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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Ok Ok ,Mikey you can be Quarterback. Luke Said. YAAAA Mikey Said. But Dad.Jesse Said. Luke Just Gave Jesse a Look/ and Jesse said Ok Dad But Just for a little while. So they all went outside to play football. Kathy Just Smile; And Said I will Let Mikey soften him up and then Later I will Tell him About The Baby.
  2. What ever Michael Has Planned I know you will have a great time. Kathy Said Luke gave Kathy astrange look. and he looked at Jesse and said Want to go threw the football with me son. Ya Dad Just let me put my back pack up in my room. Jesse Said. Little mike looked at his Uncle and said Me Too. Luke smiled and said Ya you too.
  3. Ok If you think it will work. But I don't think it Will. Jesse hurd the General Lee pull in the yard and Helled Mom Dad is home. Kathy looked at Jessica and said well here we go. Luke walked into the house and said Kath are you ok Dusty said she saw you crying. I'am fine sweetheart. Kathy Said.
  4. Kathy was sitting in her chair.and she looked out the window and she saw the General Lee Parked over at Cooter's so She got up and grabbed her Jacket. and she headed for Cooter's Garage. Kathy walked out of the hospital and down the road a little to Cooter's Garage. and she was about to go in when she hurd Luke say that he was glad that Kathy wasn't pregnet. Kathy didn't even got in the Garage she Just ran to her Fire Bird. As Kathy Got in her Car Dusty walked By and she Noticed that Kathy was cring but she didn;t get a chance to talk to her cause she pulled her Red firebird out and headed for the Farm. Dusty headed for the Garage and to see if Luke Knew what was going on. IN THE GARAGE. Dusty walked in and she had told Luke what had Happened and Luke told her he had no Idea what was going on. So he got in the General and headed for the farm to talk to Kathy. AT THE FARM.. Kathy Stopped her car and went into the house and she didn't even notice That Jesse Ross, Bylanda ,Bonnie and Jessica was there she Just went up to her and Luke's room. Jesse Looked at his Aunt and said Aunt Jessica What's the matter with mom? Jessica looked at Jesse and said I don't know but I will find out .(looking at the kids.)Stay here I will be right back. Then Jessica got up and headed for Luke and Kathy's room. UPSTAIRS-kathy's and Luke's room. Jessica walked in and she saw Kathy Lying on the bed. and Kathy was cring. Jessica walked up to her and said Kat what's the matter? Kathy looked at Jessica and said Luke doesn't want another Baby. Jessicca didn't get what she was tring to tell her. and Kathy said Jes, I'm Pregnet.
  5. In Alanta// Bp Parked the Firebird right in front of the policestation. and they got out of the car. Kathy Looked at Luke and said Baby you al right. he smiled and he looked at her and said. this our first full day of being married i just never pictured our first day being married being stuck in a police department/ Luke Said INSIDE THE POLICE STATION. Bo walked up to the police officer who was at the Desk. as Kathy has Luke sit down on the bench cause of his rips. Bo Said Excuse Me.Me and My cousin Luke Duke are here to file charges on Zack Willams and his friends. The officer smiled and said Yes wee where expecting you. boy you boy have big connections Judge Spencer did everything to keep Zack and his friends here till you boys could get here.The officer Said. Bo just smiled and said Well Judge Spencer is family now. my cousin Luke Married his Daughter Kathy. The Judge looked over at them and said congradulations. and then he walked over and said fill out this paper. and then we will press the chargers. 20 minutes Later. Luke finished filling out the papers and then he handed it to Kathy and said Sweetheart can you fill out the ingury part cause my ribs are killing me. Kathy Said Ok But she reached into her purse and handed him a pain pill Bo got up and got some water and then he gave it to Luke. Kathy filled out the injerys part of the paper and then she got up and gave it to the officer and he said thank you.if we you can go and if we have any questions we will call you. So Kathy Said Thank You. and then she walked back to Luke and Bo and she said wwe can go. So they got up and headed for Hazzard.
  6. BACK AT THE HOSPITAL.. Kathy just finshed her rounds. and she was in her office When Dr Beth Jorden walked in. and said Kathy are you all right? Well Beth i feel lousie. I think I'm coming down with the flu.Kathy Said. Why don't you cpme to my office and I will take a look. So Kathy got up and followed herr to her office. 1 HOUR LATER.. Kathy was waiting for Beth to come back with the test results. Beth walked in her office with a smile on her face and she sat down and said Kathy I have some great news it's not the flu. You are pregnet. Kathy was quite for a while and then she said are you sure Beth? Beth looked at her and said Kathy I did the test twice. and it came back possitve.You are Pregnet. Kathy Said Thanks Beth and she got up and went back to her office. then she shut the door and then she sat down. Kathy put her hand on her stomach and said well are you another boy or are you a girl. Kathy smiled. well now i have to tell your big brother and father about you.
  7. This story is another story about Kathleen and Luke. This story falls between Saying good-bye. and Theres something strange in town. This is when Kathy gets Pregnet with her and Luke's Daughter Leventa. and at first Luke isn't thrilled about becoming a dad again. Want to find out why? will Luke change his mind. and how will Jesse react to the news?Let's find Out. Kathy and Luke have been Married for 16 years. Their Son Jesse is 12 years old. Luke is traing men and wemen to become firefighters. A hospital has been built in Hazzard. and Kathy is the Cheif of Staff. Luke aslo helps Cooter at his garage and he also runs the Farm. Luke got a new Look he has Long hair and a go tee Kathy just loves his new look. Kathy was at the hospital , she couldn't beleive how tired she was. and she was getting sick. She hoped she wasn't coming down with the flu. she started to do her rounds. AT THE COOTER'S GARAGE.. Cooter,Michael,and Luke where talking. Man Mike I don't know how you do it. you have one a senior in high school. 2 in the 5th grade and now you have little mike.I'm glad that Kathy and I only have Jesse. we went threw alot to have Jesse and I almost Lost Kath. to be honest I don't think I can go threw that again. Luke said.
  8. Rebecca Just smiled. Oh Luke, You have to go to Alanta to the State Police and Press chargers againes Zack,Marcus and Paul.Kyle Said. Dad Luke has some broken ribs he needs to rest.Kathy Said. Kathleen if he doesn't they have no choise but to set him free. and I had to use all of my connections to get them to leave him in there for 24 hours. Kyle said. Luke said Ok Dad I'll do it. Kath and Bo will go with me.cause Bo is a witness what they did.. So Luke Looked at Bo and said Lets Go. Kathy sai we can take my firebird. Luke smiled and said Ok lets go.So Kathy and Bo helped Luke and they went out the door Kathy gave Bo the Keys to her Firebird and he got in the drivers side and Kathy opened up the door and got in the back and Luke got in the front. Kathy Said I guess I have to change the redation on this car from Kathleen Spencer to Kathleen Duke. Luke Just smiled.
  9. The doc put his things away. and he looked at Kathy and said Kathy make sure he does what he;s told he can be strubran. Do I know it. Yes I will Make sure he will stay put.. Kathy said..then the doctor went out the door. Kylae and Rebecca came in the house and Rebecca said Luke are you all right
  10. Well stop making me laugh I told you it only hurts when I Laugh. Luke Said. Dusty Said Ok Ok cousin I will stop. Kathy Just smiled at them. then a someone knocked on the door and it was Doc Applebe he said Well I see Luke is awake that is great. so How are your ribs this morning Luke? They hurt a Little.. Kathy got up and got a glassof water and gave it to Luke and she handed him the pain medicain that Doc Applebe gave her last night for him Luke looked at her and said thank you sweetheart. and he took the medican. The doc smiled and said let me see if the swalling went down. The doc looked at Luke and he toched Luke's ribs lighty and Luke said Ow Doc. The Doc Just Smile and said Sorry Luke. and then he said Good News the swelling has gone down. Now Luke I want you to Take it easy you have to have time to get your body to heal.Doc Applebe Said.
  11. NEXT MORNING.. Kathy woke up. and she saw that Luke was gone she got up and got dress and went out to the living room. there was Luke sitting on the couch. and Uncle Jesse was in his chair. good-morning Kathy Uncle Jesse Said. Kathy looked at him and she smiled and said good-morning Uncle Jesse. and then she went to the couch to sit next to Luke. luke said good-morning Sweetheart.. Dusty walks into the house. and she walked into the living room and she said Luke are you all right? Luke looked at her and said ya But it only hurts when I laugh.
  12. Kathy helped Luke in Bed. and she gave his pamjama bottems and he changed into them. and then Kathy helped him into bed. Sweetheart I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the fight I had with Zack. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry. and I promise from this day forward that I will never keep anything from you. Luke Said..Kathy Said So you let me worry about you now.Kathy Said. Then she Kissed him. and said I love you Luke Duke. Kathy Said.. I Love you Kathleen Duke. Luke said. Kathy got ready for bed and then she crawled in bed next to him.
  13. Dusty calm down mE,Luke and Bo took care of it before the wedding . Rosco put them in Jail. Rosco came over with the drinks and Dusty said you knew my cousin was in a fight and you didn't tell me. Now sweetheart Luke was fine. when I saw him and he told me to take Zack and his boys to Jail and that's what I did and that's where Zack is now and Kyle is calling some favors in and to get Zack and his friends put away permitly.Rosco Said Dusty didn't care she was still made cause noone told her. BACK AT THE FARM.. Luke was starting to come around. and he saw Kathy watching him he smiled at her and said Hay Beautiful. Kathy looked up and she saw his baby blue eyes and she smiled and she said Luke Duke how come you didn't tell me you had a fight with Zack.. Luke said Sweet heart We where about to get married I didn't want you to worry. Baby you have three broken ribs you know how easy one of them could have punchared your Lungs .Kathy Said. Luke sat up . and said But Sweetheart they didn't. and then he leaned over to Kiss her. Luke Duke don't you try to Kiss me when I'm upset with you. Kathy Said. Luke Just smiles. he went to get up and Kathy helped him to the bedroom.
  14. BACK AT THE FARM.. Kathy and Luke was still sittin on the porch. Luke doubled over in Pain. Kathy said Baby what's wrong and Luke said My ribs I think they are broken. Kathy was confused But she went to help him Up and Luke Passed out she knelt Down and said Baby can you hear me. No Responce. Kathy Yelled BO. Bo came runing out. And Kathy said help me get him inside so Bo helped her get him to the couch. and Kathy lifted up his shirt and she saw his chest was all black and blue. she looked at Bo and said Bo what happened. Then Uncle Jesse caome out of his room as Bo was telling her about the fight with Zack and what Zack and his friends did to Luke before him andVance got there. Kathy was a little upset cause nobody told her. Bo Said Luke didn't want you to know. Kathy was so upset she couldn't consentrate. SO Uncle Jesse called Doc Applebe. 10 MINUTES LATER... Doc came knocking on the door. and Bo let him in and showed him where Luke was and the doc looked at him and said ya he has 3 broken ribs. and they are swualling. he's luck he didn't rubture his lung. Kathy helped the doc to bandage his ribs. he looked at Kathy and said you make sure he stays off his feet. Kathy said yes I will. I will make him listen to me this time.. The doctor gave Kathy some pain medican to give him when he wakes up and the doctor said don't worry Kathy it's hard to treat someone you love because you get to involved. but don't worry Luke is stronge he will make it.and with a good doctor like you looking over him. Kathy smiled and said Doc I needed to hear that. Doc Applebe just smiled and he left. Kathy walked back to Luke and she just got on the couch with him and just layed there. Bo went back to bed Uncle Jesse got a blanket and covered them up. and then he said Don;t worry Kathy Luke will be fine.and he said good-night. Kathy didn't sleep she just layed there listen to Luke Breathe.
  15. Then Faith sang Breathe. and then her and Tim sang Lets make Love and then Kyle said lets turn the Juxebox on so Faith and Tim could enjoy the party. LATEER THAT NIGHT.. Luke and Kathy was on the porch sitting on the swing. and he looked at her and said well Mrs.Duke how do you feel? Kathy looked at him and she smiled and said I feel like a new person. I can't beleive that we are husband and wife. Well beleive it Kath you are now a Duke.
  16. and as they where singing it Kathhy and Luke got up and they started to Dance. and then Half way threw it Tim Walked over to Luke and said May I cut in and then Tim Started to Dance with Kathy and Faith Danced with Luke.and they where stlill singing. Rebecca was teken pictures. and after the song was over Tim and Faith Said Thank you for the Dance. and then Tim said I have a real fun song that Im going to sing and it's called Down on the farm. and then everyone started to Dance. and then after the song was done. Faith got up on Stage and she said I was talking to Kat and I asked her what song reminded her of Luke and she said The way you love me. So Kat this is for you and she started to sing The way you love me
  17. AT THE BOARS NEST... Faith and Tim walked up in front. Well most of you know That Kat and I went to High School together and we are good friends. and I glad to say that I'am happy that she finily found a great man. and Tracy and Kathy knows what I'am talking about. when we where Teens we us to dream of our wedding Day and write down what Kind of man we wanted to marry and I Think Kat you and I got our dream men.Tim and I are going to sing a little song called It's your love
  18. Then Daisy she waited a few minutes then she left. Faith looked back at Kathy and she said Kat you look Beautiful and she smiled and said see you down their and then Faith left .Tracy was next she waited a few minutes and then She Left. Tina Looked at her sister and said well sis only a couble of minutes left good Luck and I my glad to call Luke my brother. and then she hugged her sister and then she left and then Kathy Grabbed her fathers arm and he smiled and said Kathleen you ready. Kathy took a deep breath and said Lets go dad. and then they walked out of the house and they got to the edge where the Chairs start and then the wedding march started and everyone looked back as they stood. and Kathy and her father started the long walk to the end. Luke spotted Kathy and he looks at her and goes Wow she's beautiful. Bo smiles and said Ya she is. all Luke could see was Kathy. when Kathy and Kyle got to him Kyle took Kathy's Hand and Placed it in Luke's Hand. and then he went and sat down. The Pastor said who gives this women to be married, Kyle stood up and said her mother and I. and then they went on with the cemornery. The Pastor looks at Luke and said Luke you may kiss your bride. Luke faced Kathy and lifted the vail and he kissed her. and Bo did a YEEEEHAAAA.. Then Kathy and Luke faced everyone and the pastor said I would like everyone to met Mr and Mrs Lucas Duke. and everyone clapped. and then Kathy and Luke started to walk up to the General Lee Who was decrated. For the accision. Then Luke Helped Kathy in and then Bo and Tracy go in and they headed for the Boars nest.
  19. IN THE BARN.. Luke hurd Tim started to sing and he hurd Faith. too. and he smiled. How cool is this Faith Hill and Tim McGraw sing at my wedding. Luke Said. Bo smiled and said Ya it's cool People in Hazzard will be remembering this wedding for a long time. Vance Said. IN THE HOUSE.. Kathy hurd her friends singing and she smiled. Daisy was doing her Hair. and then. she was done and then Daisy carefuly placed the vail on Kathy's head her parents came in and they where taken pictures. of the girls and Rebecca said I will get a picture of you girls and Faith after the wedding. IN THE BARN.. Uncle Jesse was taken the pictures and he looked at Luke and and said you ready boy and Luke said Ya Uncle Jesse I'm and then they walked out of the barn and walked up front Just as Faith and Tim finished. AndFaith Hugged Luke and said you look Handsome and she straiten his tie. Luke smiled and said Thanks. and she said I have to go but see you in a little bit. Tim Sat Down on the bride's side. BACK AT THE HOUSE... Faith went in the house and she said well are you ready. Kathy smiled and said YUP. and Then Kyle walked in the house and said ok girls go. Dusty headed out first.
  20. BACK AT THE FARM.. Coy was getting worried when he hurd the General 's horn in the distance. and then he let out a deep breath. and then they saw the General speed around the corner of the house. Bo stopped the General and Luke Bo and Vance got out of the General Lee. Kyle walked up to them and said you boys all right it looks like you have been a fight. Luke looked at Kyle and said Dad We was but I will tell you the details latter right now I have to get ready for My wedding. Uncle Jesse said You boys get ready in the barn cause the girls is in the house. and Luke Looked at Tim and said I have to aske a favor there is no way I will be ready by 2:00 so can you and Faith Stall. Tim Smiled and said Y we can do that. I just have to go and tell Faith. Luke said Thanks and then he headed for the barn Tim went into the house and he knocked on the door and he said it 's me Tim. Kathy Said come in and he walked threw the door and he saw Kathy and he said Kat you are beautiful. Kathy Said Thanks. and he said Faith we are need outside we need to stall a little bit Luke needs a little more time to get ready. and Faith Said Ok. Kathy looked at them and said Is Luke ok? Tim Smiled and said he just fine His Tie is giving him a hard time. Kathy Laughs. and then they walked out. and they walked to Kyle and told him what was going on and he said Ok i will interduce you and Tim Said No we can do it and Kyle said Ok. So they walked up front and Tim Said Hi everyone Im Tim McGraw and thisis my Beautiful Wife Faith Hill and the Bride and Groom are not quite ready and they had ask us to stall So I hope you don't mind. and then he looked at Faith and he smiled and they stared to sing It's Your Love.
  21. Kathy Smiled at Dusty and Said I hope so. Kathy are you all right .Dusty asked. I don't know I feel that something is wronge but I don't know what.Kathy Said. Maybe it's just your nerves. Daisy Said. Maybe. Kathy Said. Rebecca came in the room and said come on it's time to go to the farm. and then we can start to get readt there. So the girls got their things and they headed for the car. IN THE GENERAL LEE. Luke said there they are Bo. Bo shifted the General and he sped up. and then he cut off Marcus. and Luke Jumped out of the the General and went aftwe Zack Paul went after Luke But Vance stopped him and then Bo went for Marcus. BACK AT THE FARM.. Coy was looking at the time And he looked at Tim and said it looks like you and faith will be staling. Tim was going to say somethingBut he saw the girls coming. Coy said Remember don't say anything to Kathy. DAISY stopped the car. and The girls got out and Tim went to Failth and he whispared we might have to stall and he told her what was going on. And she said Ok just let me know. and then Faith said girls this is my husband Tim Dusty almost fainted She couldn't talk. Kathy smiled and said Hi and that she love his music and she thanked him for coming.. And then Rebecca said Girls come on we need to get in the house before Luke sees Kathy. and then they all went into the house. BACK ON THE ROAD.. Bo Luke,Vance was finishing up the fight. and Luke went to the cb and he called Rosco and Cletus. and Rosco Said Ok I will be right there. 10 MINUTES LATER.. Rosco showed up and he looked at Luke and he looked at his watch and said Boy you better get to the farm you have an hour. Luke said Thanks. and then Him Bo and Vance got in the General Lee and headed for the Farm...
  22. Kathy walked into the bedroom and she said Faith who was on the phone?Oh it was just Tim he just called to tell me good-morning. Faith Said. did he say anything about Luke?Kathy asked. Ya he said Luke says he loves you. Faith Said. Kathy Just smiles. BACK AT STILL SIT #2 Zack and his friends left Jest as the General Lee pulled up. Bo and Vance got out of the General and they ran to Luke. Luke was starting to come around he got up with the help of Vance and Bo. and Luke said WOOO.. AND then he put his arm on his ribs and he said help me to the General I'am going to settle this right now betweem me and Zack. Bo was a little concerned about Luke but he knew better not to argue with him. So they got in the General Lee and started to chase Zack and his friends,
  23. NEXT MORNING(LUKE'S AND KATHY;S WEDDING DAY) Kathy didn't get any sleep that night she was too nervis. Tina Tracy and Faith came in and said come on Kat you need to get up. Kathy looked at them and smiled and said Ihave been up. and then she got out out of bed and she took a showed. BACK AT STILL SITE #2 Luke was just starting to moving around when he hurd a car He Just smiled and said It's about time you come back for me Bo. Zack started to laugh and said I'm not Bo. Luke looked at Zack. and he dropped the sleeping bag and he went after Zack and then his 2 friends jumped in and they held Luke while Zack punched him MEANWHILE BACK AT THE FARM.. Bo was starting to get worried about Luke. He walked up to Coy Vance, Judd and Tim and said I'm getting worried guys Luke should have been back here by now. maybe he walked over to where Kathy was Let me call Faith and find out Tim Said. So Tim got his Cell and he called Faith. and she said No he Ain't here. Ok Baby Ok and don't say anything to Kat we don't want her to worry. Tim Said. ok Faith Said and she hung up. and then he told the others what Faith had said. Bo said that's it I going to look for him Vance you come with me, every one eles stay here And Tim if we don't get back in time I need you and Faith to stall. and Tim smiled and said Ya we could do that. and then Bo and Vance got in the General Lee and headed for Still site#2
  24. So they wait til Luke was asleep cause the boys where going to camp out. and they all got in the General and put him in nutral and pushed him out and then when they where out of ear shot Bo started up the General and took off. Luke wasn't asleep he was just faking cause he wanted to see what they had planned. but he just smiled and just looked up at the stares. and he said I love you Kath. Kathy was at the house that her father bought and she was lying in bed and she was thing about the day and about her party, and how she was so happy that her friend Faith was here to help her celbrate. and to be with her on he spical day. Kathy told Faith that she was a Brides maide and she was thrilled she he mother had all ready gotten a blue dress for Faith. and she smiled and said Good-night Luke I Love you.
  25. They are probly having fun with Tim Just Like we are having fun with Faith and the guys are probly want to be her with us. Kathy Said. So Kat how did you and Luke met Faith Asked . So Kathy told Faith how her anf Luke met. So it was love at first sight? Faith asked. Kathy smiled and said ya it was Love at first sight. Tina smiled and said Ya I remember when mom and I went to see you and you opened the door and then Luke came down the stairs in his jeans And socks on his feet and he was caring his shirt and his boots and his hair was wet. Ya so He just got out of the shower whats the big deal Tina. Kathy Said. Rebecca said The big deal is Kathleen that we didn't expect to see Luke come down the stairs. Again Mom So he was just taking a shower. Kathy Said. And Tracy said Ya right. Kathy's face got beet red. and everyone laughed. MEANWHILE AT THE STILL SIGHT#2 Tim was having a good time and he never laughed so much Then Bo got an idea and he whispard to Coy and then they passed it on till it go to Tim and Tim said now we can't to that to him tomoorow is his wedding day and if he's late Kathy will lkill us. he won't be late Luke knows Hazzard like the back of his hand Heck he might be back at the farm before we are.Vance Said.
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