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Everything posted by TimDuke

  1. Dukesfest is a GO!! Tentative for first weekend in June like last year but it is going to happen.If you own a Hazzard vehicle there has been a meeting with Miss Alma and a lot of the problems that occurred are supposed to be corrected and some special treatment for them as well. I can't give details yet.
  2. Yep that's correct I was going to update my previous post saying it was March 6th which my contact in the film industry told me originally it was but it is now the 20th as he updated the info a few days ago and I forgot to come back here and correct my original posting.
  3. What I post on other boards is my right. I'm as tired of people trying to tell me to stop posting my opinions or telling me what to post.If you don't like it take it to Brian or Muffin.They control this board not me or you.Clearly no one saw there is a difference between being a fanatic and being a fan, there is a difference.So to anyone that I offended by saying they are not a true fan I apologize.They are just not a true fanatic.Fanatics are not for changing story lines and don't accept major changes and accept very few minor ones.By the way I didn't start that thread over there but so far everyone there is in agreement with me and a few of them maybe headed this way so you maybe in for more of the rhetoric from them.Let's see ..wanting to see it is not equal to being all for the movie.I fail to see the logic in that.
  4. Stay away from any General coming out of Illinois or at the very least do research on any coming from there. There is a place called HLPAG that is building them there but they are all junkheaps.They buy for very little pile a butt load of bondo in them,give them a decent paint job and put on General graphics and sell for big money. Try Ebay.I hope you got plenty of money regardless.
  5. Thank you Kelly I agree 100 %. At least you seem to be on my side.I wasn't trying to show off. I was just defending myself against Jessi's comment and it got taken out of context as showing off. You don't like me complaining tough.I have a right to post here same as everyone else. I don't care buy the darn thing.I just don't want to see anyone saying how hard it was to watch it with all the language and stuff cause I'll be the first one to say I told you so.Seems everyones defense of the trend of the raunchier Dukes is"It's not supposed to be like the original" Well what's the point of calling it Dukes of Hazzard then? Enough I guess I'm clearly outnumbered.
  6. Put this together a little montage of various pics of my General plus a few cast pics. http://www.onetruemedia.com/shared?p=1848969d7f4d8c7e0d17dc&skin_id=0&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=text_url
  7. http://www.officialdukesofhazzardfanclub.org/ Upgraded some since it was up last.This is the fan club that started a lot of things we have today.Possibly even this website. Definitely the NAGLFC and the CGLFC. Yes Dukes fandom was pretty much unheard of till 1992 when this young fellow Aneesh Sehgal decided to start an Official fan club. Go read the history and you'll see a familiar name. Yes the mega event Dukesfest even sprang from this fan club.
  8. Umm I don't think so. I'm almost 43 probably older than most everyone on here. Let's see I'm member number 36 your 445 hmm. Do some research before you make that kind of statement. I've had a 69 Charger since 1981 and it's been a General since 89. You say you'll only buy stuff with real Dukes.I assume you mean the original. Why are you arguing against me then? These new ones are wanna be Dukes so were the ones in last years movie did you buy it?If you did you just contradicted yourself.. I didn't realise that wanting the Dukes franchise to remain family oriented would cause such a uproar. I agree some will buy it no matter what. Which is sad because every copy sold just sends a message to WB that this is what we want to see and encourage them to make more like it.
  9. No problem Brian. I got the date from someone in the industry. Jessi your reply has just proven my point about very few caring anymore and buying it regardless. You'll buy something that you know contains foul language and other bad elements but if I started using the same foul language on this board or started posting naked pictures on here you'd have a hissy fit on top of getting removed . Yes I take Dukes personal.Oh well deal with it. That's what seperates a fanatic from a fan and there is a difference look it up. I don't claim to be god of Dukes, sorry if I come off that way.I'm just trying to keep passing on the good morals Dukes should have like your namesake Jessie Duke would do.
  10. From all I've read and been told the blame is totally on WB. They made very little effort to try and settle with John and Tom and give them a cut of the royalties from the merchandice. WB felt the General Lee was a big enough draw on it's own merit as it was getting almost as much fan mail as any of the castmembers.They felt that they could throw just any two good looking guys in there as long as they drove General Lee and forced them to act exactly like Bo and Luke and the show would go on somewhat normal.Boy were they wrong.
  11. Thank You georgiagal1 for sticking up for me. I don't appreciate needless sarcasm when I'm merely passing on some info I discovered but I've come to expect that from the Capt. By the way the release date is March 6th 07.
  12. I just checked IMDB and the rating is up and it is "R". That means probably a few F bombs and nudity among other things that do not belong in Dukes of Hazzard.Definitely a no buy for me,I won't even rent it. I as a Dukes fanatic refuse to accept this crap and if you are as passionate about Dukes as I am.Don't buy this.Boycott. I realize that I'm probably wasting my time posting this as most of you don't care anymore just as long as it says Dukes on it,you'll buy it.
  13. I'll have to look but I may have a extra one possibly 2. I know Year One carries them but they are pricey.I believe all B-body 69 will work.
  14. It won't suprise me if you are absolutely correct Brian. Almost all my sources which some are pretty reliable have said this will be a stink bomb.Watch the trailer closely once and don't be fooled by the glitter and glamour.All you see is scantly clad women,Bo and Luke acting stupid again and Daisy acting like a total sl_t.I also hear it is going to be rated R which if true means F bombs, S bombs,and nudity.None of which belong in a Dukes movie.No movie based on Dukes should have any worse than a PG rating in my opinion. You'll be better off going to see Collier and Co. John Schneiders new film. It's PG has a orange 69 Charger and tons of Dukes references in it.
  15. To be honest I'm not clear whether this is a before the 05 movie story or not. It is a before something.If it is supposed to have nothing to do with the 05 movie as I first heard then why did they recast Willie as Uncle Jesse? It is all a bit confusing. Both movies aren't consistent with the TV show story lines.Of course the TV series was inconsistent at times as well but the movies are way off.As far as I'm concerned the only "pre" General Lee is an old black Charger that Bo and Luke bought from the junkyard period.The General was never a spray bombed orange Charger with a spray bombed 01 on the side with no flag in my opinion.. They never had General Lee when they were running shine according to the TV story line.
  16. There are a few replicas in that neck of country.My friend Adam has one in Macon GA.
  17. Nothing WB comes up with will ever be.Unless they would clone all the original cast and they start making 69 Chargers again.LOL
  18. Well the budget was around 8 million or so I heard. So I assume it would have to make that amount for them to consider making another.Straight to DVD's usually don't fair very well unless its a Disney animated thing. YoungBO remember this is a "prequel" so the story line must be before they got busted for running shine and got probation.A lot of inconsistencies to the TV show as far as the General goes. We've actually already have a prequel in the episode Happy Birthday General Lee.According to that episode the boys didn't even have General Lee until after they were on probation. I must be watching a different trailer than everyone else.I see too many scantly clad women,Bo and Luke acting like idiots again,and Daisy being way too provocative but it's my opinion.
  19. I'll admit the casting does look better.The flag seems to be on the car at least through the majority of the film which is good even though it should have never been removed to begin with.Which is why I won't buy it. It also appears they are making Daisy act too slutty and Bo and Luke acting like dimwits again. Reserve final judgement till I hear a review from someone unbiased sees it. Can't wait to see what the rating will be looks to be at least PG-13.
  20. Just like you apparently can't leave me alone to post my opinions.Now you resort to indirectly calling me an a--hole shows the level of your maturity.Call someone a name just because their views don't comply with yours. I try not to stoop to those levels.
  21. http://www.collierandcomovie.com is the correct link.Looks like a good flick, better than a certain movie released last year.
  22. How does one define a true fan? You really want me to answer that? Before I do,I guess we'll make a distinction between being a fan and being a fanatic even though they are supposed to have the same meaning . A fanatic is someone that has excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea; "rabid isolationist" A person motivated by irrational enthusiasm (as for a cause); "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject". Ok now a fanatic of the original Dukes believes in everything that the original had. Established story lines,character traits,ect. Any change to such is unacceptable to a fanatic. Removing the flag, nope. So accepting all these changes no matter how trivial you seem to think they are is not being a fanatic by definition of the word. I'm sorry you just can't change the meaning to suit your position. I'll be the fanatic and whoever accepts the changes can be called a fan if it will keep peace on the board and end the bickering.
  23. One of my favourite episodes of "Smallville" was the one that served as a reunion for you and your "Dukes of Hazzard" co-star Tom Wopat. I liked that. I thought that was cute. He [Wopat’s character] was the one that got me into the Senate race to begin with, so you can say it was kinda him that eventually did me in. [laughs] Was that one of the original cars from "Dukes of Hazzard" that he drove in that episode? No, no…it belongs to a guy up there where we filmed…. Though, I guess it could have been one of the cars from the old days – I’ve heard that as well. It sounds good to say it was, let’s say it was. Did you see the film version of "The Dukes of Hazzard"? My gosh….it was terrible! It wasn’t Dukes…. it was true to whatever it was; I just don’t know what that was! Here is the link to the whole interview http://www.moviehole.net/interviews/20060420_exclusive_interview_john_schne.html Seems John has changed his tune on the 2005 movie. HMMM
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