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Val Strate

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Everything posted by Val Strate

  1. MaryAnne does that mean we need to use the giant sling shot or the catapult to send Rosco to the moon? Or maybe we can put him in that big canon ya had earlier and shoot him out of that to the moon! You still got that thing around?
  2. Due to budget cuts and the great talents of this quick thinkin' little squirrel, The Hazzard County Department of Wildlife has adapted this policy for putting out our forest fires. Thank you for your support and please note the following procedure. Val Strate Game Warden (Note edit this I can't get the link to work right so disregard this post)
  3. It should be chocolate pudding! I'd enter into that contest if it was chocolate! Chocolate, next to diamonds is a girl's best friend! Val
  4. Happy belated Birthday Sonny! May you have many, many more! Last time I seen ya, you still looked like a million bucks! Just keep on smiling Buddy Roe! Val
  5. I have a copy of the movie myself and yes I will agree with every statement you just made Brian. However if the acting was better and a few things were tweaked, the whole thing might have been alot better. One thing it does give a person the illusion as to the idea of a 'what if' Bo Duke was now grown up and had a kid and a wife. The main character JR Collier is shown to be rather wreckless, irresponsible and a gambler in the dealings of life. Mmmm, reminds us of anyone? Hint, I'll give you three guesses and the first don't count, yes Bo Duke. So yes, it's not the best but fans of Bo and John will adore this movie, no matter how bad it is.
  6. Meeeeooowww! Sheesh! Ok, I won't ever ask you to say 'cheese'. Remind me not to sign you up for any reality TV shows. You'd probably freak in the Big Brother house. Aaaaahhhh! The camera's! The camera's!
  7. Alright, alright... Sorry, I'll take it out right away. In mean time, how about this nice picture of you making breakfast?
  8. Taking a bubble bath is modernistic? Ok, I didn't know you were living in the stone age Daney.
  9. Alright, well what about this picture I took of ya in the tub, Alex?
  10. How's this grab ya for an avatar? Val Or maybe it's too shocking!
  11. Dude, I just got inspired like yesterday! Thanks for the exstention because maybe, just maybe I might find time to make a quickie story. The wildlife office is getting piled high with paper work. Hey, it's almost hunting season! Val
  12. Brian, I have a cattle clippers that you can borrow and might help with your hair problem. *chuckles* Then you don't have to worry about Doc's duct tape torture. But deathangel is right, Nair is the best to get rid of hair. Just don't leave it on too long. Those chemical burns sting. Ouch! Val
  13. When you look over your shoulder And you see the life that you have left behind When you think it over Do you ever wonder What it is that holds your life so close to mine? You love the thunder and you love the rain What you see revealed within the anger is worth the pain Before the lightining fades and you surrender You got a second to look at the dark side of a man You love the thunder and you love the rain You know you hunger and you know your name I know you wonder how you wonder how you ever came To be a woman in love with a man in search of a flame...
  14. I have to admit I haven't seen White Lightining either but I loved Gator. Seeing Jerry Reed as a bad guy is sooooo awesome. He plays a pretty smooth operator that is pretty dang nasty. I like Jerry Reed as a good guy but the change in his normal casting roles is pretty cool. The fight sences are cool and if any of you notice in the begining with the Grandpa and Gator's daughter with the ATF agents, one of the agents is Sonny Shroyer. No joke. Put it sounds like they dubbed his voice over. He has like one line and his voice sounds like it's dubbed over with a voice over or something. It's weird. Oh well. But Gator is pretty cool. My mom got a kick out of it when I rented it because she's a Burt Renlyons fan.
  15. S-A-T- UR-D-A-YYYYYYY! Niiiiiiiight. Sorry, couldn't help it.
  16. *rolls eyes* Oh brother! Now Alex can't can't function. See what ya gone and done Brian. Sheesh... Like Rosco said, have some respect for the LAW man. Poor MaryAnne... She's getting verbally oggled by all the men in Hnet. *tisk, tisk* Don't worry MA, I'll call the fire department for ya when ya get that biniki. Fact I'll help ya pick one out. I hear Victoria's Secret has a nice swim collection. Of course, I'm a big fan of Cabela's camo colored biniki with safety orange trim around the edges. It's great for going for a swim then bag n' tagging a dear afterward. Maybe we can go shopping for biniki's together?! Ooooh, Cabela's might have it in the new desert camo print! NICE! Val
  17. Epic love scuffle, dance, hussle, whatever ya guys are callin' it... it sure is fun to read. Please, by all means continue... It's nice to see puppy love! Val
  18. All I have to say is that in my professional opinion, in Hazzard shock bark collars do not work. We tried one of those on Brian once... It didn't work and we had to revive him with a chocolate bar. I still feel bad about that one... Sorry Brian. To make my point even more, you're still talking even though you handled one of those, so obiviously the shock collar don't work. Nuff said. Game Warden out... Val
  19. Uh, hate to say it... but ya are and yer ruining my reading of this epic love scuffle between Alex and MaryAnne so get off of the book and let me read the next page! Alex, Mufn, the wildlife department has two extra muzzles. *tosses Alex the muzzles* I also got a bottle of horse tranquilizer that you can use to knock them both out and send them to the pound if necessary. *hands over bottle to Mufn and syringes.*
  20. Too late... We're disrupted. Ooo lookie a frog!
  21. She's been looking like a queen in a sailor's dream, and she don't always say what she really mean. Sundown ya better take care, if I find you've been creeping 'round my back stairs.
  22. Hill that sounds like a fun idear. I haven't had a cold chocolate milk at the Nest in a long time. If anyone is out there, itchin' for a fun time tonight head on over to the chat. I'm waiting around the Nest. Val
  23. You know, when this whole thing started it gave me a queasy feeling in my gut and today it still gives me a queasy feeling every time I think about it. I personally feel we shouldn't be there. The whole issue of this war boils down to two things. Number one is oil. We wouldn't be there in the first place if we weren't so dependant on those gooey hydrogen carbon chains for fueling our cars. There were ways to solve the energy crisis along time ago and those ways have been ignored for at least 20 years now if not more. Desert Storm would have never taken place if it wasn't for OIL! We wouldn't have given two cents about that little tiny county called Kuwait if it wasn't for OIL! On top of that, to add more fuel to the fire, religious extremist in the Middle East have been fighting for years in Israel and Palestine. Muslims have been fighting against Christians for the Holy land for centuries in that part of the world. The fact of the matter is, that now, the Muslims now have a new target to aim there guns at and accomplish their goals of spreading their religion and going to their reward. Truthfully, now I'm not trying to get off topic here but if anyone reads the book of Revelations in the Christian Bible, the last battle of the earth is suppose to be fought in the Middle East near the Holy Land. There are already warning signs from the environment and the on set of these stronger forms of disease that are popping up look like the possibilities of the plaques that the Bible talks about. Now I'm not trying to be preachy here, I'm just being observant as a scholar here in the similarities to the coincidences. This is why I feel queasy about this war. I don't feel we should be there because I feel like it's the wrong thing to do and we may under estimate more than we realize and have to pay heavy, heavy consequences for our actions. Prospects of nuclear war with Iran are scary enough to say, 'hey, let's get the heck out of here'. I don't care if we are the most powerful nation in the world. The thought of having a five year old with a .22 pistol in his hands pointed at you is scary, even if you are an adult and older and smarter and you know how to use the gun better than the five year old. The fact of the matter is, is that the five year old has a gun and it's pointed at you. That's my point about Iran and other developing countries that are getting nuclear capabilities. You tick these kids off enough, they are going to shoot their guns and guess what, and we’re dead, end of story. Personally, my solution to this ordeal is simple. We pull the heck out of the Middle East in the military sense but tell them that we are here for them economically and diplomatically. We focus our attention on more diplomatic ways to make peaceful pacts with these counties and all the while we talk about peace with them, back home we invest our energy and money on marketing alternative energy and eco-friendly tactics to business to our own people to lessen our dependence on OIL!
  24. Did someone say rabies shots?! Let me look around here for one. Doc ya got an extra syringe I can use to give Alex his rabies shot. While we are at it, maybe we need to give him a shot for distemper! Or ooooo, I know, vacinate him for Mad Cow disease! That should keep him from foaming like a rootbeer float! Val
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