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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Luke had a huge smile on his face and said Ok Bo See you then Yup I will tell her bye. Luke put the phone down and he looked at Reba and said They have little bo and Billy Bob is off to Jail and him and Bo and Michael along with your sister and brother and Tracy are coming here and they should be here in a few days.Reba just smiled and she hugged Her Uncle Luke.
  2. Bo said He isn't your grandson he's mine and he will know me and you ain't going to but Reba and Michael threw what you put me and Emma threw they will get their son back. Billy Bob didn't see Walker come in threw the window and he was right behind him and Bo Just smiled and Walker said Hands up Billy bob. I arrest you for kidnapping and you still haven't served your term for cause Luke Duke to have that accident 20 years ago. So Bo took his grand son from Billy Bob as Walker cuffed him and took him down Stairs. and Took him out to the car and Bo handed Bo to Michael. and Miss Elly handed Michael his diaper bag and she said I hope you bring him to visit me. Michael smiled and said Reba and I don't blam you Miss Elly and Yes we will bring him for a visit as long as JR and Billy Bob isn't here. and then he left. AT BO'S AND TRACY'S HOUSE... Bo was telling Stacy who is 17 and Bj who is 15 about their older sister Reba and said that Michael is her husband and the baby is her son and stacy said Cool I'am an Aunt.and they all packed to go to Hazzard.
  3. Bo Walks Out of Walker's office and Walker said Ok Duke Have fun and Good Luck with your daughter. Michael Walked over to Bo and Said Excuse Me Are you Bo Duke Reba's Father and Bo Smiles and said Ya I am Michael Smiled and said Well I'am Her husband and I need your help you see The Ewings Have our son and they won't give him back Bo Looked at Walker and Walker walked over to them and said Ok We are on It I will Get Trevett and Sidney and we will go talk to the Ewings and Duke I want you to go in first Where you are the Grandfather I will get a court order and even the Ewings have to obey that. So walker called up his Wife Alax who was the DA. and asked her if she could get a court order and he told her why and She said Sure. and 5 minutes later.. They had the court Order and Walker looked at them and said Lets go and they headed for South Fork.. AT SOUTH FORK.. J.R saw the Texas Rangers coming and Miss Elly said JR What have you done now He looked at Billy bob and Billy Ran upstairs to get Bo. And Miss Elly said JR what's going on JR didn't answer her. and then there was a knock on the door Miss Elly answered it and it was Bo Duke and he said Sorry Mam but we have a court order to get my granson off southfork and his NAME IS Bo and here is his father and Michael went and told Miss Elly what was going on and Miss Elly said He's up sTAIRS then Bo went to get him and as he entered the Nursery he say Billy Bo with his grandson Little Bo and Bo started to cry. and Billy said stop Ranger or he won't see his first birthday. Bo was soo mad that he didn't listen he Just went after BillyBob
  4. Bobby smiles and said Yup she's still the stronge willed women I fell in love with.She speaks her mind. JR gave Bobby a dirty look. IN THE GENERAL LEE.. Luke looked at Kathy and said ok Sweetheart, What just happened? Well When I just graduated collage I gor a Job in Dallas Hospital and Jock Ewing came in the hospital after having a heartattic,He's Bobby and JR FATHER. I treated him and he was fine and I went out and told the family. and from the moment our eyes met I knew he was Spicial But I was wronge. Bobby is no different then His brother Jr he just does his sceaming in a different way is all and Lucy is their neace her father is their brother Gary. He lives in California.
  5. Bo looked at Emma and said Sweetheart Why don't we wait on another Baby.we Have Reba right now. Just then Kathy walked out and said Well I have some good News We got the feaver down and she can go home in a few hours.. MEANWHILE AT THE JAIL.. BILLY BOB had excaped and he got a car but he spotted the General at the hospital and he smiled and he went into the Hospital and there he saw Kathy Emma and Bo and he thought this is my chance.
  6. Luke smiles and said that's my brother Michael and then Michael and Jessicca came in and Luke Interduces Reba to Michael and Jessica and the kids. and then Luke's Cell Rang and He Looked and said Reba want to talk to your father and she smiled and said sure I do Luke said Hay Bo how are you. Bo was all mad and he said That JR Ewing is a son of a LUKE interuped him and said Bo Sorry Luke, but i want to get him on something and That Billy Bob My Boss Walker says give it time we will get them on something? Oh Coz I am on my way to see ya and I bring the family. Luke said That's Great I got someone here That wants to talk to you. and he handed the phone to Reba. Reba said Hi Dad. and Bo Said Reba Reba you are all right I am on my way to Hazzard don go anywhere Baby.
  7. Bo looked at Emma and said Don't worry we have the best doctor in Hazzard looking over her Kathy won't let anything happen to her.
  8. Luke smiled and walked to the living room and Got a Picture and handed it to Reba and said There is your Father Bo his Wife Tracy and Your sister Stacy and Brother BJ. Reba looked at the picture and said Man I do look Like my Father. and she smiled. Kathy looked at Luke and said Didn't Bo go to Dallas for that reason to see if he could find Reba. Ya Luke said That's why he moved to Dallas. Reba looked at the picture again and she said Oh my goodnesse I seen him he was at southfork when I was about 17 My da I mean Billy Bob told me to stay in the living room. and Ipeeked around the corner and I saw Avery handsome man talking well yelling at billy bob he was thrething him and told him that he wouldn't get away with it. and then he stormed out of the house
  9. Daisy felt that Reba was burning up and She Looked at Kathy and said Kathy Reba is burning up Kathy walked over to her and felt Reba and said Ya she is burning up let me get my bag and I will check her tempture. Kathy walked to her and Luke's room to ger her doctors bag and came back out. By this time Emma was changing her and then when Emma was done Kathy took her Tempture Emma said it's good to have a doctor in the family. and it was alot high for a baby it was a 110and Kathy said .Emma you better get her to the hospital. Emma looked at her and said will you come with us and be her doctor she likes you. Kathy smiles and said OkLets Go. Kathy went in the living room and told Luke and Luke said ok sweetheart and he kissed her. Then her Bo and Emma took Reba to the hospital..
  10. So where is my father? Reba asked.Luke smiled and said he lives in Texas He's a texas Ranger now. and he's Married to a great women named Tracy. and they have 2 children Stacy ann She's 14 and BJ He's 10. Just then they hurd a car pull up and Luke looked out the window and said I thought I told them to go home. and he walked outside and Coy said before you saw anything we decided to come back you can't fight him alone. Luke smiled and said come in and they went in to the house and Luke interduced Reba to Coy and Vance and Vance Said I didn't know Bo had a daughter before Stacy. Well when Billy Bob took Reba Bo looked for her for years but never found her and Emma got so upset at Bo for not protecting and Find Reba she left Hazzard for good So we don't know what happened to Emma.Luke said.
  11. As Kathy was gettin into the jeep they saw a car coming up Luke got out of the jeep and the car stopped and out step a blond blue eyed young women. Luke walked up to her and said can I help you. Reba looked at him and said Ya I'am Looking for Bo Duke I'am his daughter. Kathy walked over and said Reba. and Reba smiled and said yes. Luke said Well you grew up to be a beautiful young women I'm your Uncle Luke and this is your Aunt Kathy. and These are your cousins Jesse he's 12 but he will be 13 in a few weeks. and Baby Leventa she is 2 weeks old. Which was the age we last saw you. come on in and we can catch up and Jesse got Leventa and went in the house. IN THE HOUSE... Kathy made some coffee and they talked
  12. Bo Looked at Kathy and Luke said That's Ok Boy I have my set right here and he took his keys out of his pocket.Lucy Just looked at him. and they left. He left Lucy standing in the Bors Nest.
  13. Coy and Vance left but the they wasn't happy about it. Vance got on his cell phone and Called Tina and said Hay Baby I won't be coming home right away and he told her why/ and she said ok and he also said Oh tell mom to expect Jesse and Leventa in Chicago but not Kat cause it I know her she will be staying righ here. and Tina said Yup you are right my sister is sturban ok Baby I love you and stay safe. I love you .Tina said I love you too.Vance said. Coy called Kris and told her everything and she agreed and she said I love you Coy. Coy smiled and said I love you too and then he hung up and then they turned the car around and then Vance made one more phone call to Bo. Kathy was putting the suit case in the jeep Luke waled over to her and said swetheart I doing what I think is right. yA By sending everyone away who can help. Kathy said. Luke went to hold Kathy but she steped back. Kath, you don't understand Jack is dangerous and he will use my family to get to me and Sweetheart I don't want to lose you. You are my life. I would die if something happened to you.Kathy saw the pain in his eyes at the though of losing her. Kathy went into his arms and kissed him. Just as Jesse came out with his bags and he said oh come on get a room. Luke just smiled. and Kathy said The family plane should be waiting for us when we get there. and They got in the jeep and headed for Capital City.
  14. Luke looked at Kathy and said you know what I qant to do when I walk again. Kathy looked at him and said What Baby? Luke said I want to Dance with my beautifull wife all night.and then he pulled Kathy down on his Lap. and Uncle Jesse smiled and said Well lets get supper going. AS KATHY and DAISY WAS HELPING UNCLE JESSE WITH SUPPER.. Rebecca was talking to Luke and what they where going to do next now that Billy was in Jail.
  15. Kathy looked at her and smiled and said Yup once a Ewing always a Ewing.Luke saw Kathy eyes and he said Sweetheart why don't we all just go back to the farm. Kathy looked at Luke and said No Baby when it comes to the Ewings you can never turn your back on them cause then when they will attick they Like stapping people in the back and they also Like stabbing each other in the back don't you. JR and I see you are teaching Lucy Well.and Asnswering your remark Lucy I didn't step down off the ladder I feel I steped up.(looking at Bo and Luke) come on lets go home to a real family. and at that Kathy took Bo and Luke by the arms and went out the door. OUT SIDE. Bo looked at Kathy and said What just happened in there? Kathy looked at him and said lets go Home I will tell you on the way and boys watch your backs cause this isn,t the last we will see of the Ewings. Kathy said as Bo started up the General and headed for the farm.
  16. meanwhile in town Enos had arrest Billy Bob for Luke's accident and JR was having a fit and Enos said sorry M.r Ewing no one is above the law In Hazzard. he has an warrent out for his a rest it was drawn up this morning by a Rebecca Spencer Luke Duke's Lawyer. J.r wasn;t impressed he had dealt with the Spencers before and he doesn't want to deal with them again he almost went to Jail the last time he came up against them. BACK AT THE FARM.. Kathy and Luke where home and they told everyone the good news about Luke starting to feel his legs and everyone was Happy.
  17. Kathy stopped dancing with Luke when she hurd the comation and when she looked she saw the Ewings and she said Oh great. and she Walked over and said what are you doing here? and Don't you go ganging up pn my cousin Bo he had no idea that Lucy was married because Lucy didn't tell him So if you want to blam anyone Blam Lucy. and Keep Bo out of it and Get out of Hazzard All of you.
  18. They contunied on with the excerise.Kathy smiled all the way threw. MEANWHILE IN TOWN,, J.R and Billy Bob got that court to get little Reba. The hospital was making a call to the Duke Farm to tell Bo the results of the Partenty Test. AT THE FARM, Bo was talking to Emma whan the phone rings Bo went to answer it he picked up the Phone. and said Duke Farm Bo Duke Speaking. That's great you will ok Thanks. Bo put the Phone Down and walked over to Emma and said Where is the birthcitifac I need to sing it. Emma smiled and went and got it,and she handed it to Bo and Bo singed it in front of Kyle and Rebecca, The hospital said that they will ship the partenty papers over.Bo said.
  19. AT HAZZARD POND... Mark helped Luke out of the car and Kathy got out. and They got in the water and Luke said what will this do?This will help strenthen you lag mulcals.and Hopefuly it will help you to walk again. Kat I will hold Luke and I wand you to move his legs.Marks said So Kathy started to do that and Luke said Sweetheart that tickles (then he realized what he said) Sweetheart I felt that. and They all got excited and Luke did a YEEHAAA. well we need to keep doing this.Marks said.
  20. Coy said Ok coz what do you want us to do? Luke smiled and said I want you to go home to your wife and Kids they need you. I can handal Jack. Vance said Ya but what if he has friends? He won't this is between me and him.So go home.and Thanks. INSIDE THE HOUSE... Kathy was in the bedroom Packing and she was cring Jesse walked in and said Mom are you all right What has Dad done this time? Kathy smiled and said Jesse your father hasn't done anything. I want you to go and get a suitcase and pack some of your close cause you and Leventa are going to visit your Grandparents in chicago,
  21. Luke and Kathy got out of the General and Walked over to Coy and Vance and Kathy said Where are Kris and Tina ,Vance said Tina went Back home with ma and Dad in the family plane. ,, Kris and the kids went with them. they are going to drop them off at home. Now what about you are you Guys all right and Who was that? Luke smiled and said Anymore Questions Coy? Then he told them what he told Kathy. Luke said Kath and The Kids ain't safe here (looking at Kathy) I want you and the Kids to go to Chicago. you will be safe there I will handal Jack. Kathy said No Luke I will send the kids I will stay with you. Luke took Kathy in his arms and said Kath Please go to Chicago with the Kids I would Die if something Happened to you. You are my life. Kathy kissed him and said with teirs in her eyes Promise me that you will be safe. Luke smiles and said I promise and then he Kissed her again. Remember Luke You are my life as well. and then she walked into the house.
  22. Luke and Kathy where headed back to the Farm In the General Lee With Jesse and Leventa in the back. When someone was folowing them. Luke looked in the mirror and He said Jesse hang on to your sister. and Jesse held ont to the bucked in carseat. and Luke put the General in 3rd and put the gas peddal to the floor. the car behind then spend up as well. and Luke said that's what I though. And the car got even with the General And Luke saw who it was and he said Oh Great I thought he was in Jail. Kathy looked at the guy he had long blond hair and a evil grin on his face. Luke though I need to lose him and get my family to safty. Coy and Vance was coming around the corner and they saw the General and he was introuble. So Coy put the gas peddal to the floor or their Yellow car and headed for the General. Coy run the other car off the Road. and he was in the ditch Coy stopped and checked to see if he was all right. and he was and Coy said Lets go to the farm and check on Luke ,Kathy and the kids. AT THE FARM.. Luke parked the General But he didn't get out Kathy said Jesse will you please take Ypur sister in the house and Jesse said sure mom. and he got out of the General and Kathy handed him Leventa and they went into the house. Luke said Sorry Sweetheart,But that guy is an old emeny of mine. we where in the Mairines together I was his sargent. And I threw him in the brig for killin a guy. Then after we got out of the Marines he went to state prison and he excaped and he came to Hazzard and he thented the lives Of Bo Daisy and Uncle Jesse. and before he was cought again he said we wasn't finished and that he would get me. his name is Jack. Kathy was about to say something when she saw Coy and Vance pull in.
  23. Bo said sorry Emma But I agree with The Spencer's. if we have to take this to court. J.R and Billy Bob will saw that we don't have proff that she's my daughter. I ain't saying that she ain't mine.but Just to have that proff. MEANWHILE Mark said Kat do you have a pool around here cause we need to get Luke in it so we can do some water exceries. Kathy smiled and said No we don but we do have a Lake. Mark smiled and said Lets Go. Kathy walked into the kitchen and saw her parents Emma and Bo. and she said Mark and I are talking Luke to Hazzard Lake and do some water excerises.Bo looked at Kathy and said Kathy before you go can you do a parententy Test on Reba and Me. and Kathy said Sure. So she went and got the stuff and she did the test. and she told Bo That she would take this to the hospital and Put a rush in it. and Bo said Thanks. Emma didn't look happy that Bo had done the test. Then Luke,Kathy,and Mark Left.
  24. 2 Days Later... They had the service for Baby Duke. Kathy walked over to Bo and said Thanks for getting the stone for Us. Bo Just smiled. The stone Said BABY DUKE DIED JUNE 15 1985. EVEN THOUGH WE DIDN'T GET TO HOLD YOU .WE LOVED YOU FROM THE MOMENT THAT WE FOUND OUT THAT YOU WHERE ON YOUR WAY. WE WILL MISS YOU. LOVE YOUR DAD(LUKE) AND MOM (KATHY). After the service they went back to the Farm. and Mark started Luke's excerises. and Emma was telling Kyle and Rebecca the story of her and Billy Bob and his connection with the Ewings. and Rebecca advised Bo to have a paratenty test done and if the test shows that he's the father of Reba to sing her birth cirtific right away. and Kyle said I would get that test as soon as you can. Bo said Ok.
  25. BACK AT THE BOARS NEST.. Luke and Kathy where dancing to there song Softly by LoneStar. Kathy was thinking what was Lucy doing in Hazzard? and What about her Husband Marcus? Whatever it was Bo was going to be right in the middle of a Ewing thing and She did want Bo in the middle of that. Cause he would be the one ending up Hurt. she was going to talk to Lucy alone. Luke saw that Kathy was somewhere else. and he said Sweetheart is everthing all right? Kathy looked up at him he was taller then her he was 6 feet even to her 5 feet 4 inches. and said Everything is fine Baby.
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