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Everything posted by daisydukeXenosstrait

  1. Daisy said "I know, but she has to see that you understand what we've both told you before she'll come back.."
  2. Daisy sighes "She wants you to apoligize for taking her dream is what she said, I didn't know how to put it at first...but do you think you understand and can prove that to her, you don't need to prove it to me,but to her."
  3. Daisy looked down a bit when he snapped at her "Sorry Bo... any way, Lizzy said that she does want to come back, but first she wants you to apoligize for hurting her, she does want to be here with you and the kids thats why she moved the shoot to Georiga, she'll be here with you and the kids but she will go to act when they need her to, do you think that you understand that and you could let her act still?..This is what you have to prove to her..And I hope you can."
  4. Bo nods and smiles "Take your time..why don't you go talk to Daisy, I know ya'll will find something more interesting to do."
  5. Daisy sighed and took Sara in her arms and the baby quieted down a bit "Bo..can you do that?...Honestly?"
  6. Bo nods "If you wanna stay at the farm you can..whatever you want."
  7. Daisy sighes "Bo..Lizzy asked me to talk to you so I am, she said that she does want you back but she wants you to understand why she has to act, she wants you to apoligize for hurting her and telling her what you did, and listen, she moved the acting job here to Georgia so she could be with you and the kids Bo, thats why she did it, can you understand that, she did it because she DOES want to be with ya'll...but I want to know that you fully understand and that you can tell Lizzy that and make sure she believes it, can you do that Bo?"
  8. Luke smiled then and said "Yeah and I guess Bo's right, she's just moving with Enos..It was bound to happen anyway after they got married and its not like she won't see us everyday."
  9. Bo came up to him "Shes going to stay in Hazzard..shes moving with Enos not half way across the country."
  10. Daisy said "It wasn't you two, don't blame your selves..What were you going to say Luke?"
  11. Daisy told them what the doctor say about the baby then about Lizzys idea..she could see hurt and worry in there faces.
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