Sean William Scott was the worst choice for Bo Duke. The character of Bo is somewhat based off John Schneider himself because Schneider is a very attractive man and part of Bo's personality is based off the fact of his physical characteristics. Bo is a natural blond, yes, he has airhead moments but he is still very smooth. Bo is a ladies man, where as Luke was the schemer/planer fighter. Bo was a show off but it was used to impress the women. Sure driving was Bo's passion but it was also a passion used to get him girlfriends and make him feared by other men. Bo Duke used the skills and traits he had to get what he needed in life. Sean William Scott as well as the writers of his character in the movie did a huge disservice because they didn't stop and realize that in order to make something close to Bo Duke, you need to either get the original or get something that is almost an exact copy. If they wanted to do justice to the show, to have a real Dukes movie and not a pile of crap, they should have got an actor who had more physical traits that were close to John. If the kid could pass for John's son then they had something to work with. They also should have had the actor talk to John Schneider and get a feel more for the original character. It is all about 'feel'. John Schneider made Bo Duke. He established the main character base. Sure Schneider had writers telling him what his lines were but as he grew from a youthful eager green teenager into a very handsome well practiced actor, he grew and developed Bo and made that part his own. An actor has done their job well when you look at that part and feel that their are few individuals that could top that performance. Frankly, I myself find it hard to find a replacement for either Duke boy but if they wanted a true actor for the part, they should have used someone like Mathew McConaughey or Owen Wilson for Bo. A well practiced individual who could get into a role of a young handsome southern gentleman with a passion for motorized vehicles and speed. Even a NASCAR driver probably could have made a better Bo because the majority of them are from the south and already have that persona. Sean William Scott had no persona. His acting was flatter than stale popcorn. He was just going in there as a persona of an idiotic teenager who had nothing but speed and sex on his mind. I felt like I was watching some idiotic frat boys that flunked out college and do car stunts. There was more to Bo Duke than that and it was even shown in the first episode One Armed Bandits, when he gave Jill the bag of quarters with his little speech about his home. To me and probably the majority of fans, it was a total lack of respect for those moments that you see in the series. I am going to admit, yes, I do like to watch the movie on occasion and have it on DVD but it is more of something to laugh at and see the car in action than to actually watch the show. I like the original better and those DVD's honestly get more wear than the 2005 pile of crap I own. Even though it is crap, it is still a moment of tribute attempted by Hollywood so I will give it that, even if it was a bad one.