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Posts posted by HossC

  1. Nice thread idea, here's a few more:

    1. You wash your car by driving it into the local pond.

    2. You go out for a drink with friends and order a buttermilk.

    3. You fill your car up with gas and get surprised when it costs more than 65.9 cents a gallon.

    4. When you visit the General Store, you think they should be selling '69 Chargers.

    5. You hit your thumb with a hammer and, despite having an array of ruder words in your vocabulary, say 'dang it'.

    6. You see a dip in the road and think 'what if I hit that going a bit faster?'.

  2. If you give Cooter a new tow truck and a chance at Limo One again...

    He'd probably take the tow truck apart, then drive 'round in Limo One until his gallon of gas ran out.

    What if you gave Uncle Jesse a shave?. (Sorry Roger, this is probably close to blasphemy) :)

  3. I can't find many dumb laws for Ireland (I'm sure we're not short of them), although up until a couple of years ago, all the road signs gave distances in kilometers while speed limits were in miles per hour - we're all in kilometers now. Here's some dumb laws from Britain:

    It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament.

    It is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British monarch upside-down.

    Mince pies cannot be eaten on Christmas Day.

    A pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants, including (if she requests) in a policeman’s helmet.

    It is illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament in a suit of armour.

    London Hackney Carriage drivers (taxis/cabs) must carry a bale of hay and a bucket to feed and water his horse.

    It is illegal for a lady to eat chocolates on a public conveyance.

    Any boy under the age of 10 may not see a naked mannequin.

    In the city of York, it is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow.

    It is illegal to be drunk on licensed premises.

    In London it is illegal to hail a taxi while suffering from bubonic plague.

    It is legal for a male to urinate in public, as long it is on the rear wheel of his motor vehicle and his right hand is on the vehicle.

    Mufn - here's a couple more from Washington that I discovered along the way:

    In Seattle it is illegal to carry a concealed weapon that is over 6 feet in length.

    In Seattle if a woman is sitting on a man's lap while riding a bus, train, or trolley, there must be a pillow between them.

  4. I know this thread is older (like over 2 years!) but I'm new and just want to say, I love the reunion movie.

    Work away, there's plenty of life in these threads, I've been reviving some myself. It's great to have another member posting their opinions. Welcome to HNet.

    I have the reunion movies on DVD, and always watch them after working my way through seasons 1-7. To me, they're part of the set, they're part of the story. That doesn't mean that I don't have mixed feelings about them.

    I liked the reality, and seeing how their lives progressed, and they included as many of the original cast as possible. Sadly, Denver was looking very ill and a shadow of his former self in the first movie. Rosco without his little fat buddy was also hard to take. I'm sure Laurel and Hardy fans would go to a Stan Laurel film, but it's not the same.

    As a comparison, I like watching 'Cheers', and after only 3 seasons, one of the main cast members (Nicholas Colasanto aka. Coach) died in real life. He was obviously ill during season 3, and it visibly affected the rest of the cast and added a depth to the show. I can see this in the Dukes movies, and I can see why some people don't want their 'ideal' Hazzard County to be altered.

    As I said, I have mixed feelings, but to me they're the last authentic Dukes, so I won't ignore them.

    Is anyone collecting all these 2 cents - we must have over a nickel by now. :)

  5. I was just getting ready to give clues when MaryAnne swept in with the correct answer. Congratulations to Roger and BL as well.

    Q. In 'Limo One Is Missing', Bo and Luke are driving the presidential limo (just after the great 'Couldn't have been more than a gallon of gas in that can' line) when they pull over and have the car stolen. Waylon says 'There's two accepted ways people get themselves a car. They can buy one, or they can rent one'. He then mentions a third way - what is it called?.

    Shame they didn't have a UK gallon can - they'd have had about 20% more gas in it, although I doubt it would make much difference when you're fueling a limo. :)

  6. Country doesn't have the same following this side of 'The Pond'. We have no CMT, and it certainly wasn't 'hip' to be into Country when I grew up. Having said that, I've always had a wide-ranging and eclectic taste in music, and tend to buy what I like, no matter what others think.

    When I hit my 30s I had to admit that some of my favorite movies and TV shows had Country soundtracks, and I liked them. For those of you who've seen 'Every Which Way But Loose', you'll remember that Clint Eastwood tries chatting up a sociology major at The Palamino who thinks that the Country-Western mentality is 'somewhere between moron and dull-normal' - makes me laugh every time - then again Clint does put some false teeth in her food. The great soundtrack to that movie contains songs by artists like Charlie Rich, Mel Tillis (got to like a man who recorded 'I got the Hoss' :)) and Eddie Rabbitt.

    I guess I'm more old school than most of y'all, listening to artists like those above, Johnny Cash, Glen Campbell, Jerry Reed etc. I'm always open to new artists, so reading other people's favorites just gives me something else to try. Looks like I'd better check out Toby Keith - I've only got 3 tracks by him at present.

  7. Thanks Mufn, I knew there must be a way I could use my laptop to waste hours of the day :). I liked to upgrade descriptions, especially the Darwin Award/JATO one. If anyone is unfamiliar with this urban legend, you can read about it here:

    Jet Assisted Take-Off

    My longest jump so far is just over 36 miles, but I've only been playing it constantly :).

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