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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Luke asked Caroline what's the best hotel in this area. and she looked at him and said your not staying at a hotel you are staying at my house Plus My daughter Rose has been looking forward to meeting her cousin Leventa. Then she noticed Leventa's arm and said What happened and Leventa said I fell at school on the play ground.my mommy is a doctor. Caroline Said Oh I sorry that you fell I gonna have to tell Rose to becareful and that's great that your mommy is a doctor. and they got int the car and headed for Carolines house While they where in the car Kathy decided to call Dusty to let her know that they arrived safly Luke said Kath you and Dusty spend almost everyday together and we haven't been out of Hazzard 24 hours and you have to call her. Kathy smiled and said well her and Daisy are my best friends.
  2. Uncle Jesse looked at them and said is everything all right. Luke smiled and said everything is great Uncle Jesse Then he kissed Kathy. Uncle Jesse just smiled and said That Wounderful Now we have to fight JR AND Bobby and Luke said You let me handal Bobby Ewing. Just then they saw Bobby's car pull up and out steped Bobby JR Marcus and Lucy got out of the car. J.R had the paper in his had and he was about to show it to Luke. When Luke walked up to Bobby and said How could you lie about someone you said you onced loved?
  3. Luke Kissed kissed Kathy and said I'am going to do my chores now and he looked at Jesse and said come on son. Jesse got up and went outside with his father and KATHY started to do the Lunch dishes.
  4. Luke smiled and he got up and Looked at Dusty and said yes mam. and they all walked to the house.. AT THE HOUSE.. They walked to the House and Luke looked at Uncle Jesse and said Where;s Kath? Uncle Jesse had a worried look on his face and said she in the house in your room and she's packing Luke I have tried everything to talk her out of it. Luke looked at him and then he ran in the house. IN THE HOUSE.. Luke walked into their room and Uncle Jesse was right she was packing. and Luke walked up to her and said Sweetheart please don't leave me. I So sorry I played right into J.R'S hANDS will you please forgive me. Luke got down on one Knee and said I 'ambegging you Sweetheart. Kathy smiled and she stopped packing and she pulled luke up andwent into his arms an said I forgive you I love you. Luke smiled and said I love you too. and Then Kathy noticed his red check and she also noticed that he was olding his stomach and Kathy looked at him and said Baby are you ok ? Luke smiled and said Let's just say that Daisy and Dusty brought me back to my seances. Kathy Just smiled. and they both walked out hand in Hand and Daisy and Dusty saw it and they both smiled
  5. Kathy Luke and the kids got on the plane and headed for CALIFORNIA. 2 Hours Later IN CALIFORNIA.. The plane landed and they got out and went into the ariport and Luke spotted someone holding a sing that said Luke Duke and he walked over to her and said Caroline and She smiled and said Luke and he hugged his sister and then he interduced his family to her.
  6. Luke just put his hand to his face and then Daisy Punched him in the gut. and Luke doubled over. and Daisy said You are being a Jackass, Kathy loves you.Do you love her? Luke looked at both of his cousins and he knew deep down they where both right He looked at Daisy and Dusty and said Ya I do Love Kath with everything in me.
  7. Luke just looked at her and Said I just asked her if she had done something to make her misscarrie with our baby.
  8. Leventa was sound a sleep and Luke stood up and But her in the bassinet and he coverd her up and said Sweet dreams Little one.
  9. But Luke wasn't there ghe had went for a walk But they told Uncle Jesse and He said Kathy you go to Luke and take to him and you make him listen to you. the rest of us will be here when J.R and Bobby get here. Kathy said Ok and she headed for Luke. Kathy found Luke at their frav stop on the farm the place where they got married. Luke was leaning against the tree. He looked up and saw Kathy. He said HI Kath. Kathy walked over to him and said baby you have to beleive me I didn't do that I would never. Luke looked at her and said I have to ask you something did you do something to misscarrie with our baby. Kathy was fighting back tears and she said how could you ask me a question like that No Luke I didn't Do anything to make me lose our baby. Are you sure? Luke said. Kathy Just said Luke and she turned and ran back to the farm .. Uncle Jesse ,Dusty and Daisy saw Kathy come running back and she was cring and she told them what had happened and Daisy and DUSTY WAS MADE AND Dusty said Come on Daisy we are going to talk to Luke and They left.
  10. IN no time Leventa was a sleep and Luke burbed her and he held her.and he said just think if we had split up when JR And Bobby had told that lie we would have her or Jesse. Kathy smiled and said no we wouldn't and Kathy kissed Luke.
  11. Rosco walked up to Daisy Dusty and Kathy and said Ok what's going on there is a story going around Hazzard that Kathy had an Abotion and the baby was Bobby Ewing's and J.R said he has proff of this and he's going to the farm and show it to Luke. Dusty looked at Daisy and Kathy and said we better get to the farm before J,R does.
  12. Kathy just smiled as she took JD, MEANWHILE OUTSIDE THE BOARS NEST.. Bobby and JR was getting in the car. and JR was covering his eye. When Rosco pulled up and JR just smiled. as he watched Rosco go in the Boars Nest
  13. Kathy came back out with Leventa and Handed her to Luke and Luke sat in the recliner and started to feed her. and he started to sing to her as he rocked her. he sang Tim McGraw Song Daddy's Little Girl.
  14. I don't Know Dusty but I won't let anyone break up Kathy and Luke they belong together, Daisy said. Meanwhile in the coner Kathy called her mother and told her what was going on and Rebecca said Ok sweetheart hang in there your father and I are on our way. and she hung up and Kathy walked over and said My parents are on they're way . I don't know Should I go and try and talk to Luke or Just leave it alone Daisy Dusty I love Luke with everything in me I would die if I lose him. BACK AT THE FARM.. Luke was mad he couldn't beleave that Kathy would do something like that. then he started to think about the baby they lost and though well did she lose the baby on purpose.
  15. Kathy was shocked what Dusty Had Did Bobby helped JR uP AND JR looked at her and said So will regreat doing that Dusty. Dusty said I won't regreat anything and she walked back to Kathy and Daisy and Kathy told them what had happened and what Luke had done. and Kathy said I'am going to call My mother maybe she can help with this.
  16. Luke took his Cell phone and called Judd and told him about their mother. and he said Ok I'am in California Now and Beth and Hank (HE'S 13)is with me and so is Theresa(she's16) we will met you there. Kath called her family piolot and he said he will have the plane there within the hour. and Kathy said Thanks we will be there also. and she called her mother and told her and she said Ok. After Luke got off the phone with Judd He called CAROLINE and told her that they where coming and so was Judd and his family and she said great. this will be the best birthday that mom has ever had she will have all her children around her. Thanks Luke.
  17. Kathy and Luke where talking a walk together. When they hurd Uncle Jesse call them and they walked back to the house and they walked into the house and Uncle Jesse said Kathy I just got a call from Cooter and he said that Bobby Ewing told him that you where pregnet with his baby and had an aportion. Kathy saw the look on Uncle Jesse face and then on Luke's face and Kathy said well he's lying. I would never have an aportion and I was never Pregnet She looked at Luke and said Baby you beleive me. and Luke just Stepped back and Kathy started to cry and she ran out the door. MEANWHILE AT THE BOARSNEST.. JR AND BObby walked into the Boars Nest. Daisy and Dusty Just watched them. Then They saw Kathy walk in and Kathy walked over to them and said Bobby how could you lie like that. JR Smiled and said He didn't Lie Kathleen we have proff and he handed Kathy a Doctors report saying that he performed the abortion. and Kathy looked at Jr and said this is fake. JR Smiled and said prove it. and he laughed.
  18. Leventa started to fuss and Kathy said I better go change herand Luke said I will make her a bottal. and Everyone looked at him and Luke said What I have made Bottals before. And Pluse Kath and I are a team in everything. Bo Just laughs.
  19. Daisy smiled. IN TOWN JR was making a plan to get back at Kathy. and the only way to do that was to ruin her life here in Hazzard and to ruin her marrage to that plow boy. JR told Bobby to make it know that Kathy was pregnet with your baby but she had an abortion. Bobby said That isn't true Kathy was never pregnet with my baby. Jr looked at him and said Just do it and I will do the rest.
  20. Daisy said Ya and did you Know Kathy dated Bobby?
  21. Kathy just smiled. Luke said well this Family is getting bigger. Iknow Uncle Jesse is looking down and smiling
  22. BACK AT THE FARM.. Jesse said Dad I'am confused. Luke looked at his son and said Son you ain't the only one. Leventa said Daddy can we go to Disney world? Luke smiled and said sure we can. And Leventa was all Excited. and they all got out of the General Lee and Jesse said Dad are you all right? Luke looked at his Son and said Ya I'm fin Son Go and Pack your mother and I need to make some calls.and Jesse Left. Kathy walked up to him and said Baby I know that look what are you thinking? Luke looked at her and said Could you stay away from Jesse and Leventa for almost 30 years and them think you where dead? Kathy looked at him and said No Baby I couldn't do that to my children. Then I don't understand how she could do it she knew where I was.Luke said . Kathy went into his arms and said Baby you are Just going to have and asked her that question. I wil; ask her that Luke said and then he though Of Judd.
  23. AT THE FARM... Bo was quite and he went to the farm.. Uncle Jesse came out of the house and said What's going on? Luke told him the whole story. and Uncle Jesse was real mad and Kathy said Uncle Jesse calm down The Ewings are coniving and sneaky we have to treat the Ewings a little differenty then we have treated anyone in the pase we came up with.
  24. Luke walked into the hospital and Kathy walked up to him and told him what was going on and Luke said Well lets get going and Look for Billy Bob he shouldn't have gotten far and then they all left the hospital to look for Billy bOB
  25. Just Then Kathy and Luke walked in and Jesse ran to his mother and hugged her Reba handed Leventa to her and Kathy said Thanks. and Kathy looked at her family and said I would like to thank eveyone Uncle Jesse would be proud of this family right Now.
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