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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Season 5 Dukes Strike it Rich.
  2. Carrie Underwood https://youtube.com/playlist?list=RDEMGJSGKwdcsFoIpWeMugf_KA&playnext=1&si=uT2aXOZhcjpP6JU2
  3. Hobie Hartkins... Yer thinkin' of the dog Boss Hogg sat on in Season 4 Double Dukes. It growled. They added in the growling sound when he sat on it. That dog also played Albert Einstein in the 2nd Reunion movie Hazzard in Hollywood (2000).
  4. Happy 42nd Birthday to my celebrity crush number 4 Carrie Underwood! 3/10/83!
  5. # Warning: Beware of Bait-and-Switch Sellers! "I want to share a cautionary tale about my experience with Bluenox from Pakistan. They advertised a Gilligan's Island hat with Mouse Braid, but what I received was a hat with Gorget Braid instead! On the other hand, I've had a fantastic experience with Midway Cap in Chicago. What made it even more special was that my custom hybrid hat order was personally taken by Midway Cap's President herself, Merle Sbertoli! I ordered a perfect blend of Alf episode and Rescue From Gilligan's Island Reunion movie details, and they delivered exactly what I saw. The lesson learned is to choose reputable companies like Midway Cap, where honesty and transparency matter. Don't fall for bait-and-switch tactics like Bluenox's. #ReputableCompaniesMatter #HonestyIsKey #BewareOfScams #MidwayCap #ExceptionalCustomerService"
  6. "Feeling CRAZY! Got a special message for Bluenox, the seller who tried to deceive me with a Gorget Braid bait-and-switch! Toby Keith's "How Do You Like Me Now?" just got a whole new meaning: "How do you like me now? Now that I'm on my way Do you still think I'm crazy Because I let you deceive me With Gorget Braid bait and switch? I've always dreamed about Mouse Braid Now I have it, thanks to a crafted Mom How do you like me now? Now that I have my correct braid?" #GilligansIsland #SkipperHat #MouseBraid #BaitAndSwitch #LessonLearned #MomToTheRescue #TobyKeith #HowDoYouLikeMeNow"
  7. Alf series episode Somewhere Over the Rerun/The Ballad of Gilligan's Island Alf:"I gotta go Willie sorry. It's almost time for Gilligan's Island." Willie:"Better hurry. If you miss this Rerun, you'll have to wait 3 weeks before it's on again." Alf(Sarcastically):"You know, it's people like you who drive quality programming off the air!" I agree with the furry little guy from Melmac. Gilligan's Island is quality programming.
  8. I will post Season 7 here whenever YouTube channel TV Stunter starts uploading it. I keep y'all updated with each post by him/her like I did with Seasons 1-6.
  9. (Season 1 Episode 2 Daisy's Song.) Confronting Lester Starr at Starr Music Publishing in Atlanta. Bo Duke:"Look Mr., if yer not gonna be fair about this, then we want Daisy's $50 back!" Lester Starr (Snapping fingers summoning bodyguard JoJo.):"JoJo. Did you hear that? This guy just threatened me. Now, you guys get outta here before JoJo mails you back to Tobacco Road!" Bo Duke:"Yer gonna need help hoss!" JoJo opens coat revealing his 2 .44 magnums. Luke Duke:"He's got it." Bo Duke:"Yeah." JoJo:"An' you best be goin'." Lester Starr:"Go on, go on. Get outta here! An' I don't wanna see yer faces around here again!"
  10. Friends have told me eBay's "Last One." "Last Item Available." "Almost Gone." Lie? To sell more? I've been told "Old sellers trick"
  11. It's been confirmed to me by Midway Cap themselves "Yes. We worked on 2 Skipper hats for The Skipper Alan Hale Jr. He was a client with us for his appearances in Alf Somewhere Over the Rerun 1987 and Rescue From Gilligan's Island 1978." Mr. John at the company told me. I was silently freaking out inside over this too. It was confirmed to me by a Lancaster Uniform Cap Co. employee too before their January 2011 demise after 82 years about their involvement with him. When they were still in business I talked on the phone to a woman called Patty. Me:"Hello." Her:"Hello. Lancaster Cap." Me:"Hello. I have question." Her:"Go ahead." Me:"I heard Alan Hale Jr. The Skipper from Gilligan's Island was a client of yours that you made his Skipper's hat for the original series 3 seasons 98 episodes '64-'67 and last 2 reunion movies '79 and '81." Her:"Yes sir that is correct. We did. He was a client of ours for the projects you mentioned." Me:"Thank you Patty. Have a wonderful day." Her:"Thank you sir. You too." Me:"Bye." Her:"Bye."
  12. My Facebook post. My mom is the best! She took this eBay bait and switch hat sold by Sialkot Pakistani seller Bluenox which was advertised as Twisted Knotted Intertwined Mouse Braid, and he sent a Straight Braid version instead known as Gorget Braid. It had 9 little strands of string wrapped around the ends of it. She corrected it to Alan Hale's Authentic Twisted Knotted Intertwined Mouse Braid style from the original Gilligan's Island series 3 seasons 98 episodes 1964-1967 and last 2 Reunion movies The Castaways On Gilligan's Island (1979) and The Harlem Globetrotters On Gilligan's Island (1981)! Phooey on you Bluenox and your bait and switch scam tactics! Advertising Lancaster Uniform Cap Co. style and shipping me Benford Yacht Hat style. I got the right hat I wanted in the end Lancaster Uniform Cap Co. style what it should've been all along! Buyers beware, when shopping online, can't always trust or believe what you see is what you'll get.
  13. I made a joke about the AMT Christine model kit. No assembly required! Just open it up, stand back and utter the famous words "Ok. Show me!" And watch it build itself.
  14. "I'm still in awe of the incredible coincidence that led me to find my holy grail - a replica of Alan Hale Jr.'s iconic Skipper hat from Gilligan's Island! But here's the amazing part: before he passed away, Alan Hale Jr. himself had searched online for this exact hat, but all he could find were Navy Blue ones. And in a photo of him wearing his signature hat, the caption reads: "Alan Hale Jr. says 'Good luck kid, you'll never find one.'" Fast forward to today, and I'm thrilled to say that I've actually found one! I'm convinced that Alan Hale Jr. himself had a hand in guiding me to it from beyond the great beyond. As a die-hard fan of the show since I was three, finding this hat has been a dream come true. And I'm not the only one who thinks it's special - my friends are all amazed by the coincidence too! So here's to Alan Hale Jr. - thanks for watching over me and leading me to this incredible find! #GilligansIsland #SkipperHat #AlanHaleJr"
  15. Pretty cool Hoss. I saw it before. It even explains how some of the American version Sanford and Son plots came from this version.
  16. Roger yep. Lol.
  17. I haven't heard of the Breeze before. Wow!
  18. Season 1 Swamp Molly. Uncle Jesse Duke:"Now, now, Molly, before you start up with one of them schemes of yours, I want you to remember that them 2 boys in there, they's on probation." Swamp Molly:"Why Jess, how you talk. Alright, if you ain't got the time, or inclination-" Uncle Jesse Duke:"Uh let's just serve up the pie, an' you an' Alice can stay as long as you want." Waylon Jennings:"The boys never could figure that strange hold Molly had over their Uncle Jesse. To their mind, that old debt had been paid twice over, with interest. Before they was even born."
  19. Season 6 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7A4BkO0RBoyJHcJI9F0PmF1N107ycvUw&si=My-c-dUcOpWPPfct
  20. Season 5 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7A4BkO0RBowO8NpwZTxY9uYzhZcxamTY&si=IEmv2FkisNmsD8ZY
  21. Season 4 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7A4BkO0RBoxONDF54CfSnZnTXS70B2az&si=UhM_29Y9P0etukM_
  22. Season 3 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7A4BkO0RBoz2a8StsG2XIeBbLKYtcEDl&si=uPfMVQYt1LC4fbW5
  23. Season 2 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7A4BkO0RBozTZGuBT90VG0J3iQ8-UQS_&si=-DBt19EcBYXDIB9c
  24. Season 1 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7A4BkO0RBox6pI8NYPi94EClo8uGojI2&si=ugrE6uYEEJaU8kSS
  25. Any fans here?
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