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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. I think they done role reversal in the movie. In the book, Roland's wife was Veronica and daughter was Rita. In the movie, Rita is the wife. So my guess is the 5 year old daughter got changed to Veronica.
  2. Christine Trivia: Kevin Bacon was offered the role of Arnie Cunningham. He turned it down to do Foot Loose.
  3. George LeBay:"My a** hole brother bought her back in September of '57. That's when you got yer new model year in September. Brand new she was. Had the smell of a brand new car. That's just about the finest smell in the world. Except maybe for p****."
  4. Regina Cunningham:"You're his best friend. Now what's going on?" Dennis Guilder:"I don't know. I mean, I hardly ever see him anymore." Regina Cunningham:"Neither do we. Ever since he bought that car, he's been obsessed with it! And you know what else? When we signed the registration papers at City Hall, they told us that the man who owned that car last, died in it of carbon monoxide poisoning." Dennis Guilder:"Jesus! Does Arnie know about that?" Regina Cunningham:"Arnie doesn't know anything about anything anymore!"
  5. Regina Cunningham:"Did you have plans with Dennis? Arnold Cunningham you're gonna find yourself with no friends at all, if you keep treating people this way!" Arnie Cunningham:"Get off my back!"
  6. Arnie Cunningham:"Don't you blame your choking on Christine!" Leigh Cabot:"It happened Arnie! When I choked something happened. The radio came on, everything got really bright!"
  7. (Season 2 Southern Comfurts) Boss:"You see Rosco, it ain't the money I care about! It's that vehicle. If I can confiscate the tires offa that orange car, how much trouble can those Duke Boys cause me ridin' around on their rims an' bumpers! Even you could catch 'em!"
  8. Someone in a Christine Facebook group forum page said "Don't say anything negative about the book or the movie in this group. Someone will have a meltdown!" Lol.
  9. (Season 5 The New Dukes) Vance:"As long as we stay outta range of that flame thrower, we'll be ok." Coy:"You got it. I like my barbecue in the backyard, not the front seat."
  10. Balladeer:"Long about this time, ol' Boss an' Rosco were arriving back in town at the Courthouse." Rosco:"Can you believe the nerve of them little fat buddy, telling you to shut up and all that stuff?" Boss:"Rosco I want you to go back and spy on those rogues, and when the coast is clear, sabotage their mangy cars! Ha ha ha! They'll be sorry they crossed me! Them and that sad sorry Duke will all be behind bars 'til the cows come home!" Rosco:"Oooh goodie! Don't you worry about a thing Boss. I'll cuff 'em an' stuff 'em! Khee khee khee I love it I love it, police work's my life!" Boss:"Get on it you lamebrain knuckleheaded dodo!" Rosco:"Oooh that's not nice!" Boss:"Oooh will you just go already!" Rosco:"I'm gone! Khee khee khee!" Boss(to self after Rosco leaves.)"So are Bill, Ernie an' that dang Duke Boy!" Rosco shows back up. Ernie:"Bill, Garrett, don't look now but here comes that brainless Sheriff again." CUE ROGER OR GARRETT
  11. Last night was Prologue and Chapter 1 First Views. Tonight will be Chapter 2 The First Argument.
  12. Christine fans... If any of you here are on Facebook I'll be posting a chapter each night until all 51 are up. I'm on Facebook as Robert Skipper Broadhurst. You can find my Christine Chapter posts in the Facebook Christine group forum pages and my personal profile page.
  13. Mr. Casey: [after being told that Buddy Repperton has a switchblade] "Empty your pockets, Buddy." Buddy Repperton:"F*** I will. You can't make me." Mr. Casey:"If you mean I don't have the authority, you're wrong. If you mean I can't turn out your pockets myself..." Buddy Repperton: [interrupting him] "Yeah, try it, you little bald f*** and I'll knock you through the wall! F***! Mr. Casey: [turns to Buddy's friends] "You two boys go up to the office. Stay there. Don't go anywhere else. You got enough trouble without that."
  14. Leigh Cabot:"I hate that car! You care more about that car than you do about me!" Arnie Cunningham:"That's crazy Leigh!" Leigh Cabot:"Who do you spend more time with?"
  15. Oh dang! That's awful! Please feel better Cousin Hobie! We will miss you around Hazzard.
  16. Hey y'all... Is there anything new coming out about Baywatch? I'm asking because one of my celebrity crushes Mikayla Demaiter keeps posting pictures on Facebook captioning then "Consider these photos my Unofficial Application to Baywatch!" And everyone comments "More like Mikayla's a Babe Let's Watch!" Lol.
  17. Dennis Guilder don't like it. He tells the brother George LeBay in the book in a scene "The car, that Fury. I don't like it."
  18. Buddy Repperton:"Hey Trelawny, isn't that C***ingham's car?" Richard Trelawny:"Yep." Moochie Welch:"I know where he keeps it."
  19. (Season 1 Daisy's Song) Waylon Jennings:"Since Bo an' Luke were always messin' with cars, they knew every junkyard like a lover's face. An' followin' them into one was like chasin' a boat into the bushes."
  20. (Season 1 Daisy's Song) Waylon Jennings:"Boss Jefferson Davis Hogg was born on the dirt floor of a sharecroppers shack, an' from there, things kinda went downhill. But everybody has a talent. An' Boss has the gift of graft. In a dazzlin' career in Hazzard County ranging from moonshine to political corruption, Boss has been chased by everything from revenuers to bloodhounds to irate husbands. Even if the city cops do spot his license number, it don't matter none. 'Cause Boss changes license plates like he does his underwear. Which is every time he goes to town. When it comes to basic cunning, ol' Boss was plumb eat up with it."
  21. In the book, it's mostly Roland D. LeBay's corpse when the car goes out on its own. I like to pretend that in the movie it's Roland's corpse doing the killings.
  22. Christine Book and Movie fans... Will Darnell didn't deserve to be killed. I mean after all he did give Arnie and her a place to stay. Well her a place to stay while Arnie fixed her up. I feel bad for Will. But he discovered her secret that she drives by herself without a driver. When she came back to the garage to Stall 20 smoking and burned up. In order to protect Arnie and keep that secret, Will had to be eliminated.
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