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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Tracy was talking to Bo, Sweetheart Please don't go over there I feel something going to happen. Bo Looked at Tracy and Said Baby nothing is going to happen Why don't you come with me. Stacy and B.J are fine here I will Ask Kathy if she would keep an Eye on them. in Town.. JR AND Bobby where talking Jr I can't do that Eveyone Knows That Jesse is Luke's son. Not if you tell everyone that you and Kathy had an affair. and that will get Luke Thinking and that will be the end of that Marrage. Back at the farm.. Kathy was taking care of Leventa. Luke was outside and he's cell phone Rings he looked at it and said What do you want? I just want to tell You That I just found out that Jesse is my son. Bobby Said. Luke said No he isn't? Ya he is you see Kathleen and I had an affair 13 years ago and that makes Jesse Mine.Bobby said Luke slamed the phone down and Bo said Luke What's going on and He tells Bo.and Bo said Luke you know that Ain't true. Luke looked at Bo and said I know it isn't true. JR IS BEhind this and I will make him pay.
  2. This is something That me and some friends have started on myspace and I have decited to start it here see how many people we can get to show Tom We love and support him. Thanks Iva aKA Tom's Pit Bull and Dukesrule2000
  3. TOM WOPAT FANS UNITE!!! Current mood: determined Tom wopat fans Unite. We need to let Tom know how we feel about him. I don't know how many of you heard that interview. but he Feels that his Character Luke Duke wasn't as important to the show as Daisy or Bo. We need to let him Know it was. Let Tom Know he is as much Loved as John is. Tom is a wonderful Guy and a great singer and Actor and We need to stand behind him, and as for me I'm right behind him I will support Tom In anything he does. People are Mad about the Cinn thing Well so am I.They didn't only attack John But they Attacked Tom Also. Thanks for reading This. IF I made you Mad I'm sorry. I'm Tom Wopat all the way. Thanks Iva aka Tom's Pit Bull(dukesrule2000) PS Love Ya Tom. Tom we love ya Down Under in Good Ol' Aussie Too!!! Its time Tom knew how much he is loved by his fans...You couldnt have the Dukes Of Hazzard without them good ol' boys...and Tom was partners with John...They were a team...they were equal...and both very much loved ...We love them as actors...singers and we thank them for being just themselves...how much joy they brought to us when they reunited in Smallville...you cant have one without the other...you can see that closeness they share in all they do... And the cinninatti thing...what a crock of ....!!! These guys are angels...how on earth can anyone do this to them...they bring joy to thousands of fans...just look at the smiles on the fans faces...i havent experienced it personally but pictures say it all...i have the memories of watching Dukes Of Hazzard when it first started...i have never met them but i cherish those good ol' days...and to this day Dukes still has that effect on me and its because of Tom & John and there love for their fans...No other show has ever had this effect on me...How can people be so cruel???how??? Tom Wopat you are very muched loved and you were important to the show...My heart went out to you when i was listening to that interview...You and John were a team and you couldnt have one without the other...and Wo that voice of yours...it is so Awesome...I listen to your songs everyday...and thats no exaggeration... I swear if i was over there in America nothing would stop me going to everything...Dukefest...Concerts...Musicals...How Awesome!!! Do you guys know how lucky you really are???to have talent like that in your own country...that is a lifetime dream of mine...to meet them good ol' boys...to see them sing on stage or wherever...Tom you are the Best!!! I support you 110% i would love to have the opportunity to say to your face how much i appreciate you in all that you've done and all that you still do to this very day... Thanks for your time...Sharon Tom's #01 Aussie Fan...We Love You Tom Wopat Down Under and for anyone who would like to hear this interview of Tom's..go to http://www.justmyshow.com/showthirteen.html Please Read & Repost We Love You Tom xxxxxxxx Greer #1 Aussie Dukes Of Hazzard Fan Hey Tom, I might be a Johnaholic but I'm a Dukeaholic too!!! And Luke is JUST as important to the DoH as Bo and Daisy. If it wasn't for Luke, where would the great ideas come from??? Who would come to the rescue??? You may never forget that!!! YOU are important too!!! And without Luke a lot would be missing!!! The real Dukes are LUKE, Bo and Daisy, Uncle Jesse too!!! Everybody is important! And your music is even being like here in Holland!!! You got a great voice!!! Keep up the great music!!! Greetz Bianca TOM! MY LUKAS DUKAS!! Hey now, you're the best dang character on the dukes of hazzard!! You've got the looks, and the smarts!!! You're just as important as bo and daisy IF NOT MORE important. I love you to death and I don't think I'd watch the dukes as much if you didn't play Luke!!! Luke has got to be the best, I mean he's so smart and always get them out of trouble. Bo and Daisy would be in jail and the farm would be in major debt. Bo would be a rebel and I don't know what Daisy would be like. But if is wasn't for Luke Duke, there wouldn't be a dukes of hazzard. Because Lukas Kevin Duke makes the show. You've got so many fans who love you, including myself. When I met you in Kalamazoo for chicago, I was in awe. Pure awe, because I look up to you and you as Luke Duke. If it wasn't for Luke, I wouldn't have any manners. And I've only been watching the dukes for a year and I'm 14. Luke has changed the way I act and respect people. Tom you've made a bigger impact on people then you really know. You're my hero, and always will be. Lots of Love, Kaylee aka Mrs. Lukas Dukas
  4. Kathy looked at Reba and said Wait til I get my hands On Bobby.I just thank God That Jesse Had Football Pratice. Or they would have gotten Jesse. I just wish they leave us alone.
  5. I have started a Bulletin going around Myspace.com called Tom Wopat Fans Unite. It's Maninly about us as Fans Letting Tom know that we love him. I will see if I can post it her as well.
  6. Ya I have listen to that interview I going to find away to let Tom Know that he is loved Just as much as John
  7. Jesse looked confused and said Dad What's going on they seemed Nice. Luke looked at Jesse and said Son What did they want? They Just told me That they where old friends of Mom's. and they wanted to surprise her with their visit and they wanted me to go with them but I couldn't I had football pratice.luke said thank God for football. and Luke told Jesse the whole story between the Ewings anf Kathy and him. Jesse looked at him and said Dad how come you didn;t tell me this sooner? Jesse you where just 13 we didn't want to worry you but you are young man now and I need your help to protect your mother and sister.Luke said. Jesse smiled and said Ok Dad. IN THE HOUSE.. Kathy ws in her room and she was just pasing when Reba and Dusty walked in.
  8. Tom is on tour with the Musical Chicago- here are the dates for April April 10-11-Adler Theeater Davenport,IA April 13-15 TBA-St.Louis, MO April 17-18 TBA-Athens, GA April 19-22 Ruth Eckerd Hall-Clearwater,FL. For More infor go to www.wopat.com and then click on tour. here is a link to a tom interview www.myshow.com/showthirteen.html
  9. AT THE FARM.... The girls got out of the cars and went into the house Kathy went and turned on the cn and she sat down and there was nothing. and Kathy started to get worried.
  10. Meanwhile at the Farm.. Kathy Luke Bo tracy and the kids where getting ready to leave. When Kathy picked up the phone and caled Dusty
  11. Kathy looked at them and said I know one thing I keeping a close eye on Jesse and Leventa cause I really have told them about the Ewings The last time Leventa was just a baby and Jesse was 13. and Jesse didn't know what was going on cause we didn't tell him I guess Luke and I are going to have to tell them. Then Kathy went out to the barn. IN THE BARN.. Luke saw Kathy coming and he walked up to her and said Baby whats going on and Kathy said Baby we need to tell Jesse about J.R Ewing just in case he sees him.Ok sweetheart and they walk over to Jesse and said Son can we talk for a minute. and they told him about JR and Jesse said Ya I know him he stopped by the school before we went to california. Kathy saw Luke's face. and There was another guy with him he said his name was Bobby. Then Kathy lost it. and she walked into the house and she walked right her and Luke's room. Dusy and Reba looked worried.
  12. IN LUKE'S AND KATHY'S ROOM.. Luke took the phone and said Hay Mom. Rebecca said Now Luke I want you to be have in Dallas Texas and Don't be getting ionto trouble. Luke said Mom I ain't going down there to get into to trouble I just going down there to Kick some Ewing Ass. and Besides Bo will be with me. Luke said Oh Great Like he's going to keep you out of trouble he will be right there with you. Luke just laughed. and HE hung up the phone and handed i to Kathy and he said Mom said she will have the roams read and that she will sent the family plan e for us it will drop you and the kids off in Chiago and then take me and Bo to Dallas. Kathy kissed him and then she went out to tell Bo about the family plane so he don't make flight plans. and Bo said Thanks Kathy. and Kathy went to pack leventa and Jesse's things.
  13. Kathy's Cell Phone rang and she looked at it and it was her mother. Kathypickedit up and said Hay mom. Rebecca said Kathleen something told me to call you what's going on are the kids ok? Kathy smiled and said Jesse and Leventa are fine. Then she went and told her the whole story and she said That ******* why can't he leave you alone? Ok you and the kids and Luke are coming ot Chicago. Kathy smiled and said Mom The Kids and I are coming to Chicago But Luke is going to Dallas Texas with Bo... Rebecca said Can I talk to my son . Kathy handed Luke the phone and said mom wants to talk to you. and she handed him the phone.
  14. In Luke and Kathy's Bedroom. Kathy said Baby I'am going with you and Luke stopped packing and said sweetheart I ewant you and the kids to go to Chicago and be with your parents Thay way I know you will be safe .Kathy didn't want to go but she saw that look on Lukes face and she said Ok sweetheart and she kissed him. and she started to back. her things.
  15. Bo took his cell out of his pocket and he saw he had some messages and he pladed them and he said OH no and he looked at Luke and said Luke you and I need to go to Dallas and Kick some Ass. Luke looked at him and he said here listen to this message from Walker. and Luke Listened. Hay Duke yOU Need to get back to Dallas Jr Ewing is running your family down and ruing your rep as a Ranger he's saying that your daught gave him Little Bo and that your cousin's wife was Married to Bobby and Never got a divorce from him. well call me. Luke handed Bo the phone and he headed for the bedroom to back Kathy had seen that look before and when Luke gets that Look she knows he's Mad. and she went after him.
  16. The girls got in the car and headed for the farm.
  17. Reba told them about JR and Billy Bob and Kathy said I thought we got rid of them. MEANWHILE OUT IN THE BARN... Jesse and Jude was talking when Bo and Luke came out. and then the boys stopped talking. Luke was Talking on his Cell Phone and he walked up to Jesse and Said Sarah is on The phone I wounder how she got my cell number. Jesse smiled and said Sorry Dad. and Luke handed him the Phone and Jesse said Hay Baby. Bo looked at Luke and Luke smiled and said It's a girl he met in California. Bo smiles and said he works fast. Luke said he is a Duke and Thay both laugh. Just then they saw little Bo come running towards them Yelling GRANDPA GRANDPA. Bo looked and said Bo what;s the matter and said I saw Jr and Bill Bob they where watching us Play. Bo got mad and so did Luke. Jesse got off the Phone and handed the phone back to Luke and said Dad I have some great News. Gram is coming to Hazzaed to see me Graduate. with Aunt Carol and Uncle Kevin and Sarah is coming too. she Graduates a week before I do. Luke Just Smiles and said that's great
  18. Meanwhile in town.. J.R wanted Lucy to Play Bo Duke. Lucy I want you to but Make up on and make it look like your eye is Black and Then I want you to go find bo Duke and Tell him Marcus Bunched you and Him being the kind of Guy he is he will come looking for Marcus and then we will get him and Kathleen Duke with her smug Parents.
  19. Kathy walked over to Reba and said we all looked for you. when Luke and Bo got off Probation he went to Dallas but all he got was the run around. he went to the police and they wounldn't help him so he went to the police accemnty and became a police officer him self and he watched the Ewings and then a few years Later he became a Texas Ranger. and he Used his influnces in The Ranger headquartes to find you. I guess your mother didn't have the resores that Bo Had. but I know she does Love you.
  20. Luke sees the farm and he said Home sweet home. and he Parkes the General and they all got out. And Jude comes running out and said Hay Coz I have something to tell you. and The Boys went off towards the Barn. IN THE BARN.. What's so important that you hall me off to the barn. Jesse asked. I just wanted you to know That Rachael was out with Brain Tomson Friday Night. Jude said Jesse smiled and said That's ok cause Rachael and I are broke up and then Jesse showed him the picture of him and Sarah. and Jude said Wow Jesse she's hot. Ya and no one Knows this but we are going out.Jesse said. Wow. Jude said. IN THE HOUSE.. Kathy was Happy to be home and she was Telling Dusty about the trip.
  21. Hay Mom can I feed Leventa? Jesse asked Kathy looked at him and said Sure. Kathy Gave Jesse the Bottle and He went to the recliner and he sat down and Kathy when and got Leventa and Handed her to Jesse. and Jesse started to feed her. Kathy Just Smiled and Luke said Sweetheart I hate to bother you but my back started to hurt. and Kathy went to the kitchen and got a glass of water and Luke's pills and went back to the livingroom and Gave him the water and Pills and he said Thanks Sweetheart. Kathy just smiled.
  22. Kathy Grabbed the cb and said Pretty Lady to Little red riding hood we are on our way home we Should be at the farm in 5 minutes. Cause we both Know How Lost Sheep drives.
  23. Luke held his Cousin and said I don't know Dusty.
  24. On the Plane Luke had Called Cooter and asked him if he could have the General Lee waited for them and he said Sure and Cooter said Glad your home we've missed you. Luke smiled and said Thanks Buddy. and he hung up the phone. Leventa was getting something to drink. and she said Mommy are we going to keep in touch with Rose and Aunt Carol. and Kathy said Sure we all.and the pilot came on the intercom and said Everyone please get in your seats we are coming on to Capital City Georgia, So Luke helped Leventa into her seat. The plane landed and the Dukes got off the plane and headed for the parking lot. IN THE PARKING LOT. They found the General and Jesse and Luke put the bags in the trunk. While Kathy helped Leventa in the General Leventa got in the back seat. Kathy got in and so did Jesse and Luke. Luke started up the General and headed for the Farm.
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