "Well," Bo said, cringing just a little. "Here comes the fun part." Cue Dixie
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