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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Kath, I can't be the husband that you want me to be. Luke said Luke I don't want to here you say that you will walk again do you hear me. you will not give up and I will not give up on you so you better not give up on us.Kathy said.
  2. Sweetheart I can't feel my legs Luke said. Kathy said I Know sweetheart
  3. They walked into Kathy's room and Kathy said How's Luke? Uncle Jesse walked over to her and said Kathy Luke is Parlised from the waist down(Kathy started to cry) But the Doc said that it ain't permit he needs to get into to therphy as soon as the other injerys heal. Oh and Kathy he's been calling for you ever sence they brought him in and the nurse is bringing in a wheelchair so you can see him. Kathy said forget about the wheelchair I want to go see My husband. Uncle Jesse said Kathy you are as strubran as your aunt Leventa You need to wait for the nurse. Just then Abby came in with the wheelchair. and she helped Kathy into the chair and pushed her to Luke's room.. IN LUKE'S ROOM... Luke had his eyes closed but he wasn't asleep when he hurd someone come in the room and he said Kathy and Kathy said I'm right here baby, and she took his hand.
  4. AT THE FARM.. Bo stopped the General and they all got out and they all went in the house and Kathy finished treating Luke and then she went on to the others and everyone all complaned and Luke said Stop complaning. you ought to be thankful that we have a doctor in the family.
  5. Kathy just smiles and She looked at Jesse and said Jesse help me get your father out of here.andhe did and they headed for the General . and then they hurd the state police and Luke said Well Zack is going home and hopefuly he will stay there. Kathy was checking Luke out and she got her medical bag out of the General and started to tread him and he said Always aDoctor first and Kathy Said No I'm your wife first then I'm your doctor and right now Your doctor needs to do her work. Luke Just smiles. and then she saw the rest of the family and said It looks like i got myself some more parents And Luke Just Laughed and said Ok Dr Lets get home so you can treat us better and Bo Jesse Luke and Kathy got in the General and they headed for the farm.
  6. Kathy started to cry and Daisy conited her. OUTSIDE IN THE HALL.. Uncle Jesse and Bo saw Cooter walking towards them. and Cooter said Hows Kathy? Not so good Cooter she's worried about Luke Unclr Jesse Said. Just then the Doctor came out and he said Duke family and Uncle Jesse said Yes and then the doctor went on. Luke is parlised from the waist down but it is permite if we can get him in the theropy as soon as the other injerys heal up. he has a concusion he's resting righ now he has been calling for his wife ever sence he came in here.The doctor Said. Ya we will tell her she has been wanting to see him.Bo Said. Ok I will send a nurse to her room with a wheelchair and I want her to use it. The doctor said. and Uncle Jesse said Don't worry she will. and then the doctor and then they went back to Kathy's Room.
  7. Cooter looked at her with a sad face and said Ya I What's going on with the Dukes You see Luke is Married Now , He Married A girl Named Kathleen Spencer and they have been married a year now Well a couple of weeks ago Kathy found out she was pregnet and all the Dukes where extacit and then Just this morning Kathy Started to have pains and Luke and Bo rushed her to the hospital and They lost their baby. and Now the Dukes are morning over the loss. and Now Luke got in this accident. Well I 'am going to check on Kathy and see hows she doing. IN KATHY'S ROOM.. Bo walked in and Kathy said Bo Please tell me Luke is all right. Bo looked at her shacking his head No Sorry Kat I can't tell you that. I don't know all the detals But Luke become concous when the ambulance came Cooter andI had All ready got the General off him. But I hurd Luke Tell one of the Paramedics that he couldn't feel his legs. Kathy said That's it I'am getting out of here. Uncle Jesse said Girl you stay in this bed Bo and I will check on Luke Daisy you stay here with Kathy.
  8. They walked back to the General and Bo picked up th CB and said to all Dukes Country Music. and then Bo changed the chanal and then he said any Dukes out there this is Lost Sheep and Pretty Lady and the Dukes started to sound off one by one until they all checked in and then Bo told them were they where . MEANWHILE IN THE SHACK. Zack was upset cause he couldn't hear the Dukes anymore and he went to Jesse and said What Does Country Music Mean.and Jesse said I don't know and then he went to Luke and said what does it mean and Luke said Forget it I ain't telling you. and he was about to hit Luke Whe Bo Kathy,Judd,Coy.Vance and Enos came running the shack and Zackand his men didn't have a chance Kathy Untied Jesse and then she went to Luke andUntied him and said Baby you look alful Luke Just smile and he saidYou Look beautiful.
  9. Daisy walked in just asthey hurd the Ambulance come in. Kathy knew Luke was in the Ambulance. and she wanted to get out of bedBut Uncle Jesse said No.Daisy waled up to Kathy and Put her hand on her shoulder and said It's Luke Bo Said that somehow he fliped the General.Yhe General Was on his roof and Daisy paused before she said then next thing. The General was on top of Luke. Kathy got real upset. And Uncle Jesse Said Nowcalm down Girl we don't know the details or how Luke Is right Now. Just then Bo Walked into the room and he had a worried look on his face.
  10. OUTSIDE.. Daisy picked up the CB and said Bo Peep to Lostsheep come back. Daisy hurd Bo come on the radio and it sounded like ther was an Ambulance in the back ground. You Have Lost Sheep here. I'm On my way Back to the hospital Luke was in Accident the General Was on top of him. He's in the Ambulance Right Now. ok Bo Im gone and she put the CB down and she walked back in the hospital slowly and woundered how she was going to tell Kathy.
  11. MEANWHILE AT THE HOSPITAL.. Kathy was resting when she got thisstrang feeling. shesat yo and all she could say was Luke. Daisy tried to calm her down But Kathy SaidYou don't Understand something happend to Luke. Uncle Jesse and Daisy lookedat each other and daisy said I will go out to the pick-up and call Bo
  12. Bo saw the General and it was on it's roof and he said Oh No Luke and he saw a car and someone was down by the General Bo stopped Dixie and he ran down to the General and what he saw the General was on top of Luke Legs. Emma Had told Bo That she had allready called Cooter Bo Thanked Emma.
  13. Uncle Jesse looked at Bo and said Go we will stay here with Kathy. So Bo Left the room and the hospital Got in Dixie and followed Luke in case he needed someone to talk to. In the General Luke waswiping his eyes cause he was crying he left because he didn't want to cry in front of Kathy .Well Luke was wiping his eyes he didn't see a car and when he looked he swarved to miss the Car The General hit a dip in the road and went air born, But the General Landed on his roof
  14. Luke Held Kathy For a Long time and He said I Love You Sweetheart. and then he got up and said Sweetheart I would Like to be alone for a few and Kathy Understood cause she felt the same way and Kathy said I love you too Baby and He kissed her. and he waslked out the door got in the General and headed out of town.
  15. IN THE gENERAL.. Kathy looked at Bo and said I need to get them back Bo. Bo Looked at her and he smiled and said we will find them and besides they will be fine They are Dukes. That made Kathy smile. and then they came up on an old Road to one of Boss's old moomshine shacks. and Kathy noticed that there where tire tracks going into the shack. Bo Parked the General Lee close Just in case they needed a fast get away and him and Kathy got out of the General andheaded for the shack. They went to the window. and they saw Luke and Jesse Jesse saw them and Kathy put her finger to her mouth and Jesse shook his head .
  16. Uncle Jesse, Bo,and Daisy walked in the room they didn't say anything they Just stood there.
  17. Beth loked at her and said want me to send Luke in? Kathy said Yes and then Beth left the room. IN THE WAITING ROOM.. Beth walked out and said Luke Kathy wants to see you. Uncle Jesse knew something was up by just the way Beth came out. andwhen Luke left to go to Kathy'sroom Beth told the rest of the family and they all cried and then Uncle Jesse said Daisy Bo we need to be here for Luke and Kathy cause they are going to need us . IN KATHY'S ROOM.. Luke walked in and he walked to Kathy's bed and Kathy was still cring and Luke looked at her and Kathy said We lost the baby.and she started to cry harded and Luke held her.
  18. AT THE HOSPITAL.. Luke carried Kathy in and Beth told Luke to set her on the gurney and She took her to a room and checked her out and Beth looked at Kathy and she said Kathy you know whats going on and Kathy started to cry. and Beth said I'm so Sorry I know how much you wanted this baby. Kathy looked at Beth and said Thanks Beth.
  19. Back at the hide out.. Zack was raving how Kathy's Kids should have been his. and Luke looked at him and said You are dreaming Zack Kath told way before she met me that she didn't want anything to do with you. So Stop blaming me. Zack walked over to him and said Oh I do blam you. and her father. and then he punched Luke. Jesse yelled Dad. Luke looked at him and said It's ok son.
  20. 1 WEEK LATER.. Luke was home and he was almost back to normal. Kathy wasn't feeling well, She was told that this was normal for a pregency but she that something was wronge. she went to Luke and told him what she felt and as soon as sh did she got a huge pain and Luke picked her up and ran her to the General Lee and the Rest of the Dukes followed.Bo got in the drivers seat of the General and headed for the hospital.
  21. Kathy Said Luke you are starting to look like yourself again. Everyone Just smiled. Kathy looked at Luke and Said Promise I will never come that close of losing you again. and Luke took Her and And said Sweetheart I ain't going anywhere Unless you go with me.
  22. Kathy was Holding Leventa when they all walked in and Kathy got up and started to fill everyone in and Bo was going to tell Kathy to stay her but he saw her look and he said ok Kat and I will go in the General and head towards Moose creek,coy and Vance you headed towards root 19 and Judd you head towards Ridge road. and everything in between.Daisy said I will stay here with Leventa. Kathy saidThanks Daisy. and they all left.
  23. MEANWHILE AT ZACK'S HIDEOUT.. Zack brought in Luke Luke was tied up and he put him in a chair.Jesse saw his father and he didn't look good his face was all bloody. and Jesse said What have you done to my dad. Luke started to come around. and he saw Jesse and he said Jesse you Ok son. and Jesse said I'm fine dad. BACK AT THE FARM.. Coy,Vance,Judd.and Bo showed up along with their families.
  24. On The Road Kathy was looking for the General and she spotts him he was parked on the side of the road and Kathy pulled over and she she looked in the General and she didn't see Luke she walked all around that area calling Luke and Loking and Noone answered. Kathy started to get scared Now Not only her son was missing but now so is her husband she needed to get back to Leventa. So she got in the General Lee called cooter to come and get Rosco's car. and headed to the farm to be with her baby. AT THE FARM.. Kathy stopped the General and went int the house and Daisy was feeding Leventa. and Kathy smiled and she asked Daisy has she hurd from Luke and She said No. and Then Kathy told her what had happened and Daisy saidTime to call the rest of the Dukes, and Kathy agreed. So they called. Vance. Coy, Judd and Bo. and they all said that thaey will all be there.
  25. Kathy looked at Dusty and smiled and said Ya I was going to call them. Luke just smiled Kathy noticed that Luke was starting to get the color back in his face.
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