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Everything posted by TimDuke

  1. But you should throw a hissy fit if it's not there, thats what Bo and Luke would do.Fight the system.There shoudn't be a story behind it not being on there.The story of the origin of the General Lee has already been told in the episode mentioned above.As I said in a previous post I can't believe so many of you are just so willing to throw up the white flag and surrender and accept this political correctness they are pushing on us just to keep the Dukes franchise alive.If the Dukes are going politically correct I say let the franchise die. I'll keep fighting the Hollywood system and not buy this crap.
  2. It's been a while since I saw that episode but I believe it does say when in the episode and how old they were at the time. Guess we'll have to wait till season 7 comes out on DVD to know for sure or happen to catch it on CMT. The flag may not be a big deal to you but for those of us that have a General Lee replicas or that believe in principles do. It doesn't matter how many people see this film .The point is the flag should have never been removed in the first place and the reason it is because of all the political correctness and people thinking the flag is a racist symbol which it isn't.
  3. The episode is called "Happy Birthday General Lee" season 7. Yes when they first get the car it is all black then they take it to Cooters and they build the General FLAG and all.The flag was there from the first time it was orange NOT added later.
  4. Travler you say you're going to get it through Netflix correct? Do they show direct to DVD movies on there? Just curious I've heard of it .Don't know how it works though.The flag being on there by the end? Depends on how consistent they are going to be and so far not too consistent by casting a brunnette as Daisy.Remember at the beginning of the 05 movie it wasn't there so IF they are consistent it won't be on there by the end of the prequel but who knows. The 01's arent consistent either so it's up in the air.
  5. A Dukes next generation Evil? One problem which you mentioned. I along with most die hards would not or will not accept a new car as the General Lee even if the original one makes a cameo once in a while.The General Lee should and always be a 1969 Dodge Charger flag and all. They are trying to force us to accept the General without the flag now,a new one probably wouldn't have it because of all the political correctness and thinking the flag is a racist symbol. That's what gets me.Some of you are so willing to accept a lot of this crap just to keep the Dukes franchise alive. To me it's not worth it. I can see it happening sometime in the not to distant future,I'll drive my General to a carshow and somebody will come up and ask me why it has a flag on the roof.
  6. Not to defend the movie but it didn't exactly tank at the box office but really considering what it cost them to make and promote it,it didn't do as well as it could have.They spent $38 million just promoting it. The film cost over $50 million and they spent another almost $20 million just because they didn't own the rights. They didn't even know they didn't have the rights, so that tells you how clumsy those folks were. And then they spent $30 million marketing it to kids.That's almost 138 million and it's only made about 200 million worldwide including DVD sales to date. Only a 70 mill profit since last August by Hollywood standards really isn't that good and who knows how much they spent promoting the DVD so there goes more profit. Which helps explain this straight to DVD prequel. Straight to DVD usually means a movie did ok at the box office but not good enough to warrant another big budget theatrical film. This doesn't hold true all the time though.Look at Garfield they lost their butt on that movie but they are dumb enough to put out another on the big screen. Another factor as far as Dukes goes,the 05 movie got such a bad rep was on everyones worst movie of the year list,and I've read on a lot of movie sites the majority of the people who did see it hated it.
  7. I think the point I'm trying to make is it shouldn't have been removed in the first place.
  8. I never said there was something wrong with the girl playing Daisy in the prequel.I said they are not maintaining consistency by casting a brunette when in the 05 movie she was blond. So why not have the flag on the car? This is a prequel to that movie correct? You say you'll buy it even with no flag if the rest passes your inspection. By purchasing it you are sending a message that you'll accept the General with no flag all the time so any more Dukes movies that may come out, guess what a flagless General.Well I'm like a true Duke fighting the system meaning the system who thinks the flag shouldn't be shown. So I won't support this movie and if you believe in fighting the system you shouldn't either.
  9. I must be a nut.Look up the definition of fanatic once. I means marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea; "rabid isolationist" a person motivated by irrational enthusiasm (as for a cause); "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject"-- So going by definition a true original Dukes fanatic would nitpick anything that does not stay true to the original. One of the reasons I was against the 05 movie was that the flag was not on the car in the beginning of the movie. The origin of the General Lee had already been established in the series. I didn't agree with it being changed. If this new venture is a prequel to the 05 movie why didn't they cast a blond as Daisy? If they aren't going to maintain consistency there,they could have put the flag on the car if they wanted to. Traveler go watch the video that was posted on the other thread.It plainly shows Willie christening the General with moonshine and there is no flag. A movie with the original cast would not be ridiculous if it was done properly but it would have to happen soon (I don't see it happening at all.) So I guess I'll be a nut. You want the Dukes to keep going in the direction they are? A bunch of pot smoking foul mouthed idiots with very little moral values or respect for one another? Man a sad day has arose in Hazzard county.
  10. Not that I really care but what about Rosco? I see nobody cast for Rosco is there even going to be a Rosco?
  11. Oh I fully realise that my "preaching " will have no effect on them producing this movie but if enough people stop buying into this crap they will think twice about doing another and possibly put out a Dukes movie that we can all enjoy with no foul language,no drug use,and have some decent values. At least you didn't disagree with me. Cause if you think it is perfectly fine to have a General without the flag,you are not a true Dukes fan in my book.
  12. I read that on the Confederate General Lee fan club's message board,again I'm just going by that this really hasn't been confirmed.
  13. Allegedly Tom Wopat signed a 5 year contract for Dukesfest so if that is true there will be at least 4 more Dukesfest 5- this year = 4
  14. Nice thought.Don't see it happening.
  15. See that is what I fail to comprehend. WB keeps putting this crap out and expects us fans to buy it . Then most of us do and then they think this is what we want,which it isn't.Then they just keep making more crap. We really need to send a message to WB and stop buying it!!! I can understand that a lot of you will buy it just because it's Dukes and you'll want it as part of your collection. We have got to stop doing this. If we stop supporting this stuff they will stop producing it. I say No flag,No buy. I know boycotts don't usually work but I say boycott.Even IF they have changed their ways and make it like the original series.(which I doubt cause I heard they are making Cooter gay). The flag on the General should not be compromised, it has to be there before I even think about buying it.
  16. No Flag at all? .Won't buy it, hope it fails miserably. Sorry folks I'm not even gonna give it chance. WB has already ruined this franchise once now it's too sissy to put the damn flag on the roof. In the TV series the General had the flag from the first time it was orange it wasn't added later.I'm sick and tired of them trying to change the origin of the car just to be politically correct fearing the confederate flag is too controversial.
  17. Most of the complaints are coming from the Hazzard vehicle owners cause they were treated like crap. When you drive a 20-50,000 dollar car and spend tons on gas and end up getting the shaft yeah there is going to be complaints.The General Lee's and other Hazzard vehicles help draw in a lot of the crowd and then they get treated poorly.I can't blame them.
  18. If my friends informant is accurate you are absolutely correct Brian.
  19. Ho Hum from what I've been told it's just gonna be another Broken Lizard disaster so I could care less.
  20. Ok folks here is what one of my best friends posted on the Confederate General site.This guy was an extra in the 05 film so he has connections.So here it goes......Please don't shoot the messenger..... This is the exact email I recieved from my insider..... and its not GOOD.. The new movie is going to make the last one look like a Disney flick. Warner hasn't learned a dam thing. Berlinger is one of the Broken Lizard posse guys. The new script it frickin' terrible - absolutely unreal terrible. The original transpo guys and FX guys from the last flick have all turned this one down as of this writing, one guy's still on the fence. It's gutter trash humor, very low brow, and there is a nude (topless anyway) scene with a pair of eighteen-year-old hottie twins. I only received an overview of the script, but I wouldn't doubt there are more nude and partially nude scenes - loads of vulger language! The General takes a back seat, literally, to juvenile "Porky's" style teenage antics. It's gonna' be a dam train wreck. It's scheduled to start shooting June 13 north of Los Angeles, has a five week schedule, and I'm told the budget is less than $8 mil. Don't know if all the Generals are going to be "pre-Cooter" versions, but I kinda' get that vibe because there's not much emphasis on the car and this looks like it's supposed to be what happened leading up to the beginning of the '05 movie. They may well use car footage shot in Louisiana for the '05 movie in the DVD version to keep costs down; there was a lot of cool driving stuff that never made it onto the screen or into the DVD version. Tell the troops, WB is throwing the Dukes on the s***pile and they don't give a rat's butt. The '05 movie has thus far grossed over $200 mil worldwide including theater take and DVD sales, not counting all the General Lee related toys sold, so they're willing to stick with the gutter trash route in an attempt to keep the teenage market. From what I understand, they signed a three-year contract with Broken Lizard before the Dukes flick (didn't know that until yesterda y), so their crew and buddies will have to make the new movie (Berlinger is a good buddy of Jay's). Get the guys to writing their complaint letters, I hate to sound like Ben Jones, but this is going to be a monumental disaster. Later and take care bro - wish I had better news
  21. My favorites have been Hogan,Roddy Piper,Stone Cold.I go back to the days of Johnny Powers although I was very young then.Buzz Sawyer was one of my favorites also.I remember his feud with Tommy Wildfire Rich went on for years. Man I'm showing my age now.
  22. If its accurate nudity? coming out of the closet? Definitely NOT what we were wishing for.Sounds like we're in for another crappy movie. I guess WB didn't learn their lesson after all. If it holds true you won't see me buying it.If they are looking to do another film why haven't they contacted Gy Waldron? He created Dukes he knows how it is supposed to work.Just more proof that WB is just looking to squeeze as much out of this franchise they never gave any respect to and they expect us fans to fall for it hook,line,and sinker. They may have fooled some of us once but not again.
  23. Agreed there should be regional events like the Charger registry does so some people don't have to travel so far.I've heard gas is going to be 3.65 a gallon by summer.If thats the case I won't be going to Dukefest this year.
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