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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. 2 WEEKS LATER.. Kathy was packin their close. Leventa was cring cause she didn't want to leave Rose. and Luke said You have each other E-mails address and you can write to each other every day and Jesse said I have Sarah's Too Luke Just smiled and Jesse showed His dad a picture that was taken that nihjt when he went to the party with her. and Luke looked at him and said don't let your mother see that picture. Jesse just smiled. I can't wait to get back home and Tell Jude everything Jesse said. Kathy came down the stairs and said you know I can use some help her and Jesse and Luke just smiled and they grabbed the suitcases andput them in Carol's car and Kathy said the Plane is at the airport waiting for us. and Levinta came out of the house and said mommy I aske Aunt Carol if she going to come and see us in Hazzard some time and shesaid she will be there to see Jesse Graduate High School. Luke smiled and said That's great and Bring mom. Carol said I don't know if she will go Hazzard brings back bad memories for her. Luke said I know. They got in the car and they headed for the airport. and they got on the plane and headed for home.
  2. Luke said OH mom I want to tell you something Judd is alive and him and his family should be here any minute. Rose started tocry and at that Moment Judd and his family walked in and Rose didn't have to be told that was Judd and she said Oh Judd and she hugged him and Judd said This is my wife Beth and he interduced his children, Beth looked at Luke,Judd,and Carolin and said I never thought I would live to see my three children together. and she took their hands and said now that you know about each other promise me that you will keep in contact and the 3 of them promissed her. and Kathy took a picture of Rose Luke Judd and Caroline together cause Rose asked if she would do it. Kathy saw that Leventa was geting hungey and Kathy said Baby I'am taking the kids to get something to eat and Luke said sure and he kissed her. 1 HOUR LATER.. Everyone left except Luke. Rose looked at him and said Ok Boy ask me. Luke looked at her and said How could you make me think you where dead all these years you know haw many time I stood at the edge of that Cliff where the accident and wished I had died with you. Rose looked at him and said Luke I'am so sorry. It's time you knew the truth about your father. and she went on and told him how Hank beat her. and what had happened the day of the accident. Luke didn't Understand why Uncle Jesse never told him about his father. Rose said Luke Hank was Jesse's Baby Brother he didn't want to beleive that his brother could do something like that. I didn't go and get you cause I though that Hank was still alive and when I found out he was dead I had Married Carol's Father and I was pregnet with her. I knew you would turn out to be a wounderful man if you where raised by Jesse and Leventa cause I knew they would keep your temper in tack. and I was right. Luke you have a beautiful wife and 2 wounderful children Don't linger in the past look to the future. we are together now. and Luke smiles and said Ya we are.
  3. Jesse came down the stairs with the pillows and Leventa. Kathy looked at him and he said Mom she started to cry I just couldn't leave her there. Kathy smiled and said thats ok Jesse Hand Me Leventa and you take the Pillows to your father. and he said Ok Mom So He handed Kathy Leventa and went to give the pillows to Luke. Kathy went to get a Bottle for Leventa.
  4. Kathy walked over to Emma and Dusty and said Let's go to the farm that way we can hear what's going on .with the cb.
  5. Luke walked up to his cousin and gave her a hug. and said Ok.
  6. Kathy just turned around and went into Rose's room and she walked up to Rose and she started to take the Iv's out of Rose and Rose woke up and saw her and Kathy said Everything will be alright I will get to the bottem of this. And Luke said Oh No Kathy is in her Doctor protive mood and I wouldn't want to be in her way now. Jesse says Ya when Mom gets like this watch Out. Kathy Just looked at them and smiled. and Kathy went to the nurses desk and said I want to talk to the Cheif of Staff and the nurse got him on the phone and Kathy talked to him and he assured Kathy that it was A mistake and Kathy said well Dr this is one mistake that this nursing will pay for and I will see to it, and she hung up. and Kathy walked back into the room and Rose was getting to come back and Carol said Moma I have a surprise for You and Luke walked over and Rose renised him right away and she said Oh My baby boy and she touched Luke's face. and Luke said Mom I would Like you to met my wife Kathy. Rose smiled and said So Beautiful and Luke said and these are our Chilren Jesse and Leventa. and Rose said I have a grandson and another granddaugghter and she hugged them both.
  7. Luke looked at Dusty and said Ok Dusty we will think about it.
  8. yup I can do that after all I will be 13 next week. Kathy looked at Luke and she mouthed I forgot and Luke mouth me too. Kathy said Jesse why don't you go in my room and get your dad's pillows so he could be more comfable and Jesse said ok Mom. and he went upstairs. and Kathy said Dusty can you help me plan a Birthday for Jesse.I need to get ahold of Bo,Daisy,Judd,Coy,and Vance.
  9. Rebecca said Kathleen want me to but out a restraing order on Bobby? Kathy looked at her mother and said No mom he can't hurt me now. and she looked at Luke. Luke said No he can't hurt us. Rebecca and Kyle just looked at them. and then Uncle Jesse said why don't we all go in the house and get a cold glass of lemonaid.
  10. Kathy's cell rings and she looked at the number and handed it to Luke and said it's Judd so Luke answered it and Luke told Judd where to met them and he said And Carol said tell him we are leaving now. and Luke did. So they all got in the car and headed for the nursing home. AT THE NURSING HOME.. Carol walked in and her mother was out of it. and she looked concerned. and Carol went to the Desk and asked what was the matter with her mother and the nurse said she was havin trouble sleeping so we gave her some medication to help her sleep. and Carol said Ok and she walked back into the room/ Kathy was look at the chart and Kathy said Carol dose Mom has a history of getting violant? Carol looked at Kathy said No . Well the medican they gave isn't to help her sleep it's to keep her calm and i saws on her chart to keep her sadated. Carol was real made and she said Kathy come with me and she went up to the nurse and said why are you giving my mother medication for a violant patent my mother isn't Violant. and the nurse said we are not and Carol said this lady here is my sister-in -law and she's also a docter.and she say you are. The nurse got panticed and she told Kathy and Carol that she order to by Rose's new Doctor and Carol said My mother doesn't have a new doctor.
  11. Meanwhile in the General Lee .. Bo Said Luke we need to get her back. I never though I could anyone so much like I love Reba. Luke smiled and said We will get little Reba back.
  12. Kathy smiles. Sarah said So how long are you here for? Jesse said A couple of weeks. We are going to see my Grandma later this afternoon. Sarah Smiles and said a few of my friends are getting together down by the ocean want to be mt date? Jesse smiles and said Sure. Cool I will pick you up at 8. Jesse said That's fine. Kathy said Yup Just like his father.
  13. Thanks Dusty. and she backed the Jeep out and headed for the hospital. AT THE HOSPITAL.. Kathy helped Luke into the hospital. and Beth saw him and said What happend. and Kathy said he fell out of the loft . and he's complaning that his back hurts. and Bethy and Kathy helped Luke to the gurney and said Ok Kathy I will check him out. 10 mINUTES LATER.. Beth came back with a smile and said Kathy everything is fine there is some brousing and he will hurt for a few days and she gave Kathy some pain medican for Luke and she said You can take him home and he has to rest for a few days too. Kathy said Ok and she went to the room and Luke was tring to but his shirt on but he wasn;t getting it Kathy smiled as she walkd towards him and said Hay handsome need some help. He looked at her and said Sure. and Kathy helped him and they went to the Jeep and headed for home. at the farm.. Jesse saw the jeep coming and he headed out side and so did Dusty and she was holding Leventa. and Kathy told them what the doctor had said and Rosco helped Kathy get Luke in the house..
  14. Kathy close her phone and Luke said So Hows Dusty? Kathy smiles and said She misses us (LOOKING AT JESSE) Jesse Jude misses you so I will let you call him later tonight. Jesse said Ok mom. They arrived at Caroline's house and they all got out and went into the house and Carol showed them where to put their things. and Carol interduse them to Rose's babysitter. This is Sarah She Babysits for me and she great .(looking at Jesse) She's your age Jesse. Jesse just smiled and said Howdy. Sarah Just smiles and said Hi. Luke smiles and said Theres that Duke charm.
  15. Luke went to move on Bobby But Kyle stopped him and said No son if you do that they will get you for assult. Kyle looked at Bobby and Jr and said now you better get off this farm and Never bother my daughter again of this family or you will deal with me. and Next time I won't hold Luke back.
  16. yup he is . I just wanted you to know that we made it to California safely. and we are now on our way to Caroline's house.
  17. Just then they saw a black limo pull up and stop and Kyle and Rebecca Spencer got out and J.R SAID great. Rebecca had a paper in her hand and said I have a swarn statement from the same Doctor that singed your paper and in this statement it states that you J.R blackmailed him to sing that paper and it also states that he never saw Kathleen Spencer. So Who do you think the Judge will beleive a Conving family like the Ewings or a turst worthy family Like The Spencers and the Dukes?
  18. Kathy helped Luke up slowly and he said My back and Kathy said Ok Luke I will help you slowly walk to the Jeep and I will take you to the hospital and Have you Check. So Luke and Kathy walked to the Jeep. and Kathy looked at Dusty and said will you stay with Jesse and Leventa I will call and let you Know what is going on?
  19. Kathy Just Smiles. Then Jude comes running in and he said Aunt Kathy come out to the barn Quick Uncle Luke needs you. and Kathy Asked Reba to listen for Leventa and her and Dusty ran out to the Barn. OUT IN THE BARN.. Kathy and Dusty walked in and they saw Luke on the Ground and he was telling Jesse he was all right But Jesse wouldn't let him Up. Kathy hurd Jesse said Dad mom says when you fall like that you may have interal ingeries and if you move it could make them worse. Kathy walked up to Jesse with a smile and said Jesse you are right and your father is a sturban Jackass . Luke Just smiled Kathy Checked him over and he was all right. so Kathy let him up.
  20. Bobby looked at Luke and was about to say something but J.R interupted him and said he didn't lie Luke we have the proff singed by a doctor. Luke said J.R We all know you had that forged. Now that is your word angenest mine when bobby here takes Kathy to court and sues you for evertthing you have. Kathy looked at Bobby and said Bobby and can you let your brother do this do you like ruining peoples lives
  21. Jude looked at his mother and said Yes mam and he got up and went out side after Luke and Jesse.
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