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Skipper Duke

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    Skipper Duke got a reaction from RogerDuke in The last 24 hours   
    I'm out of reactions... So here's yer haha
  2. Love
    Skipper Duke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in The last 24 hours   
    If you ever make it out to my direction, let me know. I can show you 3-4 General Lees!
  3. Like
    Skipper Duke reacted to Andrew D Charger Chaser in The last 24 hours   
    Man, wish I could've seen all that.... 
  4. Sad
    Skipper Duke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in The last 24 hours   
    So many brainwashed stupid people and many from the South,  just can't see commoan sense and reality!
  5. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to RogerDuke in The last 24 hours   
    I didn't blow my horn because I didn't want him to think I was doing it in protest. I wanted to catch him and give him a thumbs up but i spent all of the race in his dust.....did I mention we stayed below the speed limit? LOL
  6. Love
    Skipper Duke reacted to RogerDuke in The last 24 hours   
    You might be surprised how many Confederate flags you see up here Hobie.....mostly in yards and front license plates. Not all of us Yankees have lost their sanity. Ray Kohn and his Northeast Ohio Dukes are from my neck of the woods. 
  7. Like
    Skipper Duke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in The last 24 hours   
    Did it have a Dixie Horn?
    You should've  motioned for him to blow his horn! 
  8. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in The last 24 hours   
    I'm surprised someone from there would have a  "Terrible"  flag like that on their car!    
  9. Wow
    Skipper Duke reacted to RogerDuke in The last 24 hours   
    I did see a kid just seconds before he was killed. I was in my car turning off the main road onto my road and he was on his motorcycle. We waved to each other. I found out later  that a lady didn't even see him and backed out in front of him just 300 foot away from that intersection. Since she never saw him I was probably the last person to see him alive. 
  10. Like
    Skipper Duke reacted to RogerDuke in The last 24 hours   
    I feel bad for cops. The mainstream media treats them like they are the criminals and treats the criminals like they are simply poor misunderstood people who  cops shouldn't be allowed to arrest because they already have a tough enough life. 
  11. Sad
    Skipper Duke reacted to Andrew D Charger Chaser in The last 24 hours   
    Man, sorry to hear that Spike....it's a dang shame when honest folks don't even know whether to help or not anymore.
    A year and a half ago I witnessed a breakin in progress in the wee hours; I called it in, but the Tucson Police have been so underfunded for decades (dare I say "de-funded) that they didn't have an available unit until 4 hours later.  
  12. Sad
    Skipper Duke reacted to Spike in The last 24 hours   
    Yesterday was fun... Trailing arm snapped while the wife was out running errands leaving her stranded. She called a friend who has AAA so it could at least get towed back home. Dispatcher goofed up the address and sent the driver to the wrong place. After 90 minutes my wife called AAA again asking where the tow truck was and was told "nobody was there" to which my wife replied I've been stranded here for the past 2 hours I haven't gone anywhere and was told it would be about 6:30 till another truck could be dispatched to her. She found a number to the tow company our mechanic gave us and called that and he was there within half an hour and towed it to the mechanics. I don't know if AAA is short handed or what but with service like that I'm glad I didn't waste money on a membership this year. 
  13. Care
    Skipper Duke reacted to RogerDuke in The last 24 hours   
    It's going to be pretty crazy around here the next 3 days with relatives in our home, calling hours and the funeral. I probably won't be on HN again until the storm is over. 
  14. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to Spike in The last 24 hours   
    Sorry about your losses Roger and Hobie.
    Friday I felt like Al Bundy , even though there was blue sky above me I got drenched from off and on rain showers in the afternoon while mowing. Thought to myself 'is there a rain cloud just following me around' .
  15. Wow
    Skipper Duke reacted to RogerDuke in The last 24 hours   
    By strange coincidence, she went into the nursing home on this day too (May 9 2018). It wasn't Mother's Day that year but close to it. When they told us a few days ago that she was near death, my wife somehow knew she would die on Mother's Day. 
  16. Sad
    Skipper Duke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in The last 24 hours   
    I'm sorry to hear about that! I hope everybody is doing well. I lost my mother in Feb., so I'm kinda with you guys on this! 
  17. Sad
    Skipper Duke reacted to RogerDuke in The last 24 hours   
    It's a rough Mother's Day around here. My wife's mom died this morning. She was the last survivor of 12 kids so an entire generation is now gone. Most men complain about their mother- in-laws but not me. I loved her and will miss her. RIP Mom. 
  18. Love
    Skipper Duke reacted to RogerDuke in The last 24 hours   
    I  knew what you meant. I was just being goofy.
    I was on the way to a high school baseball game this afternoon, listening to the classic country radio station and they played the Dukes theme song. I smiled at every note. And after it was over I turned the radio off to keep the song in my head. Every once in awhile you have a moment where the Dukes of Hazzard feels brand new again. I love those moments.
  19. Like
    Skipper Duke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in The last 24 hours   
    In their mind that's not discrimination. It's only discrimination if you're against what they're NOT against!
  20. Like
    Skipper Duke reacted to RogerDuke in The last 24 hours   
    How can it be possible to vote straight Republican if the person is gay? Seriously though, There are a lot of people who vote for someone just because the candidate is black, female or gay. Those are the people who always complain that discrimination is wrong yet have no idea that they are guilty of it themselves. 
  21. Like
    Skipper Duke reacted to RogerDuke in The last 24 hours   
    I went to a local university to give an astronomy presentation today. It feels good to be back in the swing of things. It's been a rough two years. Students still had classes of course but all the programs available to the public have been closed down until now. It's nice to see people back. I hope it stays that way but there is always a chance we could get another serious variant. 
  22. Sad
    Skipper Duke reacted to Spike in The last 24 hours   
    It's really unfortunate for small businesses that so many millennials are too lazy to shop local and instead just get it from Amazon because "it's easier". Wouldn't surprise me within the next 20 years the only stores left will be Amazon, Walmart, Krogers and one of the big 3 of the home improvement stores. 
  23. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in The last 24 hours   
    I'm pretty well feeling the same way! You think it could be our age?
  24. Love
    Skipper Duke reacted to RogerDuke in The last 24 hours   
    We got our puppy today. It's a little shih-tzu. My wife had one when I met her and then we got 2 around the year 2000. I didn't even know what they were when I met my wife but now I love them. I start my volunteer job tomorrow as the P A announcer for local high school baseball team. I should practice. "Now up for the Moonshiners...center fielder....number 01...Hooobieee Harrrtkkiinnssssss!" How did that sound?
  25. Like
    Skipper Duke got a reaction from RogerDuke in Favorite Dukes of Hazzard Quotes   
    (Season 3 The Hazzardville Horror)
    Waylon Jennings:"Things are different in Hazzard alright, but even plumbers don't start to work by hidin' in the bushes." The plumbers break into Boss Hogg's Boars Nest, and start cleaning out his silver. Waylon Jennings:"Uh huh. See?"
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