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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. 2 HOURS LATER.. Luke Parked the General By the Jeep and he sat there and then he said How would the family like to go to California to met your grandmother, Jesse said Dad Grandma spencer is in Chicago. Luke smiled and said Not Grandma Spencer Grandma Duke. Jesse just gave him a Look and Said Dad I though she was dead?
  2. they got in the cars and headed back to the farm and Luke Picked up the cb and said go aheaded sweetheart and tell everyone we are coming home. Kathy smiled and shetook the cb and said Pretty Lady to home base we are coming home Over and out. BACK AT THE FARM.... Everyone cheered.
  3. Luke was quite all the way home. AT THE FARM.. Kathy said Baby all you all right. and Luke got out of the Jeep and started to walk and Kathy Knew he needed to be alone for a while So she went int the house and did what she needed to do. 1 HOUR LATER.. Kathy was feeding the animals When she saw Luke coming back to her. and he walked over to her and said You know how many times I went to that cliff where they died and wished I had Died with them. and Now I find out that my mother is alive how come she didn't come get me? Kathy said I don't Know sweetheart You have to ask your mother that. Luke looked at her and said Kath, I love you,and he brought her close to him and he Kissed her. Just then They hurd the General come Home and Luke Looked at Jesse and saw that he had Leventa in the General Lee and Kathy said What's going on and Jesse said that Leventa fell at the play ground at school and they couldn't get threw to the house or your cells So they called me She Broke her arm. Kathy didn't understand why they couldn't get a hold of her on her cell Kathy took it and it was shut off and so was Luke's and they had no idea how it got shut off and then Leventa said I shut them off cause every time they ring you and daddy leave and I also turned the ringer off the house phone for the same reason. Kathy wanted to be mad at Leventa but she relised that she was right they weren't spending time together has a family and Kathy said Sorry baby that will change right now, and she looked at her daughter's arm and Jesse was right it was broken and Kathy said come on Let's go to the hospital and get your arm in a cast.
  4. JR Said No Lucy we are staying in Hazzard for a while I have a score to settle with Kathleen Spencer. Bobby looked at him and Said It's Duke.
  5. Luke Looked at Mike and said Mike No, Jack Looked at Luke and said Well Sargent you disobayed a Direct order now you Will pay. and he actived the belt and he pushed Kathy towards Luke and He said You have a choise Duke to catch Me or save your wife. and we both know with one you will do. And Jack took off and Luke Ran to Kathy. Bo hoped in the General and Took off after Jack. And Luke Ran to Kathy. Kathy said Baby Go Jesse and and Leventa needs you. No I will Not Leave you. Michael Ran down and he said Luke I can defuse the belt. Luke said Michael hurry. So Michael said Kathy stand as sill as you can.and Michael went to work. MEANWHILE IN THE GENERAL LEE.. Bo was chasing Jack and Bo Jumped the General and he landed right in front of Jack's car. and he got out of the General and Starthed to fight with Jack But Jack had Lost the fight before it even began. Bo Called Rosco On the Cb and Told him to come and Pick Jack up. After Rosco came and picked up Jack and took him to Jail. Bo go Back in the General and headed back to Crystal Lake Bridge. BACK AT THE BRIDGE.. Michael had gotten the Belt off Kathy and Now he was working on defusing the bom. Luke said Hurry Brother you have 2 minutes left. Michael said Luke Get Kathy out of here and Take Mike with you. Kathy looked at him and said No we are not going anywhere. Michael cut the lat wire and the timer stopped. and he took the belt and he said its defused.
  6. Cooter said Wow Luke your mother is alive. Luke Just smiled. Kathy noticed that Luke was covering something up. and She said Baby we need to get back to the Farm I would Like to get some things done before I have to go get Leventa. and Luke said good-bye to Cooter and They got in the Jeep and headed for the farm.. AT THE FARM..
  7. Luke saw the time and he said to all Dukes we need to regroup. It's almost time for me to met Jack at the Bridge. They said ok and they all met at still site #3. at still site #3... Luke said Ok I will drive the General to the bridge. Bo will be in the backseat ducked down. The rest of you will be on the otherside of the bridge behind Kath and Jack but becarful Jack is trained for this. their might be traps. MEANWHILE AT THE BRITGE.. Jack had Kathy by the arm tightly. Kathy said you know you won't get away with this. Jack smiled and said Oh ya I will you see Mrs Duke. Remember the belt I put on you. Well it has gun powder in it. Kathy said you never planed to let me go. you are going to killboth of us and Then Kathy started to move to get away. But Jack Just smiled. Then they saw the General Lee coming down the road. and STOPPED. Luke got out and started walking towards the britge. Kathy said Luke No It;s a trap. Luke looked at Jack and he started to walk towards him and said Jack let her go this is between you and Me.
  8. Luke got on the Cb and said This is Lost Sheep #1 congradulations guy I know Kath will be happy to hear that the Duke family is getting bigger. MEANWHILE IN THE ICE HOUSE.. Kathy hurd the news and she just smiled. Jack walked over to her and he grabbed her and said Well Mrs. Duke It's time to get ready and see if Sargent Duke can take orders as well as he can give them. He let Kathy to the car. and headed for Crystal Lake Bridge Mike(Luke's Brother) saw the car go bye and he saw Kathy in It and he got on the CB and said To all Dukes Country Music. BACK AT THE HOUSE.. Reba looked at Tracy as she went to the CB and changed the channal to Channal 19. and Reba asked what does country Music Mean and Jessica told her.That it was a Dukes code to change the cb channal. and Reba said Oh. IN THE GENERAL LEE.. Luke said This is Lost Sheep #1 what's going on? Mike said I just saw a Black 4 door sadan go by me and Kathy was in it.it was headed towards Crystal Lake Bridge.
  9. Ya sure lets go.Bo Said. Luke told Tracy to turn on the house cb Just in case they need help. and Tracy said OK Luke.
  10. well I have to ask Reba about that, But I have to go. ok Talk to you later bye. Michael but down the phone and looked at Luke and said sorry Luke and Luke Just smiled. Luke's cell Phone rang and Luke said it was Kathy's Phone and He said Luke here. Jack said Remember Sargent no one just you if I see a trace of anyone she's dead. Jack let me talk to Kath, Luke said. and JACK SAID nO tricks. The next voice her hurd was Kathy's Luke smiled and said Hay Sweetheart, How are you? Kathy smiled and said Oh I'am fine Just a little cold. I love you Luke. Luke said I love you too sweetheart. and then the phone went dead. Luke was quite and then he started to smile and said Kath is at the old ice house. Reba said how do you know that Uncle Luke? cause when I asked how she was she said she was cold. Luke said. Bo smiled and said Man we could use her as a Ranger.(Reba looked confused) You see by saying she was cold she was give Luke a Key word to help us know where she is at. Oh and when she said Cold. Ok I get it now Reba said. Luke looked at Reba and said can you stay here with Leventa . Reba said sure. Tracy said I will stay here too. Bo kissed Tracy and said Thanks. tracy looked at them and said Bring Kathy home I need my bestfriend. Jessica said Mike becareful. Mike looked at his wife and said ain't I always. Jesicca Just gave him a look. and he smiled.
  11. Luke and Bo walked in the house.. Reba looked at Her Uncle Luke and told him about the hospital. and Luke said Shoot I should have known it was a trick. and Bo said we need to work together as a family to get Kathy back.
  12. Kathy had called Luke and told he need to get to the hospital and Luke said Ok.
  13. Carol said I will Oh My has an 80th birthday coming up and I was woundering if you and your family could come to California. Luke said I don't Know I have to talk it over with my wife Kathy.But I will let you know . Oh you have a nephew he's 18 and his name is Jesse Kyle and you have a neace she is 5 and her name is Leventa Rose. Carol smiled and said thats great you have a neace and she's 5 also and her name is Rose Marie. and I know she will be thrilled to have a cousin that she can play with.Well talk to you later. Yup talk to you later bye and Luke hung up the cell Phone and handed it back to Kathy and then he told Kathy what was going on.
  14. Reba looked at her Uncle and said Spill it. Luke smiled and said Jack and I were in the Marines together I put him in the brig when he killed his buddy after his buddy cought him stealing from him. and he was court maeshaled because of it. well about 6 years after I got out of the Marines he broke out of Jail and came to Hazzard and there was a huge hunt for him well to make a lone story he had Uncle Jesse and Daisy be decoys while me and Bo drove them the other way but in the end they were cought but he also said he would get me. and now he has Kath, Luke's cell phone rings. and Luke pickes it up and said Luke Here. Luke don't do it Baby.Kathy said. Luke said Kath, Kath, (but Kathy didn't answer Jack answered) Sargent Duke I want you to met me at Cyristal Lake bridge in 2 hours. Oh and Sargent I want you to come alone if I see any trace that you are being followed you won't have a beautiful wife and your children will lose there mother.. Luke yelled into the phone and said Don't you hurt her. Jack just laught and said now that all depends on you. Jack said as he hangs up. Luke looked at every and said I gotta go. and he headed out to the General Bo looked at everyone and said I will be right back. and he followed Luke out side. Luke was Just getting in the General. Bo said Luke You don;t have to do this alone. Luke looked at him and said Ya I do Bo she woundn't be in this mess if it wasn't for me. MEANWHILE IN THE HOUSE.. Reba called the hospital and asked them if they called Dr Kathy Duke In and Lisa said No she is on leave she Just had a Baby. and Reba said Thanks. and she hung up the phone.
  15. Luke took the Keys to Reba's car and he said Thanks Bo got up and said I'm going with you. and and He Handed Leventa to Reba and Luke Looked at Reba and said Will tou watch Leventa and Reba said Sure. and Him and Bo went out and got in Reba's car and took off.. MEANWHILE IN THE GENERAL.. Kathy noticed that she was being followed and she put the General in gear and said Ok General it;s show time and she took off . Jack was having a hard time keeping up with her. but he finily did. and he cut her off and she stopped and Kathy looked at him and said what do you want and Jack smiled and said Well I want you Mrs. Duke. Pulling out his gun He said get out of the car Kathy grabbed for the cb and she said Luke hELP but Jack pulled her out of the General. IN REBA'S CAR.. Luke hurd Kathy he got on the cb and said Kath come back Kath come on sweetheart answer me. .. Then Bo spotted the General. and they got out of the car andheaded for the General and they looked around and Luke saw there was a strugal and then he noticed Kathy's Locket that he had gotten her when Leventa was born and Bo noticed the other tire tracks. Luke looked at Luke and said he's got her And I'am going to get her back Luke headed for the General But Bo stopped him and said you mean us. Luke looked at him and said No I mean Me Just Me. He wants to get even with me that's why he took Kath. Bo walked up to him and said Luke we will find Kat as a family No I will Drive Reba's car back and you drive the General Back Luke said Ok and they headed back to the Farm.. AT THE FARM.. Jesse was out doing his chores when he saw his dad get out of the General but his mom wasn't with him he walked to him and said Dad Whats going on? He put his arm around Jesse and said Come on son I will tell you with the others and he went in the house Reba noticed the Look on her Uncle's Face and she said Uncle Luke is everything all right? Luke looked at her and said No it ain't and he told the rest of the family whay was going on.
  16. While everyone was getting to know each in the house. there was someone on the hill above the farm watching then. Jack said I will wait till Mrs Duke is a lone. IN THE HOUSE.. The phone rings. Luke answers it and said Duke Farm Luke speaking Ya she's right here. coving the Phone Kath Phone it's the hospital. Kathy walked to the phone and said Hello Ok I'am on my way I will be there in 5 Minutes. Ok Bye. Kathy said as she put the phone down and looked at everyone and said Soory everyone there is an emerency at the hospital. Luke walked over to her and said take the General he's faster and Sweetheart remember Jack is still out there. Kathy smiled and said Baby I will be fine and she kissed him Luke said Kath I love you and she said I love you too sweetheart.and she went out the door. Bo looked at Luke and said Ok cousin what's going on? and Luke told him about Jack. Bo said I thought he was in Jail? Ya he was.Luke said. Rosco looked at Luke and said The state police hasn't found him Yet. Then They hur the General Start up and head to town. Luke started to get this strange feeling.
  17. Levnta started to cry. and Kathy said Excuse me Bo said KAT bring my neace out her so I cand see her.. Kathy said ok. and she Left stacy and BJ SAID Where's Jesse? Luke smiled and said he's out in the barn. Stacy and BJ left to find Jesse. Kathy came dow the stairs carring Leventa and she walked over to Bo and handed him his Neace and he looked at Kathy and said Thank God she looks like her mother. Luke Just gave Bo a dirty look and Bo Just smiled Kathy looked at Reba and said they do this everytime they are together sometimes I think they are as bad as the kids. Luke walkes over to Kathy and Kisses her. Tracy took their things up to their room.and then she came back down.
  18. Carol couldn't beleive that he called her back.She said I know you probly won't beleive this but your Mother Rose Duke is a live and I'am your sister Caroline Jorden. My mother is alive (Kathy looked at him) and you are my sister, I do beleive you cause about 10 years ago I found out our Brother Judd is a live. Ask Mom about him.
  19. In California. Caroline walked over to her mother and kissed her and said Mom I have to go I have some arrens I need to do and Rose looked at her daughter and said Ok dear give Kevin and Little Rose a kiss for me and she said I will Mom. and she left. she went out side and then she got her cell Phone out and called her husband Kevin and she told him what her mother just told her. And Kevin said Well Carol you need to get a hold of him call the Hazzard Police if you have to your mother is dieing and she needs to see him and his family and I think that he needs to see her.BUt Kev Luke thinks Mom is dead how can I call him and tell him I'am his sister and our mother is alive.Carol Said Carol you need to do it. Do it for mom. Kevin said Carol smiled and said You are right Thanks Kev I love you Bye. Bye Baby I love you. Kevin said. Carol deiled again but this time she deiled the Hazzard police after she called infomation to get the number. IN HAZZARD.. at the courthouse.. The phone rings. Cletus pickes it up and said Hazzard county Depudy Cletus Hogg Speaking. Hi Depudy I'am Caroline Jorden and I was woundering if A Luke Duke still lives in Hazzard? Cletus smiles and said Yes mam he does, Great I need to talk to him it's very important will you please give him my number. and she gives cletus her number. and he said I will make sure he gets this.Have a great day. Carol said Thanks and she hung Up. Cletus looked out the window and he saw Kathy and Luke over at Cooters So he walked outside to give him the number. OVER AT COOTER'S Luke saw Cletus walking towards them and Cletus said Hay Luke I have something for you and he handed him Carol's Number and Luke looked at him and said Whats this and he said that Lady called the station looking for you and she said she need to talk to you it was very inportant,But I don't know what it was about cause she didn't say.Luke looked at Cletus and said thanks Cletus. and then Cletus walked to his car and went on Patrol. Luke looked at the number and he looked at Kathy and said What do you think Sweetheart? Kathy smled and said Call her Baby and Kathy handed him her cell phone and he called the number. IN CALIFORNIA Carol was just coming in the door when her cell phone rings she took it out of her purse and said Hello , Hi Carol this is Luke Duke you wanted to talk to me about something
  20. Caroline looked confused. and Rose went on with the story. Well Luke's Father Hank was very mean to me he hit me for no reason.But I didn't have anyone to talk to I knew his brother Jesse wouldn't beleive that his little brother could do smoething like that So I decided to take matters into my own hands. I was going to leave Hank and Take Luke with me. I WAS Packing and Hanks came home and cought me and he got real mad and he started to hit me. right in front of Luke. I had to get out of there So Somehow I got past him I grabbed Luke and got in my car and took off But Hank was right beside me and he tried to push me off the road so I pushed back and we both pushed each other off the road Hanks Car went off the cliff and Exploded and I thought he could have Jumped out So I hitched a ride and went to the police and told them and They made me leagal dead and Luke went to Live With His Uncle Jesse and Aunt Leventa. But I found out 2 years latter that Hank did die But that time I had met your father and I was pregnet with you. MEANWHILE IN HAZZARD... Kathy and Luke was getting ready to take Leventa to School. Leventa was Upset cause she want to be taken to school in the General Lee But Luke said Baby I will take you to school in the General tomorrow and Leventa said Ok
  21. IN THE GENERAL LEE.. Jesse stopped at Rachael's house(his Girlfriend) and he beeped the horn and she came running out and she got in the General Lee and Rachael schooted over to be closer to Jesse and she said Cool I never thought That your dad would let you have the General Lee. Jesse smiled and said we are off to school. SOMEWHERE IN CALIFORNIA.. Caroline came to vist her mother in the nurseing home. she walked into her mothers room and her mother was still holding that same picture of a little boy about 2 years old but evertime she had asked about him her mother would put the picture away. She walked over to her mother and said Mom are you all right? Rose looked at her daughter and said No I'am not all right. I need to tell you something. (still looking at the picture) This is your brother Lucas Kyle Duke. he was shuch a good baby and I miss him a hold lot. Mom is he dead?Caroline asked. Rose looked at her Daughter and said No he isn't dead he lives in Hazzard County Georgia.
  22. This is a stoy about When Luke finds out that his mother is a Live and he has a half Sister Named Caroline. Jesse is 18 and he's getting ready to graduate from high school. and Liventa is Now 5 and she will be starting school. so how will Luke react to find out about his mother.Stick around and find out Jesse was in his room getting ready for school Kathy walks to the door and said Jesse you better hurry you don't want to be late. Jesse said ok mom and he walked out of his room Kathy smiled when she saw her son he has Dark curly hair and baby blue eyes Just like his father. Kathy walked over to her son and she straited up his tie. Mom I had waring this thing Why can't I take my senior pictures in Jeans. Kathy smiled and said cause You are a handsome young and hansome young men looks great in a tux. and I know I have to fight with your father to ware a tux too. Jesse Just smiles. Just then Leventa walks out of her room and Jesse said Hay squart. Leventa gave him a dirty look and said Don't call me Squart. Kathy said Now Jesse be have. Luke walked in the house and he smiled and said Jesse you better get to school. Jesse looked at his dad and said Thanks. Luke threw him the Keys to the General Lee Jesse looked at him and smiled and went out the door and he hurd the General Lee start up and he hurd Jesse yell YEEEHAAA. Luke just smiled. Kathy just looked at him and Luke said Sweetheart he asked me last night if he could drive the General Lee to school he wanted one of his senior pictures taken with the General Lee. Kathy said calm down Baby He had asked me also and I told him I was ok with it as long as he was careful and if said it was ok. Luke walked ovwer to her and kissed her and Leventa said excuse me I'am still here and they both laughted.
  23. Kathy smiled and said you don't have to tell me about how the Ewings are I use to date Bobby.Way before I met Luke and it wasn't a very good experence. MEANWHILE IN THE CABIN.. Jake decided to go after the one person that Sargent Duke can't live without his wife ya if he took his wife Sargent Duke would feel the pain that he had felt.
  24. The doctor came out and told Bo and Emma about Reba. Billy Bob Seen his chance and he saw that noone was in the room So he picked up Reba and Levt the Hospital with her.
  25. Kathy walked up to Reba and put her arms around her and said Welcome to the Duke Family. Reba just smiled. MEANWHILE IN A CABIN,, Jack was making his plan to get Luke and make him pay for what he had done to him.
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