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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Kathy called her parents and said That they where going to be a few days Late cause they wanted to have a meral Service for their baby.she told Them that J.R Ewing showed up in Hazzard Kyle wasn't impressed. and said Kathleen we will bring a doctor with us. and your mother and I are on our way to Hazzard You can't handal J.R Ewing on your own.Bye Kathleen. Kathy Put down the phone and said Well My parents are coming to Hazzard. and they are bring a doctor to do your therphy Baby. Luke smiled and said I look forward to the pain. Kathy just said Now Luke.and she kissed him.
  2. Bobby and I was getting close but J.R kept interfering and I just couldn't talke the Backstabbing anymore So I told Bobby oh he begged me not to go but I told him That I couldn't live like this. normal families don't hurt each other they stick up and love each other. So I said Good-bye and I left Dallas and Move back home to Chicago.
  3. Dusty was holding the baby.and she interduced her baby to the family and Dusy said Oh Kathy Leventa is beautiful. Kathy smiled and said Thanks. they visted for a while and then they left
  4. Luke looked at Kathy and said Baby what's the story between you and the Ewings? Kathy said IT's along story. Well lets go in the house and I will tell you. S o they went into the house. as Kathy was telling the story she was missiong Luke's Legs.. They where all in the living room. Kathy said It all started after I graduated from Collage.I went to Dallas Texas to work at the hospital out there.well I was there I say about Three months when I met the Ewings You see Their father Jock Ewing just had a heart attick and I was one of the doctors that treated him. and they sent me out to tell the Ewings about it Miss Elly was the first one to see me and I told Her that Mr Ewing was Fine but he needed to take it easy andhave a stress free enverment and I hurd Bobby say with J.R around that will be impossable. I knew right there That Bobby was Different. well 2 months later Bobby and I started to Date.and it was great, But J.R kept interfering.
  5. Kathy said Luke who is that girl dancing with Bo? Luke smiled and said who that's Bo's new love intrested I think her name is Anatasia Smith. Kathy said Ok I was Just woundering. Bo walked over and said Well Cousin we are leaving. and Luke said Ok see you Later at the farm. and Bo grabbed Anatasia's hand and went out the door. Got in the General Lee and Left.
  6. Kathy looked at Billy Bob and said go right ahead I will just get my Parents in Volver and and Beleive me you don't want to mess with the Spencer's Just ask your COUSIN J,R. J.R Lookedat him and said lets get out of here. and they got in the car and Left and Kathy said Oh Bill Bob Expect a call from our lawyer whitch is Rebecca spencer my mother about the accident.
  7. Bo smiled and said Well Sweetheart that is my cousin Luke And his beautiful wife Kathy. Lucy Just looked at Kathy more closly and she renised her and she thought oh no. she's going to give me away.Lucy remembered that she use to date her Uncle Bobby.
  8. Kathy looked at Emma and said Ya I know J.R I use to date his younger brother Bobby. We dated before he met Pam. and Ya he didn't like me eather he said I wasn't good enought for his brother. and he did every thing in his power to break Bobby and I up. But it didn't work at first. But I got so sick of the meddling and back bitting I left Dallas and Bobby and went back to Chicago.. J.r Just looked at Kathy and said ya and when i went to Chicago to do a bunisse deal you sicked your father on me. Kathy started to laugh and said Ya I did. Luke Just gave her a look and he smiled.
  9. Kathy walked into the Boars Nest She was Meeting Luke There they where Married. Man she Loved being Mrs Luke Duke. she Walked over to the table where Luke was sitting and she saw the Girl that Bo was Dancing with and She though it can't be. and she sat down Luke smiled and said hello Sweetheart. Kathy smiled and Gave him a Kiss.
  10. Luke hurd a car Pull up and he said Lets go see what's going on and that 's what they Did. When Kathy saw who it was Kathy said Oh No. J.R looked at her and said you. What are you doing here? Kathy smiled and said I can ask you the same thing J.r I belong here .This is my husband Luke Duke. Now Your turn. J.R Looked at Kathy and said Im here to get my cousin's daughter. Bo looked at him and said He ain't his Bill bob looked at Emma and said I was right she is Luke's and Bo said No she's mine.
  11. Ya .Just then they hurd a car pull up. Uncle Jesse went to the window and said It Kathy and the boys. Uncle Jesse went out the door. and Emma followed him. OUTSIDE... Kathy saw Emma and she smiled. and then she got her attion back on Luke Bo Helped him in the the wheel chair and Kathy pushed him Luke looked at Kathy and Said sweetheart lets take a walk to the place where we got married. Kathy smiled and said Ok and they started to walk. Kath, How do you really feel about having Emma staying at the farm.Luke ask. Kathy smiled and said I 'am fine with it Baby. If I wasn't beleive me you would know. Luke laughed and said Ok Sweetheart. Let's stop right here. Kathy stopped and she sat down on the Pinic Table. Luke looked at her in the eyes. and said Come on Sweetheart something is bothering you tell me if it ain't Emma what is it. Luke I don't know I just feel so drained.Kathy said , Sweetheart we just lost our baby that could talk alot out of you and now you are dealing with me.you realy never had time to morn over our Baby. Luke said Kathy couldn't hold it back anymore she just started to cry. and Luke held her and he said There you go sweetheart let it all out.
  12. Uncle Jesse walked out of the room and he had a smile on his face and said Ya I hurd of The Ewings OF Dallas and yes they are a powerful family but We have a powerful and rich family on ourside as well. MEANWHILE BACK AT THE HOSPITAL. The Doctor came in and released Luke. and then Kathy called her parents and told them that they will be leaving Hazzard in a few hours cause they desided to have a smal memeral servis for the baby they lost. Bo came back and told Luke that the small memeral stone was in place by aunt Leventa's Grave and Luke said Thanks .Then the nurse came in with a wheel Chair and Bo and Kathy helped Bo in the chair amd then they wheeled him out to the firebird. There was all ready a wheel chair in the car. They helped Luke In and Kathy said we are going to the farm .Bo said Ok I will follow you. So Kathy got in her fire bird and headed for Hazzard.
  13. AT THE HOSPITAL..... They all walk into Dusty's Room and she looked at them and she said Wht the Hell happend to all of you. Kathy told her what had happened.
  14. AT TTHE FARM.. Uncle Jesse and Emma got out of the truck and went into the house and Uncle Jesse went into Luke and Kathy's room and started to pack them a suit case for their trip to chicago Uncle Jesse was real worried about Luke.but he knew with the good Lords help and the doctors Luke would walk again. he said a little prayer.
  15. Kathy's cell phone rings and she looked at it and it was Mark. She said Hello. and Mark said Hay Kat I Just got a call from Brain and he toldme about Luke we are getting everything ready do you need me of Carol to fly up there and Help you on the way back.Kathy smiled and said No I think I can handal my husband On my own. Mark laughed and said I bet you can. Ok see you when you get here and remember we need to start the therophy as soon as we can. Kathy said Ok see you then Bye and then she hung up the phone...
  16. Just at that moment Uncle Jesse Bo and Daisy walked in and Luke told Them What was going on and Uncle Jesse said Ya Emma you are welcome at the Farm. Kathy when do you have to leave ? Brain said As soon as The docter released Luke. and Mom and dad will sent the Plane and they will be there waiting for us when we land. So I will go back to the farm and Back a suit case for you and Luke Uncle Jesse said.Kathy said Thanks Uncle Jesse and she Looked at Emma and Cooter and said Emma why don't you and Reba come with me.and they left and Cooter Left too And daid Said Ya I hAVE to go to work and Bo has to take me cause I'm leaving my Jeep here in case Kathy needs it. and They left. and Luke and Kathy was alone and Luke said Sweetheart I would Like to have a memery servis for our baby. Kathy smiled and said Luke that would be wounderful and she Kissed him,
  17. Luke Looked at Kathy and said It ain't Just up to me. Kathy Looked at him and said she can stay.with Us Oh Luke I have to tell you something we might have to go to Chicago to finish your theropy causr Brain said You need a more intence Thorpy and This hospital Justdoesn't have the equment /and we can stay with my Parents and You will be going to the best hospital in Chicgo County Remember I use to work there. Luke looked at her and said Call your parents and tell them they will have house guests for a while. So Kathy called her Parents and said Ok call us back and we will sent the family plane.Kathy got off the phone and told Luke. Luke said Great now we have to Tell the rest of the family.Luke said.
  18. Bo Went to Emma's room and told Cooter about him and Luke Not being on Probation anymore and Cooter said Tha's great it's about time you Dukes get some good News. NEXT DAY.. Kathy walked into the Hospital and Into Luke's room. Luke smiled when he saw her. and said Howdy beautiful. Hi Handsome Kathy said as he kissed her and he whispared I love you. I love you too baby. Just Then Brain walked in and said Okare you ready for your first day of theropy. and Luke said Sure. and Brain Started to massage Luke's Legs and H e was showing Kathy how to do it and then they started to do the Leg excerises and Kathy could see the pain in Luke's face and Kathy said Brain STOP . This is hurting Luke. Brain said Luke how bad is the pain. And Luke said It's real bad. and Brain said Ok and He said I will be right back Kathy seen the concerned look on Brains face. and Kathy followed him. OUT IN THE HALL.. Kathy walked up to him and said Brain said what's going on and Brain said Kat we need to send Luke to Chicago for therpy because the kind of therphy he need this hospital doesn't have and we need to do it soon or Luke will not walk again. Kathy said Ok I know of a hospital County. Brain smiled and said I though you would say County I will call Mark and Peter and Kathy you need to call your parents too Brain said Ok Thanks Brain and Kathy went back to the room and when she came back Emma and Cooter was in the room and Luke said there she is My Beautiful Wife.
  19. Daisy had left to check on thing at the farm. She Had just gotten back and she had a strange look on her face Luke looked at her and said Daisy What's wronge? Daisy said you and Bo got thisletter from the Govoner and Daisy handed it to Luke and Luke opened it and read it. and all he did was YEEEEHAAAA. DOWN THE HALL IN EMMA'S ROOM.. Cooter had interduced Kathy to Emma when they hurd Luke do a yeehaa Kathy got a worried look and she said Excuse me and she ran back to . Luke's room. IN LUKE'S ROOM... Kathy ran in and said Baby what's going on? Luke smiled and said Sweetheart for once us Dukes got some good news Me and Bo are off probation. and Kathy smiled and she gave him a hug and Kissed him. and Cooter did a YEEHAA..
  20. BACK IN LUKE'S ROOM.... Uncle Jesse Noticed that Luke was down and he looked at Luke and said What's the matter boy? Luke looked at him and saidMine and Kath Baby I would Like a Memory service for it But I don't know how to bring it up to Kath. Uncle Jesse smiled and said It's a good Idea .all you have to do is talk to her and ask her what she thinks about it but wait til you are alone to mention it that way she won't feel opgated because the family is around this is something that you two has to decide and don't worry you and Kathy will have a child. Luke smiles and said Thanks Uncle Jesse.
  21. MEANWHILE IN LUKE'S ROOM.. Everyone hurd the comation and Cooter Said I will go and see what's going on and Kathy said I will go with you Cooter. So Kathy Kissed Luke and said I will be right back and Luke said You better. Kathy just smiled and her and Cooter left the room. and They walked into Emma's room and Cooter said What in the Hell is going on in here we could hear you all the way down the Hall.
  22. The doctor walked in the room. and Kathy renised him and she said hay Brain How are you? Brain Smiled and said Hay Kat. Luke Looked at her and Kathy smiled and said .This is your patant My Husband Luke Duke. and He walked up to Luke and Said Hi I'm Your Therpest Dr Brain Spencer. I need to asked you a few Questions. Ok can you feel anything in your legs? and Luke said I can't feel anything. ok I'am going to start with a warm macagge on your legs I will teach Kat how to do this so she can do it when you go home.and Luke said Thanks Doc. I will start tommorow morning. so see ya then (looking at Kathy) see ya coz.Then Brain walked out the Door. and Kathy said That was My cousin Brain .
  23. Well he must be feeling better he kissing his beautiful wife Cooter said. Luke Just laughs and Luke Looked at Kathy and said Ok I will do the therphy if my beautiful wife is with me? Kathy said I wouldn't have it any other way. The doctor walked in and said I set up some appoments for you Luke to see the therpast and he will come in the room Later to interduce himself.
  24. Kathy treated everyone andthen she hurg Leventa start to cry and then she went into the living room to the bassenet and picked her andshe was scoked andKathy smiled and she took her to the bed room and changed her and then when she was done they went back down staries amd then she remembered about Dusty and then she said I have to go back to the Hospital I forgot Dusty had her baby and they all got up and headed for the hospital to see Dusty.
  25. IN LUKE'S ROOM.. Luke looked at Kathy and said I'am sorry Kath, I love you you are the only one that I have ever said those words too, Oh Girls have said them to me but I never said them back. We have only been together for a 1 and a half but we have been threw alot. Ya and we will be threw alot more. you ain't getting rid of me Luke. Kathy Said. Luke smiled and said I never want to get rid of you.You are my other half. Luke said as he pulled her down and he kissed her. Just at that moment Bo Daisy Jesse and Cooter walked in.
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