At least you didn't have the "ugly American" tourist type. LOL. All the same, most Americans should not be allowed to travel abroad. They especially should not drink while abroad. LOL Speaking of drinking and Guiness... Don't drink six bottles of beer at the same time? BRILLIANT! Hoss, that T-mobile commercial is a hoot. (Hey Brian... Britain loves CHEESE!!!! ) About the only thing in that commercial that I would have associated with the English and call it a possible stereotype is the gardening (see "The Great Escape" LOL) Anyway, there's a heavier French influence in my neck o' the States with a good mix of Irish, Scot and English thrown in. When St. Patrick's Day rolls around, however, there's not a bar that doesn't have green beer and there are always several corn beef and cabbage dinners locally. Unfortuantely, not much is done for holidays like Bastille Day. LOL