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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Gilligan fans... https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yacht-Captain-Gilligan-Island-Skipper-Military-Navy-Naval-Officers-Visor-Hat-Cap-/185308994602?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0
  2. (Season 3 Aunt Bee's Medicine Man) Barney Fife:"Andy, if I didn't know any better, I'd say she was tiddly!" Andy Taylor:"If it was anybody but Aunt Bee, I'd say yer right!"
  3. (Season 3 Aunt Bee's Medicine Man) Andy Taylor:"That stuff of the Colonel's that's supposed to lift the spirits, purge the mind an' body an' all that, what it actually does ladies, is give you a buzz."
  4. (Season 6 Undercover Dukes) Bo Duke:"Well, I suppose we better go tell Mary Beth she's got herself a couple of drivers, huh?" Luke Duke:"Yeah! Judas an' his cousin!"
  5. Cousin Roger... Laurene Tuttle also plays the little old shoplifting lady in TAGS episode The Shoplifters.
  6. Season 1 near end of season. Opie's Charity. That lady was Laurene Tuttle(Granny Annie Coggins.) She was playing Annabelle Silby.
  7. (Season 5 Goober Takes a Car Apart) Andy Taylor:"Goober do you see those guns over there in that gun rack ⁉️" Goober Pyle:"Yeah." Andy Taylor:"If you don't get that car out of here I'm libel to get one of those guns out and shoot you understand ⁉️"
  8. (Not sure Season or Episode) Andy Taylor: "...Barn, these clocks you and your Mother had in your stomachs, did the ticking keep your father awake at night" Barney Fife:"Don't talk about my mother, Ange."
  9. (Season 3 Aunt Bee's Medicine Man) Colonel Harvey:"The Shawnee….. I lived among them…… They’re devils." Andy - Eye roll
  10. (Season 4 Divorce, Mountain Style) Barney Fife:"Wear a ruby ring and ride a horse the horse will go mad." Andy Taylor:"Where'd you hear that?" Barney Fife:"The book! The book!" Andy:"But you're not wearin' a ruby ring." Barney Fife:"Well, he don't know that!"
  11. (Season 3 Mountain Wedding) Dudd Wash:"I'll show him what I learned in the army. In Gorilla War Fairrrrr!!" Brisco Darling:"Quit that boy.You want ya face to freeze that away?"
  12. (Season 1 Two on a Raft) Gilligan:"Skipper I’m hungry, let’s have breakfast." Skipper:"We had breakfast." Gilligan:"Let’s have lunch." Skipper:"We had lunch." Gilligan:"Then let’s have dinner." Both together:"We had dinner too." Skipper:"By the way, where are those tropical lei's the girls made for us?" Gilligan:"I had a snack." Skipper:"Gilligan! Will you stop talking about food!"
  13. (Season 1 Two on a Raft) Skipper:"Gilligan, where’s that shark repellent the Professor made?" Gilligan:"Oh,ah…it was delicious."
  14. (Season 1 Two on a Raft) Gilligan:"I wish I had something to drink, like a hamburger or French fries. Hey, I wished for something to drink, and there's a bottle. Maybe it's soda. Skipper:"Maybe it's a bottle of beer!" Gilligan:"Yeah!"
  15. (Season 1 Two on a Raft) Gilligan:"I'm flippin' my lid I tell ya! Everywhere I look, it's water, water, water!" Skipper:"You stop that Gilligan! That's an order!" Gilligan:"Well I'm sick of orders, an' I'm sick of the sun, the wind, the spray an' the salt!" Skipper:"What are you talking about!? We've only been gone 20 minutes!" Gilligan:"Gee, is that all?" Skipper:"Oh Gilligan! Now start paddling! Dig in, FAST!"
  16. (Season 2 Will the Real Mr. Howell Please Stand Up?) Mr. Howell:"Not my amalgamated!!" Mr. Howell:"I'll kill him! Kill! Kill!"(Heads for the Lagoon) Mrs. Howell:"There he goes again!" (Later when Mr. Howell tries again.) Mrs. Howell:"Thurston, you'll shrink all your clothes!"
  17. (Season 1 Repo Men) Uncle Jesse L. Duke:"If I start gettin' these Christmas catalogs any earlier, they'd be comin' on the 4th of July!"
  18. (Season 1 Ellie for Council) Andy:"Ellie that's just silly! Ellie:"Silly⁉️" Andy:"Ohhh wait did I say silly ‼️ Here let me take that awful word back (Andy swallows real fast) There !! Awwww and it tasted Real Bad‼️"
  19. Also another issue sometimes when scrolling the home icons screen it will shut off on me like I did it when I never even pushed the power button. I mean it will go to sleep as if I pushed the button when I did not. I think it has become junk.
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