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Andrew D Charger Chaser

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    Andrew D Charger Chaser got a reaction from RogerDuke in Boss Hogg '70 Cadillac Deville   
    Thank you!  Not sure how long exactly, but several long months for sure.  Wish I'd been starting with one good-conditioned kit instead of a junker with some spare parts added, I wouldn't have had half as many setbacks.  
  2. Like
    Andrew D Charger Chaser got a reaction from Flint Duke in Sheriff Little's patrol car, Chickasaw County   
    My latest project completed; MPC Dodge Monaco body and interior, 71 Charger chassis, engine and suspension, plus lots more :

    Some of what went into it:

  3. Like
    Andrew D Charger Chaser got a reaction from Roth Potter in Building Cooter's junkyard- Need some suggestions!   
    He once had Black TIlly II, the '65(ish) Mustang, flat black, with the majorly souped-up engine, sitting there ready when Jesse ended up needing it to race Boss's challenge. 
  4. Like
    Andrew D Charger Chaser got a reaction from 1991f350 in Daisy's Jeep flooring   
    Working on the Dixie Jeep as my next model creation.  Can't figure out the floor....thought it would be white (body metal/painted) with black rubber mats in front of the front seats....but now folks on a non-Dukes auto modelmaking board are suggesting the 79 Jeep CJ7 had brown (only brown) carpeting as standard, and that some of the photos I posted suggest it.  Anyone have any idea?  Any better views than what I have?  If carpeted, would the rear have been covered too, including the tops of the rear wheel wells?

  5. Like
    Andrew D Charger Chaser got a reaction from CooterNnancylou in Other '77 Dodge Monacos in the show?   
    Hey y'all,
    I found this question interesting when I first came across it some time back...so I've been keeping track as I've been playing through the entire series.
    If you mean specifically 77 Monacos, I found the villains drove one in the episode "Dead and Alive" (S6 E14). This one started out a beige color, then in the storyline was repainted blue to hide. It's the one Cooter discovered was the one they were looking for when he had to repair some collision damage and found the light color underneath.
    If you expand to include the same body type with the Plymouth Furys (round-light) you'll find a ton of them in Season 4. Here's what I've found, only missing E7:
    -Plymouth Fury, blue, owned by Cooter in S1 E3 Mary Kaye’s Baby
    -Plymouth Fury, green, driven by villains (Mr. & Mrs. Roby) in S3 E15 To Catch a Duke
    -Earlier (4-round across) driven by Hobie the town drunk S3 E19 Bye, Bye Boss
    -Plymouth Fury, blue, driven by Private Investigator, S3 E20 The Great Hazzard Hijack
    -Plymouth Fury, 2-tone brown, driven by Jamie Lee Hogg in S4 E1 Mrs. Daisy Hogg
    -Plymouth Fury, light blue, driven by fur thieves in S4 E10 Trouble at Cooter’s
    -Plymouth Fury, brown, driven by NASCAR drivers Boss hired in S4 E11 Goodbye General Lee
    -2 Plymouth Furys; blue driven by villains, white driven by U.S. Postal Inspector in S4 E18 Miz Tisdale on the Lam
    -Plymouth Fury, black, driven by villains in S4 E19 Nothin’ But the Truth
    -Plymouth Fury, blue, driven by villains in S4 E20 Dear Diary
    -Plymouth Fury, black, driven by villains in S4 E21 New Deputy in Town
    -Plymouth Fury, black, driven by villains in S4 E22 Birds Gotta Fly
    -Plymouth Fury, white, driven by villains in S4 E23 Bad Day in Hazzard
    -Plymouth Fury, black, driven by villains in S4 E25 Share and Share Alike
    -’77 Dodge Monaco used by villains (started episode light beige color, then repainted blue in the storyline), S6 E14 Dead and Alive
  6. Like
    Andrew D Charger Chaser got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Daisy's Jeep flooring   
    Working on the Dixie Jeep as my next model creation.  Can't figure out the floor....thought it would be white (body metal/painted) with black rubber mats in front of the front seats....but now folks on a non-Dukes auto modelmaking board are suggesting the 79 Jeep CJ7 had brown (only brown) carpeting as standard, and that some of the photos I posted suggest it.  Anyone have any idea?  Any better views than what I have?  If carpeted, would the rear have been covered too, including the tops of the rear wheel wells?

  7. Thanks
    Andrew D Charger Chaser got a reaction from Roth Potter in Sheriff Little's patrol car, Chickasaw County   
    Hey there Hobie; I did at first, but I did my research.  The fangs were only on a black-interior car used in three episodes in Season 4.  Can't see the front bumper for the single episode in Season 3 when he was introduced.  I still had to modify the bumper anyway, to fill in the Monaco's signal lights, plus add the "tabs" that were sometimes there on either side of the license plate, and sometimes not.
    All episodes after the first 3 episodes in S4 were tan-interior vehicles without the fangs.  Since I like the tan interior so much more (it's what I vividly remember as a child), I went with that.
    Here's the breakdown:
    –S3 E14 My Son, Bo Hogg – black interior (no clear view of front bumper)
    –S4 E2 Double Dukes – black interior, bumper fangs present
    –S4 E4 Coltrane vs. Duke – black interior, bumper fangs present
    –S4 E8 10 Million Dollar Sheriff Part 1 – black interior, bumper fangs present
    –S4 E12 Cletus Falls in Love – mixed black and tan interiors, NO bumper fangs
    –S4 E16 Shine On Hazzard Moon – tan interior, NO bumper fangs
    –S4 E24 Miss Tri-Counties – tan interior, NO bumper fangs
    –S4 E25 Share and Share Alike – tan interior, NO bumper fangs
    –S5 E12 The Treasure of Soggy Marsh – tan interior, NO bumper fangs
    –S6 E5 The Boar’s Nest Bears – tan interior, NO bumper fangs
    –S6 E14 Dead and Alive – tan interior, NO bumper fangs
    –S7 E11 Sittin’ Dukes -- (didn't get around to checking this one)
  8. Like
    Andrew D Charger Chaser got a reaction from JHDuke in Only Fools and Horses   
    Yes, great stuff, I've got several seasons of Only Fools on DVD, as a longtime Britcom fan (I own about two dozen series). The chandelier is an awesome episode!  Also Friday the 14th....one more favorite episode of mine is "Tea for Three."  I almost choked laughing!
  9. Haha
    Andrew D Charger Chaser got a reaction from JHDuke in The International Thread   
    Sorry been away so long folks, been more than overwhelmed with school this year.
    Hoss, I grew up outside Boston in the '70's and '80's, and at that time the local PBS station WGBH was the master station for most of what came into North America from the UK. They had a MASSIVE amount of British programming, compared to many other PBS stations at the time, or so I've heard. Despite being staunchly patriotic, I also grew up enjoying more British programming than American, the Dukes being a huge exception. I have a collection of Britcoms (25 complete or near-complete series). 
    Funny, for a guy who grew up right where the American Revolution started (Lexington/Concord, Bunker Hill, Boston Tea Party all local stuff for me) I sure prefer the TV programming of the enemy our British cousins!  
  10. Like
    Andrew D Charger Chaser got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Sheriff Little's patrol car, Chickasaw County   
    My latest project completed; MPC Dodge Monaco body and interior, 71 Charger chassis, engine and suspension, plus lots more :

    Some of what went into it:

  11. Like
    Andrew D Charger Chaser got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in A-Z Game   
    WILBUR Fudge (County Controller, and unlikely deputy in “The Legacy”; dang, but I wish they would've used him more!!)
  12. Like
    Andrew D Charger Chaser got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in A-Z Game   
    “Here comes the LAW...cLeverLy disguised as a tree!” (one of my favorite Waylonisms)
  13. Like
    Andrew D Charger Chaser got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in A-Z Game   
    “Say, I know you from the old days! You were always flipping a QUARTER...just like that.” (Boss in “The Meeting”)
  14. Like
    Andrew D Charger Chaser got a reaction from Meadowmufn in The International Thread   
    I've had to turn off autocorrect completely. When I'm writing in Spanish it throws a tantrum that would be the envy of the most spoiled and indulged 2-yr old!!
  15. Like
    Andrew D Charger Chaser got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Clifton James Dies   
    Well, for a lot of us Yankees, DOH was our introduction to Southern-ness. I grew up north of Boston on the Massachusetts coast, to parents from the Dakotas, and until the show I had NEVER even HEARD words like "ain't," and "y'all" or things like grits or pralines. Probably was a bit of a help when I went to school in the Deep South (Louisiana Tech) and married into the culture. Definitely impacted my speech being down there and for some reason I swing between accents and speech patterns with relative ease.
    Another funny thing on a related note; I ended up in the Southwest and amazingly became fluent in Spanish; I teach music in the barrios of South Tucson. When I was first introduced to the staff of my school I had the nerve to say I was tri-lingual, speaking English, Spanish and Southern English. Great ice-breaker
  16. Like
    Andrew D Charger Chaser got a reaction from Spike in Clifton James Dies   
    Well, for a lot of us Yankees, DOH was our introduction to Southern-ness. I grew up north of Boston on the Massachusetts coast, to parents from the Dakotas, and until the show I had NEVER even HEARD words like "ain't," and "y'all" or things like grits or pralines. Probably was a bit of a help when I went to school in the Deep South (Louisiana Tech) and married into the culture. Definitely impacted my speech being down there and for some reason I swing between accents and speech patterns with relative ease.
    Another funny thing on a related note; I ended up in the Southwest and amazingly became fluent in Spanish; I teach music in the barrios of South Tucson. When I was first introduced to the staff of my school I had the nerve to say I was tri-lingual, speaking English, Spanish and Southern English. Great ice-breaker
  17. Like
    Andrew D Charger Chaser got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in A-Z Game   
    “And Aunt KATIE, she doesn’t prefer to be called KATHERINE, she prefers to be called KATRINA!” (from “Duke of Duke”)
  18. Like
    Andrew D Charger Chaser reacted to HossC in Clifton James Dies   
    That reminds me of a Steven Wright joke:

    "I was in a bookstore, and I started talking to a French-looking girl. She was a bilingual illiterate. She couldn’t read in two different languages."
  19. Like
    Andrew D Charger Chaser reacted to Hobie Hartkins in Something I Noticed ( you may have too!)   
    (you millennials don't know what it was like waiting an entire week to watch a single episode and no way to record it; you caught it or you were out of luck for another week ) 
    Millenials?? LOL!!  I'm 52 ( 8/31/65) Ha Ha!   I remember those days quite well myself!
  20. Like
    Andrew D Charger Chaser reacted to RogerDuke in A-Z Game   
    We love you SHERIFF Big Ed Little
  21. Like
    Andrew D Charger Chaser reacted to HossC in A-Z Game   
    As a tribute to Don Pedro Colley, a line from "Dead and Alive":

    Rosco: "Listen, you know something? I have half a mind to write you a ticket."
    Sheriff Little: "Coltrane, you ain't even got a QUARTER of a mind, no less half."
  22. Like
    Andrew D Charger Chaser got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in A-Z Game   
    One of my all-time favorite exchanges between Rosco and Cletus, with Cooter listening on the CB:
    Rosco: “Now, I want you to head ‘em off at MOOSE Creek, you got that, come on?”
    Cletus: “What?? What creek was that, uh, could you repeat that location, Sherriff??”
    Rosco: “MOOSE Creek, you dipstick!! M as in MOOSE! O as in MOOSE! O as in MOOSE! S as in MOOSE! And E as in MOOSE!!!”
    Cooter (listening on radio) “He MUST MEAN MOOSE Creek.”
  23. Like
    Andrew D Charger Chaser got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in A-Z Game   
    “…they got luckier than a rabbit with siX feet.” (Waylonism)
    And yep, great one ncDuke!  
  24. Like
    Andrew D Charger Chaser got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Am I The Only One?   
    There's a lot of truth to that, yes.
    I was a kid when the show came out; I am a New England native (born Vermont, grew up in NE Massachusetts) and at that time I had never heard southern accents, or words/terms like "ain't" and "y'all." Naturally I started to glamorize the South in my mind with Hazzard as the basis (kid thing, we've all been there). 
    Since then I've lived in 6 states including 7 years in Louisiana where I married into the culture. Although I would enjoy visiting Covington (had no idea until WELL into adulthood about the place) Hazzard is, more than anything, a place inside us, a place of extreme decency despite the best efforts of the "Law" and local "Leader."
  25. Like
    Andrew D Charger Chaser got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in A-Z Game   
    “Now, what do you think about folks who mix up KISSING and KILLING?” (Waylonism, from “The Meeting”)
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