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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. The Dukes of Hazzard The Beginning 2007 Movie Script https://www.scripts.com/script.php?id=the_dukes_of_hazzard%3A_the_beginning_7345&p=32
  2. The Dukes of Hazzard 2005 Movie Script https://www.scripts.com/script/the_dukes_of_hazzard_7344
  3. A post by a friend of mine over on Facebook... If you could have been any character in Christine. Who would you had picked to be. I would say my character was Arnie. Cause I was an outcast and nobody ever liked me much and I never had any many friends growing up or in school. And I got laughed at a lot just for sometimes being who i am. And wish more than anything I could have had a car like Christine to make these people who hurt me understand. Life is a Test. And if you f*** it up. You fail and there’s no way around it. But I never wanted the movie Christine to be a bad influence on anyone. Not even myself. So I would never put that movie past myself. And my problems. But I can say I been hurt in my life. By friends and by family that I wish I could get revenge on and hurt. But would it really be worth it? Just cause I had a possessed car that took my life over. And gave me the courage to stand up and be who I really needed to be. and had the power to do so. Or do you feel it would be better to let Karma come along to where they never had met me. Or my possessed car. Cause they died. And I lived. But they died from a reason. A reason of being just plain mean or crazy. Why does anybody wanna hurt someone else. I always ask myself. Sometimes you can hurt somebody so bad. It’ll change ya whole life. Hurt them to where you wish you had that once chance to set it straight. One chance to change it. But you don't get that chance. Around someone who wants the best for you. And would make sure nobody harmed you ever again. No matter where you stood. And it’s easy to find somebody like that. Maybe the best place to start. Is finding her. Finding the most beautiful thing that was ever placed in your life. And that beautiful person who was looking for you. Way before you looked for them. That person named CHRISTINE
  4. Christine fans... The movie script for reading. https://www.scripts.com/script.php?id=christine_5511&p=16
  5. Christine Trivia: What is the Christine connection to Baywatch (the original TV series)?
  6. Cousin Boss JD Hogg... Do you eat Thanksgiving for a lot of days after it's over?
  7. Arnie Cunningham:"Hey man, I gotta go. Hope you didn't think I could hang around here all day!" Dennis Guilder:"That's you Arnie! Always in demand."
  8. Christine Trivia: When they return to Arnie's house from Darnell's Garage As Dennis drove away, he turned the radio up loud to drown out the Cunninghams balling out Arnie. T or F?
  9. Gilligan's Island fans... Any of you buying or have already bought the 7 Castaways in Funko Pop figures?
  10. That's why here and Facebook both I post the vulgar stuff the way it is said in the AMC(American Movie Classics)edited TV version. Safer. Even on Facebook using symbols I've got in jail before.
  11. What I said for nitpickers on Facebook where I also posted this. They say "Buddy said "Cun*ingham" I said "Yeah I know what Buddy really called Arnie. But I can't say that on here. I get Facebook Jail."
  12. Buddy Repperton:"If this is yours, why isn't your name on it anywhere? Why doesn't it say "Arnie Cun*ingham?"
  14. (Season 3 Bye, Bye, Boss) Waylon Jennings:"Now, some people think that just because you always see the Duke Boys tearin' around Hazzard in the General, that they never do any work. Well, they do. They just don't punch nobody's clock but their own."
  15. (Season 1 Money to Burn) Boss Hogg:"You ijit! You dad blamed dad nabbed ijit! Lettin' the Duke Boys of all people put out that fire!" Cletus Hogg:"It wasn't my fault, Cousin Boss! They were just bein' neighborly!" Boss Hogg:"Neighborly?! You call beatin' a man outta one million dollars neighborly!?" Rosco:"Well, nobody beat you out of anything Boss, you still got a million dollars in old bills, there ain't nothin' in this sack, but some old phone books."(Pours them out.)"See?" Boss Hogg:"If they saw what I see, I ain't gonna collect a penny from the insurance company fer all that burned money, get it!?" Cletus Hogg:"But if they'd have seen it, they'd have said so, an' I'd have saw 'em say it. See?" Rosco:"That makes sense to me." Boss Hogg:"Only because you're a bigger dad blamed dad nabbed ijit than he is! Let me think."(To Cletus)"You say Bo went into the truck?" Cletus Hogg:"That's right!" Boss Hogg:"An' what'd he find?" Cletus Hogg:"Nothin'! Except what's left of that there sack!" Boss Hogg gets the look on his face of a man forming a plan. Rosco:"Huh? What?" Boss Hogg snatches sack, goes over to wood burning stove, opens the door, tosses the sack it in, lights a match throws it in with the sack. Closes the door back. Boss Hogg:"What sack? It ain't no sack. It got took by the hijackers!" Rosco:"What hijackers?" Boss Hogg:"Why, the Duke Boys of course. Least ways, they will be hijackers, when you-"(Pointing at Rosco)"Catch 'em with the evidence!" Boss, Rosco and Cletus all laugh.
  16. (Season 2 Gilligan's Living Doll) Gilligan:"You mean whatever I say, the robot will repeat it back?" Professor:"Yes!" Skipper:"Oh great! We've got a mechanical Gilligan!"
  17. George LeBay:"Cuz he's stone cold dead, that's why. Died six weeks ago. He ran a rubber hose through the exhaust pipe." Dennis Guilder:"Arnie never would've bought that car if he'd have known somebody died in it!" George LeBay:"Either yer dumber than you look, or you don't know yer friend very well. He had the same look in his eye my brother always had. Probably the only thing my brother ever loved in his whole rotten life was that car. He had a five year old daughter choke to death in her. He wouldn’t get rid of it. He just went around with the radio blaring. Not a care in the world except for Christine. The only time I interfered with it was when Rita killed herself." Dennis Guilder:"Whose Rita?" George LeBay:"His wife. He didn't give a rat's ass about 'er. She died the same way he did. And than I made him get rid of it. For decency you know. Course the car came back 3 weeks later." Dennis Guilder:"What you mean came back?" George LeBay (*glare look*)
  18. George LeBay:"G**d*** Roland went through hell and back with Christine." Dennis Guilder:"If yer brother loves this car so much, why's he sellin' it?"
  19. Dennis Guilder:"Where you been a**hole?" Arnie Cunningham:"Did you hear about what happened to Moochie?" Dennis Guilder:"Yeah.(Makes a sad face.) Arnie Cunningham:"Almost makes you feel kind of sorry for the little bas****."
  20. Arnie Cunningham:"Why do you keep butting into my life?!" Rudolph Junkins:"Because we found yer Boss Will Darnell dead in yer front seat, with a shotgun by his side." Arnie Cunningham:"Why?" Rudolph Junkins:"Well, I was kind of hoping you could answer that."
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